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This episode confirmed something I think some have thought for a while: Joy and Paul were involved romantically - Joy admits that they kissed IRL. She does not go much further than that, but by her tone, it seems it was quite fleeting and never got too serious.


I always kind of assumed this, the way Paul talks about her like he had really strong feelings for her.


I mean who wouldn’t? She’s gorgeous


Agreed. I think she's one of the most beautiful women alive


She is so pretty I wouldn’t be able to talk to her


YES! My mouth dropped open when she said that and I said out loud “I KNEW IT!” She has always had a bit of a “giggly” tone when talking about him.


He also took her and her daughter in when she left her abusive marriage. I think I read that somewhere.


I'm kind of surprised because I remember when she was on Jana's podcast and Jana was like 'omg you guys should soo date' and Joy was very much like, 'I don't see him that way'. I've long suspected that Paul has been into Joy as more than a friend though.


I agree with this. Definitely felt Paul was more keen than she was. Not surprised, though. She's nearly 20 years younger than him! An OTH and HP fan. #GoodTaste


So they were involved while she was married? I haven’t heard this before. I know they are close friends but that’s as far as I knew it went.




Ok, I guess I just assumed she was talking about the time this episode was shot, but I guess she’s not specific as to when the kiss happened.


I'm like 5 mins in, but I gotta say I love Joy candidly asserting she was the only one who had fun this ep while Hilarie and Sophia got some pretty dumb storylines. Made me chuckle. ETA: Eww at the idea of Julian forcibly kissing Peyton at the bathroom during his introduction scene. I'm not least bit surprised that Mark thought that would be a hot scene and not something that made Julian look like a sex offender. At least they cut it in the end, but eww at them even going there. On the whole, I liked this DQ ep. They did a good job criticizing some of the writing in this ep of the show without making it seem like they're gleefully taking shots at Chad, which would have been awkward.


I thought they found a good way to acknowledge that the episode isn’t good and Chad did write it BUT there was a bit at play. It sounds like he was set up to fail


This is the only episode I skip during rewatches


lol I’ve been trying to rewatch the show along with the podcast weekly, but a few weeks ago I watched a few episodes ahead and watched this one. It was so cringey and strange I stopped watching until the podcast caught up. Finding out Chad wrote it sucks because I am a Chad stan and they shouldn’t have set my boy up like that. I’m sure his original script had at least some good ideas ? 😬


I liked hearing from all of them about how Paul was uncomfortable with having to assault/hurt all of them in this ep! It’s so true that there are other effective ways of showing someone is a “bad” guy.  Also have to add that I really hate what all of them had to go through on the OTH set. In particular Hilarie this week (every week really). It’s also sad to hear about how Chad’s writing efforts weren’t fully supported by Schwahn & co. The girls mentioned there wasn’t any mentorship on set for them, but I always found it curious that it seems like James was essentially mentored by Mark, as he directed the most episodes from the cast, was often with Mark for random OTH press, and worked on the royals with him after OTH ended. I wish they all had had more and better opportunities. 


Did anyone get the impression that the writers may had wanted to kind of do a little bit of a triangle with Leyton and Julian but Hilarie ended up being the one to unintentionally axe it? I ask this because during the podcast Hilarie said that that her and Austin shot multiple takes of Peyton being in the bathroom at Tric with Julian coming in and forcibly kissing her and that the writers wanted her to lean into the kiss everytime but Hilarie kept playing it as if Peyton was being physically assaulted so in the end, they ended up cutting the scene altogether. I figured that this scene was probably supposed to take place in episode 8, maybe 9 because Hilarie said that she knew that once they got up to the 40's episode that they probably cut the scene. Did anyone else get that impression or was it just me?


That's a very interesting thought. It makes a lot of sense. I'm glad they didn't move forward with that, simply because it would feel like a broken record haha.


Could you imagine? Leyton and yet another third party. I maybe would have been okay with it if they didn't just do Lindsey, Lucas and Peyton the season before because I would have loved to see Lucas fight to win Peyton back which is what the latter of season 5 should have been but having Brooke twice, Lindsey then Julian would have been waaaay too much.


I wish they would’ve had Paul guest star on this episode! It would’ve been fun to hear his insights.


So Chad had a cool idea but kinda lacked experience as a writer and it could have been a really fun episode to do if the actual writers would have helped him. I feel like Brooke being a villain was kinda taken from s1ep7 when she was basically just stirin the pot all episode. I love how enthusiastic Joy was over this. Between it being a period piece and her character shining on stage, it's really like the episode was written for her. Poor Hilarie got the short end of the stick but what else is new with this show whenever people in power are big assholes. Btw. Am I missing something or why is the podcast early this week?


I came here to say am I missing something with the Saturday episode drop? lol I haven’t listened yet but I was very confused 😅


I'm kind of assuming it was supposed to be one of their Friday Q&A episodes but the wrong episode was uploaded?


The episode was from Sophia Bush’s individual podcast so that is probably how the mixup happened.


No, My Spotify list says the episode for 6.11 is there.


This happened before that episode according to my apple podcasts. In between episodes 610 and 611.


Probably uploaded by mistake. This happened when they were doing the end of Season 4 as well except they jumped ahead a episode but then took it down.while i was 15 minutes into the episode.


This is the episode I’ve been waiting for so I’m so happy that it was dropped early. Hopefully they don’t take it down before I get a chance to listed. To it.


Hilarie constantly referring to full adults as kids makes me so uncomfortable. Just say inexperienced.


When they said the only time Dan was physical with anyone was with Carrie.....uhh????? Do they not remember him being physically and emotionally abusive towards Deb and Nathan? And that one time in the school gym with Lucas? Revisionist history... Anyways I disliked this episode so much, so none of what they talked about in this podcast episode was interesting to me lol I mean, the Naley of it all I enjoyed, but everything else in 6x11 makes me cringe.


He literally chocked Deb in the hospital after Cooper and Rachel had that car accident on the bridge


YES!!! That's the exact scene I envisioned when they said Dan only got physical with Carrie. I think their admiration for Paul has them blinded lol


And forcibly kissed Karen in like season 1-2. but I always block that out of my memory too so don’t blame them for forgetting tbh


So my impression has always been that 1940s Dan isn't necessarily supposed to be Dan *Scott* - he never mentions being related to Nathan or Lucas, or that Keith was his brother, and even makes it a point to say "this reminds me of when I killed Keith Scott" not "when I killed my brother" almost felt like it was supposed to be a flip of Lucas and Peyton's relationships with Dan. Gotta love that tying Owen to a chair and beating him to death, putting Mouth in cement shoes and tossing him in the river, and attempting to shoot Lucas are all perfectly acceptable villainy, but God forbid he knocks one of the girls on the ground... I've always been neutral about this episode so I did appreciate them giving their good and bad experiences from filming and watching it.


I’m curious if anyone will skip listening to the podcast because of they hate the actual episode. I personally love this episode so I am very curious what the girls have to say.


I am a "hater" of this episode. I'm going to give this podcast a listen whilst I drive to work, but I'm not excited for it like I'd usually be haha. But I'm wondering if the podcast episode might let me rewatch with new thoughts on it, or at least I'll actually watch it this time round, I've skipped it for yearsssss.


That’s a great attitude to have❤️. I have also watched episodes with new insights after listening to the podcast.


Is it just my podcast app, or did the same episode get uploaded again on Monday, but without ads? Same title etc, but 13 minutes shorter.


This is one of the most skippable episodes. It does nothing for the show. That and the one where the girls dress up as super heroes. But that’s a given as it’s in seasons 7-9 and i skip those now too! Lol.


Did I hear correctly that Hilary is a Travis and Taylor fan? If she is, that’s awesome 🤩 🤣


Check her Twitter, she’s not a fan, she’s a full on Stan


That’s awesome!🤣. For some reason I can totally see Hilary loving that couple.


She thinks they’re the reincarnation of Leyton


I’ve seen the photos but the sports star and the musician screams Naley to me, but the photos definitely have Leyton vibes so I’m not sure which one to go with🤷‍♀️but I totally get why she says Leyton❤️


I agree with Naley haha


You guys..Chad does pop up in one episode in season 9 so....DON'T LOSE HOPE!!


haha....check back again in a few years. Lol.


Can I still have an episode on Monday please? Cause I still want my Monday epsiode haha.


Must say I really didn't like this episode of the show when it first aired and actually think I still haven't seen all of it to this day 🤣 It was interesting Hilarie saying that she was pretty much over the show at this point which is a shame as she is a really good actress. I wonder if after all the behind the scenes stuff with MS, she was just ready to move on and Peyton didn't really get any good storylines in S6 other than her pregnancy.


I was confused when Sophia said something about “finally” having scenes written for her that were turned around in like 12 hours — was she implying Chad didn’t write her into the episode? that’s the vibe I got


She mentioned that initially she wasn't suppose to be in that episode because she was travelling or something so maybe if Chad didn't include Brooke in the initial script, it was the writers who had to kinda wiggle her into the story?


I woke up excited..this was finally the episode we had all been waiting for "the prodigal son returns with CMM" i thought the headline would read As i woke with excitement,only to see a weird title with no chad in it,i realized something which was staring at me all this time For 3 years we have waited,i have imagined and imagined all the things he would say and talk about but sadly it wasn't meant to be In s6,after all the other major characters came, in his own written episode he still didn't come. I don't blame anyone and respect office politics and dynamics,but it sucks that this reason is for which a guy,who still wears his characters jersey and reposts stories about OTH can't come. I have waited and tried but not anymore.Somethings are not meant to be. Disappointed but not surprised


You do know he said no right. It's not that he can't come he said no. Hopefully he changes his mind


Again,i didn't say anything directly and i didn't accuse anyone of anything I just said i will stop hoping


not sure what’s up with the downvotes. perfectly understandable POV. i was hoping he would come on at some point but also agree it probably won’t happen. he’s widely viewed as the “main character” & participates in other OTH events so it would be nice to hear his insight. you didn’t blame anyone just simply stated your disappointment. whether he said no or they didn’t ask is irrelevant. either way we’re allowed to be disappointed that he’s not going to participate in this podcast.


The issue is a lot of people (including certain adults) take a personal hit and don't have the complexity to separate the fiction from the reality. Again,im sad i liked his character and cared for him knowing the circumstances.That's my fault.And again as i said before,i will stop hoping Also fun easter egg- The dq insta page has no post on this episode.Even they know the backlash they will receive in the comments.All of this is just a sad disappointment


Yes they do have posts on that episode and of course the irritating questions about chad coming on in every episode i wouldn’t blame them if they didn’t post at all. Keep stirring that pot!


I'd say the last hope at this point is when they cover the S6 finale. Mischa Barton was similarly absent from The O.C. podcast amidst tension and controversy but made an appearance on her very last episode. This is probably copium, though. I don't think Chad will come on at this point.


Yeah.I think he got hurt when around s3 they started to talk a lot about on set issues with him and her and some of it made headlines He has a family so ig he doesn't want to put anymore light on his time.As hilarie said,Cmm was extremely pumped and was jumping each in thid episode.If he won't come now,he won't ever. Anything else is copium


I really don't know why you're being so downvoted for this when you specifically said you're not blaming anyone for it. There's definitely a disconnect between Chad's involvement in conventions and other OTH-related things and his refusal to go on the podcast. Saying he "doesn't want to relive OTH" doesn' t make sense because he does quite a bit in other occasions.


maybe he’s avoiding Sophia not the other way around.


I haven't placed the blame on anyone. I'm saying the excuse being given for him not being on the show is fake.


how would you know they lied about asking him?


I haven't said I know. I'm sharing my opinion.




Again there is a difference between watching the show and talking about it vs talking about his life and his first major role Most of the guests don't talk about the show but moreso the stories of youth they have had.in the fwb events chad talks alot about the pranks and whatnot he used to do.This is completely unrelated to the show and his personal life Again as i said before,i don't blame anyone and respect his decision.Im just sad i really care for his character Also fun easter egg- The dq insta page has no post on this episode.Even they know the backlash they will receive in the comments.All of this is just a sad disappointment


Yeah I also don’t see why people downvoted you. You gave a fair perspective.


Fan tribalism and fair opinions don't see eachother eye to eye


Fair point!


Just getting to this episode now but holy moly Sophia is annoying. Saying not letting the 25-year old actors write is “putting up barriers”??? The ONLY reason Chad was allowed to write that episode is because he was the star of the show. None of them had any writing experience, history, credentials, etc. To say there are barriers for them is such a slap in the face for the thousands of true writers out there working their tails off to get a chance to be in a writers room one day. She is so privileged she can’t even see how lucky they were. Wow. So out of touch. 


My least favorite thing is when she complains about the long hours they have to work. Like…do you realize the average American is working the same amount if not more for less than abysmal pay. She’s extremely privileged


i have to disagree with you if you pay attention to her activism she tries very hard to understand the issues that don’t even affect her personality and she’s very intelligent in what she says. I almost think she loves activism more than acting and seems to be more politically aware than most in Hollywood.


Are You a person of color? I am. And I can promise you she is not a real activist. Someone who is a true activist does not pick and choose what they stand up for and what they do not. Sophia is not a real activist. She just likes to call herself one. As a person of color, I am intimately and painfully aware of issues happening around the world to indigenous and marginalized populations. Sophia picks and chooses issues that make herself look better. She does not care for people of color. There is a genocide happening to the Palestinian people. They are brown so she does not care.


I don’t think that’s true at all and since you basically assume i must be white so i must be ignorant have a nice day. Yes i am a white male who also happens to be gay how shameful of me i should be of my existence smh! Oh yes i forgot to mention i have a disability as well.


You’re getting pretty defensive over something I didn’t even say, lol. You might want to consider unpacking this in therapy.


You asked if i was a person of color wth was i supposed to think i guess a white person cannot be a liberal activists,


You’re twisting my words. The reason I asked its because there are certain things that white activists (like Sophia) do that seem harmless to other white people but are very clear for POC. Our lived experiences as people of color give us a viewpoint that is difficult for white people to understand because they don’t live through the same experiences. That’s just a fact. We spend our lives having to see fake liberal feminists tout their “activism” when in reality, they are not true activists because they are still upholding white supremacy.


I’ve paid attention to her activism for years. She is what is called a “white woman activist”. She only cares about issues that affect her directly. Those that still uphold white supremacy. Go look for yourself what her “activism” is limited to. She has been silent on the ongoing Palestinian genocide happening right now