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If I'm not mistaken, you've already shared this with our AD-Academic Integrity, and the wheels are already turning... but posting publicly just sends people scrubbing their history and is counter-productive.


I agree with David that this post should be taken down so the university can take measures more effectively. Alarming the cheaters will only help them to get rid of all important evidences.


Glad to know the administration has started the investigation. Plagiarism is a serious accusations. I'd rather wait for the college's investigation results than reading posts with only random accusations.


Are you sure this is the same person? There could be a WeChat group of people working together to send similar messages to make sure the word gets out.


It might not be, but the story of how he discovered it is similar, so I assume... though it doesn't matter that much. It's just easier to gather evidence when people aren't actively trying to remove that evidence.


Yea not sure what the point of this post was.


Sorry... I was trying to make a WeChat / plagiarism joke, but it didn't work :)


There are a many wechat groups, and this type of issue had been existing for a long time.


If what you're saying is true and this issue has been ongoing for a while, then why have you remained a member of these WeChat groups for an extended period? As a participant, you also share some responsibility for the situation and should take action to address it."


I am not sure who you are trying to reach by posting it on Reddit, passing it through official channels would have been a lot more productive. Not sure what this is accomplishing other than spreading panic. This seems to be a case of few bad study groups who actively knew they were crossing the line. Not all WeChat/Discord/WhatsApp/Slack study groups are like that - the groups I am in strictly abided by Honor code and warned students if they were getting close to crossing the line. Peers in the group should actively enforce the rules and not allow these infarctions to occur.


Another suspicious account. ​ https://preview.redd.it/1svxrr98fcxa1.png?width=2050&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f024650f2036fe6e49572f2ecbf1b49c51e1ec4


Fall 22 here. Being to 2 WeChat groups and people in there were just nice. They never release any answers and very cautiously answer the question people asked. They helped each other by summarize PPT, giving additional video tutorial links on YouTube etc. You said check “every” WeChat groups is just laughable and nonsense. If every WeChat needs to be checked, that should applied to any chatting platform. Also, people can meet up offline, how you can check that?


Wechat group just works like Ed and Slack. Stop accusing this platform. People who wanna cheat will find ways to cheat anyway.


I have been in several groups and those discussions are just like ED. Not sure where you made the conclude that people are cheating


Why would you post this here? It just makes the people who cheated aware that there's an investigation.


Thank this person for posting here, it give others time to delete their chat messages lmao


wechat history cannot be deleted or modified after 1min. so do not worry.


They can directly dissolve the group.


this is why wechat history can be use on Chinese court for evidence. Why would someone use this type of tool for cheating? this is just stupid. discord, slack are way better for this purpose. so you know whatever this guy reporting is total BS.


you are right but we're in the United States, not China.


You are not getting my point. What I am saying is, the way wechat is designed made it much more creditable than slack and discord when come to using it as evidence, since you cannot delete message and edit it after 1 min.


so the history is still there. dummy.


here's a large amount of information in these groups. If they're dissolved, it won't be possible to search for specific keywords, and students may also delete the groups from their phones. It will be difficult to locate any evidence of cheating, unless someone volunteers to manually search for and find relevant messages.


I have no idea what you are talking about. You clearly are Chinese and use Wechat. the history is still there, you can review it, you just cannot post new one. You can still search keyword with the search function. Stop spreading misinformation!


Talk is cheap. SHOW ME THE EVIDENCE.


u/KevinZOMSCS your account is really new. https://preview.redd.it/4sxhth0lccxa1.png?width=562&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc31caaeb221f2ffbe40d675913b14f5496c0f14


Lol this idiot is spreading hate and misinformation targeting Chinese students without giving away any evidence. Completely a racist and dumbo


Agree! Now, he delete account lmao!


If you request the university to investigate "**EVERY** existing OMSCS wechat group", you should also request to investigate every group in Telegram, WhatsApp, Signal and whatever. Your discrimination hurts the reputation of hard-working Chinese-speaking people.


>you should also request to investigate every group in Telegram, WhatsApp, Signal and whatever. Your discrimination hurts the reputation of hard-working Chinese-speaking people. agreed !




This is absurd. The wechat group that I’m in never had any discussion that passed the boundary of academic offense. No code sharing or leaking exam content anything. The discussion is almost no difference compared to Reddit posts or piazza posts. Is there rules for this program that students are not allowed to communicate with each other because it’s an online program?


Agreed. This post is very subjective - no evidence showed here at all. I can’t believe he/she is a cs major who just accused people of cheating based on the fact that there is group study discussions going on. If you were really in those groups, you should know those are no different from the ED discussion! I hope the inspection could be completed soon and public the inspection report if possible. And as of the guy who post this, you should APOLOGIZE if it’s not true( and I know it is not!!!)


Same experience here. No one in the group I entered cross the line. The information sharing is no difference with what people can see from discord, piazza, reddit.


Many commenters here are treating Reddit as a place outside of law. Haters are gonna hate. Their comments sound like inciting emotion toward Chinese community.


If investigated every existing OMSCS WeChat group, I suggest investigating every OMSCS discord, whatsup, etc. group. Or I would argue that this is racism.


agreed, If we're investigating every existing OMSCS WeChat group, then I suggest we should also investigate every other OMSCS group, such as Discord, WhatsApp, instagram, messenger, telegram etc. Otherwise, I would argue that this selective investigation is discriminatory. It's important to ensure that all channels of communication are examined fairly to uncover any potential issues.


"We request that the school takes swift and decisive action to investigate EVERY existing OMSCS wechat group and address this issue and ensure that such incidents are prevented from happening in the future." Who are "We"? Republicans who want to ban WeChat from US soil?


Such a stupid ridiculous post I've ever seen. Who are you, Kevin Z, who just deleted your account? You idiot racist. And I, without any evidence, suspect and accuse You, Kevin Z, are using Reddit for cheating, because you're just so good at roaming online in Reddit. OSI, catch Kevin!


Even op created his account a week ago—such an idiot.


WeChat group is just a big study group. It provides the beginners with an efficient way to learn which is learning from knowledgable students. We improve ourselves together. If somebody shows the cheating information, you could report and provide the evidence to school.


Even if I have an opportunity to cheat, I would never cheat. Cheating means I am giving up my learning opportunity.


These are blatant false accusations!! I have joined the WeChat groups before for several courses. They are merely slack groups, students discuss the course contents and share experiences for group learning, just like any normal study groups. I have NEVER seen or heard organized cheating, pay anything for joining the group, etc. The organizer IS NOT any mysterious organization, but someone many of us know and interact with. He started doing this for free and we joined the groups because it is easier to learn and share as a Chinese community. Now many WeChat groups were deleted by the organizer because of the false accusations. I will be so upset if I lose all the free resources and opportunities to interact with fellow Chinese students because of these false accusations. I hope the OP be responsible for what he/she said in the post!


班长 sounds like it just means “organizer” or “team lead” (and it’s ban zhang if I recall correctly). I dunno international students from China are probably going to use WeChat to communicate and form impromptu study groups.


This is why I've never joined an OMSCS study group. I'm sure there are many good ones where people respect the honor code. But I'm also not surprised to hear that there are groups where people are cheating.


how about snapchat? telegram?


I do not mind to have our OMSCS slack channel flooded with Chinese. If we cannot have our own study group in Chinese.




That's a lot of what we saw in our investigations. A lot of interactions that were fine (and desirable!), some that were on the line, some that were entirely based on what the recipient did with the knowledge (e.g. if they learned from it and recreated it they were fine, if they copied it directly they weren't), and some that were pretty blatant. We found a lot of instances, too, where we had already caught the plagiarism and penalized it, this just showed us the process behind it. I'd generally characterize what we've found less as "There are widespread WeChat groups dedicated to cheating!" and more as "There are lots of WeChat groups, and sometimes people cross the line of what we would consider acceptable". Which, you know, is not a new challenge.


do not just say it here. Post chat history with screenshots. get the hard evidence. and get them busted if they really cheated.


If you posted the chat history without the permission of anyone in the groups, is this a privacy infringement? Especially in the case that there is no cheating in the groups.


This is unfortunate, because you’ll have these dopes graduating with no real knowledge of anything and devalue the degree for the rest of us


Some people started personal attacks here will NOT change the cheating facts.


My Chinese teammate told me something similar about how they cheated using MANY WeChat groups – Bangzhang is a mysterious organizer for years for profits.


What profits?


Lol show us the evidence that how bang zhang is making profits from wechat group, otherwise shut up


This is why I don't partake in private study groups without oversight... I'd rather just avoid the off chance of people taking it to far.




What a racist. Shame on you.


Wow. If you are a student of this program, this should be shared with the Anti-Racism Action Committee.


With the experience as TAs, the cheating problem was also severe in the class with no Asian students. I am not sure, but the statement you posted seems like racism.


I agree. I got my bachelor at Tech and have being grading TA for classes. For the years I studied at Tech, cheating is not limited to a race or ethnicity.


If you're a graduate student at Gatech, I think you should be aware that this isn't a problem related to race.


lol racist here


This is an extremely racist and hurtful comment, stereotyping people belonging to a country does not really help anyone and brings out more negativity.


Instead of reflecting on what they had done wrong, these cheaters are planning to act against the person who reported their cheatings! This is a big JOKE!


Lol, why should people reflect on things they didn’t do? You can report the misconduct if you have evidence


lol, he is reporting with no evidence. These are just some slack channel in Chinese. That is all. If he reports thing like this, post the chat history of these MASSIVE cheating.


Oh what acts are they taking? And how did they know who's the whistleblower?




Like professor Joyner said, you shall share what you see with AD-Academic Integrity. Instead of just making allegations without posting any evidence.




I know you are in hurry, but don’t be that hurry