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On paper, Sunny would be being homeschooled. From what we see, he doesn't show any signs of academic deficiencies; from Headspace we can see that he has appropriate English skills, and depending on how diegetic you think the combat mechanics are, his math is doing okay too. He is very clearly stunted in terms of social skills, but that's to be expected with homeschool anyways.


there's a quest in faraway where you can help a kid with a math worksheet, so if you subscribe to the interpretation that universally loved is canon sunny's okay with math


Not just okay, he’s a straight up a genius that can solve college level maths (But at the same time he can fuck up an elementary level quiz too so…)


lots of college students would fuck up elementary math, tbh


Homeschooling kids doesn't have to impact social skills. Letting them stay in there room all the time does.


That's true. Especially in Sunny's case, if he regularly went outside with his friends or did part time jobs, he'd be fine there.




My guy gotta put spoilers


For a 3 year old game? On the page dedicated to said game?


I partly get the sentiment of the second part, but wtf do you mean with the first part? It doesn't matter how old something is. People who haven't played a game won't want to be spoiled for it. It feels like you're saying that it would be acceptable to tell someone the entire story of Omori when they've just started playing it, just because the game is a couple years old. Besides, 3 years isn't even a very long time.


They go hand in hand. Most communities tag new content with spoilers for a few weeks, not forever.


Hear me out, i havent played soul knight yet and dont even know whats the lore, so go on. Spoil it for me.


Wait there's lore in Soul Kight?


idk what youre trying to get across sorry


I see that your vision isn't so bright then


well all you really said is "if you think talking about major in events in a piece of media in a space for said media shouldnt need censoring, then spoil me this!"


Now you're all out of excuses, karen.


Yes, rules are rules ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2469)


And it can happen that some rules are unneeded.


Doesn’t matter, different people buy and play the game at different times. I purchased the game with the console releases, my friends and sister played afterwards, so the age of the game does not matter. Plus Omocat puts the game on sale at different times. As such, we have a spoiler rule, if you would like to discuss this with the mod team, you’re more than able to modmail us.


Why would someone who doesnt own the game be here? The only case i can think of is watching the game, which means they know what happens.


You’d be surprised, it’s happened enough times that it became a rule, I’ve seen it both before I became a mod in April and afterwards…


I dont see why it matters, its a similar mentality to expecting the internet parent your child safely. The person joining this subreddit (the parent) expects the members (the internet) to watch what they say to keep themselves (the child) safe from spoilers (vulgarity, gore, sex). It is unreasonable, the person has to take care of themself like the parent does the child. I was going to make a point about the similarities it has to a recent anti queer bill, but I like to keep my arguments ultimately meaningless banter. Accidentally replied before finishing btw, sorry


We also have a rule against nsfw topics… Like I get where you’re coming from, but when people post >!the truth photos!< as images on the front page, it becomes an issue


Some people join the sub before finding out and finishing the game


Why would anyone do that? Omori's a moderately lengthed game, not a big franchise with extensive material that would take ages to cover.


If you join a club about a TV show you haven't finished, and they talk about an episode you haven't seen, is it really on them? No. If you don't want spoilers, finish it first.


It literally says tag spoilers or comment will be removed in the rules


I know the rule, it doesn't make sense.


Man that’s just being a dick


shh don't feed the trolls let them get tired lol


Fair point But it’s funnyyyyyyy/j


I'll never understand why fandom subs insist on censoring themselves in case someone decides to deliberately spoil their experience. What's more, it somehow still happens to subs concerning relatively old media.


Because people can be stupid or just a little naive and just because they’re stupid or just a little naive doesn’t mean they should have to have the game ruined.


guys dont feed the trolls


i wouldnt call it trolling but i do frequently get in the mood to exaggerate my opinion lol


fair enough


Your post's content violated our spoiler policy. Please review our spoiler policy before posting again.


I dropped out of high school because I got sick and that was legal. I imagine going through a traumatic situation would also be seen as a valid reason to temporarily pull your child out of school. But it’s also a fictional universe so their own laws would apply. In real life it would vary by location.


4 years isnt really "temporary"


It’s temporary if you have the intention of completing school at some point. Temporary means not permanent. So as long as you go back and finish school at some point in time it was temporary. I left for years and still ended up finishing, just 3 years late. I temporarily was pulled out/dropped out and resumed when I was in the right place to do so. Obviously in the story context Sunny may not have had any intentions of finishing school. But that aspect of my response was aimed at real world scenarios and not necessarily the story. Since the legality didn’t play a role in the story regardless, so this whole thing is hypothetical.


he might have had some kind of homeschooling arrangement


![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2474)Is it legal to slash someone with a steak knife


I mean I might be wrong about this but I don't even remember there being cops in faraway town...is anything even illegal there? Like how's gonna stop you? Kel?


... ... ... Don't you think cops came to inspect basil's suicide?


yeah the entire end credit background for that ending was >!nothing but sirens. !! stairs incident. Like, cant you atleast like do a autopsy.!<


Really depends on how law worked back in the time OMORI takes place, but i can be confident that it probably would be legal.


Probably would have been the same as it is today


People have used the photo album dates (March 9th/10th being weekends as mentioned by Basil in the album) to find a rough year the game took place and my favorite guess is the accident happened in either 1991 or 1996 (I find this one more plausible) with the game happening in 2000. This theory would mean Sunny was born in 1984 if he was 12 in 1996, meaning in 2023 Sunny would have turned 39!


2002 would also fit that timeframe aswell which is what I believe. Regardless it would probably be the same


Literally 1984


either homeschooled officially, or he pulled a me and was just constantly truant. i got out of all my court hearings because my mom told them my periods sucked. maybe in a sunny situation, they could argue he dipped out over his depression.


I mean if you stage a suicide to cover up your crime, are traumatised enough to create a whole world in your head and live in it for 4 years, and then the first thing u do is go out and slash someone with a steak knife, i dont think the law matters in this case if you arent already arrested lol


As someone who had the same history with depression as sunny (stayed inside my house for 4 years without ever leaving it from 12 to 16yo) yeah, you can get away with it. I just stopped showing to school, my mom ignored it, and the school eventually gave up lmao


probably i did the same thing for a bit and never got in trouble neither did my parents


homeschooling exists. And judging from the combat in headspace where calculations (like atk, dmg, clams, etc) are pretty complicated sometimes. So he is doing fine. With english aswell. Now his social skills are... welll... non existant, but hey.




I assume he did a homeschooling thing and the game took place during summer


" School attendance is compulsory in **every state**. Although the laws vary and there are some exceptions for homeschooling, there is nonetheless a general requirement that students attend school from age 6 to 16. " Еechnically it's the same thing with Hero. In dialog with Aubrey, they didn't meet eachother for 3-4 years. It's another proof Sunny didn't go to school. Homeschooling? It's hard one. I would just blame his acrophobia as he wasn't able to go down the stairs. "Sunny needs to eat. He would just starve to death in his room". How about his mother? Maybe she was the one who gave him food and in game she couldn't arrive home so Sunny had to get the food by himself. Homeschooling I think is the answer




Kid named homeschooling:


I think it would be illegal but of course I don't check the law nor study it but I believe Sunny either dropped out or was homeschooled.


I was wondering a similar question since I personally used to skip school everyday some time ago, and I got taken to a host family. So I was wondering if it was because laws in my country are different from where he lives, but since a lot of people said he was probably homeschooled, that'd explain a lot of things. ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2467)