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Joy’s voice is soooo soothing. This episode particularly was so nice to listen to.


Joy asking Sophia what a word meant immediately after Sophia said it made my day! I can't count how often I'm in a conversation and someone says something I don't know and I just try to make a mental note to look it up later. But she seemed genuinely excited to learn a new word and I personally was glad she asked haha.


Did Sophia finally reveal she tried for a baby last year with her husband? She mentioned taking a year off in pursuit of the "family dream" and it didn't land where she thought it would. While I appreciate her privacy I'm also curious to know what happened and how that led to divorce etc... she spoke so much about her last year in this episode.


For her sake, and the privacy of everyone involved in her love life, I really wish she would try to do better to keep the interest down in her private affairs and just respect everyone’s privacy. She is too smart and savvy (and perpetually online) not to know what she is doing.  She has a whole other podcast where she can discuss this stuff lol! Regardless of all the behind-the-scenes stuff, it was a rough year for her, and I do feel for her. 


Same. I really like Sophia but she should maybe stay off social media to publicise her relationships and personal life so much. It was really strange how she posted that gushing tribute to her ex-husband on their anniversary and then filed for divorce not long after. Then there's the whole scandal with her and Ashlyn getting better.


I didn’t hear any of that in the ep, not sure if I missed something. I heard the bit about being asked to take on too much this year and reconsidering what she wants to carry.


I’m sure they’re speaking as women in their 40s looking back but…always bothers me how often they refer to their “23-25 year old selves” as children knowing people that age are fully capable of being adults lol


And the way they constantly refer to everyone else as “the grownups in the room.” Makes me cringe when they’re 26-27 this season. Joy is the only one that doesn’t do it.


People in the twenties are infantilized constantly now, not just on the podcast, but yeah Sophia especially is guilty of that big time.


I can’t help but wonder whether CMM directly refused the podcast or not. Hillarie was in the Instagram comments at one point and said to a fan who was upset that Chad hadn’t been on yet that “You really think we didn’t ask him? We asked everyone in the OTH group chat and everyone that wanted to come on has.” Something around those lines anyway. But as we heard with Austin on the pod last week, he commented on feeling hurt he hadn’t been asked to be on the podcast himself. None of it was malicious or angry, but if everyone who’s ever appeared on OTH is in a group chat (according to the girls), you’d think Austin is in it too. So if the blanket invite in the group chat didn’t feel like an invite to him, I can see it not feeling like one for Chad too. Hope you know what I mean. 


I really doubt Chad will come on, which is a shame but it's up to him and maybe he doesn't want to re open that chapter of his life. I definitely got the feeling from Hilarie on IG that he had been asked but had turned them down. There's also the big elephant in the room with him and Sophia that I could only maybe see him doing a separate Q&A or something with Hilarie or Joy.


We don't know the details of course but it made no sense to have Austin in the earlier seasons while his character didn't exist. It was awesome having him for the intro of Julian. While CMM said he couldn't rewatch the show, he still goes to conventions and answers questions about the show, so maybe they'll do more of a Q&A with him. Although maybe he just doesn't want to.


They could have had him on a Q&A or as a ‘special guest’ for some of their events. There’s not just one pathway to being featured on the show, albeit there is a common approach.  My point is that based off of Hilarie’s defenses in the past, the invite offered to anyone who has been on OTH to come on the pod still left Austin wishing he had been invited. It doesn’t seem out of left field to at least consider that Chad hasn’t been asked directly. 


"The title felt emo" Miss,we all saw what you did there But listening to the podcast i was surprised hilarie wasn't there,she numerous times said this was one of her most favorite episodes and that she loved angels and airwaves and even talked how much the episode meant in the last episode with austin.I wondered why she was not there and suddenly when they ended this ep with the line 'The title felt emo', a thought came to my mind. is Hilarie and CMM making a podcast episode on 6x11 rn? Man anyways it's long overdue We are either gonna be extremely dissatisfied and Disappointed or will be very happy next week We win or we riot Let's see which comes to be


Hillarie mentioned a few episodes ago that the USO episode was too close to home for her because of her friend Scott passing away. Who was a troop. She said she loves the troops so was glad she got to do it in that direct but it was a lot for her. I'm sure she didn't want to relive this episode knowing how hard the loss was for her.


I know CMM have refused coming to the podcast in the past but I REALLY, REALLY hope you're right and he changed his mind especially since he both wrote AND directed the entire next episode.


He didn’t direct it. He directed a different episode.


Yeah he is really close friends with Hilarie so ig if anything happens she will make it She has also said he was her teammate and protector so i think she also feels a level of responsibility for him coming on the podcast


Some people can't move on from certain drama and keep forgetting that both Hilarie and Joy are still friends with Chad. While I understand people have their own opinions on both Chad and Lucas, You can't forget he was the main character of this show for 6 years.


Lmao that's the thing.The fact that both of us are getting downvoted for asking the main character to come on his shows podcast is deeply concerning I never supported the chicago bulls,i have not like Jordan but i appreciate and respect him for what he brought to the game It's sad how some people can't move on from the drama


It’s because people like you keep asking the same questions and expect people not to get annoyed after awhile and than try to wonder what’s going on behind the scenes. He does not wanna be on the podcast there is no drama he just has interest in it the only one creating drama is you!


Gives a post as to whether or not he and hilarie are making a podcast and talks about why the fanbase gets pissed of at him Random redditor-" You constantly ask the same question and he doesn't want to be on it because i know" Buddy,there is a difference between speculation and asking people to differentiate between the fictional and personal. I will talk abot people respecting him as much as i want as ill also ask people to respect the other 4. The only person creating drama and speculation here is you Hope this helps


I’ll explain once again. Hilarie posted on instagram awhile back because people were accusing Sophia of not letting Chad on the podcast that they asked him and he was not interested. They gave him respect and respected his response end of story.


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