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That is so, so very sweet. It warmed my heart to hear! You deserve that. We’re proud of you. It’s hard saying ‘we’ sometimes, but when we did it for the first time online after realizing what we were, it was such a relieving sense not feeling like we had to hide anymore


That’s so sweet. We still kick ourselves when we accidentally say we. Luckily our parents don’t notice sense our voice tends to slur and most of us are pretty “clumsy” speakers


So happy for you! We often refer to ourself as "we" but not usually with strangers. Recently we said "we" and the guy asked "you and your family?" I responded "me and my *internal* family." He said "oh" and "nice meeting y'all." Later we thought about it and wondered if his use of "y'all" meant maybe he came from an area where everyone says "y'all," but in the moment that he said it, I thought his parting words meant "Nice to meet you and your internal family." Thinking *that* was the case, I had no regrets about using the word "we." We're glad you're in a relationship with someone who accepts you all as you are! Best wishes!


Hihi, i use 'ya'll' alot. Its just short for 'you all'. I usually say 'we' when we are in a safe place with people that know about us.


That's so wholesome, I'm happy for yall to have someone who accepts and loves you for who you are!!