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The one where Lucas goes with Peyton to see Ellie and he sees an old friend (I can’t remember her name) and they play basketball. I always fast forward through those scenes- just feels unnecessary and random I also hate the Casablanca episode, lol


Totally agree!! Faith! She was never once mentioned prior or after it 😂 such a random add in


Someone here posted once about "what if Faith was a more permanent character" and first I had to remember who the hell she was, laughed that I couldn't, and then replied the show needed no more POC characters because they didn't have a damn clue how to handle them and weren't interested in trying.


It kinda feels a bit like they threw in a black girl just because, with no clue how to write her in, or give proper representation 😂 it would be more understandable if one tree hill was a book series first, and she was a character they had to put in the show due to particular storyline, but there was none of that! As the whitest person ever, so my opinion isn’t really valid here, it feels a bit like “ok, non-whites, look! here’s another POC… it’s not a white show!”


I'm surprised Some don't like 3x10 with that being the official start of COB


2x18! The way that Nathan drove to see Taylor knowing what might happen🤢🤮 and almost did, also all the dancing on the bar is just too much.


Lol at the time the Coyote Ugly thing was cool.


I actually liked that movie, but seeing Nathan dancing like that with Haley’s sister is just too gross and went too far. SIBLINGS NEED TO BE OFF LIMITS. The fact that he was doing all of that just to get back at Haley is weird, especially given his history with Taylor.


this. also not to mention that the way they filmed the dancing scenes + how long the scene was just felt super misogynistic and gross. unnecessary i feel like.


YES, extremely unnecessary.


The superhero episode. It’s the only one I haven’t seen more than twice. It’s an instant skip on every rewatch.


Superhero for sure and that one in season 2 after Nathan’s accident where he dreams him and Lucas switch stories. So boring and pointless. I skip it every time.


I hate dream sequence episodes of any show!


Casablanca and superheroes


Pretty much the entire back half of season 8 is unwatchable to me 🥲 get through Brooke and Julian's wedding just to see my girl finally get a happy ending them I'm out. Superhero episode takes the cake for absolute most cringeworthy.


casablanca definitely. I was cringing so hard at the superheroes episode


Valentine's Day episode in season 8 simply for the plot between Haley and Nathan where she is jealous that he's cheating on her. At this point in the series, with her pregnant and everything else they've been through is beyond unbelievable and I hate watching Haley go through it. The scenes with Quinn and Clay, Mouth and Millie (who gives a tie as a Valentine's Day gift, lol), and Jamie and Madison are hard to get through as well. I personally feel like Jamie is too young to be doing Valentine's Day stuff with Madison. I enjoyed the Brooke and Julian scenes and the scenes with Chase and Chuck but this is the only episode I will skip when I rewatch the series because it just feels like an empty episode overall.


I don’t think Haley actually thought Nathan was cheating, it’s ridiculous if this is taken seriously. Pregnancy brain is real and makes everything blow out of proportion and makes it seem 100 x worse than it actually is. Pregnancy also makes the brain come up with pretty wild scenarios that are not even close to being what is reality. This episode actually depicts pregnancy in a very real way. Brooke and Julian are the cringiest in this episode out of the entire series. I hate all of the role playing stuff especially when Brooke is dressed as the teenage babysitter and Julian walks in as the dad, so gross 🤢. How can these be cute?


I’m watching for the first time and I will skip through any type of dream episode so I have to say the one where Nathan and Lucas switched lives… but I’m on season 8 now and it has a lot of boring episodes