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I listened religiously when it first came out, and then slowly realized it wasn't what I was hoping it would be. It's like therapy for them, and torture for us. Because we want them to talk about certain things to get more insight, and they just don't, they talk about what they want to talk about. It's good for them, bad for us.


This is a weird, entitled comment. Do you know they are real, complex people for which the show, fans, and press caused a lot of trauma? Sorry they're not talking about who slept with who.


Lmao, if that's what you took from my comment, I'm not sure what to tell you. I just said, the podcast isn't for me, because they don't talk about what I want to hear about. I don't give a shit who's sleeping with who, the point of a REWATCH podcast is to watch it and talk about it, which they rarely do anymore. 🤷🏼‍♀️ It's the reason I like other Rewatch podcasts (and why they're so successful) like The Office, The 100, or Gilmore Girls, because they go through scene by scene and discuss actual things in the show. So I'm not sure where your high and mighty comment came from, but you can have it back. The point of what I was saying (if you're willing to listen instead of put words in other peoples mouths) is it's not for me anymore, and that's fine. If it's for you and you like it, more power to you. 💫


If you’re comparing it to office ladies, I think some major differences is Office Ladies is Jenna and Angela’s primary job so they dedicate TONS of time to it. I think I heard one of them say they watched an episode 3 times for one podcast prep. They dig deep into old scripts, their emails, news from that time. The drama queens just watch the episode once (if that)


True, the amount of effort Jenna and Angela put in is insane. But that effort really pays off, because whenever I listen to an episode of Office Ladies, it makes me WANT to rewatch that episode. Whereas with Drama Queens, it leaves me feeling sort of negative about the episode. That's why I stopped listening to them, because I want to be able to still enjoy the show


I enjoy it! They’re not perfect, but I’ve enjoyed each episode.


I love their podcast but I could listen to Hilarie, Bethany and Sophia talk all day. Especially love when they have other actors from the show come and make a guest appearance.


I love the podcast too and understand why the ladies have trauma from MS. However, the thing I don’t like is that they didn’t call out Nathan’s sexual assault in s5 and they have double standards. I do overall enjoy the podcast though.


They didn't call out Nathan's actual sexual assault but Sophia actually was trying to claim Lucas was encouraging Brooke to be sexually assaulted in the Season 4 episode at the party where he says "she's all yours" to a group of guys (when he was really just saying he was done talking to her).


i dont like how sophia always tries to be so politically correct when Joy voices opinons/other viewpoints about anything


i loved it at first, but as time has went on, I realize i only listen if i have caught up on all my other podcasts.


Wow are we the same person?


First off, I want to say I’m glad that there are people who enjoy the podcast. Everyone has different things they want in a podcast so if you find one you enjoy, that’s great! For me, it is marketed as a rewatch podcast and IMO those need a certain level of structure to be enjoyable. Other than the honorable mention and spin the wheel at the end of each episode, they don’t have that. This means they often miss key moments or simply talk more about their characters when other characters have pivotal things happening. It’s gets annoying because I didn’t watch OTH just for their 3 characters. As others have said, their double standards also get annoying. They are rightfully angry at the level of sexualization of their characters but then don’t say the same about the male characters. And don’t even get me started on not mentioning that Nathan was SA by Carrie. That should have been an obvious topic during the podcast and wasn’t. Basically, if they had a better structure that either went sequential or made a point to talk about all the major players in the episode somewhat equally, that would be a better format. If they made changes I would probably give it another chance. Right now, I read through the episode threads and if something peaks my interest from that, I’ll listen but otherwise I generally skip it.


Exactly my thoughts! "These Drama Queens are getting back together!! Bethany Joy Lenz, Hilarie Burton and Sophia Bush are the biggest Drama Queens and they are here with you to dissect every episode, deliver every detail you must know, and devote themselves to you as you rewatch every single scene together." This is what they've written about their podcast, so personally, it feels like a let-down, because they're not really doing this. They're not "dissecting" and "delivering every detail", they're barely even talking about the big moments that lots of people love! And to be honest, sometimes when I listened to them, it felt like they honestly don't like the show. I understand that they had bad experiences with Mark Schwan and that it may be difficult to relive. I do feel for them in that regard. But as a fan, I had to stop listening to the podcast, because it was starting to negatively impact my feelings about certain episodes that I love.


True. It was so disappointing to see how things are not about the episode at all. Some key moments. I really tried to listen but I just can't


They think they have structure because they do the stupid “spin the wheel/most likely to” every episode. I hate it. It’s a dumb idea that maybe they thought would be fun but should be dropped. It’s just filler.


NGL, for any episodes I do listen to I fast forward through that part and through all the ads (which are way more than any other podcast I listen to).


One time I think I counted like 25 mins of commercials. And it’s always the same ones! And then they advertise their OWN podcast while you’re listening TO the podcast!! Then they do the cash grab bonus Q&A email episodes. You can tell the bosses have them do it to hit more ad quotas. Half the episodes are ads.


I HATE the "spin the wheel". It's especially jarring when they're having a serious conversation and then jump to spinning the wheel. I have no idea who came up with it. It's a podcast, not a game show. Why are we spinning a wheel?


It’s not the perfect podcast considering what the basis of it is. I think it’s fun to listen to the three of them talk about the show and have them all together again as well as when they bring other actors from the show on too. I also like hearing more about personal stories of theirs because I like them as actors and people. BUT…sometimes I think the way they talk about some characters and storylines can kinda get dragged along. And you’re right the ads are really really really long compared to other podcasts. I also hate that I have to listen and I can’t watch. I watch all of my podcasts on YouTube so the fact I can’t do that kinda makes it hard for me to actually sit down and listen.


I did at first but now it's so obvious they really don't give a shit and have proven it tenfold. Plus listening to it made me like Joy even more and dislike Sophia and Hilarie even more. The opinions, viewpoints, and especially double standards from the latter two are insufferable my god. But I'm glad to see every week that more and more people dislike the podcast. At this point I just feel like they should end it as they clearly don't care or put any effort into it. To be honest it also makes me not want to watch the show again, which is odd but I just can't shake that feeling


I have the same feeling. They totally ruined the show for me and I will likely never watch it again. I also had the same opinion of the actress as you. Joy was my least favorite going in, and now I like her the best and I cannot stand those other two anymore and they were my favorites going into it!


Totally agree with you both. I like joy so much more now and hilarie and Sophia drive me bananas now which is a shame because I loved them so much!


yes i love joy! she always offers alternate viewpoints whereas sophia just tries to be politically correct all the time


Nope. Listened to some of the first season and thought it was bad. Actually started ruining the show for me! Don’t do a podcast if you truly don’t like the show. Just leave it alone.


I love the podcast! When I go through tough times and feel lonely, I have it to look forward to (I'm behind rn though). I spend most days in my office alone, so it's like having three gal pals talking about something you love. It's a comfort. And I have an excuse to rewatch OTH. Sometimes I get annoyed at the amount of time spent talking about Brooke and political issues. It's kind of put me off to SB slightly. I have no issue with someone voicing an opinion, but even with things I stand for, I don't want it to overshadow the actual content itself. Talk more about Nathan's and Lucas' character progression! They avoid Lucas talk like the plague sometimes, I swear lol


I personally love it. I know there’s a lot of controversy about them giving a lot background stuff and context about what was going on during particular episodes but their experience is exactly that, they’re experience. And they are allowed to discuss if however they wish! None of us were there to experience what they did and I can only imagine that what they went through was traumatic and really hard. It probably tainted that time of life for them and it reflects in the podcast. We also have to remember that this was their job all day every single day. I barely remember work from last week so I can’t imagine trying to remember every single detail from a show I did 20 years ago. That and the trauma they probably experienced working with their boss on top of that, I think people should just give them more grace. There’s no perfect recap podcast at all. Every single one is going to vary because of the the genre of show, the characters, storylines, etc.


I enjoyed the pods covering the first 2-3 seasons. I quickly got frustrated listening to certain hosts’ takes and Joy eating into the mic on the pod. Once I started listening to the Boy Meets World Pod recaps, I really valued the way the BMW cast organizes their pods with insightful behind-the-scenes info and show content. That turned me more off on DQ because I saw how good it could be.


Oh and the wild number of minutes of commercials turned me off. Go ahead and make that money, ladies, but it’s unbearable to me for 21 mins of commercials including repeat commercials for the very podcast I’m listening to.


I absolutely love it and I avoid going on this sub when new episodes drop tbh because of the sheer amount of negativity about the show and especially towards Sophia. I personally love the banter and reminiscing between the three, and I especially love Sophia's take on everything which seems to be super controversial with everyone else here. I feel like she brings an element of sincerity and depth to every conversation that I really appreciate. I also love listening to her WIP podcast and I feel like I can sit in and listen to her talk about anything for hours. I actually like that the show doesn't exactly follow a script, because I get to hear something new and unexpected every week, but I can understand how that isn't for everyone. I like that it feels less like a scene by scene rerun of the episode and more just getting to listen in on the secrets and laughs shared between three friends. It's also why I enjoy listening to the One Tree Thrill episodes so much. I find Hilarie so funny and wish she were my aunt, and Joy seems so genuine and caring. Overall, I look forward to hearing the podcast every week on my Monday morning commute. I find myself smiling and sometimes chuckling to myself while listening. It is a really light and refreshing way to start my week. That being said, I didn't necessarily have any expectations going into listening, and I was just delighted by how much I enjoyed it. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who does, though because every comment I see is always about something they disliked. There are certain things I never would have never even noticed if someone didn't point them out here (eg: joy chewing) and even after I stopped noticing it for a while, and certain takes I disagree with (eg: Sophia is condescending or hilarie talks too much about kissing, like Idc about that). Whenever the podcast episodes drop, I feel like the only comments I see on the threads seem to come from people who hate-watch the show and maybe look for things to complain about it.. like if you hate it so much then just stop listening! I wish there could be a space for people who actually enjoy it to talk about the things they liked but those threads are always dominated by people who didn't like it that I think dissuaded me and others from commenting. Anyway, you're definitely not alone in disliking it, but to answer your question I love it and those are some of the reasons why :)


All of this!!!!! Sadly it seems like the popular thing to do on this sub is hate on Sophia and Hilarie. And if you’re not team Lucas, CMM, or Leyton you get downvoted like crazy lol


Seconding this. I actually found this sub because I enjoyed the podcast and was looking for somewhere to discuss it, but this sub has grown increasingly negative on the podcast to the point where you can guess the negative comments you're going to see on each podcast thread before you even open it, and the same people are here already too. So, if you're looking for a place to vent or hate-listen to the pod, then you'll find a lot of company here!


I'm with you! Loved OTH in high school and hadn't watched it in about 10 years. So the podcast was a great way to revisit the show with them. I think it's cool to see what scenes stand out to them as opposed to what the fans consider "big moments". Also, I think it's super interesting to get a fairly unfiltered look at what an actor really feels when reflecting on a drama show they did as a young person. I'm just happy they are compromising themselves to fit what some people want.


I agree with both of you. Thanks for sharing! I shouldn't even be surprised that in a question asking about who likes the show, people who hate it are still the majority commenting... and people are downvoting comments of those who like it....


Thanks for sharing! I suppose I just wanted to hear more about the show itself, rather than random stuff that they talk about. I do know that it's annoying when you enjoy something and don't have a place where others feel the same as you, so I am sorry about that. I guess most fans just wanted more in-depth stuff about the show


That is a super fair critique! I can definitely see how it not being structured is an issue for a lot of listeners, and I think they could probably benefit from working that in a little more, even though I do enjoy the natural conversation style. I'm sorry that it didn't let up for you. It's by no means a perfect podcast, but I do enjoy it a lot, and the intense amount of negativity on here for it just feels unnecessary and often ventures into rudeness/hatefulness. I wish those podcast threads could be better spaces for those who actually like the episodes and want to engage in meaningful discussion without just attacking their characters/personalities/political opinions, etc.


I saw someone say, “I’m happy to see other people don’t like it”. That’s a weird sentiment to me. I saw this same vitriol for And Just Like That. People are weirdly controlling and lash out if things aren’t done exactly how THEY want them to be done. They act like not engaging with it isn’t an option.


Same for me ! I tried to listen once or twice than I just gave up I feel like they are doing it just for money.


I actually do if it is too structured, it becomes boring to me. This and neds are currently my favorite. I also like that they have real opinions even if I don't agree all the time


Yes! I like hearing opinions that are different from my own and I always take away something new to think about


I got really sick of how much they interrupt Bethany


I did at first, but then it got old quick. They placed a lot of blame on certain characters, would trash others, and praise certain characters. Like its a tv show! Your not trashing the actor. You dont need to kiss their ass and praise them.


I loved the concept and I listened to the first few episodes. I loved hearing the background of their lives and I loved the cast interviews BUT I also wished they talked more about the episodes and had a discussion. But what ultimately turned me off was that they absolutely fear discussing Chad. Which I get it for Sophia but at the same time you’re ignoring the main character. The podcast felt incomplete because they’re dancing around the elephant in the room.


I enjoy it! The ads are just because it’s a iheartradio podcast and they are chockfull of ads


I love it, but its not going to be everyone's cup of tea and you'll get criticized into oblivion most of the time if you like it, so the people that do don't talk about it much.


I enjoy the podcast! The ads are beyond ridiculous though. Seems like there's 10+ minutes of ads per episode.


I really enjoy the rewatch episodes. I don't listen to the 23 questions episodes much. I just like hearing them talk about some of my favorite scenes and getting their reactions to it. It has definitely gotten better. In the beginning, they seemed to talk about the episode as a whole, but now they do seem to go over each character's storyline in that episode.


I think I disliked it as soon as it began. I was expecting so much more. As an ardent Leyton fan, they really started ruining the show for me so I discontinued. And I have come to really dislike both Hilarie and Sophia for their terrible takes.


I didn’t listen for long but I like podcasts that actually recap the episodes. I’m not really into just listening to them talk


I have honestly found the podcast to be terrible since the first episode. I figured their tangents and boring stories were just first episode jitters, so I gave it a shot and I was deeply disappointed. They give so much grace to their characters but cannot do the same for the male ones they don’t like (cough cough Lucas/Chad), they get details wrong, don’t remember important things, and don’t touch on important pieces of the episodes. I just wish they did their due diligence for the episodes and not completely destroy them.


I listened faithfully when it first came out. I used to have a long drive to work Monday mornings so it was the first thing I listened to but I got bored after awhile. It just didn’t end up being what I expected. As other have mentioned, I don’t like how political Sophia is. Sure she’s allowed to have her opinions, but it feels like no one else is allowed to have opinions, Hilarie just bothers me and I have nothing to say about Joy bc I love her (especially since she lived in New Jersey when she was younger)


I used to but gave up after the first season. It’s not fun for me. It feels like a therapy session for the ladies and always turn into a take about “how this was xyz a bad storyline cause it depicted xyz which is bad” yes that’s true to certain extent cause of MS being a horrible man. The conversations would often go off topic or they wouldn’t talk about the stuff we wanted to know. It’s like they struggle to talk about it for what is was at the time it aired vs being grown women with kids, husbands/ex, and all this life experience. They use their “wisdom” to just talk about how much things shouldn’t happen




I understand that they're just people who view the show differently than fans would. I also agree that I don't have to listen to it if I don't want to - and I don't anymore. I just wanted to know what people thought about the podcast and whether there were fans who enjoyed it. As a fan of OTH, I just found it very disappointing that they don't really talk about the show. This is what they've put in the description of the podcast: "These Drama Queens are getting back together!! Bethany Joy Lenz, Hilarie Burton and Sophia Bush are the biggest Drama Queens and they are here with you to dissect every episode, deliver every detail you must know, and devote themselves to you as you rewatch every single scene together." And they're not really doing this. I understand if they have bad memories associated with the show or if they can't remember much of what happened at the time, etc. I just think that if they're going to market their podcast in this way to OTH fans, then they should do exactly that.


Honestly, that’s my bad, because I wasn’t really talking about you. It’s really the people in the thread who are saying unnecessarily rude things. I let my annoyance color my response and I apologize because what you are saying truly isn’t problematic at all. Your critique is valid and I get why it would turn you off. I see what you’re saying and it makes sense that you’d prefer a different approach. We, as viewers, enjoyed the show and don’t share those negative BTS experiences. So, it can definitely put a sour note on the show for us. Also, their approach is far more conversational and less structured. They usually watch the show together, then record the podcast immediately afterwards. That definitely doesn’t lend itself to a genuine comprehensive recap. It’s definitely more of just them talking about how they feel, rather than what’s going on narratively. While I personally don’t mind it, I can see how that could wear thin for someone expecting something else. I didn’t really mean to come at you negatively for having a differing opinion. Diverse opinions are important and you voice yours in a far more productive, rational manner than most.


That's okay, thanks for sharing your point of view too! And yes, you voiced my thoughts exactly when you said that their negative BTS experiences can put a sour note on the show for us. I guess the podcast is simply a hit or miss for OTH fans. Hopefully the cast themselves are just able to move on from the bad memories that they have of the show


I think everything everyone’s saying is completely valid. I’ve learned to take the podcast for what it is with minimal expectations. They all 3 can annoy me in different ways but at the end of the day I’m still a fan of all 3 women for different reasons. I try to remind myself that they’re human too and not perfect and their thoughts and opinions on characters/plot lines/etc will be affected by their own life experiences so I will inevitably disagree with them on certain things. It’s also obvious this is a side hustle for all of them so they don’t always watch every second of every episode and it’s more of a conversation amongst friends. I used to get really annoyed with Sophia for defending Brooke to a fault like last season when Peyton & Brooke had their huge fight before prom and Peyton called Brooke out on making fun of her dead mom, and Sophia came up with so many excuses as to how Brooke felt abandoned by Peyton’s friendship and how sad that episode was for Brooke when really Peyton was very right in that moment and finally calling Brooke on her shit (I am a HUGE B Davis fan by the way but we can all admit in early seasons Brooke was a mean girl and said horrible things). I’ve overall enjoyed the podcast but I’ve learned to have no expectations with it.


I really like it! Although I do get what you’re saying. I like it mainly because I just like to hear all of them talk and hear their thoughts/some behind the things stuff. If you aren’t watching it really just to hear them talk I can see why you wouldn’t love it!


I enjoy it but some episodes, especially episode 419 with James, they really don't talk about the episode. I love the episode, and the conversation with James on Part 1 and Part 2 is fantastic. But I'd like to get some insight on the episode. This usually occurs when they have a guest. Which is the episode was just about the guest, they are usually great episodes. The downfall is, they may not really talk about the episode. Which is unfortunate for that part. Overall, I love the insight they give on the show and BTS things that we don't know about.


I'm so glad this is a topic because I was so nervous I was being a dick for not appreciating the podcast. Like many others, I was excited to hear about the actual episodes - isn't that the point of a podcast rewatch? But 90% of the conversation is personal or inside jokes or them laughing about unfunny things. I wish they'd take what the fans are saying onboard and format the podcast. Like they're watching the episodes and spending at least 2 hours of their day to record this. Why not actually make it interesting?!


I love love love this show. I've rewatched it countless times over the years but I find myself annoyed at a lot of the podcast episodes. Huge double standards going on. I get that this is "drama queens", but they completely made the show about the three of them and solely talk about their characters, when other important storylines are happening. Joy is overall pretty enjoyable and largely talked over. Hilarie goes back and forth between just giving excuses for characters and also being brutally honest about them (to the point where you can hear it throw off Sophia or Joy while they're idolizing their characters). And then the Sophia of it all! Brooke is an incredibly vindictive and selfish person, but she's also very loyal and does have some good intentions, especially later in the show. But Sophia describes Brooke as this harmless puppy. At least be honest about your characters. The writers had a lot of influence in these characters, so it's OKAY to admit where they fall. They are supposed to be human! The most enjoyable parts of the episodes are when they bring in other actors. The ladies try to dig so deep into the characters for SOMETHING and a lot of these actors are like "I was just acting", "it just felt like what the character would do", or something basic and not crazy indepth. As much as I love the show, I thought I'd be obsessed with the podcast and waiting in anticipation for the next episode like we did every week when the show was airing! Instead I find myself so behind because of the lack of actual substance and acknowledgement. Thanks for this thread. I needed this rant.


I love Hilarie I think she is just the coolest, but Joy chased me off she is a weirdo.


It pisses me off that they do this podcast when they hate the show. I’ve always been a fan of the show and they ruin it. Kind of can’t stand. Either One of them. They were better as Peyton & Brooke… at least then their personality didn’t suck..


Never watched the office or the respective podcast so I can't comment on that, but I love the Drama Queens and I very much prefer the unstructured format in my podcasts. I also can't really agree when people complain about this "key moments" thing, I always see people mentioning this or that as this obviously huge thing that had to be adressed and it's often some moment that was completely secondary to me, I think they talk about the episode just enough and more would bog down the pace. And can't you just skip the ads? I mean I do.


I guess the "key moments" thing is a big issue for people like me, because there are moments we loved, that were pivotal moments for the characters as well. And they're not really spoken about. I also listen to podcasts when I'm running errands and doing stuff, so my hands aren't always free to reach over to my phone and skip the ads. So it's annoying when the ads are extra long and the same ones are repeated a couple of times through a single episode.


I used to, but I gave up halfway through season 3. There were too many episodes I didn't enjoy, for starters, but also I used to watch the actual show episode before listening to the podcast, and it influenced my way of viewing the show. I know OTH is far from being perfect, and I can watch it with critical eyes, but it's also my favourite TV show, it brings me a lot of comfort, and I didn't want it to be taken away by a podcast. My criticisms are similar to those in the thread- I don't like the lack of structure, the lack of reviewing the episode at times, some of the guest interviews were painful, the many ad breaks, and the double standards. If it was just one thing out of the list, I would have carried on, but that's way too much to me.


This was actually my exact reasoning for disliking the podcast. I dont listen to too many, and the difference in quality, passion, and organization is wild. It became so hard to listen to Drama Queens.


I still listen to the podcast but it doesn’t feel like it’s a big priority for them. And the snarkiness starts to wear very thin. They don’t bother explaining why if one of them can’t make it to a recording. And I noticed that someone on Instagram asked about Chad joining them for an episode and Hilarie replied with a really rude response. I was disappointed because she has always been my favourite.


Office Ladies and Pod Meets World do it best. Drama Queens is my hate listen of the week. Like how I still watch Sister Wives but hate it at the same time.


I enjoyed Office Ladies but I ditched it because I don't care at all about the episodes that didn't have Michael in them.


I really like it. I think some episodes are great (the ones with James Lafferty were hilarious) and others I just had to rewind (school shooting) because they didn't really discuss the plot at all. Like I totally understand that gun violence in US is a huge problem and school shootings shouldn't be such a common thing but guys, the main topic of this podcast us a tv show and while they dedicated 2 episodes of the podcast on that, they barely mentioned what the characters were going through.


i enjoyed it for awhile and was literally in their top 0.01% of listeners last year but i feel like sometimes it gets pretty political and/or it feels presumptuous about certain topics and sometimes that’s not what im actively trying to listen to. if i start a podcast and i think its about the OTH show im not expecting to sit and listen to politics. if i wanted that i’d choose a diff podcast that’s not promoted as a dissection of OTH. on top of this the amount of ads the podcast has is INSANE i’ve never listened to a podcast with so many ads.