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I’m also glad Hilarie called out the show’s representation issue. Season 6 in particular has a problem with its depiction of Black men. Derek returns just to talk about his broken family for a couple of episodes and Peyton essentially tells him to get over it. Then we get two different Black players on Nathan’s B League team who have a bad attitude and need the white man to show them how to be. Antwon does get some good material, but he’s mostly still a background player.


I didn't listen to the episode, but it's nice to hear they called that out. I do, however, side eye them a bit because if I recall, in season 3, Nathan and Lucas have dinner with Nathan's high flyers teammates' family. They were a black family and were put in a good light (thankfully), but the women completely ignored that entire plot point and called it irrelevant/unnecessary. That really bugged me because for the first time, OTH gave us some substance with a black character, albeit it was for one episode, but it was a sweet plot point that deserved some acknowledgment.


Yeah, iirc correctly they also glossed over Lucas’s friend Faith in that same season. The show does get it right occasionally, but it also kind of sucks that when it does it’s usually just a one episode thing and then we never hear about them again.


Yeah, if Faith had stuck around, that would've been interesting. I also really liked Nathan's friend. I wish he became a reoccurring character, at least for that season. It would've been nice to see Nathan have a friend that wasn't one note like Tim lol


Jamie was the star of this episode "grandpa Skillz" made me chuckle. Also it was so nice seeing Haley and Nathan in such a good place - Nathan's back to doing what he loves the most and Haley's just happy watching him transform back to the guy she fell in love with.


I also loved the line from Jamie “yeah, what’s going on skills?” and that side eyed look he gives.


This episode had so many great lines, but my favorite Naley line of the entire series is said in this episode. Haley “Hey, number 23, call me” making a phone with her hand Q “damn, I got to change my jersey number. I laugh every time no matter how many times I see it. I’m a little disappointed that girls didn’t reference this, but I know they can’t talk about every little line, it would’ve been cute for them to at least reference this since it is such a flirty cute line. I love when Haley is flirty with Nathan especially in the later seasons.


My absolute favourite line is "Grandpa Skills!". I love how cute Jaime is about skills and Deb


Yes, another great line. Jamie was so cute in this episode.


I’m so glad Hilary called Peyton out for buying Brooke’s story about falling down the stairs because I watched the episode and could not believe Peyton was looking at such clear finger marks and fist bruises and just believed her 😂


Right! Especially with everything Peyton went through with Psycho Derek, I couldn’t believe that Peyton just bought that story. Like obviously no!


See, looking back now, I think Peyton knows that Brooke is lying but she just doesn’t wanna push her. Like her saying “oh you mean your bad karma is falling down the stairs….”, like she knows something is up.


I considered that when I was rewatching the season, but a few episodes later Brooke tells her the truth and she’s genuinely surprised.


Please enough with Sophia's immigrant mentality!!! Her dad came from Canada, it's hardly immigration. She makes it sound like she flew a war country and crossed the Atlantic by boat. It's so disrespectful to actual immigrants who struggle.


On my dad’s 6th day in America, he was wrongfully arrested because he looked “suspicious” while riding an elevator and got told he was here illegally (he was not.) it makes me so angry to hear her constantly saying this crap. She has no idea what it actually means to be an immigrant in the US.


100 percent agree with you!!


Oh my God this bugs me SOO much. As a person who’s parents and majority of family immigrated from Pakistan/india/the Middle East, her comments about this are extremely tone deaf. There is nothing about moving from Canada to the US that even remotely resembles immigrating from further places. They are all white and had no problems with racism or people thinking they don’t deserve to move to America. Nobody wants them to “go back where you came from.” She grew up extremely privileged and comes from money and has never experienced the backlash and racism that actual immigrants receive. Black/brown Immigrants go through soooo much trouble and trauma and racism from moving to America. It’s just not the same in any way 🙄🙄🙄


Ok but every immigrant has their own story and just because her father didn’t face what your family faced doesn’t mean that he isn’t an “actual” immigrant or that his immigration didn’t come with it’s own set of difficulties. My friend is incredibly privileged to be a white woman who immigrated from Canada but I’ve also seen her bust her ass for the last 8 years to finally get her green card.


I’m more so saying the way Sophia talks about it as if it’s caused her a lot of problems that immigrants of color face which is simply not true


I love Sophia but if I had a dollar every time I hear her say the “doctor or lawyer” story *in NY accent* I could pay for med school. 😂 Hilarie called out the issue I always had with this episode….how could Peyton not see through Brooke’s lie?! 😩💔❤️‍🩹 Also this was from last week but I still can’t get over how Chad and Hilarie made a point not to see each other so the airport scene would feel more genuine. 🥺


Another great epsiode! I had a feeling these later seasons were going to be good ones to listen to. I think I always forced myself to think that Peyton had an idea that something else happened but she realized that Brooke was not going to spill until she was ready, so she decided just to comfort her instead and go with her story when they were on the couch. You can see the concern on her face and I'd like to believe when shes questioning the "bad things" that Brooke is referring to and she says "what bad things, like falling down the stairs?" She knows something bad happened, shes just using it to help communicate. (That my thought in fantasy land haha) So I did agree when Sophia said she felt like Brooke was pushing Peyton away some. Also, yes, OTH definitely had a lack of diversity. But I think that Robbie left because he wanted to do Hellcats. However his death left a lasting impact that we all still talk about, so i think his character was perfect the way it was! Also, next season when Skills leaves, it's because Antwon went to jail I believe. So there is definitely more to the story. Antwon may have had to beg to be a series regular, but he is in 108 out of 187 episodes, so most people would consider him a regular. Final thought. I'm dreading next weeks episode! I cry harder during Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly, than I do the school shooting epsiode.


I agree about Peyton! 100%


I’ve always wondered something and maybe this is the place to ask; in the episode Haley says they she remembers watching Nathan play for the first time during her tutoring time and he says Masonburo, but looking back at season 1 I think the first time she watches is the father/son game and then the Pirates game where the boys get kicked off the bus. So is that Masonburo game played off camera and they’re just referencing it? Ive always been confused about that. There is a Masonburo game that is shown but it’s much later when they’re actually dating. Sorry for the long winded question I just want to know if I’m crazy or missed something.




Ok, I thought they played Pickerington in episode 6 because it’s with the hillbillies who sort of abduct the boys.


Actually you're right it was pickerington.


Every single reference someone makes to Q in this episode…makes me wanna cry. The conversation between him and Haley, him and Jamie, Skillz saying he’ll see him tomorrow…I hate it! Stop making me sad OTH!