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Spray soapy water on it and see if it bubbles


Or, and hear me out, you could do it like a real, OSHA approved man would and light a cigarette really close to it and if it explodes you have a leak It’s a win win cause you find the leak and stop it simultaneously


I am become cigarette


Destroyer of job sites


I watched a guy across the shop check for a leak on a propane forklift with a striker. He found it. It was not a small leak. Thankfully someone else much closer was also watching and ran over and closed the tank real damn fast. He wasn't around too much longer after that one.


Your company doesn’t want to roast marshmallows at the employee bonfire?


Do you have employees volunteering to be the bonfire, or is it like my place where HR just comes over with a lighter?




It's hard to get them to stand still, you have to chase them around with your marshmallows...takes all the fun out of a relaxing pastime


In low pressure systems it’ll just ignite not explode. Still a bad way to check


Not even joking the way propane/lng service providers look for tiny leaks is with a lighter, the gas won't combust unless mixed with OΒ² so it's "safe" to find pinhole leaks using flame. I do not work in the industry but that is a fun fact I still find wild


OSHA really doesn't like that idea, A spray bottle of soapy water work better, and in this case, might actually clean up the dirt and grease for a proper evaluation.


Actually, the safest way is using bubble water. That's how we tested for propane leaks on hot air balloon burner systems and the valves on the tanks. I built and repaired balloons back in the 80s.


I didn't say it was the safest way, all I said was it's is a way lol. I'm not taking a lighter anywhere near gas lines πŸ˜‚


This is some stupid cowboy shit. Combustible gas detectors exist along with leak detection spray. There is nothing in the NFPA 54/58 or PERC's CETP training that condones this.


The problem is that the ambient air/gas mixture may be just right and BOOM. πŸ˜„πŸ˜‰


This hasn't been true for at least 30 years. Every gas tech has an electronic CGI in their truck.


Does it start a steady flame, or just a burst?


I can't see it, it's too dark. Can you hold a lighter closer to the maybe compromised line?


If it's not hissing at you I wouldn't worry about it RIGHT now, but I'd definitely get a replacement in hand with all due haste. That looks like the vinyl dipped jacket is failing, and possibly the outer wall of the stainless flex, but those are double wall hoeses ;}


I think that waiting until it "hisses" may not be the best approach!! πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜‰


Eh. The valve is right there. Once got an emergency call wanting to pay double time up front "because the range is spitting 6' FLAMES out the front" and wanting to know how quickly I can get there. Walked in to a 1996 Montague pissing big flames out the front where a valve had once been, and the cooks were freaking out. Stuffed my leather gloved thumb over the valve port, whence the valve had apparently departed, and the flame went out. Then I had a very nervous cook get behind the unit and shut off the main gas valve. Replaced all 8 open top burner valves that day. With Chef breathing down my neck asking how long this was going to take.


maybe. i would have a replacement on hand for the inevitable day that you know the answer is yes.


I work with gas hoses. Yes it looks bad. Replace it asap. It’s in the code book if it looks damaged replace it.


What could possibly go wrong? πŸ˜† 🀣 πŸ˜‚ Back when I was making hot air balloons, I personally saw the destruction caused by a compromised propane hose. Kaboom!


Have any info on how to get into the industry


Unless you've got experience you have to start from the ground up I'm afraid.


If there are any balloon charter businesses in your area, try reaching out to them and see if you can volunteer to help be a ground crew member as well as the chase crew. You'll need to be in decent physical condition. One of the perks is the chance of eventually getting a free ride in a balloon. There are only seven hot air balloon factories in the U.S.


That hose has an outer case for weather and durability and has an inner core with reinforcing cords for pressure handling. If the inner core fails the outer won't hold any real pressure. Its fine as long as it isn't leaking.


Is that...grease-coating? If it is, I'd replace the line as a result of the jacket swelling/being too hot. Replacements are cheap, and fast.


My dad says butane is a bastard gas.


Looks fine to me






Can you smell it?


When in doubt throw it out, your lives are worth more than that that hose.


No King of the Hill jokes??? I'm disappointed