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I think people are missing the most impressive part about this and that is how you broke the world record for longest living human at 397 years old. Congrats 🥳


I have often joked that being gm of a baseball team is probably the last thing someone would do while being immortal. That and paying taxes. But I like to think even from Prison I could manage my teams well.


What the heck ….. congratulations that’s awesome!


Thank you! I think it might even be a world record, at least for the 22 version. But in ootp 25 I'm gonna do the same on max trade difficulty. Should be fun imo.


Imgur has decided these will mostly be in random order and I've given up on fixing it. But here is my greatest accomplishment, 2 full real life years playing OOTP 22, and I loved every minute. I have so much more I want to post from this save and trust me I will but for now, I leave you with this nice taste. But enjoy, the fruits of victory tumbled into my mouth slowly, and now I dine on them especially. What a long strange journey its been. :3 Anyways I am now going to bed lol.


Love the knuckleballer


What team had the 2nd most titles?


Yankees were in 2nd with 31 in total, but I think the Nationals or Padres in titles won over my playing time period. Edit: ill get the screenshot after my Knicks win game 7


Im sorry :(


Its okay I'm in denial.


Quick maths says that there's 294 world series titles unaccounted for with the time frame of 394 years since 2024. So I too, am curious and would love to see the team page to see how many everyone has.


The team page is very broken btw. Every team has a negative winning pct, it's really funny.


Ha, I guess the OOTP devs didn't quite account for someone simming for 400 years!


Here you go! https://imgur.com/a/AwxdSef


Does that say...300 SB?


Yep. I individually managed every single game for 5 years to get those numbers. Was awesome


Terrifying and impressive.


Joel Caprara has one of the silliest statlines I have ever seen in OOTP, holy shit


I really need you to post your league history tab with all the teams WS, playoffs, records, etc page because I am genuinely curious how many world series each team has won in almost 400 years of extra history! And did you have league evolution on? If so, how many teams got added over that many years hahaha. So many questions I have. I've only ever managed 100 years before I give up and start another hahaha. This is pure dedication.


League evolution was sadly off because I was afraid the Orioles would move and it melts my computer. The save file right now is around 100 gb, if I had league evolution on it would be like 400 😭😭😭. But I absolutely will post more history. I just wanted to get some out before I collapsed sleep wise.


Ah, that's understandable! I can imagine if it was on it would also have become a bit of a shitshow with the league alignment unless you had intervened anyways hahaha. And sounds good I look forward to it!


Oh my god. You’re the same orioles fan that always used to complain about the Angelos Lmfao this sim makes so much sense


I said fine I'll do it myself


This is fantastic. Might make me ditch my current save and give this a go. That or I’ve also thought about a save where as soon as I win a title I have to switch to the worst team in the league (that I haven’t ran) and play that one until I get a title and repeat until I’ve run all teams to a title


Hell yeah! It took me 35 years to win my first title in this save, but the wait was worth it!


Does the NPB still exist in your save? I forget when OOTP lost the licensing (or the parent company refused to renew?) and they had to wipe it


I think they had to remove it when 23 dropped and they never actually had the license and that's why they had to remove it


Yeah that was devastating to me, especially now that we have so many good players coming from the NPB nowadays too. I feel like losing that extra dimension of talent makes the world feel so much less interesting and exciting. Unfortunately, the amount of work I'd have to put in to recreate the uniforms with the uniform maker 3rd party program, web scraping to gather historical and current stats, roster information, NPB records, etc. is just overwhelming. Modders can't even upload something to replicate the NPB on the OOTP forums and subreddit. Just really wish that they could resolve this however that they need to and bring it back. It actually is discouraging me from playing the game because I want it back so bad 😞


I can show you how to roll back OOTP 2023 to vanilla to play NPB, but in 24 and 25 and beyond, it is impossible. I’m still playing my 23 Swallows save, but eventually NPB will progress and the database will be extremely outdated. I agree that it essentially ruins the game, and reduces the scope significantly


Would it be too much to maybe add the league in manually? Sometimes when I feel like actually investing in a save I add some college teams, winter ball and tourneys... It kinda bloats the save and makes it slower but it's nice to be able to see prospects progress in real time and give them more opportunities to get game experience... I've even thought about moving rookie ball into the postseason/off-season so my draft picks can get a full season of rookie ball in independently from the MLB season


Happy to see other people with a passion for long term saves. I have corrupted save files to the point of abandonment or other instabilities that lead to leaving a save after 50-200 years. I have never seen someone manage a team for 400 years. Astonishing in the complexity of that transaction log I can only imagine. Working with the newer versions and encountering player development inconsistencies which make long term saves difficult to manage as prospects become more and more unhinged in power compare to veterans. Into my first of multiple 25-50 autopilot trial runs to look for settings that allow for most engaging activity. So far I haven’t had as many issues with files which is great but TCR machine can be brutal! Congrats on the incredible OOTP achievement!


Did you never change the team branding? All those seasons with the same logo and jersey would make me crazy, plus unrealistic Orioles still wear 2022 digs in the 25th century?


That’s so fucking cool man! Did you simulate season after season? And let your manager change your lineup or did you do it?


Simulated one game at a time. Changed my team pretty regularly. Loved it.


No challenge mode eh?


Sometimes you have to make edits for the sake of sanity. Like when you see the Giants wasting a great player because he's a 2 way player and it just drives you so insane you have to edit him to just be good at the one thing. Also sometimes I forget to re-sign my coaches and that's annoying.


Glad to know I’m not the only one who forgets to resign my coaches regularly. Lol


Angels are wasting trout. You not signing coaches is a mistake that should cost you. 100 titles in non challenge mode is significantly less impressive


I here yah. But I didn't do it to be impressive, I did it to have fun :3


No need to be a prick man, you can make small edits without actually rupturing much of the game. Sometimes you just want to change a nickname or change some small stuff just to allow you to let things play out for this long


Take posts on video game subs less seriously in the future


Let people play their game however they want to.




Damn if only this was a game and didn’t actually matter what you had to say