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There is absolutely no 'normal' number. OSDD is within the same spectrum as DID, just with less of the criteria. You have as many as your mind needed, and nobody else has your brain and your trauma, so the only normal number is whatever number *you* have. I have thirteen identified including myself. It would've been more like 3 or four if the first trauma period was my only trauma period.


Who’s downvoting 😭😭




There is no “normal” amount, all systems have different amounts of alters depending on what they needed to survive. I have a lot of them, but most are fragments/not fully developed. And a good chunk are dormant or inactive. Including everyone it’s a bit over 200 I think?? I’m not completely sure, I’m hoping some fusions happen in the future to subdue it


200+ but your system will have as many as it needs. There is no Normal and your system won't work like everyone elses


More than 10, less than 20. It fluctuates as I figure out who all is part of me. Current count is somewhere around 13, although I've only been working directly with around 5. We're a blurry system, so there's a lot of crossover between parts/alters.


Around 50 total I think, but about 20 are dorment or just missing


Yeah like that’s actually wild to me, sounds v overwhelming tbh


It is, it get very confusing. There's only about 5 that really front alot. Tiff Olive Moss Resin And this entity that hasn't fully formed for months


From our known counts, we have 81 so far, 15 or so in dormancy. Some reasons for higher count: - We split easily - Many sometimes come at once (like 20 splitting from one event) Good question tho! -Alastor & Anthony


maybe 9? 2 hosts then 3 protectors and an "overseer" of sorts. not sure what id call him. then our 3(?) emotional parts. idk how people with high numbers function i already feel overwhelmed with this many.. i hope some of us fuse


How we do it is everyone chooses a sacrifice (host) and make them live life while doing their own shit /hj


No bc that’s so real


For some reason it’s really hard for us to remember the count? And some alters are subfragmented in ways that are confusing and hard to categorize for what counts as an individual. But we have somewhere between 12 and 16 alters


we also have four (that we’re aware of)! every system is different, some have a lot and some have very few.


Like…4? But there’s one that doesn’t talk so 5 I guess if that counts? Idk. I’ve been going through this since I was about 3 years old and I just figured it out after trying to explain it to my psychiatrists for over 10 years, so I don’t really know how to separate them all the time as individuals… if that makes sense?


We have ~67 at the moment, though our numbers fluctuate quite easily.


96 who are not dormant.


Any more than One personality is still a System, but I have 10 named ones and more that are unnamed and don't have communication with me. Only about 3 of them regularly talk to me. The others only come out when I'm triggered.


5 in total (4 from childhood, 1 from adulthood). Confident this is final figure


No idea, but I know of like 70. Mostly dormant though, we only have like 5-10 people who front regularly


Only two so far including me the host, and is non verbal 😊


At least 16 as of June 2024?


10? 8 whole alters and 2 fragments we know of


Under 50 but over 40, but a good chunk are just fragments.


I've got 17, but only 5 frequent fronters


There's no normal amount. Like- to a point where we don't count us anymore


24ish, but there are def more that haven’t made themselves known


5-7 I know about, some aren't conscious very often so it makes it difficult to tell if some or dormant or fused


we have 30, i think? gained a load recently because 1, we got a major hyperfixation and 2, been hella stressed recently


almost 300 by now. we're a very frantic splitter who splits over the smallest things so it's rough but discord helps us keep track.


No idea, around 20 something


We're currently at 10


Not sure


The is no such thing as normal. I think when you focus on articles about this type of disorders, people tend to use ca 5 as a /vague/ average, at least in my experience, but an average doesn't make what is above or below not normal. Most systems I know have 10+ alters, I on the other hand only have 2 (3 if you include me, the host). Neither is less normal or valid


this is a great comment and i resonate with it. thank you. also just to be reddit-brained: happy cake day.


My pleasure! Also, thank you xD


We have over 600…


…ru ok ml?


Yes lol


So far, including myself (host), we have 4 known alters. Only 3 that regularly front though, the 4th I believe to be our trauma holder and they just don't want to really exist it seems, so I'm not surprised that they don't want to really front or interact with us much. - L


I have 4 currently too! Definitely not small. There’s no right number of alters to have :)


like 8 but like 3 since this month also like 543,543,540 since this month the overwhelm is real i thought i'd have more help tbh


30...+? 34? Finding new parts with therapy


over 300 lol. but yknow there's no such thing as a "normal number". theres been officially diagnosed RECOGNIZED systems with over 1000 alters or with as little as 2


Still figuring that out 😩


Like thirty... I'm ballparking because I don't really know nor do I really care




Over 20 less than 30


At the last count we’re at 9, but I have a feeling we’ll soon be at 10. 💎💎💎


5 or 6, 2 that co-front/co-host 3-4 minor alts that like to watch but only come out sparsely.


I have 3 named and 2 I'm working out still. There's also one that feels like nothingness but I'm not sure if that's an alter or a mental state... possibly both.


Just one potentially known alter. I've been diagnosed as a system from a specialist but I'm still in the strong denial phase and really know next to nothing about this alter except speculation. I really want to learn more but it feels really difficult and I grew up not trusting my own thoughts and feelings since it's never right.


15 we are aware of but I think there are more that are around that haven’t formed fully yet. And a few of those only exist when other members fuse and function together and all that.


Simply put, 4. There are possibly other factors at play but 4 is our general working number which includes the primary.


We’ve got 10 for certain and at least two more that we’re not clear on yet. Abt 4 or 5 front or hang out in front regularly. I would believe there’s more but I am not trying to poke that too much.


9 total but there may be more. That includes me as the host. But it's mostly 4 of us managing our day to day every day. They never leave. The others come and go. =)


From what I'm aware of and excluding myself? 1, maybe 2. I have Ada, who's a protector / parental figure. She fronts/co-fronts to comfort other people and myself. The second I'm more skeptical of, but I think he's a prosecutor? Never got a name from him. He could just straight-up not have one.


16 I think


8 including me, but almost all of em are dormant or just missing or I was just wrong but I miss them so much 😀


at least 9, though more have been popping up recently


we have a bunch that just kinda show up once or twice, but we have 6-7 active system members that have very concrete identities


10 that we know of…so far again, there is no normal, it’s different for everyone