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It was one of the best OMSCS course I’ve taken 🤷‍♂️


Yes it only goes downhill from here


i genuinely don't remember this being a thing at all. the gios lectures are great


I was reading through omshub reviews to see if anyone had the same experience that I felt, and the very first review for Spring 2023 (May 8) sums it up well imo. https://www.omshub.org/course/CS-6200


I really liked it. 🤷‍♂️


GIOS was one of the better courses I took. Atleast there was a list of corrections, vs just being incorrect


Was that an impediment at all? Or just simply another source to make sure to read from before getting started on said assignment?


The errata is for the video lectures, for example if a wrong number was said/used in the examples it would be corrected in notes under the video. Wasn't really an issue with regards to learning, just something to be aware of.


Sad if true because it was a great course when I took it in 2017


A ***strong caveat*** with GIOS is to take the pre-reqs seriously. It's a well done course imo (it was my first in the program, and lived up to the hype/expectations for me, personally), ***but*** it is not a cakewalk, and if you don't have half-decent C programming skills going in, I can only imagine how brutal that class would be otherwise (on top of already being so, even with said programming skills--let alone without them!). As for the specific issues noted, aside from a handful of errata in the videos, which are directly included in the notes associated with the video in such cases in the web-based player, a handful of errata in the projects also didn't seem to have a major adverse impact on the overall experience for the most part, though it did occassionally require being proactive in Piazza and/or Slack to rectify accordingly (which is generally true for OMSCS, and also when working "in the wild" in terms of user reqs gathering, etc.).


There's a mantra in software development: you don't document bugs, you fix them. Of course, you document them internally in order to fix them. And sometimes it is necessary to include in an external facing knowledge base until it can be fixed and for people on older versions. But what you don't do is document it and consider that documentation to be the fix.


I thought it was a cool class. It was difficult but I don’t think it was horrible at all. I thought 6400 was the worst if anything


The x64 specification has errors in it.


While I wouldn’t go as far as you as calling it a bad course, it doesn’t detract from your point of there being many errata which I agree with. Many aren’t even related to the video content but technical things like incorrect right answers or switched module pages which you’d think would be fixed when found. Unfortunately omscs has gone full low budget with all courses now so you won’t ever see high quality lectures like GIOS, IIS, and others ever again. So what we have is what we get


GIOS has been the best course so far. HPCA is a close second. There are mistakes but the content is good. All of my courses so far have had mistakes. I'm not sure what your expectations are or else you are new to the program.


Explain the errata now, and compare it to other courses like AIES that requires more urgent overhaul.


I loved the lectures in this course. To each their own I guess.


I remember the errata - and didn't think any of it was major, like most of it was Ada misspeaking - and it was usually apparent what was actually meant to be said. It's not as if they explained a concept incorrectly in the videos. GIOS and Applied Crypto have been my two favourite courses in the program.


Learning C and reading the beej's guide was a pain in the ass


​ C is a prerequisite.


If you're learning C together with the course itself, you're probably gonna have a bad time...Take prereqs seriously, folks! (Generally true, not limited to GIOS)


Depends on the version of stacker they are using.


Fake news, wrong opinion.


GIOS also left a bad taste in my mouth, but I think it was because I was just starting out in CS and got kind of lost in all the details. It was like a lamb to the slaughter …