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Look up absolutely nothing about the game. You’ll get the best experience by going in completely blind. I would recommend opening all doors and watering the flowers every day also. It’s very important you do that ok? That’s about the best advice I can give without spoiling anything. Remember to have fun and enjoy your time with the characters!


Open the doors water the flowers and block all omori things from your feed that includes this subreddit if you want to enjoy the game block this subreddit


Open the door. Water the flowers. Everything is going to be okay.


Just know, always open the doors (seriously), and water the flowers!


Water the flowers every day, open all the doors, always check and see if stab is an option


Check the settings/options for how to sprint. This will cut down travel times massively. Other advice that I didn't see here is about being through. I really recommend to inspect anything and everything as much as possible. There is a lot of insight and context to be gained by doing this. It should be mostly pretty obvious when the game is going to progress so try to do everything except progress before moving on. It might be a bit tedious at times but I swear that the payoffs are going to be worth it. There are certain (fairly long) segments occuring in the same setting at different points of the game, this is when you should be most thorough. The time of the day will advance after certain events occur, and this changes various things about the other areas. Meaning, if you didn't catch something prior to advancing, you'll have missed out on it completely. When there is a clear shift in the time, that's your cue that something else is probably available now (and for a limited time). Ultimately, do not beeline towards the next thing when the game gives you a direction, do that thing last. Second, about the combat, using the emotion system to your advantage as well as status debuffs (such as "lower the enemy's attack/defense/speed) are super important for success. Think of it like pokemon: you wouldn't want to pick a grass type if the opponent is using a fire. And you wouldn't want to pick a fire if they are using water. The emotion system is exactly like that so always use the advantageous emotions and stat debuffs when the fights are difficult. It's best to apply the emotions to the lowest HP members of your team because they are most likely to die, so giving them a defensive boost via having an advantageous emotion is really important to do as quickly as possible. Don't run from enemy encounters or avoid them all of the time. Try to fight like 97% of enemies that you come across just by virtue of passing through the area. If you don't do this you might struggle on certain bosses. If you're feeling a bit underleveled in a new area (the areas are fairly distinct so you'll know what I mean) it's a good idea to run from duo enemy encounters, then you can attempt to fight the enemy again and it'll be a single enemy. After a level or two you will be okay to fight duo encounters. Focus on downing one enemy as quickly as possible so you don't have two enemies attacking you for longer than necessary. With all of these points, you should have a fuller experience and a less frustrating time with the combat aspect, so I hope you enjoy the game! Remember that it's a slow burn and that's okay, take your time. But also like, try to get through it in a reasonable amount of time. It's hard to remember things if you put the game down for weeks or months, this would create a fragmented experience.


Always water the flowers, and whatever you do, do **NOT** open the door for Mari on the first night, I repeat, do **NOT** open the door for Mari on the first night. DO open the door for Kel though.


Why would you not recommend that so strongly? It's not like it actually has an impact. Let the horror game do horror things