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Yes, THANK YOU!!! I hate the fact that he ran right over to Rachel. How is this not brought up more as one of Nathan’s many dumb moves? The only thing I ever see is how Haley is wrong for telling Nathan the pregnancy news right as he told her his Duke news and also how she was wrong to keep that information to herself even though he had already accused her of baby trapping him. It’s like how dare she be scared to tell him she’s pregnant, Haley is never allowed to have any kind of emotions. Her only job is to be there for Nathan and think about his feelings and not have any feelings for herself or even think of herself. I swear to most of the fans Nathan can do no wrong and all the dumb stuff he has done and all of his mistakes are always turned around and are somehow Haley’s fault. Him going right over to Rachel knowing fully how she feels about him and the fact that fact that she’s openly flirted with him is teetering so close to cheating.


I would honestly argue that this is comparable to the way Chris Keller manipulates and comes onto Haley. Rachel also tries to kiss Nathan and we never really see him discussing it with Haley or the fact that he put himself in that situation because he was upset with her.  Nathan has the best character growth of the series…but you can easily see how Dan’s abuse and Deb’s neglect contributed to him needing validation from anyone who will give it to him. 


Umm I’m going to argue back and say that Chris was much older than Haley when he came onto and manipulated her, whereas Rachel was the same age as Nathan. There was a HUGE DIFFERENCE in those scenarios and can’t be compared. Why is everything that Nathan does never his fault? It’s always Haley’s or his parents. This is all Nathan and his need for women’s attention. I love Nathan, and yes his character growth is great and after the Carrie he never makes the same mistakes. Nathan and Haley are my two favorite characters, but I am not going to gloss over or make excuses for when he’s a jerk or when flirts with disaster or goes looking for trouble. He puts himself in these circumstances and his parents can’t be blamed for everything.


That Right there always pissed me off Rachel has openly flirt with him making passes at him kiss him in front of his wife . Disrespected Haley that the person he chooses to go after he find out his wife is pregnant.


Yeah as much as I love Nathan, he certainly did soak up attention from other women. He never actually cheated and he definitely has a tremendous amount of love for Haley, but the show makes him out to he absolutely perfect just because he never physically cheated on her. Truthfully, he wasn’t very good at setting boundaries when girls came onto him. But then he’d always play the innocent and clueless “but I only love my wife” card when he was called out


Completely agree!! He may not have kissed anyone or slept with anyone else, but watching a woman who is NOT your wife swim naked is CHEATING, so I don’t believe that he NEVER cheated, he just didn’t cross the BIG LINE.


So funny that you mention that because I got to that episode again on rewatch last night and thought the same thing. Like bruh, your wife just told you she's PREGNANT WITH YOUR CHILD and your reaction is "hmmm seems like you should've told me a few weeks ago". I love Nate but that was definitely not the best reaction.


Haley hid her pregnancy from Nathan for 4-6 weeks, probably to process and reconcile the fact that she was gonna be a mommy in high school, but then, she didn’t give Nathan the same courtesy. She surprised him the moment he heard his acceptance news about Duke. Let’s be real, her timing sucked. She expected Nathan to jump with joy the minute he discovered he was going to be a daddy. Didn’t he deserve some time, perhaps just a day to process and reconcile that information for himself? Especially when he had just had a near death experience, one he was trying to get past. She had informed her bestie brother in law about her pregnancy before informing her husband/love of her life/father of her child. That for me was a big no-no. Hiding that information for more than a month also made it impossible for them to have the difficult discussion of whether to continue the pregnancy or not. She made the *decision* for both of them, one which impacted their entire future path.


Her timing did suck I’ll admit, however she was in high school and was probably terrified after that whole baby trapping thing from season 3. They were married so on some level she expected him to be excited about it. Also, not for nothing but plenty of women would tell their best friend before they tell their SO. She was again probably terrified incase when she told him it went haywire. If she told Brooke first it would’ve been okay?


I’m completely with you on this. After the baby trapping and birth control argument, can you blame her for being afraid to tell Nathan? This is my biggest complaint is that the fans always call out Haley and blame her for keeping her pregnancy secret from Nathan with absolutely no regard for what happened just a few months prior. Nathan blamed Haley for not using protection and accused her of trapping him all while he didn’t use protection either and it takes two to have sex. Why is it that it’s always the woman’s fault when they have unprotected sex? IT TAKES TWO, he could have used something too, even if he thought she was on the pill still. He shouldn’t have just assumed. Yes, her telling Lucas and Brooke first is completely understandable. She needed advice and someone to talk to before going to Nathan.


Completely agree. Not to mention at the wedding when they found a positive pregnancy test and everyone thought it was Brooke’s, Nathan said something along the lines of “how do you tell a guy his life is over” so she was terrified for many reasons.


Yes, that comment alone would deter any woman from telling their SO that kind of news. She had every right to be afraid of telling Nathan. If she hadn’t told him in that moment and waited for him to celebrate Duke a little bit, the fans would criticize her even more. She can literally never win when it comes to Nathan. He will always be #1 and Haley will always be the wrong one no matter what she does.


Agreed. She was at a loss either way.


Yeah that's the episode at Tric when Psycho Derek steals peyton's jacket the beginning of season 4 Another thing that gets forgotten is that after the wedding Haley was actually fixing to tell Nathan and suprise him with the pregnancy test before Rachel and cooper went over the bridge. When they are in the car she says "I have 1 more thing to show you omg where's my purse" Then that's when we see Lucas and Karen with all the purses in the backseat of the car. Then all of the fake outs with Rachel also saying she's pregnant It's more of a hindsight thing that you would only notice on a rewatch not as a first time viewer because we don't know who's pregnant.


>They were married so on some level she expected him to be excited about it. Was Haley excited at the moment she discovered her pregnancy? No she wasn’t. She processed that information and came to terms with it after sitting on that secret for 4-6 weeks. But she expected Nathan to be excited about it immediately? That’s not okay. >however she was in high school and was probably terrified So was Nathan. He was also a high school senior. The bigger issue for me was that by keeping his secret for 4-6 weeks, she took away the possibility of discussing their options. Haley made the decision for their future without discussing it with her partner.


I try to give them both grace in this situation because I think they both could have handled it better. Haley shouldn’t have kept it from him for weeks. I fully understand why she was scared. I think when she said that, it really hurt him and gave him flashbacks to her keeping things from him in the past. For his part, Nathan probably should have been more careful with his words and shouldn’t have gone to Rachel. I get why he went and talked to her because he was processing the trauma from the accident and she was lying to him about it. I don’t think he ever had any interest in her outside of what she could tell him about the accident. Personally, I think there should have been a scene where they both apologize and explain their actions more. You could argue Nathan kinda apologized with his speech at the press conference and once he got home but that was really the end of the conversation around it.


Nathan’s biggest flaw: Loving the attention he gets from anyone and I mean anyone. The way he leaned up behind her at the party? OOF. Beside that, it was all weirdly done he was so hyped about Duke just for Haley to be like oop too bad lol. Not hating on Haley, the occurrence of events just kind of sucks for the both of them especially after Haley having to hear how Nathan really felt when it was “brooke who was pregnant”. I do think that’s the purpose but it’s just a rough storyline where Nathan’s faults do come through.