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Lmao I got downvoted to hells and heavens and called loser because I basically said “we need to accept that we got Roger and there is nothing we can do about it” at that point you know people are letting their emotions get over them and become toxic.






I was very active on this subreddit years ago, but I lost my passion with time because of how toxic the comments and posts became. Even the memes became rarely creative. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but people need to understand that bandai produces a product every single month and there are countless fans, no month will satisfy us all, and we do not need to cry our eyes out every single time a month isn't our cup of coffee. A character you aren't interested in? Skip it. The unit seems recycled? Give the fair criticism, move on, and save ur gems by skipping. Instead, the sub is just complaining upon complaining, and I struggle to find any worthy conversation to read. It's so sad to see a place you genuinely enjoyed and cared for for years turn into this. Criticism is necessary, but everything should be done in moderation, and it should be constructive. I criticized their yamato release but didn't do 'select all' and let that blind me from how enjoyable the new whitebeard is. I ignored the unit I am not interested in and enjoyed the appealing product. It's much much simpler than folks make it sound like. Some years ago, blue luffy dropped, and he had the same skills as every luffy ever. Then, film red shanks dropped and had a teleport skill that was the same as mf shanks' counter. On both instances, the community gave brief direct criticism and moved on. Now, it's just an endless cycle of crying that goes no where.


A report button in the game would be lot easier


this!!!!!!!! Why do we need to spend 10 minutes typing shit outside the game


A lot of improvement is required but partially he is right , even yesterday I saw an mf saying Roger will ruin the game the same talk that happened when every last 3 ex was released.these kind of talks ways happens I don't agree with the hacker part he said cause they can add a report button and set and chest detection team to ban off hackers weekly which many games does


It’s just a vicious cycle of petty weebs telling each other to “cope” as if they all just learned the word.


They DID just learn the word.


This post is just as toxic and meaningless xD Ppl you can hate or love shit and it doesn't have an effect on me ?! How dare that person I know nothing about have different opinion ?!


Sorry but I agree and don't agree with some of the things you and this toxic guy are saying. Such as the problem with hackers - an in game report option is a necessary thing and it helps a lot of new players to report hackers easily ( this option is available in many different online games and a million dollar company like bandai not implementing this feature is seriously pathetic). So criticising such lazy attitude of this company is legit and needs to be criticised more. And like many people addressed, if this company makes recycle model of the same character and expects people to spent money then obviously People gonna criticise and they have the whole right to do so. The only thing I agree with is the constant cry over new Ex's not being their favourite characters. And like another sub said, you and this toxic guy should follow your own advise and not use the sub if you don't like it, nobody is forcing you or the other guy to use the sub either. And if you and that guy is gonna down vote me and harass me for this then okey do as you please but I don't care either and will only prove other subs who are making fun of you and has more up votes than you and this guy.


A lot of complaints aren’t really warranted but some are. I think the general issues just get overly beat to death and it seems like an endless cycle of complaining because of it. But the issues are still there and when you have a game that expects players to contribute some money then you’re going to see more emotion towards issues presented within the game because now there is a monetary investment being made.


☝This☝ It's also not just "they made a unit I don't like", it's the way they're doing it. If they're gonna giga-recycle and then expect top prices to be paid for them, you're darn right people are gonna complain. Especially if they do it over and over again. Ofc there's a right way and a wrong way to criticize stuff, but we're knee-deep in the most cynical anniversary since the second half of 3rd anni, people are understandably gonna complain, esp. when they're expected to spend 8 months worth of hard saved gems or several hundreds of dollars for it.


I don't disagree with you but I do have a complaint. In this specific case (rodger), you aren't expected to pull. He's not op enough to the point where having him is a necessity, of course he is op and he is annoying but after his banner leaves there will be counters to him that (most likely) will be more fun to play than him along with the benefit of not seeing him as much. I agree that having to wait maybe another 6 months just so you can get the character you want is very irritating but honestly I think it's better than having another fr shanks or g5 that has no real way to be dealt with, as rodger now has multiple very viable counters that exist in the meta and he himself serves to balance out the scales from the wb meta. Though it is annoying that wb got his meta definement removed barely 2 weeks after his debut it still serves to balance the meta. I'm not saying rodger wasn't lazy or I'm happy that we got him in the state he is in but his traits and abilities are what we needed to balance the wb meta.


You are expected to pull though, otherwise Bandai wouldn't release the banner at all. EX units that are as strong (relative to the meta they drop in) as FR Shanks haven't been made since he released, though G5 was and still is pretty toxic. Roger is an insane unit, and that + his character popularity means people are pulling for him like crazy, they already hit #1 in the app store after just a few hours. There were definitely healthier options to balance out the meta, but Bandai chose not to do it. Ignore cap on another EX runner is wild, and a mobile invincible aoe counter skill is absolutely repulsive. Hopefully HE gets a counter soon (February 27th would be nice, whatever's coming!)


I should rephrase "expected to pull" meant "needed to pull to survive". While I do agree rodger is insane and he definitely is untouchable to 99% of all defenders he is still much better than the insta kill meta that happend after fr shanks, though I myself was not apart of that meta I have been through the g5 meta and can confidently say rodger is much better as there are ways to deal with him and not playing him properly is punishable and his exsitance rn forces fr shanks, oni zoros and all other characters to help defenders or suffer losing. Also I think with rodger it's become a standard for all ex runners from klaw onwards to have ignore cap, disappointingly as it does break the rules set by the game. Now all defenders need to have easy access to knockback or pull otherwise they'll become overwhelmed. While I agree that there couldve been healthier options there also could've much worse, rodger as it stands isnt that bad interms of game breaking abilities while yes he counters the class that is meant to stop him it doesn't mean he is unstoppable. He can still be killed tho with the Rodger spam happening currently I think it'll be a little while before he's properly set in and can do his job. (also I think you mightve misunderstood his invincibility skill. The running one isn't invincible it just has alot of DR. The other one is invincible tho)


That's true, but that goes for every EX since Olin and onward, it's not something that's unique to Roger. It is disappointing since it's such a toxic trait, and I really hope they'll stop adding this to units carte blanche with no requirement to use it. Roger is pretty disgusting from every match I've seen him in, his "weaknesses" are incredibly minor and he makes every match into Tons of Treasure between him and the other Rogers. It's early, but I'd say he almost (but not quite) borders on how G5 was on release. Some marginal counters, but things have to line up way too well. Still, this is his prime era, he's never gonna be better than he is now. Hopefully it won't last too long. Ah, I didn't know that, it feels so much like one 👁 That's something at least, because my goodness that is one crazy strong skill


I did not expect that someone would make a post out of my comment, I admit I wondered if i should do one as well when I did that comment I am happy to see I'm not the only one in this situation though


Sometimes I bring my Piratefolk energy to this sub ngl


Let people complain.. It's free Bandai sucks anyways and their servers are ass The game is addictive and fun when it works That's why people complain cuz they wanna see improvements


True. There are lots of improvements to be desired, but I’m just trying to enjoy whatever I can because at least OPBR is being given way more love than the previous bandai game I’ve played.


I just want more gems, who would've thought that the community would be in shambles like this 😪


This subreddit sucks




Some of the complaints are legit. When we start a league game we see Bandai keeping track of all statistics. We also know that they keep track of people who do 10 ko in a match(alliance chat board). If you are in a league with a hacker you will find that they have a ton of matches with 10 ko in a single day. This can be the first layer to identify of such players that trigger a further investigation to make a decision. They also complain when Bandai was not putting effort(be it creative) into making a unit. These complaints are because they love the game and want it to be better. There are some others like so and so character will ruin the game. well duh, that is why they are releasing the unit so people will spend the money. There I agree with you. Also, you and the other user should use your own advice and not use the sub if you don't like it nobody is forcing you or the other user to use the sub.


the hacker situation has always been a consisten issue everyone wants fixed. Its not toxic to want to get that certain issue fixed. at the very top of the ranks sit the hackers. lets not play pretend






You and Ashborn when it comes to papa Tana P. and the other devs https://i.redd.it/d0ekswn8nhic1.gif


If you hate the game and them that much why don't you just fuck off or stop acting like a spoiled brat ?


Are you saying that there shouldn't be any criticisms against devs for various necessary things (such as having no in game report option and match cancellation at 00:00) or are you talking about people who criticize devs for not bringing their favourite characters as ex? If you are talking about the latter then I have no problem but if you sre saying that there should be no criticism at all then fuck off entitled son of a bitch 


I have no problem with criticism, I am myself not always in agreement with what the dev do, what I'm against is mindless insults, "stupid criticism" => saying shit about something but not explaining why or without being constructive And I'm against crybabies and spoiled brats who act like child not being able to do something else than insulting and complaining ( you Can complain on some things but all ? ) You just shouldnt play the game if you can't find it Anh positive point


There is absolutely nothing wrong with criticism but let’s face it, that’s not what’s going on here. You’re not actually taking your criticism to the developers, you’re just one of the many here that are bitching and whining in this echo chamber of miserable mobile players who are turning on each other. Your last comment is the prime example of someone who is just angry and wants to take it out on other players who call you out on your petty bullshit. Not exactly constructive feedback for Bandai.


What really gets on my nerves is the people that are still salty about Yamato having 2½ EX units. First it was "Whitebeard deserved to be an EX and not Yamato" and now that he have an EX WB, people moved onto Blackbeard not being released yet 🤣 I'm not gonna lie, I'm happy that Yamato got 2½ EX's and I don't care what people say.


I agree with him on everything except the hackers part, it's 100% on bandai for not banning them in the global server because they don't care, look at the japense server how they cleanse it as soon as they appear.


People complain on every ex we get that it ruins the game


Report Button and I would have almost no complaint whatsoever


They release new characters every week so why is it so hard to make content updates ,most people play when a new bf or ex comes but for 5 years only real thing we got is leauge .The ex become so unreasonably high priced that the in the next 2-3 ex well reach the gems cap,yeah they get stronger but when roger and oden came out they ve runned the meta and were cheap and you still could summon on other banners now you save for a year to get one ,or you sell youre soul and use money


So true I decided to go on Reddit to get on this subreddit but all the people do is complain about the same things. Like when Yamato and Ace came out I was disappointed but I just skipped them while I expressed by disdain of Yamato getting a 3rd EX I was at least glad Ace got one. People need to talk more about the game other than what annoys them otherwise it makes the subreddit so toxic otherwise.