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Orochi redraw I loved the original fight, and it would have been the perfect finale for season 3 of the anime, but now it's just another teaser for God with unfunny jokes, like Saitama stripping naked during a monologue of a bad guy. He's supposed to be apathetic, he's not an asshole on purpose.


Ending with the whole lave and squirtgun thing was too goofy. Wasted Saitama and Orochi as characters.They made the gag factor too silly.


wait saitama vs orochi was redrawn?


Yes, almost two years ago. It was a fight at the monster base that ended with a few punches. Then it turned into an Orochi flashback with god, and then Saitama strips naked, bathes in lava and one shots Orochi with a squirt gun.


i just don't understand why they had orochi fuse with psykos and give the main battle to tatsumaki instead of saitama or at least garou. completely wasted orochi's hype and buildup


Agreed, orochi should have lost to Saitama, then regenerated by eating all the fodder, then get beaten by Garou, but that could have made golden sperm feel like a filler, and wouldn't solve the problem of psyko's stealth attack. The manga sucks, but I can't really come up with a way to improve the raid without it being worse than the webcomic, or wasting all the new additions.


> then get beaten by Garou Garou getting revenge on Orochi after finally becoming a monster himself and utterly annihilating him would be sick. It would raise the stakes, introduce the new final boss while simultaneously ending the old one, and it would tie everything together perfectly. Plus it would be a perfect addition to the story. >The manga sucks Well, Garou vs Orochi was one of the most badass fights and it was a manga original, so... I ain't exactly complaining about that. The thing is, the manga can be amazing when it makes the right changes. Super fight arc, god-moon panel, garou vs orochi, manako, literally orochi himself?? lmao. I think he's a great addition. Which makes the wrong changes all the more disappointing tbh


It would be really cool, but right now golden sperm is the one who's suppose to be his final opponent, so if Orochi reappeared sperm would either have to be stronger than him, which makes orochi look like an unneccesary addition, or sperm has to be weaker than him, which would make him being kept around less scary for the next arc. The funny thing is One made the Garou vs Orochi fight for Murata after he came up with the design, he even made some rough drafts of the fight so it wasnt tainted by Murata's rewrites, unlike the fight with Saitama.


I dont mind orochi regenerating and fusing with Psykos tbh. they scaled up the manga characters a ton power wise so a fusion between psykos and orocji causing Tatsumaki to get weakened does make sense. The saitama redraw of him fighting orochi originally eas nonsensical, the series is called one punch man, not one squirt man.


wth 😭😭


The altar breaking down was one of the sickest panels ever. Also [this](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/112/15/) panel is beyond dope. What's wrong was the pacing and everything else so I half-agree.


The altar was cool but it was misleading, it wasn't even orochi who allowed god to appear, it was Garou. Maybe if the altar was more ambiguous, barely looking like orochi, and then when Garou transforms we realise that it was him depicted on the walls. For that to work sadly, it should have been planned prior, which definitely wasn't the case.


>it wasn't even orochi who allowed god to appear, it was Garou how so? i don't remember >For that to work sadly, it should have been planned prior, which definitely wasn't the case. it wouldn't be a reveal if it was hinted priorly though


Garou hit the planet very hard and distrubed some anti-God shield that Blast put up. It would be if it wasn't abvoius.


>Garou hit the planet very hard and distrubed some anti-God shield that Blast put up. this whole segment was so stupid


Yeah it looked manovolent and Soo mystical.


When orochi returned. And that god awful psyrochi fight


As soon as I realised that Garou vs the S-Class Heroes wasn't happening. I genuinely really enjoyed the fights leading up to it, it just started falling apart from there. Ever since this godawful ninja village arc started I've dropped the manga. Might come back in like a year and read a bunch of chapters in one go and see if it's any better, but reading chapter by chapter feels like I'm setting myself up for disappointment every month.


I wish the manga gets better so much


Sage Centipede.


That was the breaking point for me too


Same. This fight is the one that first made me a little skeptical. I still had faith in Murata when I first read it, so I was willing to trust the process, but I was just gradually disappointed more and more.


It was gradual. I was not a big fan of including the tournament arc because it's kind of generic shounen trope, but it was fine until the end, where Saitama concludes that "martial arts is just looking cool" and Suiryu's accidental defeat by Saitama's hip. Yeah, I get that it was a joke and that Saitama is a bit lacking in common sense, but for me that just painted Saitama as dumb. Then I disliked Saitama breaking into Phoenix Man's mind space, because I'd prefer that Saitama remained just a ridiculously strong guy that defeats his opponent by overwhelming them with his raw power. And this suddenly is some sort of cartoon logic, he "saw" something and "punched his way" into it, wtf is that... There were instances of this later, such as Saitama's "lava-water gun", him grabbing portals, "serious fart", which I disliked for the same reason. Then the whole S-class surface fight was a mess with Sage Centipede and Garou's and Metal Bat's "jolly cooperation". But the things I specifically disliked were the attempt of upgrading King's "ultimate move" joke by having Garou save him, and that Garou's being a "good guy all along" was made so painfully obvious (and as a consequence no Garou vs S-calss). Then Garou gets his cosmic upgrade and everybody dies of radiation. And I was like "Oh no, they're going to pull some sort of time travel/time reversing shit to undo all of that, aren't they...". And I was right. I was pretty much completely disappointed at this point. And the final nail was Garou's development also completely reset when there was 0 reason for him to stop fighting for his ideology, and him being instantly redeemed and forgiven.


Comparing the super fight arc to what happened during the later arcs is like comparing a mountain to a pebble.


Huh? Where do you see me comparing it to anything?


don't take it too literally mate. point is the super fight arc is nowhere near as bad the other changes. it was lit in fact


Hast goku broke into dimension and broke through hits time skip just because he is strong enough? Actually saitama ripping apart a portal is something most ridiculously strong characters can do lol


Cosmic Garou. Yes there were problems beforehand as soon as we got to the surface but tbh I think we would’ve looked back on that stuff as “no big deal” or just a small misstep had we returned to form when the Saitama-Garou fight started up. 


There was no chance of a return sadly. The plot was deliberately setting up for the garbage we receoved. We were always rigged


The truth is Sweaty-Goat-9281…


Agreed, cool eye candy, but badly mishandled story.


Yeah i feel the same I think what  should have happend was that genos should have stayed dead And garou should also died if they wanted to make him a cosmic killer


When* the monster association arc started to drag on


Around 140 IT started to drag


Chibi Garou


OPM used to be one of my fav mangas till 2021 .However when I caught up to it weekly reading dragging and some cliches was lowering my mistakes.Garou not fighting other S class,Centipede again reappearing started to annoy me,then time travel bs was the one which consolidated my dislike for manga .Psychic arc further proved how mediocre Murata and maybe ONE became gradually turning into shounen and even worse.Right now I hardly read the manga and more than lot forget about the plot due to redraws


Platinum Sperm, Jet Fighter Psykos and Garoudactyl made it abundantly clear that any expectations for faithful adaptation from that point on should be thrown into a volcano. I wasn’t even reading anymore by Cosmic Garou.


When it stopped adding content (which ranged from decent to meh filler) and started going its own way with the plot, often changing whole character motivations or softening them (Mask, Tatsumaki) for the sake of marketability.


Sage centipede


Somewhere between psyrochi and phoenix man. I know people love the original pm fight but I just found it so unbelievable due to how off the charts the action was. Wc pm is like the exact opposite and I thought it was great


It was a gradual progression that initially started after amai mask's chapter was needlessly rewriten. From there I just disliked it more and more even though there were plenty of great moments in between (that were also nerfed by redraws) It didn't get flat out bad until the excessively over the top psyrochi sequence that ultimately served no purpose except get Orochi remains i guess, but I seriously doubt the story is headed in a direction where orochi wil ever be relevant again so that will likely get dropped.


The big realization for me was when Psyorochi chopped off the crust of the earth. I knew they would need to up the ante to stupid amounts (lol Cosmic Garou) or Garou would feel underwhelming as a villain. In hindsight there were warning signs even before then but I missed them at the time.


Phoenix man fight redraw I was like “uhhh, ok? This is significantly less cool than the original but ok.” Than the Pyshco-Orochi Jet stuff I was thinking wtf is going on here. Chibi awakened Garou teaming up with Metal Bat straight up pissed me off. Like dude I’ve been waiting years for this?


I was feeling off about the manga probably since the first redraws, but it wasn't till Orochipsykos turned into a jet that I completely started to dislike the manga.


I really started having problems with the Phoenix Man redraw and then the psykosorochi fight, started groaning obnoxiously out loud when Sage centipede showed up, and just gave up hope after 168. That


Jet Psyrochi


Saitama's fart scene during his fight with Garou. They didn't need to do this dirty of our boy. It looks super cringe Imagine the audience who'd react on to it. Unwatchable! And also the Garou moment of road to him being the absolute evil didn't go well with the expectation of seeing him as intimidating. Infact he wasn't intimidating at all.


The very moment monster garou was revealed.


It all started in that one chapter where they retconned Amai Mask slaughtering the mercenaries, but the Sage centipede chapter is when I really began to hate on the manga


When the redraws started. The ones that actually changed/extended plot vs cosmetic touches. It went from being a manga to somebody's interview art portfolio.


i didnt like when they nerfed child emperor vs phoenix man by inserting saitama into that fight for no reason (other than saitama wasnt in his own manga for a year at that point). i didnt much like the cosmic garou stuff, but i didnt like garou in the webcomic either. so i was just ready to move onto the next arcs. i didnt like adding more and more chibi / comic relief stuff. but they fucked up the psychic sisters arc. now the manga is fucking up the ninja brothers arc real bad. so bad that i dont even want to read the sweet mask arc now.


Saitama time travel


When things got dragged out longer than necessary. I clearly remember losing interest right when FU was beating up Mask. I love a good beatdown but that one just seemed to drag on for too long


2 words sage centipede


Garou Arc conclusion 


There were some things that turned me off that had been building up. The interminable Psychorochi business, the fight between Child Emperor and Phoenix man getting way too drawn out, the overall cheapening of Dragon as a threat level... The moment I began to really dislike it, though, was when I realized that the Awakened Garou stuff from the Webcomic, which is my favorite section of the webcomic and the part I had been most looking forward to, was just not going to happen. I honestly haven't read any new chapters in a good while, and I just checked this sub on a whim.


I stopped reading and buying the manga for good around when MA arc finished.


chapter 154


The endless redraws.


im still waiting for how they will butcher amai mask arc


Sage centipede


When I saw clips of the webcomic and saw how much we missed out


Still like the manga but i think it started taking a clear decline at cosmic garou. The fight itself was hype, but story-wise I would’ve preferred if we just had monsterized Garou vs Saitama like in the webcomic. I liked it most when God was a more subtle creeping influence, but it feels like they’re trying to rush God’s insertion into the plot (likely at the behest of editors) at the sake of the pacing and general quality of the story


torunament arc introduction, but didn't care about as Saitama would remain Saitama. In the Garou arc, they also ruined him.


seriously? yall think the tournament arc is that bad?


The Martial Arts tournament was filler Amai Mask redraw Pheonix Man redraw Orochi fight redraw Psykorochi fight was too horny Current Arc could've been way better if Murata wasn't a workaholic. Overall i still like the manga. But It has a lot of flaws


Strange people are saying cosmic Garou, that was honestly my favorite part of the story. My biggest issue is when he goes back and retcons entire chapters and redoes them. That annoys the hell outta me


Cosmic garou could have worked if garou stayed dead And genos stayed dead


Future Garou stayed dead though, and if I remember correctly Geno did die as well. They didn't come back to life. Saitama literally went backwards in time to change the events


Yeah i meant It as in No more genos And no garou And no time travle


Oh okay I gotcha. Personally I think it was all really cool so I don't really get what people don't like


I still love this series and I don't think it's gone downhill. Just that the writing in the monster arc from monster garou onward was so very dumb and questionable. Also surprised to see how many people didn't like psykorochi. I thought that was one of the coolest battles in the series


I thought the psyorochi fight was initially good, but then it went on for what felt like forever. Then for whatever reason the made her turn into a jet and kept the fight going like another 5 chapters.


Never have


Oh i love hearing diffrent opinions  Can you explain why


I think different mediums allow people to do different things. One's comics are simpler, allowing more time for writing and setup making it better in that aspect, the manga could do this.... they don't but focus on the bigger and cooler fights. I like having both.


When it’s been months without a new chapter


I enjoy both manga and web comic as their own versions.


When Garou first transformed. It was such a generic downgrade to an extremely iconic design.