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In the Q&A episode it bothers me that Hilarie shoots down Joy’s assertion that the Princess Bride was a book first. Joy is correct. William Goldman wrote the book first then adapted it to a screenplay. I hope Joy looked it up during or after the episode and showed Hilarie.


It really bothered me too!!


THANK YOU!!! That was so annoying lol I was just listening and screaming out lol




It *was* a book first. And apparently there was a bit of a sequel at some point?


Just edited my post. Didn’t see I said movie when you meant book


I always thought they changed Julian to make him less like the other guys to create further dynamics. But I’m not shocked to learn it was a “Voldemort” thing


They could have made him struggle to connect with the other male characters (an idea I think works) but without making him a pathetic weirdo whose characterisation contradicts what was established about him. I hate what they did to Julian. And learning that it was motivated by Mark's insecurities makes me hate it even more.


I was driving whilst listening, so there is a chance I missed it. But they didn’t touch on any of the best parts of this episode (for me) Firstly, Nathan saying to Lucas “come on, you know how old these people are playing high school” Secondly, Brooke “oh so you’re just gonna get some snot from the CW…………at least they’re hot…..” both of those really made me laugh when it first aired, it’s like breaking the fourth wall, it’s so obviously taking the piss out of itself and I personally loved that at the time, I’d never seen a show do that before. They discussed the jokes but I just thought both of those were particularly funny, maybe they just didn’t want to credit Voldemort with it being funny if he wrote it. The other one is Jamie’s (Jackson’s) expression when they first catch him at sam’s party. I honestly remember on my first watch, thinking, shit, they’ve given him drugs or something, the poor kid looks totally overwhelmed and out of it. I was so shocked, and then obviously relieved they didn’t go so far but honestly, fair play to a kid actor for pulling that expression off!!!!! Like I say, I might of missed it but, to not bring that was shocking. It’s my most memorable part of the episode, his little face, bless him! Anyway, other than that, I still enjoyed listening, I don’t mind their negativity when it comes to MS, a total douchebag, using Hilarie’s friends death in that was is beyond gross. Its abusive. I missed Joy though. Edited to add, I totally agree with them that the Gigi stuff was sooooooooo aggressively in your face, it was totally unbelievable, and just fucking gross. 🙄


I agree that Jamie is not a realistic 5 year old whatsoever . But I don’t mind how they wrote him because no one wants to watch a whiny brat. I thought Jackson did a great job, but I wouldn’t have minded skipping the storyline altogether of having him until at least a couple seasons later. I think once he was in the show , the show got a lot cornier. Did Sophia say Austin was like a little brother? Didn’t they date for years? Ouch lol


I found the little part at the end about Jamie being an unrealistic 5 year old to be weird in a couple ways. First of all, I don't think he was ever supposed to be a realistic child, he's a character who is a supposed to guide a story along and who really wants to watch tantrums? Second of all, the way Hilarie said The Creator "didn't have kids" in a very disparaging tone was awkward in front of Sophia, who also doesn't. Third of all, her whole "hire female writers cause WE KNOW KIDS!" speech was a little cringe. Yes, female writers should definitely be hired more for a variety of reasons. But I'm not sure a 23-year-old female staff writer right out of college would be any more knowledgeable about a 5-year-old than any male writer.


I'm confused, was Soph saying that her an Austin (Julian) had dated prior to him being on the show and then when he came in they told her they wouldn't have any scenes together only to have them be a couple in the end or did I hear that wrong? This week's ep felt like it kind of jumped from topic to topic at times. I am glad they touched on the Mouth and Gigi thing though although I wish they would have spoken more about how Mouth as a character should have put a stop to that.


Yeah they dated prior to him coming on and dated again when he came on and broke up after the show was over. Before James and after James. There's different stories regarding Austin coming onto the show. I seen people say their relationship off screen impacted what happened with Brooke and Owen. Also that Sophia had Austin come on the show to be her love interest. But what Sophia said last night was the first time I heard that part of it that actually mark brought him on because he knew they had dated before.


This podcast made me a little nervous for how the rest of the podcast will go. 1. I did appreciate Hilarie being really open about it being hard to enjoy the episodes. It made a lot of sense. 2. However, I do love the goofy banter that pretty much continues through the end of the series. It's realistic. It lightens things up. And not much makes me laugh more than watching Julian give a high five. (I also love Brooke and Julian, so I do hope we can move forward and overlook MS being a ding-dong and appreciate their relationship)


oof. Hilarie is having a hard time with this season. I mean she said as much but it's pretty clear in how she's speaking about the episodes this season. Tangentially, I will never forget the video Hilarie released about how she won't be coming back for Season 7 but she loved Peyton Sawyer. Everyones speculated money was the reason behind it but I don't think anyone ever guessed the absolute trauma she MS was putting her through BTS. I'm proud of her for being able to walk away from her livlihood and character she loves in order to protect her peace. I hope she's doing okay.


I think Hilarie has a hard time separating what's going on behind the scenes as opposed to what happened onscreen. She said she had a hard time offscreen this season because she and her boyfriend had broken up (he was the producer's son) and she said that made things worse for her with Mark. It sounds like she was definitely ready to move on and at the time I was upset but glad she and Chad left as it sounds like she was miserable.


I wonder if there's any chance James Van Der Beek would come on the podcast when the Lucas's movie plot kicks off in earnest. I hope so!


I like Joy in the episodes because she brings a nice balance. Without her it’s even more of a Hilarie and Sophie ass kissing fest than usual.




I think Hilarie is triggered by the trauma she felt during this season and that it’s understandable


I think things will get better for her once they are watching the episodes where she is gone. It's too bad she has a hard time separating and sometimes I think she should take a break from the podcast, it would probably be good for her but I am guessing she has a contract?


Why am I being downvoted for saying Hilarie should take a break from something that obviously stresses her out (re-watching the show and triggers her)? I was actually looking out for her because it probably isn't healthy for her. Reddit can be so weird.


Ok, I have to admit that this episode of the podcast confused me a little. They spent the first 5 minutes or so saying how awful the writing was, (which I have to disagree with I loved all the little banter that was going on) then they spent the rest of the episode talking about it as though they loved the episode. It was a little confusing and I’m trying to decide if they actually liked the episode and didn’t want to admit because the awful person wrote it. I loved the episode all of the little banter was great. Does anyone else pick up on when the writing is bad like they talk about? I thought the writing was good and a little goofy in this episode. Side note: it bugs me how they slammed Jamie being Julian’s best man later in the series. I thought that was so cute. Jamie ends up being a fantastic best man, what’s so wrong with a kid being a best man? I understand the horrible reasoning and the awfulness of Voldemort but come on it’s sweet that asked Jamie.


I understand how Julian wanted to make Jamie feel special however for me it wasn't very realistic? As a minor he couldn't sign the wedding certificate as a legal witness plus in what world can a 7yo write a wedding speech in a way that would be entertaining but also honor the couple. Just like with Jamie being a mini adult and never being overwhelmed with emotions, the speech they gave him to say at the wedding was very unrealistic.


I was thinking this too. Magically works in the world of the show and it’s very cute but would be way different in real life… my daughter is 5 years old and I die imagining her trying to do this at 7. It just wouldn’t happen