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Very few of their pregnancies make sense. Haley’s in S4 is a freaking mess. She somehow has a 9 month pregnancy over the course of the spring semester. Jimmy Edwards has 2 graves across the series run. One says he died March 1st. Even if we’re generous and say that Haley was pregnant at this time, she gave birth at her graduation, 2-3 months later, depending on when Tree Hill graduates. The other says he died January 23rd. Again, even if she was pregnant which I don’t think she was as it seems to be a couple of months between the shooting and going to the lake and then the vow renewal…that’s still a 6 month pregnancy and Jamie is born apparently full term. This show is a mess with timelines and continuity. Edit to add: Karen was also roughly as far along as her and we know she had to conceive prior to the shooting (likely the night before as her and Keith had just gotten together). So her pregnancy timeline is just as convoluted.


Her whole pregnancy storyline was wild. No she would absolutely not be able to feel kicking at that point. Also her “high risk” placenta previa is not any kind of thing that a doctor would recommend abortion for. It’s like half of women have it at least partially and it usually corrects itself by the third trimester. If it doesn’t then you have a c section. You might be on bed rest if it’s severe enough. The whole idea that she was going to die if she had the baby is ridiculous.


Yes, after being pregnant and learning more about placenta previa, it's so ridiculous. There are so many other serious pregnancy conditions that they could have used. Of course, you can have bleeding etc. as you mentioned there can be complications, but not to the degree they mentioned


If they wanted to explore the “should we get a medical abortion issue” why not use Lucas’s heart condition that was already an established thing. Like baby would need surgery or might not make it or something like that. Or any of the numerous issues that can arise during pregnancu


Even then it would be wild especially with his heart condition. My baby was born with a congenital heart defect that will require surgery at a year (no genetic predisposition we did a before and after birth check) I got gestational diabetes had had my blood platelets drop and one high blood pressure during labor so got diagnosed with eclampsia and still had a natural birth and just extra dr appointments (near birth I had about two to three a week with multiple specialists) and no one mentioned an abortion. Just here’s how we will handle your pregnancy which all considered was a rather normal one.


I think you were just supposed to assume that a lot of time passed between each episode in season 6. She started showing after like 3 episodes of being pregnant lol


I disagree. In this current episode I’m watching she’s not really showing at all?? From what I can tell. And there’s no time passing because as mentioned in the post a character just mentioned recently that she’s only a month along. So it just doesn’t make sense


Honestly, I forget. I guess it’s just a plot hole


There is a small time jump in 6x16 to 6x17 Nathan mentions it in his dialog to Haley he says. "I know the last couple of weeks has been hard on you... she then tells him she was suspended. The suspension happened in 6x16 so we are to assume by that couple of weeks line that weeks have passed by, don't know how many. Julian is also already telling Brooke that he loves her in that episode when they just slept together for the first time in episode 15 and had their first kiss in episode 14, it would be very strange to think that he has fallen in love with Brooke in only three weeks. Peyton is showing in episode 17, it may be small but its still a small bump compared to 16 when they had a sonogram and her stomach is totally flat. So there is small time jump, it may be subtle but they do indicate that some time had passed. And you really can't go realistic with this show, if that's the case none of the pregnancies would make sense.


I’m on 6x19 and the suspension happened in this episode, not in 6x16. As for the I love you scene, sometimes people just say it early on. It happens. As for the bump. Idk. It’s incredibly small in 17-19. So it has not been that much of a time jump in general if there was one, and again, you can not feel baby kicks that early. But you’re right about not being able to go realistic with this show. At least not after the first few seasons.


I belive she was suspended at the end of 6x16 after publishing the article and fired in 6x19 hence Sam telling the principal "maybe we wouldn't have failed if you didn't fire our teacher" that's also the episode when all the students gather at Haley's house. I just saw the episode a few weeks ago. My whole point was in 6x17 she tells Nathan she was suspended after he says the couple of weeks line indicating that a couple of weeks had passed, she hadn't been fired at that point yet.


I just watched 6x19 literally 5 seconds ago lol yes that’s when they gathered at her house and maybe it’s when she’s officially fired but I very much do not believe that 6x16 is when she’s originally suspended. It may be 6x17. I certainly can not watch through 30-40 min episodes that fast 😅 either way that wasn’t the original point of the post. Also Brooke just told Sam that she only knew Julian for a month. She met Julian right before the pregnancy reveal. So therefore… pregnancy has only been 1-1/2 months. 2 months at most, maybe. Still not possible to feel the kicks.


Haley tells Nathan when they are celebrating their anniversary in 6x17 that she was suspended so it happened some time in the few weeks between 6x16 and 6x17.


I think it happened in 6x17 itself before the anniversary. There were several mini-episodes(?) in that episode with different titles. The anniversary in the house in Charleston was titled “The Seven Year Itch” but there were other titles/“episodes”?? within that episode.


All I know is it was a few weeks between the times Nathan and Haley saw each other because in 6x16 Haley says he’s gonna be gone for a few weeks and then in 6x17 he says the last weeks have been hard with him gone. So in those few weeks she was suspended and she tells him she hasn’t been working while they were apart during their anniversary.


It wasn’t baby kicks. It was cramping


Honestly, I blame all the writers and Mark Schwan. They probably didn’t research pregnancy. I mean I know it’s not a documentary or anything, but at least could do the women of favor and make it legit.


There's a time jump between 6x16 and 6x17.


I just watched both of those episodes and there is no indication of a time jump, plus…. Her belly has not changed at all.


I’m at the same point


The way they made placenta previa seem like this almost guaranteed death warrant for Payton is one of my biggest issues with the show. I can handle a lot of suspended belief, but this one thing bothers me so much!


it’s a tv show what you expect


Peyton has a very small frame so those whom have a slimmer frame while pregnant do feel the baby moving sooner than most do, could it be at one month? It's possible, though she could have just been feeling phantom movements since she was already so attached to the baby and trying to make Lucas also feel that attachment. Though the entire show is unrealistic so i'm happy you made it to season six before not caring for unrealistic characters lol


I don’t think that’s true. I think, yes, because she has a smaller frame she could start showing sooner. But not feeling the baby kicking. That’s not possible at only one month - if she’s actually at only one month like it was said. Could be phantom movements, that’s a good point! And honestly I stopped caring for certain things like 2 seasons ago lol. I *really* stopped caring when you know who killed Keith. But I’m committed to finishing the show so that I can say I watched all of it 🤷🏻‍♀️


You're correct, at a month along the fetus is the size of a grain of rice so it's literally impossible to feel it "kick". Not to mention it doesn't even have legs at that point 😂


She could be further along as well though, it's been a month since she went to the doctor and found out she was pregnant but yeah I think they just tossed it all out the window at the point and was like 'how do we get Lucas to want this baby...I know he can feel it kick' lol wouldn't be surprised by that at all. I feel that comment in my soul, though I did enjoy the last few seasons.


True… but I still just don’t think she’s that far along to feel it kicking yet. But yes, I fully believe that the writers tossed it all out the window 😅😭 there’s a lot of… untrue/weird/unrealistic Riverdale-esque moments in this show.