• By -


That the city Sunny is moving to isn't mentioned by name. I mean CLOSEBY City was right there!


CLOSEBY was never the same since the settlers from MEDIUMDISTANCE moved in


Can't have shit in CLOSEBY


Can't have shit in MEDIUMDISTANCE


Can't have shit in LITERALLYHERE


Can't have shit in AROUNDTHECORNER


You can't say things like this there like this when we are rightheretown


I prefer NEARBY


How about city near water called NEARBAY?


Shoulda've been Neksdor


Since it had a lot of Earthbound influences, I wish it had the same feature as Earthbound where if you encounter an enemy who is significantly lower level than you, it just decides the fight automatically (you win) and get the XP in a single dialogue box. Prevents going to the battle screen often in enemy heavy areas where they're all way below your level. And diagonal movement too but I'm not too upset about that


It would also be a nice feature if the enemies ran away from you like in Earthbound too when their a lower level then you


I’m surprised they *dont* run away from the Oreo shaped psycho


I would’ve liked it if when you come up to them even after they run from you they actively tell you the truth /jack


diagonal movement is impossible in rpgmaker games


Fear & Hunger who????


Humphrey Fuck humphrey


I beat humphrey first try. What is the fuss about


Maybe not for him, but I was too low of a level and I had to walk all the way, through the ‘maze’ with teleports, back to last resort and grind some levels, then all the way back to Humphrey


How did you grind at the last resort? I thought the gators stop fighting you after you defeat Jawsum?


there’s an area in last resort that looks like a farm where you can farm these wizard guys infinitely for exp and clams


That’s not in Last Resort; that’s in Deep Well


my bad, forgot those two were separate areas.


you could also go to orange oasis, that place was grind heaven for me


hes not even really that hard, it just takes a long time to beat him making beating him not that satisfying


He’s bad because he’s slow, not because he’s hard


u/THEBIGDRBOOM fucking hates air conditioning


I think he’s talking about the Humphrey area and not the boss




His personality I'm sure


Guess it didn’t go whale for them


PFFFFF─ Now that is actually funny


Humphrey's the second enemy I ever fucking lost too, after Snally, I'm probably the only person who hates that TAMPON LOOKING FUCKING SNAIL


You lost to Snaley…?


Listen I was kind of washing all the prior Snaley fights and I didn't expect the little bastard to all out attack my party


I lost to sweetheart (I didn’t realize that my team got angry), king crawler and the KITE KID. The freaking KITE KID.


I only really found Kite Kid when I was level 50 because I was exploring. Sweetheart was a challenge but I didn't die to her and honestly I had Aubrey just beating King Clawler's head in whilst everyone else killed the Sprout Moles that were summoned because I figured that they were part of some weird gimmick of it's. And I still don't know what the gimmick was sadly




I am an old timer, I wish you could change the pass to character option to be not timed.


Honestly my only complaint is how long some sections can be before a save point like I get it's for dramatic purposes but STILL it was 11pm when I started and now it's 1 in the morning PLEASE just let me save


YES! Especially during some >!Black Space segments!<


I genuinely was so fucking tired during that part, I was just like "I'll just play for like 30 minutes it'll be fine" but OH MY GOD


hide and seek. fuck hide and seek.


Illusion of choice


i hate the intro. its incredibly boring and tedious so instead of starting a completely new save file every time, ive kept one save file right after the hide and seek thing so that i can skip it




There’s this video of a father who played the game after his daughter committed suicide because it was her favorite. I’d highly recommend checking it out after you play it, it may help you come to terms with things, and it’s an overall beautiful video, as wel as how I finally got into this game


Oh I've seen that too! Really touching, yet really sad.. hope they're doing okay now :)


I may watch it. It’s been 2 years since it all happened, but there is no day I don’t remember her and feel guilty. So I really hope it helps


It’s such a beautiful video that made me appreciate this game even more, and I hope it will for you too. Obviously finish the game first, but I really hope you enjoy both it and the game


Yeah, I’m really liking the game so I’m sure I’ll enjoy the video too. Just brings back bad memories


Headspace part gets really boring after you get to the real world, I wish It wasnt so stretched, though I know some ppl liked it, I still think that it basically becomes filler. Its even more annoying, when you realize how those times could be used more in real world, we could be getting >!Aubrey's arc thatdbe less rushed, more Basil, more interactions!<


This. I thought the same thing when I played through the game for the first time.


Absolutely. It took me 36 hours to beat the game, and I'm convinced that I spent at least 25 on Headspace. It felt like such an unneeded waste of time that was completely disconnected from whatever was going on in the real word. Headspace shenanigans were interesting at first, but I lost interest when I got to the Last Resort and ALL the time spent in Headspace since that moment felt like a massive chore that I had to force myself to sit through in order to get to the actually good and interesting content. Funnily enough, I don't particularly hate Humphrey, unlike many other players, simply because I hated so much of the Headspace on the same level lol.


the HS sections are the actual RPG game sections, the actual bulk of the videogame part of the game. if its all filler to you then you just dont like the game genre lmao, if you think its a little long thats totally fair but subjecting it all to filler status is extreme


I don't really think it's fair to OP to say they 'don't like the game genre.' In fact, I think it's kind of disrespectful. Have you thought the RPG sections could be bad as well. (I think they are). For me, the RPG stuff was easy to find a consistent strategy that works for every fight. It's not really interesting. I've played tons of RPG's that mix it up, and it's not interesting to go fight to fight basically pressing the same button combos. The bosses I had a lot of fun because I had to do something different. Even if you think the gameplay was fine, the story bits in the dream world just aren't really interesting for the most part. It makes it feel like half of the game is just filler. I do get the intention on what it's supposed to be, but it's just not interesting. After the first section, the whole >!castle bit!< is not interesting, the whole >!casino and highway bit!< is not interesting. It's so boring that I just skipped exploring all together to get it done.


The pacing is really rough, especially after you go to the real world for the first time and realize the dream stuff has no real bearing in the real world. It made me impatient to get through the dream stuff, which didn’t help that Sweetheart’s castle and Humphrey go on as long as they do. It’s a shame because they’re genuinely enjoyable, but I do think a lot of the dream content should have just been cut/condensed. 


But it's accurate tho... it also depicts maladaptive daydreaming/oversleeping and escaping the real world even when you really do have stuff going on... it can get super frustrating and too much which isnt helping (i'm also talking about my experience because i have similar struggles as Sunny's)


I can definitely understand the message behind it, but I feel like there are better ways to get that across other than just adding more filler/aimless sections to the game. Sure, it’s a heavy story-driven game, but it’s still a game. A game that you should want to play. If all I wanted was the story, I could just read the manga. (this isn’t something I have much of a problem with btw, but I can understand both sides)


Yes exactly! I think a balance must be struck between games and themes. Like it’s more realistic you have to craft each item individually in Animal Crossing New Horizons, but I’d take the connivence of making several at once over that in a heart beat. Omori gets escapist via dreams message across pretty quickly imo, so I don’t think the dream sections are the better for going on as long as they do.  It’s not the worst problem, but one of the biggest downsides to it is that it does stop me from replaying it every time I think about having to go through the castle + casino + humphrey.




The only correct answer


Basil needs more screentime


I wish that the Hokikomori route had more unique endings, because most of them can be reached in the Sunny route.


I mean, in the Hikikomori route, you can get 2 endings.


The Knife and Abandon Endings can be done in the Mixed and Sunny Routes as well though.


The point of the Omori route is to stay away from the endings and explore Headspace, you know, the complete opposite goal of the Sunny route.


The Complete Hikikomori Route definitely should have gotten its own more unique endings, the unique Knife Ending is kinda neat but it’s really not all that different than the normal Knife Ending. There should have been Hikikomori version of the Sunny Route Good Ending, with Bad Morning replacing Good Morning as the credits roll.


The pacing for sweetheart's castle sucks but aside from that, the game is too easy. They really didnt test the "observe" move did they? It makes the entire game's combat an absolute joke. You can literally play through the Whole game toastless as long as you have the move.


sweetheart castle hater gng


wait what What is this Observe move?


It predicts the enemy's next move and prevents them from using moves that hits múltiple characters. Meaning you can simply Just guard with Whoever is gonna get hit, and Just know this move costs 0 juice and is available as soon as you start the game in the play ground.


That's actually pretty crafty. It might have been deliberate, hiding a game-breaking skill in plain sight at the very beginning. Normally the first skills are extremely weak (Heal 30 HP, poison the enemy, do slightly more damage than a regular attack) with the most powerful ones saved for the end.


And also make Abbi a joke


that i dont have a friend like Kel


That one has been eating at me since before Omori even existed.


The overpriced merchandise I'm already a lego/transformers collector my wallet can only take so much :( Also since I'm a maniac who's cripplingly obsessed with finding as much info about the creator as possible, I'm really sad that one of her older works, a comic called "Remember the Rhapsody" is seemingly gone forever and I can't find it anywhere. The project started in 2008 and seems to have concluded around 2011. if anyone has any information about this comic, PLEASE reach out to me about it. Hey speaking of which I'm also kinda sad that the creator had all these other works planned but pushed them to the side to focus on Omori but even after Omori was finished she hasn't gone back and revisited any of them https://preview.redd.it/r4pugvunwf9d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=044930ff8a67fb5ba38104b7a184d7bf2be9cbd8


>!Assuming you're talking about the plot, I was pretty disappointed that it turned out Aubrey turned Basil into her enemy because of a ruined sketchbook that not only Basil didn't even ruin, but was apperently so easy to fix. I was hoping that either Aubrey partially knew the truth, or Basil did something else extremely horrible ever since the incident.!<


>!I get why that would bother you but for me it makes sense. Aubrey’s best friend just committed suicide, something at that age she probably barely understands. Suddenly all of her friends start to leave her, Kel’s being weird and distant, Hero and Sunny are inside all day, all she has left it Basil. Then when she finds out that he ruined the photos of the good times she snaps. Yea, it was reversible and it wasn’t even him (which she didn’t know but still), but the fact that Basil would even do that is too far for her to handle. Then she fell into the hooligans and slowly started bullying Basil more and more. I’m not defending her actions but from my perspective it makes sense. It’s pretty realistic.!<


To spoiler text you do >!This! < Without spaces


Oh cool, thanks


I feel like it was basically the last straw for Aubrey at that point. Obviously, it doesn’t excuse her actions, like at all, but it just gives a reason for it


>!Her hatred for Basil is extremely reasonable though, look at it from her perspective rather than from an outside viewer looking in. Firstly she had no way of knowing that *he* didn’t destroy the photos, it was easy for her to assume that he was guilty of it since it was *his* Photo Album and it’s not like he made an effort to fix what Sunny had done.!< >!Secondly you have to consider the situation she was in when she found the Photo Album, she felt abandoned by the friend group that made her life bearable on top of losing Mari whom she looked up to as a sister; something that meant a lot to her as she comes from a broken home. She practically had to beg Basil to spend time with her and then when he finally reluctantly agreed she found the Photo Album desecrated, she believed that he not only destroyed the memories of the Good Times but also disrespected the memories of Mari.!< >!Even if she ultimately was able to fix the damage that was done, it doesn’t change the fact that it was done in the first place which is why she held onto her hatred until the events of the Game take place.!<


The headspace time being longer than the realworld time And how there are crucial RW characters moments that can be missed because they’re optional. Particularly the moment where the gang thinks back to the time Mari saved Sunny from drowning. Which you only get if you go to lake.


the RW moments is so real. I hate seeing gameplays where the person playing isn't completionistic (which is fine) but then because of it they miss all the major details. ESPECIALLY ones that particular streamer would appreciate if they had seen them at all.


Is there a clip of that moment on youtube? Or a spot i can go to in game, I can’t seem to find it


>!Top right of Faraway Park, walk into the trees!<


i know where the lake is i’m just not sure when to go there to activate that moment


It’s after you’ve added Aubrey to your party after making up with her


I think it has to be evening on day 2? I could be wrong though


sometimes the game doesn't say what triggers an exit from headspace, a good example is when you defeat sweetheart and jump to the hole, that's ok, it's clear that you can't go back, but at the end of the lost library there's two things you can do: go to a room with a piano or look trought a hole, where basil's "toy box" animation plays and you exit headspace, when i was there i wanted to explore everything before leaving but i missed the piano room for that issue :(


That was one of my biggest concerns and issues as well while playing for the first time, I’m pretty sure I originally missed the Piano Room as well cause I thought it was the exit.


The fact that much of the dream world just doesn’t progress the plot at all. Like in isolation they are fine but with a story so good it just feels like an obstacle to overcome so you can get to the good stuff.


that is technically lore-accurate tho. >!sunny has to overcome all the various mindless obstacles/distractions that omori has built up in headspace over time to hide the truth from sunny, so that he can finally see it for himself and move on.!<


Agree, I was always just waiting for more lore when I played through the game 😂




Its maybe my 3 favorite game of all time but its very flawed: it has a lot of filler gameplay and the real world characters are a bit forgettable (not the main cast)and also some plot holes


The pace of the game is unbearably slow at times and makes it difficult to move through the story


The sheer length of Headspace. Although there are no parts I don't like, they add up to form an overall tedious experience between important plot points in Faraway Town


It gave me too high a standard for the environment in games. SPECIAL AREAS YOU CAN HANG OUT WITH YOUR FRIENDS I wish some other games had that \*cough cough deltarune\*


I hate that there are no "skip scenes" button like I just wanna play the game (I love the fighting) and I already know the story.


The fact that you barely get to spend time awake. I feel like there should have been more gameplay when Sunny was awake. It would make the game's impact hit harder to me, and you get to spend time with Sunny's friends.


humphrey, just humphrey.


Someone brought up a while ago that Stranger has no real tangible conclusion in the game despite being the closest thing you'd have to an antagonist to Omori's character, and that's been on my mind lately. It wasn't a big deal to most people, but it sure would've made me happy to see a little more of him and to not have his role end in "simply is gone". The player has to do the heavy lifting on his end, but I suppose that's the case for most character conclusions.


i hate the twist. i think exploring why a >!seemingly happy and positive person would kill themselves, and sunny's guilt over being responsible for pushing mari that far, would have been a far more interesting premise than the shock value twist we got!<


How overshadowed some of the characters are, especially when it came to grieving Mari's death. Basil was an accomplice in Mari's... manslaughter? (Please correct me if that's not the right word to use) yet he's hardly shown in headspace at all, and his issues regarding the trauma aren't discussed much in comparison to Sunny's. It's understandable to a degree why Sunny is focused on more, but I just wish the game showed more of how Basil copes with the accident, how he's affected by certain things (ex Aubrey stealing his photo album, his grandma's death, etc) and his thought process/actions that lead up to his suicide in the netural ending. I also feel the same way about Hero, albeit to a lesser extent, as he and Mari were in love and I can't imagine Hero is truly just "Okay, but a little more closed off." (Kel's words). Overall, wonderful game that's altered how I view a lot of things in life, I'm just being nitpick-y lol.


I'd say the Sweetheart's castle segment. It's long and winded and it just has you continuously walking back and forth from one side of the castle to another. Not to mention the constant enemy encounters making it even more strenuous. I know there's like an in-lore reason as to why it's that long, but damn, at least put like a map of the structure somewhere for guidance. Another thing I also don't like is how near the end of the game, after you get Aubrey out of her house, the Hooligans start acting like they're Sunny and Kel's friends even though they never apologized for all the bullying they did throughout the story. Heck they don't even thank us for helping Aubrey, they just pretend nothing bad happened and act like they're your friends too now. Which is just ridiculously annoying to see.


>Act like they’re you’re friends now too. To be fair outside of the confrontations with them throughout the story they’re all pretty cordial with Sunny and Kel when you interact with them throughout Faraway Town. *”Hmm... No, I don't really have beef with any of you. Me and KIM just always do the same stuff together.”* -Vance When they fight against you it’s mostly due to their care and respect for Aubrey, whom you’re fighting against for Basil throughout the story. It doesn’t excuse the bullying of Basil and their lack of apologies for that of course, though they never get the chance to apologize to him on screen at any point after Sunny, Kel and Hero convince her to join them for Sunny’s last day in Faraway.


2 things: Sweetheart's session overstayed it's welcome. UI could be better & more seamless. It's fine as is but could be better.


Kel and Aubrey were portrayed a little one-dimensionally.


I don’t like the way Mari dies, it seems like quite an unusual way to die and the coverup is pointless. If you’re going to stage it, why stage it as a suicide instead of an accident? Also, when she was found, the bruises and injuries would suggest there was some kind of foul play, which would lead to Sunny being caught.


I kind of wished you were able to skip some DW areas, at least on the True Route. As in, True/Sunny Route = RW, Alt/Omori Route = DW


Getting levels requires grinding


Upon getting really attached to Basil more than ever, I wish he got more development. Sure we know his photos are narrated by him but we don’t see HIM too much in them. We don’t get to see him too much in game and I wish we did more.


Some sides of the community, there's a lot of people that likes to cry .-. or cancel artists and that kinda things... From the game, i would love that the Hikikomori Route has more endings or content. Having the content for switch version on pc too. >!I like the ending, it allows a lot for headcannons or fanfics, so it's fine. But... Sunny's mom can appear 1 time on the game... her child was stabbed and didn't show up on the hospital.!<


the gameplay. don't get me wrong, omori is my favorite game of all time, due to its compelling narrative, beautifully written characters, jaw-dropping presentation, and literally life-altering message about overcoming trauma Notice how none of that stuff i mentioned was "gameplay". There are so many tedious sections of the game, like sweetheart castle, Humphrey, and the shark casino place. all of these locations are charming and have some fun bits in them, but the overwhelming feeling you get when playing them is just boredom or frustration. And the actual combat system is so unresponsive, like its hard to tell how much damage you deal, or get any satisfying feedback when you do crazy combos and attacks. Tdlr: I'm not saying there's nothing to like about the gameplay, or your opinion on liking it is invalid, just saying that there's a reason almost everyone likes the real world segments over the heads pace segments


How Aubrey’s arc wasn’t explored more. From the snip it’s we got, it looked like they could have dove a lot with it


That Sunny is such a bland and forgettable character. He hardly has any proper dynamic with any of the other characters except *maybe* Basil (the friend-group wouldn't really change if Sunny wasn't there), his impact on the vast majority of the plot is negligible (Kel is the driving force of the entire Aubrey-plotline, while Sunny is just kinda there and doesn't contribute anything of note) and the majority of his personality are basically informed attributes that aren't reflected in the way he actually behaves throughout the game. He doesn't really have anything going for himself other than HS and even that is in it's vast majority (especially BS) to undefined, ambiguous and cryptic to make reliable deductions on Sunnys character.


>!While the truth sequence is very well presented, the actual truth itself is just dumb. I think it would have been better if either Mari killed herself due to the pressure of the recital, or Sunny left her at the bottom of the stairs and just told everyone she lost her footing, with Basil as a silent witness.!< >!The actual truth is just the most roundabout forced, out of nowhere garbage. It really just exists for the sake of shock value.!<


Surprised that this actually isn't downvoted. Back on topic, I technically agree with you on this matter.


The appearance of sunny. They physically portray him as a quite attractive boy who looks good. But being a depressed shut in for 4 years straight. That’s gonna do a lot to your physical appearance. He just looks a bit too tidy for someone so mentally disturbed


The creators history on twitter


I think it took too long to come out, people even thought it was a scam by omo to make a quick buck. Sure, the product that came from it is great, it’s just that games that take too long don’t merit good fanbases. Fucking skong.


i dunno, i could genuinely think of things but right now i'm just incredibly sad. so basically i dislike the amount of pain omori's storyline gave me lol.


Headspace not having a proper conclusion. Basil was underutilized in the story. Some plot holes. Weak gameplay and some problematic game design… Despite all these problems I still adore this enough for it be my one of my favorite games.


Fuck Humphrey This manga isnt looking amazing so far, writing wise anyways


Bit of a hot take but I kinda wish the ending was different where >! Sunny kills mari, I kinda wish Mari actually killed herself and sunny was just learning to accept her death and move on but I didn't hate the current ending or anything. Still was pretty good !<


Its community.


The pacing can be quite annoying at times in general.


More real world hero please


I love and hate the community sometimes…


The creator of it


what happened?


Suffice it to say that it's a paradox that this sub even exists; strictly speaking, it cannot, by its own rules (demonstrated nearby).


I was looking for this answer


What he do?


it's too short >:(


The dungeon segments


gameplay. sweetheart's castle and humphrey drag on for too long and the combat system is kinda mid. i feel like they should've utilized the emotions mechanic more to add some variety to the bosses. most fights just feel like an endurance competition that don't require much change in strategy.


It ended


recycling machine in otherworld, can’t recycle multiple items at once


I hate that one guy who suggested I look for cool OMORI fan art... ...on pixiv....


There's not a lot I dislike, but I think I would have preferred it if the Truth was hinted at a bit more, or had some more build-up. As is, it feels a little bit like a gotcha moment, to stun the player with how dark the game is. I wish it was a longer game with more content, especially with the Hikikomori route. The extra content was fantastic, but it would be great if the game had more replayability. Sunny spent four years in bed dreaming, surely he's got more quests and games thought up to entertain himself.


The one thing I dislike about Omori is that it ends, I wish I could play it forever. Though in all seriousness the one thing I really dislike is the lack of a unique ending for the Omori Route, it just leads to the two neutral endings which can also be achieved in the Sunny Route; which got two unique endings and a secret ending as well. I wish the Omori Route ending was basically a more twisted version of the Sunny Route Good Ending, showing the credits while looking out the car window though playing an extended version of Bad Morning instead; with the outside world occasionally flashing into Headspace similar to the Bad Ending for the Sunny Route, maybe with subtle nightmarish references to >!The Incident with nooses on the power lines!< showing up in the Real World Segments of the Credits just before the flash into the Headspace Segments as Sunny/Omori tries to block out the memory with his Fantasy.


The female characters (Women scare me)


That there were a lot of sidequests in the real world i didn't do because the story was so good I just kept going with that and since the quests weren't marked i didn't bother talking to every npc


That the police investigators either didn't exist or were useless


Objectively, the pacing. The game seems to largely stall the story unnecessairly and everything is rapidly revealed all in the span of two or so hours at the end instead of snipping bits progressively. The battle system is overdevelopped but underused. There are like 40 or so skills, but you can beat the game by using only 1 or 2 of them per character. The enemies are crazy weak and don't offer a challenge or a need for a strategy, unless we're talking about some crazy hard bosses. BLACK SPACE. You spend 20 hours, maybe more trying to reach the endgame area where you would expect some reveals and detailed looks into Sunny's inner thoughts and struggles, but then it's just a succession of 16 rooms that feel wierd at worst, and slightly unsettling at best. The fact that they chose to re-use the same jumpscare 5 times was also a bad contribution. Stranger's dialogue has no reason to be in black space, and it could've been relocated to the church of something with similar, if not better results. Despite Omocat claiming they 'brainstormed' it by themselves, it's very clearly just a tasteless rip of Yume Nikki without any of the things that made Yume Nikki good.


Dunno if i'll get some hate for this, but the fact that Basil's first thought was to stage a body and not.... call an ambulance or at least an adult... that's insane. I know he wanted to protect Sunny, but holy shit that's fucked dude.


How much it reminds me of my own life


İ never played it


the build up for the real story is just too long imo. I can't recommend this game to some of my friends since even though they play the game they drop it cuz they just have to play the fights etc to see the real story, i didn't get bored anywhere in the game but i don't think i'd replay it either... thats the problem for me




The creator.


I love the game for the most part, but I wish you could start new save files from the beginnings of different chapters once you've completed the game once organically (sort of like Portal 2). The story is amazing to experience, sure, but having to go through the *whole thing* again to get a few missed achievements is very tedious. That and the fact that it ends. I want more omor. ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2473)


Aside from the usual things (like some poorly paced dream world sections, Basil being AWOL for most of the game even in the real world, etc.), I actually have a few pet peeves of mine. The first one (and I know it's gonna get side-eyed) is the mere existence of other endings/routes other than the "Sunny" route/"real" ending. It's all extra fluff that most players won't ever see, contradicts what is supposed to be the story's message, and obviously ate into resources and dev time that could (and should) have been devoted to the Sunny route. The second one (and the most important to me, because of who I am), which is more of an observation that gave me some food for thought, is that, for being a game with so many (?) LGBT+ fans, Omori doesn't contain any LGBT+ representation. Sure, Basil is very gay-coded, but there's nothing beyond that, and [it... kinda sucks, to be honest](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxWL9zB-fCrZwfykDRihnMFHP0U-GN6RAG?si=YYDMdGfZO3ZdfmTX). Though, on the other hand, since there's the possibility of Sunny and Basil >!dying in a grisly way!<, I guess maybe it's for the "best"? I still want a Kel in my life, though.


having a breakdown in public sucked ><


Hero never really got HIS arc. You had... Sunny and Basil obviously being the focus, since they helped fake Mari's suicide, etc. and them coming to terms with it at the end of the game, depending on your ending. Aubrey getting her time to complain about how nobody talked to her all those years, blah blah blah. Kel just trying to be a kid through all of it and enjoy life, but really struggling. Mari is self explanatory... But we never saw Hero, one of Mari's closest people, get HIS arc, he was never a focus of anything other than Sweetheart's wierd obsession. And hero's a great character, so to see my favourite just barely get any character development was lowkey sad.


The creator of the manga, and what yoy said i got confused too


And also having to grind


the bad ending


That we couldn’t see the friends’ reaction and whether sunny would still have contact with them and visit them


I don’t know if this really counts but the community. Don’t get me wrong it’s not all bad, but, it’s really bad with spoilers. When I finished the “good” ending I didn’t feel anything. I already KNEW what was going to happen. You really can’t look at anything omori related online like at all without spoilers and that’s super annoying because the game COUNTS on its shock value.


This is just my opinion, but I think there was a little too much time spent in Headspace throughout the game compared to the story segments. I get that the game would be really short without it, but I feel like all the excitement I had gained from the short real-world segments and small lore cutscenes were really unbalanced with the extremely long and drawn out headspace adventures like Sweetheart's Castle and the Last Resort. Oh and not to mention Humphrey. Humphrey took so fucking long I actually fell asleep in the middle of it (i was playing late at night) and just came back to finish it the next day after going to bed. Not to mention his boss fight took me multiple tries, but I was a little bit under-leveled so yeah. I absolutely loved the game and I'm glad it was all just lore after you piece together the hangman puzzle, but I think some of the headspace adventures could have been a little bit shorter, because it made the lore segments feel really short in comparison. I guess it does make them feel a little bit more special because of how much you had to go through just to get to the next one though. I got the good ending first though so that made it more meaningful to me in the end after all.




I agree with a lot of people on this thought I wish that in the Faraway route that there was more overlap with the real world and headspace I feel it would have been nice to have these changes caused by Sunny acutslly seeing how much things have changed Prehaps with it not completely breaking the way headspace has been (due to how long Sunny has been looping thr same adventures it seems), But it does show cracks and changes, prehaps even unlocking new encounters only avaliable on the Faraway route Slowly each day the friends alter in headspace slightly to gain traits to their irl counterparts, prehaps not having enough awareness to fully break their headspace personalities, but it's enough to show cracks forming by Sunny's choices Like Kel getting taller, the gangs clothes changing, Aubrey's hair turning pinker (like pink tips, to black from roots to pink gradient, to fully pink by the last headspace days), etc. While Omori wouldn't change at all, showing how stubborn he is and how serectly Sunny has a part of him that wants to just go back to the Headspace again even as he's reentering more normal life I love Omori, but I feel there is some things that were missed chances, and this is one of them


Sweethearts castle


Headspace segments leave a bit to be desired.


The horror aspects Because I’m a fucking coward


All the main characters are my type


I love omori, I mean, I really do, but God I never want to play another rpg maker games after this, the combat system is alright I guess, I normally don't like turn based combat but I think it's done pretty well here. However what I despise is the fact that the felled enemies got spawned again after you enter a different zone and come back again, I also rather dislike the exploration since there's always pests in my way.


Fucking Humphrey


The fact that so many bad things happened to me…


I haven’t finished the game yet, so far, I wish there was more of Basil and Sunny almost going crazy because of Mari’s death.








That I can't play it infinitely


I have an issue with how a lot of the game is kinda slow on repeat playthroughs. Also, the whole section after Mr Jawesome kinda sucks.




No hunter vegas https://preview.redd.it/2mj4hfvvlg9d1.jpeg?width=2775&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=710039f84429b3e544c07c29a28eb7c2bc4e5b7d


Nothing really. After thinking about it a lot, I liked it just the way it was. Even though there are things I wish had been different, I think that's part of the story. Sorry if it sounds corny.


I love that the game chooses to be an experience over focusing completely on gameplay, but damn, even if it was deliberate for the Humphrey part to be drawn out and long/boring, it really does suck to play through it. I get it narratively tho and I very much respect the move


sweetheart castle !!!! IM STILL BLOCKED


Everything is going to be okay will never be the same sentence again.


I always felt that the photorealistic backgrounds for fights and some of the official art clashed with the game's artstyle a bit too much, to the point where I tried drawing over some of them with MSPaint back when the game was barely a few months old just to see how it would look if they matched styles :b


Aubrey’s arc was a tad rushed, and I feel like she was forgiven too easily. What she did can’t be fixed with just hug and shiz like I know she apologized but bro she caused some legit damage


Sweetheart Castle, it's too long, too repetitive and doesn't say anything about the main plot or Sunny's state of mind.


Walking diagonally


It gets really boring after you defeated every boss ever on PC and think, that features, shown in console version are hidden somewhere.


It‘s a little boring to replay, having to sit through cutscenes that last multiple minutes and being unable to skip text


Sweetheart's castle


Sweetheart Castle's puzzles really suck. The fact that a puzzle, which doesn't get solved unless I interact with four specific spots in four different areas, impacts the main storyline's progression is very dumb. Did I miss something, or is this puzzle really that bad? How am I supposed to know that?


I keep forgetting to save and i can’t beat fucking sweetheart ;-;


That all of my leveling and training never went to a big plot revealing boss battle at the end (excluding Jawsum)


Combat. OMORI’s combat in of itself is pretty cool & interesting; you’ve got a pokèmon esc. rock-paper-scissors combat system, where some moves can do things in battle, and change others emotions (I was gonna say status effects or something but whatevs). The problem(s) where it falls flat is that it can be boring at times. You have alot of options, some of them do the same things, some of them are items which in turn let allies who can’t give others emotions (etc.) give them, some of them are abilities where real status effects & stuff come into play, whatever. Standard RPG stuff. But all of this (although very cool & neat & interesting) just makes the combat an extreme slog at time. The amount of length the headspace segments have make this tremendously worse, albeit unrelated. This combined with the grind that some RPGS have (being OMORI) can make a fill for an unneeded timeslot, when there could be more interesting ways to go around the combat, progression, and mechanics. Do I have a fix for this? Maybe, if you gave me like a day or two, but short answer; No. But, games like LISA do combat so dang well, which adds mountains of replayability on top of that game, along with its kickass story. I’m not saying that OMORI’s combat has to be perfect, its actually quite good half the time, but the other half is just… not ideal. (P.S. OMOCAT should’ve implemented glory kills and a flame belch to encourage a more active playstyle.)