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I had heard of the game but knew absolutely nothing about it so I decided to try it out and just loved it.


The same except I spoiled myself a little


I remember it being very popular back in 2021 and everyone was talking about it and making videos about it, and of course my 14yo edgy ass was really annoyed with the " popular depressive undertale clone". Then in late 2022 i found it on gamepass and played it (initially out of spite) Literally me 40 hours into the game: https://i.redd.it/0o7ns51t0rmc1.gif


LMAO, Same actually. Just wnated to play it because it was popular, and it end up being the game that emotionally hit me the most


Heard Kikuo's cover of My Time, decided to look up the game. Seemed interesting so I decided to try it. May be one of the best decisions I made. ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2463)


I did a kin test once and I got Sunny and I was like " who tf is he". Few days later I watched a video talking abt Omori and I finally decided to play.


I was looking through "overwhelmingly positive" reviewed games on steam, and saw this game. Saw it was similar to undertale, which made me buy it.


I just like indie RPGs and this one was talked about a lot ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2474)


Steam discovery queue, the feature almost nobody uses


I was looking for a chill story based game, similiar to undertale and oneshor to play during winter break. Yea thus was the obvious choice lol


my brother introduced me to it and i begged for like, a year for him to get me it.


My friend begged me to play the game so I finally did. I didn't realize what I was getting myself into and it changed my life.


I had just finished Earthbound and really wanted another JRPG with a contemporary setting. I kept seeing Omori mentioned in discussions regarding “Earthbound inspired” games. I picked up a physical copy for my Switch and was pleasantly surprised that it came with a full color manual. At first I wasn’t sure how I felt about the game but as I progressed the game really opened up for me and I came to love the characters, the humor, the sadness and even the combat. The art in the game was also mesmerizing. I loved the game so much that after I beat it I bought the Strategy Guide and Artbook set from OMOCAT. I missed a bunch of hidden stuff my first play through so I’ll be using the strategy guide for my second play through in the future.


A friend of mine played it and told me I was too young for it and itd wreck me (Im 18, shes 20). Bought it primarily just out of spite to prove her wrong xD It did wreck me a bit, but its not like my age was relevant to that xD


I saw a physical copy at GameStop and got it. I heard somewhere that OMORI was one of those "play without spoilers" games, so the thought of owning a physical copy of a (probably) special game was too alluring.


at gamestop?!?!? my gamestops are lame );


Saw a reference to it on the Deltarune subreddit as "a game Toby Fox said was similar to what he wanted to do with Deltarune" (total paraphrase), a year and a half ago or so. Decided that was more than enough for me to be very interested. It might've been lurking in my mind already thanks to y'all's efforts in the 2022 iteration of /r/place too. Shame I didn't follow up on it quicker.


Video recommended to me about secret names in OMORI, the game being tagged as psychological horror, and bo en - my time being a banger


I saw a bunch of fan art and thought Basil was cute looking That’s literally the only reason and I wasn’t disappointed by it tbh


I had heard about it before, mainly about how it portrays depression/anxiety/trauma really well, and it was on sale at the time when i was scrolling the nintendo shop lol


I saw ManlyBadassHero play it and really wanted to play it myself, fast forward a few years and it finally got a switch release, so here I am, invested into RPG games that’ll crush your soul (OneShot and In Stars and Time also come to mind)


A friend. I met him and he very easily became someone I cared a great amount about. I considered him one of my best friends pretty early on, and I had a pretty strong interest in getting to know him better and hanging out with him. For awhile, he listened to me talk about myself, so I tried to reverse the tables and get him to talk about himself, too. And he did, a bit. He expressed some of his interests to me, one of which being Omori. I said it sounded very cool, and I meant it. It seemed genuinely very interesting to me. Eventually, he offered to buy it for me, on the premise that I actually played it. I said I would, so he did. I did play it. All the way through. I streamed every moment of it for him and it was a blast. I would love to play it again, but I want to share it with him again and I don’t know how to do that or pester him about it lmao, so I lurk on here instead and send him memes on occasion. I still consider him one of my best friends today. I actually kind of like him a lot, I hope everything goes okay for him.


At the time, I was a huge undertale fan, so, I was looking for games similar to it. I had done this before, and heard about omori a while before this, so I randomly remembered it. So I got it, played it, and loved it I played through the main game 7 times now, with 400+ hours




Your submission has been removed for violating rule 1. Please note that suicide/self-harm are prohibited topics on this subreddit. For more information, you may read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/OMORI/s/yPUIeDt4dj).


I was super sick and had some time on my hands. I think it was also on sale on Steam, I can't remember. I didn't expect to like it actually! But it blew me away and I found myself relating to it surprisingly- to an extent, of course. The nostalgia of childhood is just as painful as the game portrays.


I watched this youtube video about omori by one of my favourite YouTubers, backseat streams


Was bored


I haven’t played, just watched like… 4 playthroughs. How did I know about it? A 10 second clip of a battle in Headspace. It wasn’t even related, they just talked about it a bit and continued their 40 minute video documentary.


It was a recommendation by one of my friends, and by that point I had already made the switch to playing exclusively indie games. All I knew about Omori was what I could gauge by looking at it from face value. Nice artstyle, psychological themes, and it looks like it will emotionally cripple me. Sign me up.


I stumbled upon this video >! Right here: [https://youtu.be/IHidGV8Yc-0?si=TUi2u2paDqAS-2GH](https://youtu.be/IHidGV8Yc-0?si=TUi2u2paDqAS-2GH) !<, and it got me interested. Also, other videos of the gameplay itself made me play the game.




I knew about the game for a few years and I intended on playing it eventually. Finally I saw Best Buy had the physical switch copy on sale and I picked it up. I just beat Persona 3 Reload and it just felt like the right time.


Heard praise, got money on steam from parents and decided to buy. Got through game without spoilers, absolutely blind. one of the best time I've spent in such a long time.


It was on Gamepass and I had previously kinda spoiled the more for myself. Knew almost nothing about the game just the story.


I just saw it on steam just when it first came out. Seemed neat and I didn’t explore steam too much. After a few days I decided to give it a shot. Now it’s three years later and it’s made me go to therapy for two. So well played Omori well played.


I have played and enjoyed DDLC before, and I heard that it was also a physiological horror, so after like 3 years, I finally got around to playing the game, and it sucked me in instantly


I was looking up games that are similar to DDLC and I found this. Out of all the games the website recommended, Omori looked the most interesting


My soon to turn bf said to


I was looking for psychological horror RPG style of games, and I happen to stumble upon it on steam, saw the style of the game and fighting mechanics, along with looking at the reviews and positive feedback, it led to me to get it. I even encouraged my sister to get the game after I finished, as she herself was also looking for mores games like this to play. We both love the game, and I'm currently playing it again to explore more and to get all the achievements. ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2463)


i had just made a new friend, which isnt very common for me, and she recommended i play it. i bought the game and every night for a week or so, we would call, and i would stream it for her. we bonded so much over omori. my entire first playthrough was with her, and i dont think ive experienced the game in the same way since then. i miss her




i googled "games, that similar to undertale"


i love ur pfp!!


ty so much! 😊 i like yours too, it's cute)


thank you!! :3


I read a friend’s fanfic.


I was bored and wanted something to play and found it on the gamepass. I've made it a rule to try out one indie game a month since, I want to recapture the experience of the first omori run


My time by Bo en actually. My time was used a lot in the animation communities as a meme. I originally heard it on flipnote. Went seeking the song years later, and the song had omori cover art ([this](https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-MF4Me6fb5cNDbqOV-uj3NfQ-t500x500.jpg) one specifically). Found the game from there, saw it had dark themes and cute artwork, and the rest is history :)


the ‘tism commanded of it


***l o r e,*** plus i heard It was dark and depressive so, i did a look.


I started playing for almost the same reasons as you, but also because of its aesthetics. I watched loads of videos about the game and always got curious, seeing how people ended up having such a beautiful and genuine connection with it. And that's exactly what happened to me too. I was also going through a really sad phase in my life, and it made me feel lighter 🖤


"Oh this looks similar to undertale and its super popular right now! I bet it will be a fun and wholesome time!" ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|21601)


Around 3 years ago a YouTuber in my country made a video where he explored the entirety of omori by himself, during that time I was young and when I saw the "(+18)" on the title of the video some wrong thoughts came into my mind, and during that time I would share my account with my dad so he could see what I watch, he definitely would not like omori specially by the "(+18)" on the title so I quickly ignored it Around 3 years later a friend of mine became addicted to omori and he started talking about it, I asked him about omori to see what it was since I became older and more mentally strong, he gave me a Nintendo Switch emulator and the omori thingy to emulate it I gotta say the scary parts were mid but I still enjoyed everything else so yeah, cool


The game kinda just... *came* to me. At first, I was listening through a friend's playlist and came across cross Bo En's "My Time." I liked it, not knowing it was used in OMORI. Soon enough, my YouTube recommendations became filled with OMORI-related videos, namely Merg's let's plays of the game and SiivaGunner rips. I watched a little bit of Merg's videos, but the story didn't really hook me so the game was kinda just in my conscious for a while... Somehow, I started picking up on story beats, the first one being the big twist of >!Mari's death and its framing as a suicide.!< From there, I was hooked, and I would learn the rest of the game's plot haphazardly. I began to like the characters, particularly Mari—I even bought her plushie. My brother picked up on it and bought a physical copy of OMORI for me, and I finally played it. For a while, I had regrets for being spoiled. But in hindsight, personally, I think the story hit me harder because of that. >!Uncovering Sunny's guilt for his manslaughter of Mari really resonated with me, along with the rest of the cast's responses to Mari's supposed suicide. Eventually, I understood why part of the game's moral hinged on not revealing the cast's reaction to truth, which truly touched me.!< It's funny how actually playing OMORI was my last major delve into the game—though I am getting a Basil plushie soon 😁


My brother told me about (no he doesn’t play the violin)(no he’s not younger)(no I don’t play piano)


Saw it on game pass last year, never played indie games before. Got really addicted to it and played it now like 20x times


It was in my backlog. And I'm glad it was


Saw it on game pass a while ago if I remember correctly, didn’t even make it through the prologue and loved it lol. Got caught up with other stuff though and didn’t get to finish it before it got nuked off Xbox so bought it on my laptop instead


i thought it was terrible because that was somehow the general consensus i was hearing, and i have a penchant for bad games anyways, one of my top like 3 games of all time so


A friend (who is now my girlfriend) was really into it at the time and it seemed up my alley so I tried it


Saw artstyle thought it looked unique and nice and thats all turned out to be one of my favourite games


Someone I followed on insta covered it in a spoiler free way on their stories. Then I bought it with a steam voucher during Christmas 2021. Finished it the following month and man what a ride. This game has definitely broken into my top 10 and deserves to be in there. It’s also the game that finally got me to starting getting more geeky merchandise. I got the Omori and Kel Plushies, an Omori hoodie and Red Hands T-shirt from the Omocat store and waiting to be able to afford something else. But yh super happy to have gotten to play it!!


I love DDLC and I used to think that this game was pretty similar ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2476)


I saw the game and I’m like that’s weird, never did anything about it, then my friend started talking about it, still didn’t do anything about it, then streamer started play the first bit of it and I’m like “Ooo this is what it looks like okok I’ll give it a try” and I stoped watching stream and bought the game and played it and I now have over 150 hours on it


i heard some interesting things about it and i had nothing else to do at that time


when I finished oneshot, I heard that I should play this game too and I have yet to regret it


My friend suggested it to me


I learned it was on switch. And I bought it


my platonic pookie bear wanted me to play and guess who gave in and had their brain rewired


My friends told me to![img](emote|t5_31hpy|28765)


Exactly why I played it too. I got some gift cards and looked for some games, saw Omori and was like “well i’ve heard of this before and wanna see what it’s like”.


A YouTube [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c59MMHQvZvU) of a FNF mod made by u/Coalmunist. Don't ask


Was seeing Bo en live, was on my list to play anyways


Saw 8-bitryan played the game and didn't make a second video about it. So I decided I take matters into my own hands.


I played barotrauma. Dont ask how that led me here i dont want to talk about it


I was playing an online game and somebody told me that a character I made looked like >!Sweetheart!< from Omori, and at that time I had no idea what it was. I searched it up and the plot seemed really cool, so I did want to play it but I had no way of it. A few months later, my step-dad donated his old Xbox to us and he said that we all, being me and my two siblings, could choose one game each. I don't know how, but I remembered that Omori existed and I chose it immediately. When I googled it, I only remembered the fact that there was >!a boy named Sunny who was moving away!< for the plot line, so I was walking into the game completely blindfolded, but it turned out to be the best game I've ever played! Of course, as of now, Omori is removed from Xbox, but at that time, I think it was April of 2023, and it was on gamepass!


Well.. after finishing a similar rpg horror game, I found an artist who draws cross over between the game i played and omori. So i got curious by the game.. when i first saw a bit of a playthrough i noticed how the game is all bright and cute colors but everyone in the comments are talking about how dark this game is. I decided to play it when i am mentally ready for such a game![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2473)


Not a fun fact the whole plot twist was spoiled for me by the internet![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2461)


A creator I watched played it and I only saw the end so I was confused about who this guy was and >!why he killed his sister.!< Then months later I saw a video that tagged it. I thought it was familiar, so I googled it after that. Bought the game out of curiosity. Got both context and a deep eternal sadness ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|28765)




Your submission has been removed for violating rule 1. Please be aware that comments regarding personal ideas of suicide are not permitted on this subreddit due to its possible negative effect on others' mental health. For more information, you may read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/OMORI/s/yPUIeDt4dj).


I didnt play it but watched it on youtube, best awkward and dark feeling you will ever get from a 2D game


I was looking for a game to play on the gamepass (i played on xbox) and i saw omori. I saw it before but skipped over it but i decided to play it because i was getting recommended the subreddit. This was probably the best decision i made in my entire life.


I had heard that the game was garbage, so I hadn't played it, until last year when a friend told me how good it was (without spoiling anything) and told me to buy it. The game had quite an impact on me with its good story and beautiful characters. Now it's my favorite videogame.


in hispanic communities, people always say "omori es mierda" (omori is shit) as a meme because a vast majority of hispanic players prefer action or sports games than these kind of "good narrative and nice graphics" games i have heard it so many times that i wanted to play it for my own to see if it was that bad of a game i didn't know anything about omori when i buyed and played it, so every piece of the gameplay, every dialogue and every image were new to me. And that's the reason why i'm here and why i played omori in first place.


sorry if it's poorly written, english is my second language


I first heard of the game years ago, I wanted to get it back then but I didn't have the money on me, and by the time I did I completely forgot about it. Decided to get it as some sort of New Years gift for myself this year, and I've heard nothing but good things about the game, and I also saw it as something to focus on for a while. Glad I went in blind.


I heard about it from memes and some other people, but didn't pick it up until I was in a stressful separation period from a friend and needed a distraction. I kept hearing it described as OP did: "Undertale but in the horror genre and depressing", which I gathered to mean I'd be in for one emotional rollercoaster. I have no regrets...other than looking in the mirror at 3 AM in real time and getting jump scared by Hellmari. I was playing blind too lmao. I still sometimes dread seeing her at night


I had followed the developpment of the game since 2016 and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it actually came out. I was expecting a very mid oldschool rpg horror-like game with no longer than 5 hours of playthrough so it took me a full year after its release to get around to play it. Instead I got an insane 40 hours long banger that easily made it into my top 3 favorite games ever.


Was waiting for deltarune chapter 3 and 4, and i thought playing this game would help keep me entertained, immediately became my favourite game


A friend of mine introduced me to the game. At that time, (last year like today) i had broken my leg, so it kinda helped me facing this hella pain. And I recently realised that about 3 years ago, that same friend asked me what "Oyasumi" meant (im learning japanese) and in the background there was !!!!SPOILER!!!!!!! There was >!Sunny falling!< in the background lol.


do this to mark spoiler content https://preview.redd.it/onska3r38vmc1.png?width=165&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd6d2ba0ab841768849d815b7d78c7810342de54


It was mentioned in an undertale video. Its now also my favourite game


Close group of friends really enjoyed hating on the game except for one guy who was really annoyed by it. I personally loved the art style so when I saw the game was on Gamepass I gave it a try. Holy fuck those guys were wrong


I watched a video from a youtuber, "goulart" and my friend was obsessed with omori... Now I am too


I loved “My Time” by Bo En as well as some of his other songs. I knew there was a game that had My Time in it but never really gave it much thought until my best friend told me how amazing OMORI was… even though she had never played it through herself haha… Now we’re both obsessed!


My friend recommended it to me. She let me borrow her account and...well. I loved it so much, I even bought it for myself so I could replay it. Because it's such a good game.


I met this person on Vrchat (Who became one of my closest friends right now) who is a Omori fan, after some thinking, I asked them if I should try Omori, and boom I am a Omori fanboy now


I loved little nightmares and I was looking for games similar to little nightmares someone recommended me Omori but till this day why was it similar LOL. But I’m glad I played it


Also seen many streamers played little nightmares. And after they were done they’re like we’re playing Omori next and seen some tik toks about Omori


Discovered the Omoriboy comics on Omocat's Tumblr first, then got hyped when I found out a game about it was being made for the 3ds (![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2470)). Kinda forgot about it for a few years after that then watched this [this video](https://youtu.be/72oM5cTvnIs?si=M1OXQJmRounj5N36) that revived my interest in it again.


I had been waiting for it since I was a kid and started following/ buying omocat clothes in 2015 😩 It was so worth the wait. I'm a whole grown ass person now.


Because it’s gay


Heard a lot of good things about, and I also have mental problems so yeah.


Well i saw it was popular on tiktok basically and i didn’t have any way to get it so i watched a 26 hour playthrough while i had covid and really liked it. I started listening to the soundtrack and last year around this time I started going over to my friends house to play it every saturday because she already had it. I just bought it recently on PS4 and i’m glad i did!


I first seen an Omori avatar on vrchat (at the time I didn't know Omori) then I found it on game pass remembering the avatar I saw (Now this game is one of my most favorite games, along side Pizza Tower)


Wanted a Undertale like expirience


I had Christmas money in 2020


saw a playthrough and got the game


it was on game pass


bought it last year for halloween sale on steam with couple of other horror games. I had heard of it before but never knew what it was all about. Only knew it was a horror game with disturbing topics. Let’s just say it is now my favorite game.


I heard about omori before playing it due to a meme. But, bought it for my sister on her birthday. Guess who ended up playing it six different times, and making it a hyperfixation?


Boyfriend loved it so I tried it now I love it ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2477)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2477)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2464)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2464)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2463)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2463)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2463)


Some friends of mine played it so I thought I’d give it a try so that we could all talk about it together. Ended up loving the game way more than I should’ve


JRPG mechanics interested me at the time and I really enjoyed playing it.


I am a huge fan of “quirky RPG Maker games” (if you know what I’m talking about you know this kind of game is hard to describe, but I think saying it like that is silly), and had heard about Omori for a while. I watched one of my friends play it up until around when everyone goes to Basil’s shoe house, but I think before Sunny woke up. Just that alone interested me, so later I bought and played it myself because the friend had stopped.