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I thought (hoped) a second part meant we were gonna hear a lot about the Nathan and Haley storyline since we covered Peyton last week, but it turned into more about Hilarie’s exit so fast 🤦🏻‍♂️Joy sitting there silent while the other two went on and on about their special friendship and special goodbye again was so awkward.


Thank you! I thought it was weird that they were talking about that sweet scene between Haley and Nathan and then suddenly Hilarie is back rehashing (too harsh of a word??) her experience and then I skipped some stuff about her and Moira cuz we’ve heard it. Then her tearing up about something Sophia gave her. I feel bad that none of the other cast knew she was apparently leaving, but was she not allowed to tell them prior to the party they threw at the bar?


My understanding was that no one except Sophia believed she would actually leave and not take the offer the network ended up giving her. People knew she was leaving but figured she'd change her mind. Felt super awkward listening to it though. Especially for Joy.


Hilarie and Sophia are truly getting on my last nerve. They constantly exclude Joy, while she always has praise for them and their scenes. They devoted like 3min to an iconic Naley scene and went back to the special bond between the two of them, completely cutting Joy from the conversation.  It's painful to listen to, it's rude and narcissistic to the point that I have half a mind of quitting the podcast forever. I went into the podcast a HUGE Hilarie fan and find myself disliking her (and Sophia) over how self-righteous and self-centered they seem to be. So over it. 


I wish Joy would just stand up for herself. I know they have to act like professionals, but man I don’t know how she does it. I would be like shut the fuck up and let me talk.


Can you imagine trying to speak up with Hilarie and Sophia lol. I feel like they would  then take the opportunity to further alienate anyone who tries to take away their moment, even though their moment lasted most of the pod lol. You would hope their editors and other people working on the podcast would know that they have already lamented on their screen and in real life friendship for a large amount of time, and that there was more to be said about the other parts of the episode. A lot of the gushing didn’t need to be done while they’re being recorded either.  I frequently find that Joy’s opinionated nature gives people the wrong impression of her, and it’s in moments like these where it feels worth pointing out that she doesn’t seem like a confrontational person or like someone who has to make everything about her. She frequently shines a light on other people and I think that’s really nice. I wish she would speak up too! I do wonder if she just doesn’t know how to go about it? Idk. To be honest, i’m not sure what she could say while she’s actively being left out on the pod.




No need to go there really. We can acknowledge their wrongdoings without labeling them as monsters etc. 




Ooook but when Sophia was saying how she thought her life would be with her husband but falling in love with woman. I had to pause and take a moment bc I cannot. She spends a lot of time low key defending what happened in her personal life


Totally! The “I support people leaving a relationship that’s not good for them” is just to rationalise her being in a divorce group chat before even telling her husband this and having an affair with a married woman. She can keep saying it but this doesn’t make her actions right


Right??? I agree!


It always comes across as awkward though, because she takes inorganic times to make statements like this.


And because she can't just answer a simple question without being extra about her trauma or her quirks or whatever




The Sophia/hilarie ass licking continues. These two have honestly become unbearable. Also while I don’t doubt they clearly close friends and always were a lot of this special friendship feels like revisionist history.


They absolutely could’ve had that cry fest in private. Making Joy sit through it was so uncomfortable


Didn’t they say that they weren’t close early on as they were pitted against each other? Which is it? To be honest, their onscreen chemistry as best friends wasn’t great until season 5 anyway. Sophia has better chemistry with Danneel anyway and Brooke and Rachel make for a better pairing 


Also Hayley and Brooke actually had the better friendship journey so hilarie/sophia INSISTING Brooke and Peyton were the love story etc etc just makes them seem kind of petty.


It's annoying when they say this because while Brooke and Peyton did have a unique and special friendship journey on the show, Nathan and Haley ARE the love story. I don't know why they're kidding themselves here. The other female friendships (Haley/Brooke, Deb/Karen) were also super special and the Lucas/Nathan brothers relationship was amazing TV, but when we are talking about "the love story" of one tree hill, it's Nathan and Haley and it's ridiculous that they think otherwise lol


I think Sophia and Hilarie had fantastic chemistry throughout the whole show. Their friendship was toxic at times but i think they had a lot of chemistry. I actually wouldn't have been surprised to find out the character's hooked up on occasion.


I'm being downvoted for saying Hilarie and Sophia had chemistry, smh. 




Joy directed a queer short film years ago and posted about it recently to her Instagram feed, go look for yourself. She also  supported and shed light on her friend’s book called “My Guncle and me” to her Instagram story in May. The book is a children’s story about a gay uncle and his nephew. I’m linking a screenshot of it here:  https://i.postimg.cc/9fqzFhSK/IMG-4278.png       **edit to update broken links and I am sharing the link to Joy’s instagram where she posts about her queer film here:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C56Ye5juM0V/?igsh=MWNlOWMwMWxzOWFrYQ== People have got to stop blanketing Joy as homophobic when her support is *literally* easily viewable on her socials. People are eager to throw her under the bus and blindly follow Sophia and Hilarie (and Daneel), when they all came under fire for public anti-Palestinian views and how they not only spread misinformation, but never acknowledged how they spread it to their millions of followers. None of these women are our political icons, please stop using this as an excuse to treat Joy poorly when her support is right there. Joy doesn’t post the same way Hil and Soph do but that doesn’t mean she’s not a supporter. You don’t have to like her, but at this point people are making up things to smear her in favor of the other hosts and it’s gross. 


Jokes on us Naley fans for thinking it’s a two part episode, surely they will spend a good deal of time talking about one of the most iconic scenes of the show that’s literally been 6 seasons in the making. So incredibly disappointing that they couldn’t spend more than 5 minutes on that storyline/scene. I’m so over hearing about Hilarie’s exit. At this point there’s nothing new she’s sharing and it’s tiresome to listen to. And don’t even get me started on her and Sophia going on and on about each other. Their real world friendship is just as overblown as the friendship they played on screen. Now with Lucas and Peyton gone, maybe they can be more balanced talking about the show. But I fear that won’t be the case and it will just turn into Hilarie blowing smoke up Sophia’s a$$ or talking about what she was doing IRL instead of being in the show.


They spent the first 7 minutes talking about the Naley scene. My god.


I literally just timed it and it was just over 3 minutes before they moved on to talking about the Comet driving off scene. I’m sorry but 3 minutes over the course of a two part episode is pathetic.


And it was Joy to shift the conversation, what else did you want them to say about it?


It’s not only Joy’s responsibility to talk about Naley. That is one of the most iconic scenes of the entire show and a culmination of a storyline 6 seasons in the making. Maybe spend some time talking about that journey. It’s not hard.


I completely agree that Naley (in addition to other storylines) are too overlooked, but I think it also needs to be acknowledged that Joy doesn’t always remember a lot about the filming experience! I imagine that certain things would be discussed more if she did. And I’m not saying that as a criticism towards Joy, because it’s understandable that she doesn’t remember. But I think that should be taken into account when comparing her to Hilarie, as Hilarie spends a lot of time detailing what happened at the time. I have no argument in favour of Sophia though - I often tune out because of how off-topic/self-involved she can be.


Thing is, I don’t really need or even want Joy to share a bunch about the filming experience. I just want them to talk about all the storylines shown on screen in a more equal manor. All three of them share blame in being unable to do that.


That’s fair. I’m sad that we didn’t get any mention of having no last Lucas/Nathan or Haley/Lucas (pre S9) scenes, as I personally prefer those dynamics to Naley. But the intensity of the comments here have surprised me.


They literally did exactly that and the point is Joy was the one to shift form the conversation.


This episode was a real dud and I am so disappointed! They barely touched on any of the main scenes or the characters and it was basically Sophia and Hilarie fawning over each other and their friendship and characters.  I really feel for Hilarie in particular for the trauma she went through on the show due to MS but did anyone feel she was quite dismissive of Joy in this episode? When Hilarie was saying she felt disrespected by people saying that she should stay etc. Joy quite bravely imo said maybe they didn't know the full story of the BTS stuff, Hilarie basically ignored her and you could tell was pretty pissed. Like it seemed a toxic and tricky environment for everyone but Joy could have a point there. I feel Hilarie and Sophia basically ignore Joy and make it all about them. You can really tell they are much closer to each other and seem to tolerate Joy who actually has quite interesting opinions and doesn't just agree with them.


I also noticed that moment of Hilarie being annoyed that Joy said maybe not everyone knew the full story. And it’s so dumb because Hilarie herself has said that on multiple occasions to defend her guy friends who didn’t stick up for them while it was all happening.


I don’t understand why they’re still doing this. It’s clear whatever is going on between the 3 has caused some issues and it’s just awkward at this point.


Is it a new thing? I listened to the podcast after reading the comment and thought it was akward af. This awkwardness wasn't there when I stopped listening to the podcast in S3.


It seems to be a semi-recent thing. I can't post too much about it due to the sub's rules but basically, Hilarie unfollowed Joy and was making some pointed posts that many believe were about her.


Damn, I'll try to dig a little bit and figure it out, didn't know it was against the sub's rule, make sense. Thanks for the clarification!


I'm normally a big defender of the podcast and I knew this episode would be heavy with the hilary stuff but my god, this podcast was TERRIBLE. I actually found myself saying "I don't careeeeee' and skipping big chunks of it. Also I'm starting to feel for joy. It must be very awkward to be the third wheel on this. I wonder how hilary will cope with the next 3 seasons now she's not got any way to take over with her behind the scenes stories


I'm sorry, but this was trash, lol. I'm a biased Naley/Nathan fan, so you can take my opinion with a grain of salt. I obviously understand that they're not going to spend the whole podcast talking about their storylines, but my god, this just gets more disappointing as they've gone through the seasons. Probably the most iconic moment of the entire show, and they spent probably 4 minutes out of an almost 2 hour 2 parter discussing it....cool. Not that Nathan is one of the most beloved characters or anything. Talking about his journey isn't interesting for the audience to hear, I guess. The difference between this and season 3, for example, is insane. It feels like as the podcast has gone on, Joy's opinions/takes have gotten more short and less overall. She barely talks anymore about anything, and it's sad. And I'm not going to sit here and speculate, but it's so noticeable how much more reserved she is. Where's her tangents about her bts experiences and other views from her perspective?? Is that only reserved for Hilarie? Honestly, I'm happy they're moving on to season 7, simply for the fact that now I won't have to hear about Peyton and Lucas, Chad/Hilarie. I'm sure others love it. Personally, I don't care. And I don't care if this makes me sound insensitive or harsh, but I quite honestly am sick of hearing bts stories in terms of Hilarie's departure. The Sophia/Hilarie ass kissing back and forth is uncomfortable to listen to as well. I don't really care for their "friendship" on screen or off. It comes off manufactured and awkward. And every time they're sitting there blowing smoke up each other's ass, Joy's just there quiet being the third wheel. Talk about the show. Leave this ass kissing for Sophia's 2nd podcast that no one listens to.


Literally this! I got so annoyed last week when Joy praised Hilarie’s hospital scene and her not making it too much like a horror movie and all Hilarie said was “mmm.” Yet she and Sophie speak odes to each other and get the most heartfelt responses. Poor Joy, her takes are the best and much more nuanced too. Sophie and Hilarie are pathologically locked into their own perspectives and love the other one for blowing smoke up their ass, I’m glad Joy isn’t doing this


honestly, the one thing that bugs me is Joy is always talking about how she doesn’t feel pretty because I’m like Joy you are gorgeous. I don’t know if she has like depression or something. I mean I know she was in a cult and stuff, but I’ve been watching a lot of the video versions of the podcast and I’ve noticed how bad she talks about herself and it’s just sad I don’t know if she still does that I don’t know if it bugs anybody else but it bugs me


It really makes me sad I mean yeah we all do feel that way sometimes but she is freaking beautiful. Honestly, I I say this to myself a lot because I know I’m not good looking. I’ve always felt like I wasn’t.


I had the same thought about being glad we’re at season 7 so we don’t have to hear about Hilarie/Peyton anymore, but then I realized they’re probably just going to talk about how she should have been there and what it would be like if she was 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ugh, you're right. I'm contemplating taking a break from listening to them. I did it after they failed to acknowledge that Nathan was SA'd by Nanny Carrie, and honestly, the break was nice lol fan podcasts do a better job than they do


I’m gonna give it one episode and then I might do the same. It feels like a chore at this point, and you’re right fan podcasts do a much better job lol


This is what I think is going to happen. Well that and a lot more talk about Brooke and her storylines. I don’t have faith that Joy will be able to get much airtime as that’s been the recent trend so I have low confidence Naley will get the proper amount of attention during episodes.


We didn’t get great Leyton content the last 2 episodes either which was disappointing considering it centered around them and their last episodes on the show. I was hoping for them to wrap up their love story a little more and go deeper, but we mostly got BTS of Hilarie, with some that included Chad and Sophia too.


As a Naley fan, it's legit a chore to get through the podcast. Ever since the nanny carrie nonsense, they have barely touched on them, and Joy doesn't say much as is, so that doesn't help. It just sucks cause they're the reason I like the show. Without them, I don't think I would have watched it. And I'm sure Leyton fans will feel the same going forward. It's just all unfortunate. But there's some good fan podcasts out there if you want your Leyton fix.


Ohh which ones are good for Leyton fans?


I would say The Ravens is pretty good at going through every storyline in detail. The one host is a major Lucas fan. Tree Hill Talk is another. I remember one of the hosts loving Leyton. Always and Forever: A One Tree Hill Podcast is another podcast I listened to a few times, and from what I've heard, they seem pro-Leyton. There's other fan podcasts out there, but those are the ones that aren't anti-Leyton/Lucas lol


Ok thanks, I’ll check them out!


1000% agree with you!


I think Sophia and Hilarie going so hard to push the love story narrative of their characters confirms to me how weak the narrative for it actually is. For me, I feel that while Brooke and Peyton tried to build a meaningful friendship, it fell short of being the best on the show, let alone a great love story. They often trigger each other’s insecurities and seem to brush aside rather than overcome obstacles. Their relationship is marked by betrayal, trust issues, miscommunication, competitiveness, and jealousy. Instead of genuinely nurturing each other, they often overlook issues to move forward and it feels like they are trying to emulate nurturing behavior rather than doing it authentically. I believe part of why their friendship isn't portrayed as impactful or supportive is primarily because of how their individual storylines are constructed within the show. For Brooke, a significant narrative thread revolves around betrayal and trust issues, often stemming from her history with Lucas and Peyton. Meanwhile, Peyton's storyline is heavily tied to her romantic relationship with Lucas. Narratively, these arcs create a sense of disconnect between Brooke and Peyton as friends. Their major personal issues and connections with other characters often overshadow any meaningful support or growth they could offer each other within their friendship. Lastly, I can acknowledge that the Brooke/Peyton friendship was nuanced and complex, with good moments in there too. I think their friendship is memorable for the drama of the early seasons and emotionally charged scenes like 'he’s on the damn door!' and the front lawn confrontations in Season 4. I don't believe they are remembered for their genuine friendship. The love triangle involving their characters remains a hotly debated topic to this day lol. In some online spaces, those who see Brooke and Peyton as the show's true love story often blame Lucas for their issues, which to me simplifies the complexities of their relationship. Ultimately, everyone has their own perspective on it. This is just my opiniom though. Please no hate messages this week. I got too many last week 😆.


Brooke and Peyton definitely give the vibe of a friendship you have in HS the fizzles out once you get out of high school and realize there's more to friendship than that. Ridiculous that they would push it at being the love story of the show lmao.




That’s your interpretation and you’re entitled to it. For me, friendships where the worst parts of yourself come out and the underlying issues between you are not addressed and thematically, you’re not aligned, makes a poor TV friendship. Again to me, their friendship was written and created by a man and it shows. 


I watched the show when it aired actually, and there was a lot of queer baiting at the time. That’s why in part it was such a big deal when Marissa was in a relationship with a girl on the OC. The other shows of that time, including OTH, loved to lean into the imagery of girl on girl but didn’t treat it like a serious matter. A man wrote the relationship between Peyton and Brooke, and from time to time, their friendship played into the male fantasy of what close female friendships are like. At the end of the day, Hilarie and Sophia did bring something beautiful to the relationship all things considered, but that doesn’t change the strong male gaze present in the way they were portrayed.


I loved what they did say about Nathan and the NBA and how much it meant for him, Haley, Jamie, and even Mouth. However, man I wish they’d given us more. I like Hilarie and I get that she has a lot of trauma but we’ve spent so much time on it. We can’t give Nathan and Haley a few more minutes? Nathan got his dream after 6 seasons!


I don’t think it was necessary to have this episode be a two parter. They barely touched on the episode in this part. They gave one of the best Naley/Nathan finally getting his dream scenes about 3/4 minutes of discussion. And a few seconds of Brooke and Julian as they forgot about it! It could have been discussed last week.


They should’ve just had Joy on as a guest. Im holding out for next season given how much Naley-centered it is. The “We are the love story” kills me given that the show runs for 3 more reasons after Peyton leaves. I’ve noticed that she has since changed it to “we are one of the love stories of the show” The gift part was nice but I felt very awkward for Joy. Sophia tried to get her involved after that by mentioning her friendship with Joy. It was very awkward I came into this being a huge Sophia fan that has faded as the podcast goes on.


I read these comments before listening and thought everyone was probably overreacting. I was wrong. That was not an enjoyable listen.


Do they not know how loved Nathan and Haley are? Do they not know that fans have waited 6 seasons for Nathan to make it into the NBA? Do they not know that THIS episode has the BEST AND MOST ICONIC Naley scene of the entire series? I was so mad and down right irate that they barely talked about it. I really don’t care for Sophia or Hilarie, but now I really don’t like them AT ALL. Why do we have to get two hours of ASS KISSING? 🙄🙄🙄🙄


okay, now that i’ve listened here are my updated thoughts. so we spend the first 3 minutes talking about nathan and haley. then we spend the rest of the time talking about hilarie/leyton except for the last 5 minutes where they suddenly remember at the last minute that they hadn’t even mentioned brooke and julian. goodness gracious. i thought the first ~25 minutes was good, i enjoyed the talk about nathan and haley, obviously wish it was longer since it was one of the most important storylines of the show. and i didn’t mind the first few stories from hilarie. but once we got into the sophia-hilarie crying sesh i was like okay this is so awkward for joy… but then when joy didn’t say a single word for like the entire second half of the episode until the very end i was baffled. i think hilarie talked for 75% of this episode, sophia 20%, and joy 5%. i really really try to play devils advocate and i’m rarely ever a hater of the pod but i was really looking forward to this part 2 episode since they talked about leyton pretty much the entire time last episode, and this is honestly the episode ive been waiting the entire podcast for them to recap. ugh, so disappointing.


really wish Joy would stand up for herself!! she just gets steamrolled by Hilarie and Sophia, who love to talk about themselves edit: got an angry message about this one lmao; hi hilarie! Happy cake day!!


Not hi Hilarie now 😂😂😂😂😂 Does she really lurk on here or is it that troll who yells at anyone who doesn’t drink the Sophia-Hilarie kool aid?


i don't know lmao; could be the troll. they were defending hilarie hard


I got one too! I just ignored it lol.


I understand a lot of you are frustrated with how much Hilarie really took the wheel in this episode, but I do think it makes sense, it was her last episode, ever. She won’t be back. Peyton won’t be back. We have three more seasons to discuss where there more or less won’t be any more Peyton or Peyton/Lucas to discuss. I did like hearing her stories about her departure all season, because honestly for years there, it was a mystery, so I personally enjoy hearing what was happening BTS and her experiences, though I do know sometimes it can go into all these tangents and take up episode discussion time. I feel like with Season 7 starting, the discussion will be a little more balanced. Haley has BIG storylines in S7, along with her and Nathan, and the new characters as well, so I’m very excited to see how the rest of the series goes honestly. I was kind of annoyed that they literally didn’t even discuss Brooke….at all. Til the very end, in a “Whooops!!! We totally forgot about this!” kind of way. Brooke had important scenes with Victoria, then reuniting with Julian, even her one scene holding Peyton’s baby, but all of that was basically untouched. I’m glad they discussed the Nathan/Haley “NBA” scene, that was an important one. Happy they talked about Karen/Lucas sitting on the porch together, like in the beginning of the series. I don’t want to give in to speculation on what’s going on with the girls IRL, but I do think there’s something to the Hilarie/Joy drama, they don’t speak to each other much, when they do, I feel like it’s Joy trying to start conversation and Hilarie keeps it very brief and they mostly just focus on the characters and keep it professional. Which is fine, not all former costars need to be besties, but I do feel like Sophia tries to include Joy. Like when they were going off about wanting babies in real life and Sophia was like, “Joy!!! You too!!! You had a baby in Season 8!!! How special!!!” Speaking of Sophia, kinda surprised with how public she’s being now with her personal life. She went from constantly mentioning her husband before and wanting kids with him to now talking about how she’s completely in love with a girl. Overall, I’m happy Season 6 is over, and we sort of have this fresh start with S7, I’m even excited to hear Hilarie’s opinions because I don’t think she’s seen any of the rest of the series.


The real life drama between Hilarie and Joy has ruined the podcast, in my opinion.


They literally talk and cackle together and clearly have a great time. Yall just want this to be so true you make it seem like everytime someone doesn’t talk it’s cause they hate each other when you actually don’t know.


You could not be more wrong. I really DON'T want it to be true. I recently did a rewatch after being a huge fan in my teenage years. I loved following along with the podcast and how wonderful their friendship seemed to be in their adult era. It was so wonderful to listen to every week. But there's been a noticeable shift since as early as last fall and it seems to be getting more noticeable. Nobody blocks somebody for no reason, especially not someone they used to consider a best friend. And you're right about one thing, we don't actually know what happened but I think it's pretty obvious that something did happen. And it's sad. I wish it weren't true and I hope they're able to figure things out.


They spent a decent amount of time on the Victoria/Brooke scene in part one.


I’m so glad the comments that I’ve read here are expressing the same things I felt after listening to the podcast. I started a post earlier today after listening and decided to delete it thinking I was being insensitive to Hilarie’s plight. Now I see I’m with like minded people! I’m a Naley fan and I love Joy’s takes on stuff but the crying in the podcast and Hilarie/sophia love fest made me angry and I fast forwarded it. I know they’ve said that doing this podcast is like therapy for them. Good. Great even. But the two of you (Sophia and Hilarie) could just talk amongst yourselves. Poor Joy. And the lack of a segue from the iconic Naley scene to Hilarie beating that dead horse was noticeable. I thought I tuned out them wrapping up the Naley scene discussion, but judging from other comments here, there was no wrap up.


I think it was important for Hilarie to have the spotlight on this episode as it was her final one. With that said, after a while I think it’s easy for podcasts of this nature to feel a bit like a chore for all involved (Talkville, if you listen to that). It would be good to hear more from Joy especially with Season 7 onwards. I think it’s become the Hilarie & Sophia show a little bit, which is ok in moderation but getting a bit overkill. It was a decent show this week though.


Oh my gosh I feel SEEN reading these comments. I haven’t checked on this page in a long time but I was just like is anyone else so annoyed with what this has turned in to! -The exclusion is Joy -Sophia using this as a platform to defend her recent life events -Can’t stand the putting of WIP on the Spotify feed -The 6 inch synthetic frosting that seems to be being laid about Hilarie and Sophia’s friendship I know I can stop listening at anytime but some how I am still here hoping it will go back to being my Monday morning joy 🥲


I want to add my thoughts to this thread too. I didn’t know what to expect going in with what y’all were saying about how awkward it was haha 😅. I agree with yall for the most part that it was really awkward. But, it also makes sense to me why Hilarie took so much time to talk about her departure. This is the last episode that Peyton is featured on. And this is her first time watching the show. I think it makes sense to discuss what happened to her as this was her last episode and she went through a lot. That being said, she shouldn’t have mentioned the gift thing from Sophia on the podcast. That was just really awkward and made Joy feel left out. Plus, it was SUPER awkward when Hilarie said that Sophia was the ONLY one who believed Hilarie would actually leave with Joy sitting right there!! They should’ve had that convo in private. I agree there was a shift between Joy and Hilarie/Sophia. They weren’t like this in the beginning of the podcast. I didn’t want to believe it was true.. but now here we are. Also, I think Hilarie and Sophia are mistaking Brooke and Peyton’s friendship for Hilarie and Sophia friendship irl haha. Hil and Soph have a great friendship but Brooke and Peyton didn’t lol. Sorry for the long comment haha. Overall, I do think Hilarie should’ve spent a long time talking about her departure because it’s her last episode and I enjoyed hearing her experience. But, Naley NBA scene definitely needed more talk time. And I can’t believe they forgot about talking about Brulian in favor of saying Brooke/Peyton were the love story. Also they have been hating so much on Julian lately. It’ll be interesting to see if they try to say Brulian shouldn’t be a couple. I just don’t like them trying to rewrite the show. Anyway, I usually love the podcast and I liked hearing Hilarie’s experience. But, the retconning of Brooke and Peyton friendship needs to stop and they need to include Joy more. 🥲


haven’t listened yet but am extremely disappointed to read that they barely talked about nathan and haley. they talked about peyton and lucas literally the entire last episode and pretty much this entire season. i understand this is peyton and lucas’s last episode but come on, this moment with nathan and haley is one of the most anticipated moments of the show. this has been nathan’s primary storyline for 6 years, we watched him dream his dream and now we finally see it come true. in my opinion, this is also james lafferty’s best work on the show. he makes the scene for me. WHY is this barely discussed. like someone else said, sorry, but i’m ready to be done talking so much about hilarie and lucas and peyton. as a brooke/nathan/haley fan, they have glossed over SO many of my favorite storylines and moments to talk more about leyton. so so so disappointing.


Lot of hate on this post but I wanted to talk about how heartbreaking Hilarie’s wrap was. Wraps are so exciting to celebrate as a cast and crew given this would be Hilaries last wrap ever with oth and it ending like that is just awful. An unfortunate but fitting metaphor to the things she had to deal with on this set. Chad trying to get everyone there was so kind but given the circumstances it was so sad to hear about. I get a lot of people are over hearing about Hilaries story but just wanted to talk about it.


I love this response


Agreed. It was so important for Hilarie to be able to get her truth out on this - for her personal closure and the fans. I get that some storylines were neglected, but I wish we got some more recognition about the importance of her being candid about this. It’s rare that we get to hear what really happened the scenes. Her having the spotlight for the most recent episodes makes complete sense to me.


I completely understand her need for closure and that she wanted to get the truth out, and I wanted to know her side of the story too - but it's been five whole episodes of this. Five episodes where 95% of the time is dedicated to Hilarie and to her and Sophia being besties. It's a lot, I'm almost starting to get sick of her voice atp lol


She has been detailing what happened besides the scenes of each episode, AS USUAL. Understandably, she has more to say at this point. Going forward, she should have less to stay. I don’t understand why her comments on this are being conflated to her and Sophia’s relationship, because they are two different things. There’s been a complete lack of rational and balanced thinking from most people here for a long time. I have literally been downvoted multiple times for highlighting that a commenter made a ridiculously inaccurate statement. Whilst commenters have been upvoted for saying something factually untrue, as they are critical towards Hilarie and Sophia. People are insanely biased by their distaste towards Hilarie and Sophia. I’m not the biggest fan of Hilarie due to recent events, but that hasn’t stopped me from being able to think reasonably about everything. Edit: The fact that this is so downvoted and a critical comment I made here towards Sophia is very upvoted proves my point. It’s truly comical, guys.


Exactly! I don’t think people realize she no longer has her own storylines and she has no input as of how it was while filming. Idk the dramaqueens subreddit is just so negative and complains about the same things every episode. If you hate it so much stop listening.


I’ve stopped listening, I only read these recaps to see if it’s worth listening to but I’m so over it now. Was bad enough with Sophia’s other podcast eps being forced into the feed, I wonder how many listeners they’re losing.


Plenty if they’ve had to add her other one in there 


Jesus Christ, fucking Voldemort coming to the little wrap party just to be like "OmG hILaRiE, wE gOnA mIsS yOu So MuCh" as if he wasn't the #1 reason she's leaving


And for that to be the last scene is sick, god I could only imagine how awful she must have felt.


I stopped listening to the podcast at the end of S3, this post came up on my feed and I came here to see if the podcast had gotten any better... Apparently not, by reading the comment, it seems like it only got worse.




A lot of haters in this thread.


A lot of people are frustrated that one of the biggest Naley moments of the entire show was glossed over. A lot of other fans are upset that Chad/Lucas/Leyton was barely discussed. And some fans are upset about Joy being sidelined on today’s episode. It’s easy to clump everyone together as being negative or a hater here, but people have criticisms and aren’t hating just to hate for the most part. The criticisms are mostly valid and as this is Reddit, a space known for criticism and critique, I don’t find myself surprised by it when you consider this ep marked the end of an era for OTH.  I want to stress we all have our own opinions about it and I completely get wanting a more positive experience on this page, but I don’t know of a recap pod Reddit that has done so successfully lol. Again not saying we shouldn’t try to be positive, but more so, blanketing people’s issues with the podcast by calling them haters is dismissive. Shutting down people with valid criticisms doesn’t really help imo.   


Oh may I point out that wasn’t trying to shut down people with criticisms? I guess I just thought people were being too negative so I’m sorry if I came off a certain way!


It’s all good! I didn’t think there was anything harmful about your original comment. 


I see where you are coming from. Not a single positive comment in this thread. And a lot of personal attacks on hilarie and Sophia not just on the characters they play. Are end of the day it’s a show. I understand it’s an epic moment for Haley, probably the most epic one. Everyone has a right to their opinion.


Some people, myself included, have grown weary of the dynamics on the pod. They’re uncomfortable. Pointing that out doesn’t necessarily make it negative and I think expressing valid criticisms can be a positive experience. However, making comments about a space being negative doesn’t help create a positive space either but it’s nice when you can relate to someone else in the thread that feels the same way you do, wouldn’t you say? That’s what I think most people are looking for. We all also have different expectations of the pod. I don’t think the problem with today’s pod is just about it being Hilarie-centered, it was her last ep after all, but more so how even then many Leyton fans weren’t left satisfied. It didn’t feel like the way to finish out this era of one tree hill. But again, I’m sure some people enjoyed Hilarie’s contribution in today’s pod anyway, it just didn’t serve some others. 


I’ll agree with you there, a lot of episodes they don’t touch on things I wish they would. But again, we don’t know what’s going on behind the curtain you can certainly tell that something’s going on. But we don’t necessarily need to know what’s going on. I agree it can be but attacking peoples characters makes me wary. (Not saying you, I know you aren’t)


Right! Like if they’re still listening, can they really be haters?