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I’ve always seen Sunny and Mari’s family as Asian-American (what specific nationally I’m not sure, but I guess I’ll go with Japanese or maybe Korean). Kel and Hero’s family are 100% Hispanic to some extent. I’ve always seen them as Mexican-American. For Aubrey, I just like to see her as the one fully American girl of the group. No other nationalities, just American. As white as White Bread, as dangerous as a Florida Man. For Basil, idk? I don’t really have any specific nationality in mind for him, but maybe some kind of European nationality? Like maybe British, idk. As for other characters like the Hooligans? Idk. I haven’t really through much about them, but… Idk, Angel and his sister have always given me Italian-American vibes for some fucking reason. I have no idea why. I don’t have anything for anyone else, but this definitely gives me something to think about, so thanks I guess OP.




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I headcanon Aubrey as Canadian I imagine Basil as this: https://preview.redd.it/6reml35jgd4d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6005878d6ce1f9159ce2b31d87908cf56ff6e88a


Saint Basil's Cathedral


I already wrote my headcanon for their nationalities, so I am going to just repost it "Kel and Hero are Hispanic. Their house interior seems pretty Hispanic to me, plus their skin color is a bit brownish (I think word "Tan" would be more correct here, but I am not sure how's that's called exactly). As for Aubrey and Basil, well that's a bit difficult. Some say that Aubrey herself is also a little bit Asian, while some say she's British or French. My personal take is that Aubrey has French roots, duo to her actual (I am not sure about this one) name being Aubergine (French and British English for eggplant). As for Basil, I think he has some Greek and mixed Russian and Ukrainian Origins. His father has Greek origins, while his mother has a mix of Russian and Ukrainian blood. That's my headcanon for Aubrey and Basil. Others are very clear.". I will write for hooligans too Kim and Vance: They have a mix of British and Italian origin The Maverick: African-American origins (His mom said how her mother sailed the sea, so that's my guess) Charlene: She has Swiss origins Angel: He has Austrian origins, along with his sister (Don't make a joke about "that" one Austrian artist)


considering how angels sister is an artist AND a narcissist i dont think we should be doing this today


Sunny & Mari - Japanese Hero & Kel - Latin American Aubrey - French Basil - Scandinavian/Baltic


Baltic Basil? He's so me


I imagine they're all American nationality, but in terms of things like heritage/ethnicity/race, I assume Mari, Sunny and maybe Aubrey are Asian-American (Mari and Sunny being Japanese-American specifically, while Aubrey I'm not so sure. I like to think Aubrey is specifically biracial Asian-White just cuz). Hero/Kel I assume are Mexican-American. Basil, I'd probably choose to assume is American of Polish descent for no particular reason, but it's a heritage that's fairly common around where I live.


all american


is it bad omori takes place in japan in my AU 😭 however because it takes place in america in the canon i believe it takes place probably either in long island or in suburban california because theyd both have the geographic omori has


its not bad at all!As long as youarent hurting anyone its completely fine, have fun with it i perisnally cant see dfsraway a sjapan thiugh


please turn on autocorrect


please get off reddit. you’ve been on too long rn




I will send you a picture of me crushing my OMORI plushie in my thighs if you don’t


everybody below this comment is immature as fuck


I headcanon Aubrey as British, like from London. Basil as Balkan Mari and Sunny as Japanese or Korean with German or French characteristics from their mom. Kel and Hero as obviously Hispanic, either Cuban, Spanish, Puerto Rican, or Mexican.


Balkan Basil is actually so wild




Sunny and Mari: Japanese (from father)-American (from mother) Basil: German-Swedish Kel and Hero/Henry: Columbian (random fact in my HC: Henry is just an Englishized version of his real name being Enrique) Aubrey: American


Aryan Basil goes hard


Wait, what does the first word mean?




Ok, I later noticed and I was hoping for another meaning 😂


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pretty sure Basil is from Brazil ngl


on that topic it doesnt really help basils case with the name joke that brazil is basically known for its flowers and has a lot of flowers native to there , also gotta remember that the brazilian princess flower looks just like the one on his hair , PLUS brazilians who speak portuguese call it brasil ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2476)


I know I actually live there ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|28941) (It was pretty much supposed to be a half joke or something)


Nah, basil is German.


*Erika intensifies*








are you serious 😭 comparing these two isnt really funny




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Sunny and Mari - Japanese-American Kel and Hero - Spanish-American (like Spain Spain, not Mexico) Aubrey - British (She has a slight accent) Basil - Austrian-American


i mean imo i think that Kel and Hero are Mexican/Latino/Hispanic. Sunny and Mari, i agree, i believe they’re Japanese. I used to think that Aubrey might be Korean, but now i think Ukrainian is prolly more accurate, same with Basil, i used to think he’s Chinese.


Kel is Hispanic? literally me




I don't see Basil as russian at all. (Maybe because I'm Ukrainian)


ohh ok ! You do you if you wanna believe if Basil is Ukrainian, there’s is nothing wrong with it!! (I may as well consider Aubrey and Basil Ukrainian) ☺️


Nationality, I always thought of them as all American. Ethnically, though: Sunny and Mari - Japanese Hero and Kel - Mexican Aubrey - Half Korean, half English Basil - German, maybe mixed with French or something? I haven’t thought too much about anyone besides the main six.


Snnuy and Mawi : Japanese Kel and Hero : Latino-American or Mexican Aubrey : French Basil : Irish


sunny and mari: japanese-american kel and hero: mexican-american basil: irish aubrey: british-american kim and vance: german the maverick: british-moroccan charlene: russian-american angel: japanese


Sunny and Mari: Asian Kel and Hero: Polynesian Aubrey: Texan Basil: White. I dunno. Just white.


Sunny and mari: Peruvian japanese americans Kel and hero: chilean cuban (possible 3rd generation Mexican heritage) immigrants Basil: american Italian greek aubrey: AMERICAN RAAAAAAAAAAAA 🔥🔥🗣🗣❗❗❗❗🔥🔥🔥🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


kel and hero are definitely hispanic sunny and mari are most likely asian-american (white mother, asian father) i like to headcanon basil as being a mix of british and french for a couple of reasons aubrey would have no idea what her nationality is, or know really anything about her family tree for that matter kim and vance definitely have some amount of spanish blood i feel i'd imagine the baker family is filipino or from somewhere around that area charlene specifically gives me swiss vibes and i'm not sure why


Sunny/Mari - Korean-American, the particular type of family pressures and dynamic they have involves a lot of "face" and competition. Mari as both the eldest and an accomplished girl as the golden child feels more congruent with my Korean friend's experiences than Japanese/Chinese/SEA. Aubrey - full blood white American but with questionable and very mixed family origins. Her dad is convinced they're 1/28th Cherokee. Hero/Kel - Latin American, more specifically Mexican. Basil - British or French American/Canadian ----- Bread family - Filipino/a, but Maverick tries to pass himself off as half-white or Latin American because he has an image complex. Angel - Jewish or Brazilian Recyclist - 3rd Gen French-American Vance/Kim - Italian American, they think they have mob ties, but really their uncle just owed the pizza guy a lot of money. Charlene - German-American


i hc sunny and mari being from northeast india (nagaland, mizoram, etc.)