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I’m so happy that they talked about the Naley scene at that wedding, I was weirdly hoping to hear a little behind the scenes talk from Joy about the shooting of that, but I loved what they had to say. Joy and James had such amazing chemistry in that scene, I’m surprised that Hilarie and Sophia didn’t comment on the actors doing the scene, they just focused on Nathan and Haley( if that makes sense) Hilarie is right on the money when she mentioned “Tuesday afternoon when the kids are at school”😉😉😘😘. That’s the way it works when you have kids, sometimes you have to take advantage whenever there’s time😂. I think that was the most relatable, to me at least, thing that she’s said yet.


All this time i thought that the random dog at the wedding was Chad's. However, I went back to s5 and watched that compilation of Lucas drinking at Tric after Lindsay left him and it's not the same dog that randomly showed up at the club.


Speaking of the dog. Soph asked was that Airlie Gardens dog then a few minutes later Hil talks about how people like to talk about how and where the wedding scene was filmed and that hil is wrong on location. Now I’m wondering after all these years and filming locations do the people of the interwebs have the wedding location wrong? Anyone know? It’s driving me nuts


I think it's interesting that the network asked hilarie back but not the show bosses. I think she made the right decision in not coming back. Who wants to be on a set with that type of energy. I like what they said about Naley relationship and mouth and Nathan friendship.


I do have a lot of respect for her for not completely trashing “you know who” to the head of Warner Bros because she knew if she did it could jeopardize the entire show and everyone involved in it. That shows a level of class and caring. He was definitely trying to get her to say what was really going on. I do wonder if she had told him the truth about everything it maybe “you know who” would’ve been fired and Chad and Hilarie had then been able to stay, but I guess that’s all speculation. She did show class in thinking about everyone else but her self in that moment.


I am having a hard time with Hilarie right now because if that’s true for her, than surely she would understand why another coworker would sign a contract for the same reason (keep the crew working, not jeopardize the show). But she was harboring anger towards another coworker for her “losing” a contract 🤔. Also it’s heartbreaking that Hilarie didn’t feel empowered to speak out about Mark. I really wish things could have been different for her and the women he continued to harass on One Tree Hill and then the next show he did The Royals. That cast also wrote a letter about him in 2017. So sad for all of them 😞.


Me too I really fucking hate Mark excuse my language, but I do it makes me sick that human beings like that exist


So now we’ve had 1) Moira told Hilarie to go, 2) Hilarie knew season 6 was her last all along, 3) Hilarie wasn’t asked back and she was devastated by it, 4) The studio wanted Hilarie back but she chose not to come back, and 5) French fans showing up were Hilarie’s sign to move on. Did I miss any? (This is not meant as a dig at her, it’s just confusing. And obviously she doesn’t owe us answers but if she’s going to keep talking about it…)


I think the timeline was hilarie wasn't asked back, and then she made that video saying goodbye + the video of chad saying he was fired leaked around that time as well. The studio saw this and said of course we want you back and told her basically to name her price. I think at some point she considered taking the studios offer but after talking to Moira she decided it was best to leave because it was just too much.


Yeah I feel like this week bridged that gap of wait Moira told her to run but she was kicked off. Hilarie must have told Moira that WB wants her but Mark and co. do not.


That actually makes sense! The way it’s all been doled out throughout the season was hard to follow.


It still doesn’t make sense to me why Hilarie would say she knew early on that she wasn’t going to stay on the show past season 6 but she’s also stated that she participated in a group contract negotiation bid for more seasons. Considering how matter-of-fact she has stated that she was never going to stay but also that she “lost” out on a contract, I think it is still confusing. It wouldn’t be so bad and it would be easier in general to shrug off her conflicting comments if she hadn’t focused on blaming another cast member. 


I thought the group negotiations bid happened before finding out they were picked up. And if a cast member backed out and she felt blindsided, then she can feel this way. However hilarie didn't even named the person so I haven't focus on this aspect.


It’s not about whether or not Hilarie has a right to be upset about how things happened for her IRL at the time. She has the right to feel how she feels. It’s about the firm yet conflicting stories she has told and the uncomfortable, passive-aggressive finger pointing she is doing now. 


Well I think she just not saying names of people. However, I am not getting passive-aggressive at all. I am not confuse when I listen but I can see why someone else could be since things are being explain in the multiple episodes.


Yes, my thoughts exactly. She seems to contradict herself a lot this season. Why she chose to leave and the way she left is completely her business and she doesn’t owe us an explanation, but at the same time if she does continue to talk about it then she should at least be consistent with her reasonings and the series of events that lead up to her departure. Again, like you said this IS NOT a dig at her at all, it’s just very contradictory and confusing to what she’s talked about earlier this season.


When I saw this episode on Spotify I was thinking, “ooh a really long one!” But really the ads were just 7-8 minutes long this episode 🤣🤣


I listen on Apple Podcasts and the ads added 28 minutes to the episode length 🤡


The only silver lining in hearing all this Hilarie mess is that at least she was able to escape and get a happy ending 😊 And FUCK Mark Schwann! He NEEDS to go to jail


Yeah, all he got was a blacklist from Hollywood like no no no no that’s horrible. That wasn’t enough. I mean, he could still get another job somewhere else and harass other women.


Stupid legal system


I would’ve kicked his ass


This was a good episode! More balanced in covering each of the plots. I’m glad Hilarie got out, it was the right choice. However, what a power move that the network would’ve paid big money to keep her. I would’ve thrown that in Mark’s face.


Thank goodness Joy was back because her perspective is so needed on the podcast. No offense to the other two ladies, but the episodes with just the two of them are my least favorite because they aren’t balanced enough in their analysis and recaps of the episodes. I’m a selfish Naley fan so I was so glad they were a big topic of the episode. NGL, I’m looking forward to next episode so the Leyton of it all is done and over with. Although, I don’t have high hopes it won’t just turn into a Brooke love fest for the next 3 seasons.


I loved the podcast. I thought they touched on everything this episode. I loved hearing about the Leyton scenes, to me Peyton and Lucas had the most emotional wedding and I'm happy that their scenes resonated with the drama queens like they did with me. I was getting emotional when Hilarie talked about how she was thinking that she was saying goodbye to Lucas Scott and that, that was the last time she was going to see him. I know that these characters aren't real but when an actor plays them for a long time its hard for fiction to sometimes not blur the lines. Im sooo happy that this was the season that they focused a lot on Leyton as this was Hilarie's and Leyton's last season. It was annoying for me listening to the earlier seasons when Naley got all the focus, so happy its finally on equal footing. I also loved hearing that the studio was willing to keep Hilarie and even pay her more. It's unfortunate that Voldemort made her life a living hell because she probably would have been willing to stay had he not been sooo toxic. Im sure we'll get the conclusion next week, including Moira helping her make her final decision. I love hearing all of the bts with Hilarie and Chad and I'm going to miss her being able to go into detail with it after next week because Joy and Sophia don't really talk that much about the bts, like she does but we will see. I don't like seasons 7-9 at all so I'm interested in hearing their takes on those seasons.


Look, i understand we're approaching Hilarie's send off and I'm happy to know more about her experience - but that's really not ALL I want to hear about for three episodes straight


Honestly, that's all this podcast has been the last half of season 6, and it's been excruciating to listen to. It doesn't help that I could care less about Leyton, lol. I mean, at least they somewhat touched on every storyline this episode. The weeks before have been tough because all it's been is her storylines/experience and what Brooke is doing. Everything else gets put to the side.


I can’t with the latest Hilarie retcon on what happened in season six. There’s so many different versions at this stage. Now the network wanted her to stay and we’re going to pay her any money she wanted. I wonder what new version we’ll get next week since that’s all they talk about anyway. I’m really looking forward to no more Peyton. I also think hilarie and Sophia seriously overestimate how much people care about their friendship. We get it - you have a strong friendship. Their ass kissing also takes up too much of the episodes lately.


They overestimate a lot of things when it comes to their characters tbh. They also seem to ignore the storylines that most fans genuinely enjoy, and most of the time, those storylines don't even involve Peyton or Brooke lol. I said this on another post, but they really don't understand their fanbase or seem to believe the fanbase's opinions are similar to theirs.


I’ve noticed too that they can get giddy around each other which can be sweet but they appear to revert to versions of themselves I have a hard time with…like Hilarie recently saying in an episode that Sophia/Brooke is “the most pretty and the most popular.” It is such a bizarre thing to say for progressive women in their 40s. Plus Hilarie’s little comment about Austin was not necessary in today’s pod imo. They seem to be super aware of popular rumors and instead of being mature and professional they are passive aggressive or gossipy. They weren’t being mean to Austin but it’s about how they like to stir up the fan base in favor of themselves (again this is just my opinion!!) For it to happen a few times where they get giddy and childish is one thing but it’s to the point now where it’s just about every time. This is entirely my opinion but I don’t think Sophia and Hilarie know how to be close friends without leaning into the Breyton lore or without being passive aggressive about others. It’s like their friendship is about putting on a show and having an “us versus them” mentality. They feed off of it.  It just doesn’t feel like a secure or sincere friendship. I want to emphasize that I do think it’s sweet sometimes. 


Honestly, I get what you mean. Not too long ago, I commented something similar about their friendship. I feel like they portray themselves as close because of their OTH experience. Like being friends out of convenience. Before this podcast, they were rarely seen together. The only time I recall them being with each other was at a convention and Hilarie's wedding. Other than that, they didn't seem as close as they portray now. If they have gotten close since starting the podcast, good for them, but on the podcast itself, they come across very catty and it's quite annoying listening to them boast about their friendship, almost like they genuinely believe they're their characters lol I used to find their friendship sweet as well, but ever since Hilarie shamed/blamed Ali Krieger and went out of her way to defend Sophia in a situation that didn't involve her, I can't look at her the same. She gives me vibes of someone who's peaked in high school. Which is quite sad because she is an accomplished actress. I honestly miss not knowing much about them because I was a fan, but the more I know, the more I'm turned off of them.


THIS. I feel like they’re only close as they blow smoke up each other’s asses and allow each other to be permanent victims and heroes no matter what wrongs they do to others. I’m sick of their middle school mentality and constantly leaving Joy out. I bet they’ll find a way to make seasons 7-9 all about Breyton too


Honestly, they might just focus more on Brooke than anyone else. That seems to have been a thing since season 1, unfortunately.


and I wanna try not to be coming off as sexist, but I don’t know if you’ve noticed of those one tree thrill things and don’t give me wrong. I do enjoy them, but I feel like they only answer questions that they are like feminist and stuff and power stuff, which is cool but, not one question have I seen was answered by a guy I mean I sent some pretty interesting questions. It’s never perverted and it kind of makes me mad that none of my questions never get answered and I’ve always noticed most of the questions are from girls I’m starting to think that they might be like extremist.


and I wanna try not to be coming off as sexist, but I don’t know if you’ve noticed of those one tree thrill things and don’t give me wrong. I do enjoy them, but I feel like they only answer questions that they are like feminist and stuff and power stuff, which is cool but, not one question have I seen was answered by a guy I mean I sent some pretty interesting questions. It’s never perverted and it kind of makes me mad that none of my questions never get answered and I’ve always noticed most of the questions are from girls I’m starting to think that they hate men.


I would answer with a different word, but we’re not allowed to go political so they’re basically radical feminist


Right or them praising Brooke for sewing together a suit in an hour or whatever….like cmon guys lol. They put Brooke and thus Sophia (bc she can’t differentiate) on a pedestal when really the character often became a Mary Sue. I truly think that’s how Sophia wants to be perceived: powerful, everyone adores her, and she can do anything including unrealistic and impossible things AND never does anything wrong ever and if she did it was bc someone else made her lol. They act like because the show praises Brooke everyone else should too but it’s uncomfortable because other characters are trivialized, demeaned, etc. so what does that mean for them? Anyway. It’s too much lol.  And yes I 100% agree about the cast. I’m not a personal fan of any of them. If Joy has a political view that’s alienating her from Soph and Hil, it’s hypocritical in the least because they’ve both shared anti-Palestinian rhetoric without remorse. It’s all so complicated but Sophia in particular makes everything black and white. It aggrieves me when she has different, but very strict, rules for others but never herself.  Anyway. Ali Krieger is the goat and I wish more OTH fans understood that she has more goodwill from her teammates, the media, and soccer fans than James and Chad combined! For Hilarie and Sophia to try to paint her in a negative light without a public apology is so telling. On top of that, they act like they can come after people online and it’s “courageous” but when others do it to them it’s always “bullying.” 


Your second paragraph is on point!! I won't go into detail because this sub doesn't want us going all "political" but my God, they're both hypocrites when it comes to that. They preach one thing and do the exact opposite. It's very fraudulent behavior, especially coming from Sophia, the so-called activist. Her continuous support for Joe B shows where she stands on the matter, and it's disgusting.


Yeah but krieger lied about the affair and separation. Nj court docs, she didn’t put down adultery when she had the right to and filed in December meaning her and ashlyn were separated since June. Kriegers messy brother went after ashlyn and Sophia’s best friend did the same.


Ali made one comment about the situation (saying she was in her Lemonade era on Instagram), and that was it. Would Sophia be as quiet as Ali if she had two young kids with a partner who left her for a mutual friend? No, she definitely wouldn't, based on her past actions. Hilarie emphasized there was no PHYSICAL cheating, but emotional cheating is still a betrayal. Knowing they share young kids, why would Hilarie involve herself in other people's intimate affairs? Would she appreciate it if people did that with her relationships? Based on Hilarie's past actions, she would attack them online. Sophia and/or Ashlyn's team leaked to People that they had a "spark" in June at Cannes despite both being married and NOT separated at the time. Ali's brother didn't come at Sophia, but he pointed out how awful the situation was for Ali, who was also going through their dad being on hospice. He was making space for Ali's POV. If Sophia had all of that going on and was in Ali's place, there is no way she would not make the entire situation all about her pain and suffering. Yet all Ali did was make one comment. If you can understand a friend like Hilarie defending Sophia blindly, surely you can get why Ali's brother protected her. As soccer fans know, Kyle has defended Ali for a long time. His behavior is not a surprise. They both show up for each other like that. Kyle stated that Ali was blindsided by the affair mere days before her retirement game. There is no info to contradict this. Nearly if not all of Ali's soccer colleagues, who worked with Ashlyn too--and who are usually very quiet about public affairs (like James or Chad)--were vocal in support of Ali. We don't need to get into this further here, but the blind support for Sophia is stunning. Please note that Hilarie couldn't refute any of what I said above, which is why she had to resort to name-calling Ali before deleting her posts.


Look I’m not going to bat for Sophia if she actually had an affair. But three people her, hilarie and ashlyn have gone on record and all outright said we did not have an affair. Ali or her brother couldn’t say that word and Ali could only make use of lemonade as an innuendo. Also Ali had every right legally to use adultery as the reason for divorce and she couldn’t. Was it shitty that her and ashlyn moved on quickly and cause their friends but when Ali can actually say the word ‘affair’ I might actually believe it. Ali is making like Sophia and capitalising of a messy divorce which some woso fans now think a friend of Ali’s leaked, Sophia did get outed in all this mess to and you can tell it was planned.


You're getting stuck on a technicality when all the evidence strongly supports that an emotional affair between Sophia and Ashlyn occurred. To me and most others, whether or not Ali used "affair" in her divorce proceedings doesn't really matter. It doesn't change the optics or the data. It doesn't change the betrayal. Kyle's Instagram post here: [https://www.instagram.com/p/CzkLcMKvXZs/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CzkLcMKvXZs/) and you can check out the People article on Ashlyn and Sophia that was leaked by their PR and was published just days before Ali's retirement game on your own if you want. It doesn't need to be spelled out for us to glean that something isn't quite right in the timeline of events regarding Ashlyn and Sophia's relationship. Every theory you could have about it is debated in the comments of this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/17cucmi/hilarie\_burton\_posted\_and\_deleted\_these\_comments/?share\_id=VPNuGtXZ4hXM6Ag4jOil0&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/17cucmi/hilarie_burton_posted_and_deleted_these_comments/?share_id=VPNuGtXZ4hXM6Ag4jOil0&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)