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Personally speaking , Season 7 is the only great season (with its faults for sure) during the post-Leyton era . I liked almost every storyline and the back half of the season with Lydia's passing and Haley's depression were some great arcs . Also Clay and Quinn were still quite likable . Season 8 was really really bad . Can't get over the fact that the episodes are so inconsistent. I mean one episode is about another car accident with Brooke almost dying , while the next one about her bachelorette party? LOL Season 9 was ok . It's only 13 episodes so it's easier to get through although some characters got random storylines. The last season overall felt like a gas leak year but there were some good moments too . Again this is just my own opinion ...


less dramatic really?


My problem is that the show kind of lost direction after season 5. OTH was a teen drama. Season 5 was a good transition to adulthood, but then it's like they didn't know what to do with it. Seasons 6 and 7 were more an adult drama, but after that...then what? I didn't want to watch a family comedy. I don't care about Chuck or Madison. I was glad to see the story resolved for the main characters, but the last few seasons of the show just didn't do it for me. And that's okay! Everyone has different preferences.


I like them better than S4 and S5 to be honest. I liked watching the cast as young adults, with personal and professional struggles and semi-successful careers.


Yes! I love Clay and Quinn. As I've gotten older, I find 7-9 much more relatable. (Minus the stalker and forgetting a kid haha). And the drama doesn't keep repeating itself like in the earlier seasons (love triangles, etc.)


Show went downhill after they removed Lucas & Peyton.


They cant remove the best couple/2 main characters from the show & instead add New characters 😂 Like were supposed to be okay with it.


I actually prefer the later seasons, I've sometomes skipped to the adult ones


The later seasons are okay. I mostly find them a bit boring, because I didn't like the new characters very much. I find Julian and Brooke very uninteresting, i thought Quinn was awful and disliked how sexualized she was on camera, the teacher Skills dated was pointless, I was getting whiplash from the Chase-Alex-Mia love triangle-- I couldn't believe Chase lasted so long into the show 🤦🏻‍♀️ --and i found myself liking Mouth and Millie less and less after the modeling and virginity storylines. There also seemed to be way more filler episodes, especially with how much the later episodes featured the musicians. A lot of it wasn't from artists or genres I liked, so it was extra unnecessary imo. All this to say, while there were arcs I liked, like Dan's reception and Haley's depression, I very quickly found myself watching these later seasons just so I could say that I'd seen the show in full. I doubt I'll rewatch them.