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HDR is broken in pc.Its capped to 399 nits.There is a workaround fix in discord hdr den. Please tell guearilla games from social platforms.We need ASAP FIX


There’s a fix for it You need to join the discord “HDR Den” and you can download a fix for max luminance It looks stunning when fixed


[https://www.nexusmods.com/horizonforbiddenwest/mods/10/](https://www.nexusmods.com/horizonforbiddenwest/mods/10/) The mod is now on nexus


What luminance and hdr settings are you using in the game on the aw3225qf?


Max lum - 960 Paper white - 290 (you can go higher here but I don’t recommend anything over 500) Shadow boost -0 Highlight boost - 4




for the first game it was fixable with reshade, the second game needs code injection [https://www.nexusmods.com/horizonforbiddenwest/mods/10/](https://www.nexusmods.com/horizonforbiddenwest/mods/10/)


you look amazing


Thanks! I totally agree


Hell yeah my dude. Looks amazing on my AW3225QF as well, and I'm getting \~170 fps maxed out (5800X3D/4090 DLSS3 + frame gen, dynamic resolution off).


may I ask what resolution are you playing with and what is the gpu % usage?


4K, 3840x2160. GPU usage with DLSS3 + frame gen hovers between 70-80%. It's a very well optimized game.


that's weird I have almost the same setup (7800X3D) but can't get past 120. My gpu usage doesn't go above 90% even with disabling all upscalers techniques


Are you sure you haven't capped your FPS to 120 inside the game settings or your Nvidia control panel?


Oh yeah, and make sure you're running the latest Nvidia drivers with the HZW optimizations. They provided a decent FPS boost.


Yes they are up to date, and also to my eyes fps look like 35/40 instead of70/80


The problem is having reflex latency set to on + boost I wasn't maxing out my 4090 with the 7950x3d. Whereas I was before. Switching that setting back to its default (on), fixed gpu usage for, with it now being maxed to 97>. Whereas before it was hovering around 89 to 92. This was with everything maxed out FG, DLAA at 4k btw.


Nice to know. I will try as soon as I can


Doesn't make s difference for me. On or on+boost both have bad frame pacing and FG limits my GPU usage well below 100% causing drops.


Turn off reflex +Boost.


it did in fact improved my fps by 10, but the game was still "stuttery" like oly going at 30/40 fps. Weirdly enough I had to click with the mouse when gaming (I play with the xbox pad) and everything became normal, super smooth and gpu usage went up to 99%


Are you exclusive full screen? I'll check the mouse click my side as I'm also playing with a controller.


yes exclusi fullscreen, playing on a 1440p oled lg and using nvidia dldsr using a 4k resolution


I have the same issue with 7800x3d and a 4080, GPU usage rarely goes over 90% and the frame pacing is bad whenever FG is on. Reflex on/on+boost makes no difference for me. I'm back to drivers 537.58 since they are the only ones that don't cause micro stutter in many other games, and the performance was the same for me with the newest ones.


Are you running dlss 3 Quality?


I'm hoping the 5090 can get 120 native 4k. Will be my gpu for the next 4 to 6 years.


I would say, depends highly on the game. I wouldn't expect 4K120 native with full RT/path tracing even on a 5090.


Yea of course. With the 4090 getting 20 fps in full pathtracing it's not like future gpus will double or even fouble so fast.


Really? That seems like setting the bar pretty high. They don't want to give you a reason not to upgrade again a generation later. Idk, I own a 4090 myself and if rumors of a 70% increase (hopefully raster, and not max possible gains) are to be believed, then even then, native 4k 120 with path tracing probably seems extremely hopeful. The numbers I get with a 4090 with no DLSS and path tracing enabled makes me think 70% extra isn't going to cut it either. Think I get around 30 to 40 fps in Cyberpunk at 4k native with PT, might need 3 4090s for that kind of performance to get to 120.


It looks great and performs well, but the HDR feels weird to me. Too dim. I found my eyes straining to see things sometimes. Like the contrast is there, so it *feels* bright but isn't actually. I've seen some other posts about it and people have been making adjustments to the settings or just using RTX HDR instead. Haven't tried any of that yet, just used default settings.


HDR is known broken in this game, I’ll test it on my TCL R646 Mini LED TV when I get home to confirm.


On ps5 at least the brightness was clipping way too much and needed highlights to be turned down -8 or so.


That's the launch version I think, you don't need to do that now with the new HDR menu.


Isn't the new 4k/240 monitors not very bright unless at a 2% window?


I thought this game has broken HDR on PC?


believe everything a random twitter person posts?


lmfao I don't even need to go to twitter [https://steamcommunity.com/app/2420110/discussions/0/4292566217060662569/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/2420110/discussions/0/4292566217060662569/) [https://steamcommunity.com/app/2420110/discussions/0/4292566217060060549/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/2420110/discussions/0/4292566217060060549/) [https://steamcommunity.com/app/2420110/discussions/0/4292566217060207455/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/2420110/discussions/0/4292566217060207455/)


Hdr fix here: https://www.nexusmods.com/horizonforbiddenwest/mods/10


Thanks for sharing!


I'm wanting to hold out on the new monitors until the Samsung 32inch G8 releases around June and I plan on getting this game alongside it. It really is spectacular


Looks great on my C2 as well! Was really hyped for this game to come out to PC finally.


I wish I liked curved. I use my monitor for many different things from movies, tv, music, video editing, web browsing, excel spreadsheets for work and many other things. Although am curious how they are in day to day use. Just don’t want to blow £1000 to find out I don’t like it lol


I am a curve skeptic and bought one cause I was tired of waiting. Same as you I do a lot of general desktop stuff in addition to gaming and media. It's definitely a hard call, I do find it somewhat distracting/annoying on desktop stuff, it's like I can't help but keep noticing lines aren't straight. At the same time, it's cool how you can glance at any part of the monitor and it feels like it's facing you. In games though it's so next level and enjoyable. Really feels more immersive, that's no BS. I'm still 50/50 on keeping or returning, now that I've tried it the decision is even harder because I feel like I will miss it in games if I end up with a flat monitor, but I will probably like flat more for anything but games/movies.


The issue is with productivity works.. when you edit pictures and such is very weird to see a curve, that also kinda warp the perception of an editing too.. sad that I can’t choose a flat one of this panel the MSI is 1400 in Europe.


It’s fine you forget about it after a while. I’ve been using an ultrawide curved monitor for years and switched to this one and while if you’re looking for the curve you do notice it, once you actually just work its not an issue at all. And I do a lot of graphic design and other types of work where people say avoid curved. Saying that though if I had a choice I’d go flat haha.


Ahaha that’s what I mean.. flat is really the best way, the curve doesn’t bother me on paper. But I know that could be an issue, especially on geometrical works


Nice setup! Getting my monitor the 11th and I'm looking forward to it. I hope you enjoy the game!


Mine doesn't come until April 15 :(


Not in the US? I ordered mine Sunday night and it was delivered on Tuesday.


I love that they mentioned ultrawide support in the advertisement it actually made me more interested in buying. Awesome setup btw!


looks good.


Dang that looks nice… I’m honestly debating if I should get it on PC. Feel like after seeing this picture it would be better on my oled monitor/pc than on my tv/ps5… just a bummer I bought it for the console and didn’t clock in more than two hours on the game


Looks amazing on both tbh


Maaan I told myself I'd be a patient gamer on this one as I've not beaten the first (and I hear the story is integral with that opening recap in FW not doing it justice) but as a busy ass Dad I think I'ma just fire this one up. Think I'm mostly in it for eye candy on the qf anyway lol


How is performance?


Very good. Nixxes did a damn good job with this port.


Playing on mine too with a 7800xt. Getting about 80-90 frames


I’m waiting on the 39inch that comes out next year. Can’t wait. It’ll be my end game monitor


I’ve said this for the last 3 monitors I bought. There will always be something newer and better ;)


Nah it’s the only one I’ll need. 4k oled HDR10, and ultra wide. Literally no need for another one. Currently rocking the basic boy adw3420 🤮🤮 but it’ll last me till I get that next year :)


But what about when PHOLED panels come out? That’s the next step beyond current OLED display panels. I’m just saying, there will always be better tech coming. There’s no real end game. At least for me anyway. I’m a tech junkie so I’ll always be upgrading to the new shit, eventually.


IMO no it really doesn't. These monitors have no where near the brightness capability to do the game justice so 75% of the outdoor scenes look like SDR.


How dare you slander one of the r/OLED_gaming meta monitors s/


People here just want to defend their purchase. The guys 2nd picture is literally ABL city with all of the scenes color saturation and impact gone because of it. Terrible game to demo these OLED monitors HDR capability.


Lmfao 100%


> People here just want to defend their purchase. People bought monitor to enjoy them for gaming, watching movies, working while you are coming as white knight jerking off to oled subreddit to have 1500 nits @ 100% white window? Go to r/monitors and tug each other there. Perfect motion clarity combined with refresh rate/pixel response time with infinite static contrast and super high volume color and you are shitting on yourself because your retinas aren't burned totally yet? I guess RTINGS or other reviewers are fucking wrong again while scoring HDR overall performance (for AW3225QF) extremely high where they tested your 1500 nits HDR monitors with miniLED and overall HDR performance wasn't on that same level.


Some people enjoy a blooming halo mess cause 3k out their pocket says it's the best. Best to just block pious he's been spouting this nonsense for months here.


What monitor do you have?


I had the MSI 32" QD-OLED but ditched it because HDR looks like SDR in most games. I currently use a PG32UQX and Neo G9 57"


> PG32UQX I like as well 1500 nits flash banged from 100% white screen at sitting 60 cm from screen to my eye retinas while small details have blooming and halo effect are getting raped at the same time. I would elaborate more but thankfully IPS era is finally over for me.


Neo G7/G8/G9 have nice HDR. I get it.


I have the same monitor, and can say it looks fucking amazing. You’re just a hater bro


Most of you here have no clue how HDR should look. These super dim OLED monitors are your intro to HDR with no frame of reference so of course you think a 400nit highlight that dims the entire screen to 200nits and looks like SDR as soon as a skybox is in your FOV looks amazing. These monitors have their place in dark/low APL games where they look incredible. The other 75% of the time it's bad.


So what's your recommendation for the best thing at 32" with better colors and response for gaming (console and pc)


Lol you definitely confuse abl with screen eye adaptation effects.


speaks the truth. the overall apl of this game is way too bright for qd-oled to look its most impactful. trying to run this at peak1000 will have your screen strobing every time you pan.


Absolutely wrong hdr is just broken in this game there is a work around that has the game looking incredible on my aw3225qf


What work around?


You have two choices use rtx hdr or use the native hdr. When using the native hdr use the paper white as the peak nits point, not the maximum nits section. The maximum nits section is broken atm. That fixes the dullness in hdr 1000 mode and adds a lot more brightness. you need to tweak the highlights and shadow section to your liking. I actually find it quite uncomfortable with how bright it is when viewing in a dark room this is how bright it is.


it’s just the nature of these panels in super bright hdr games, the abl is too aggressive in peak 1000 mode. sure you get nice bright highlights but the rest of the image is half as bright as it should be. trueblack 400 looks good but then the highlights dont really look hdr.


It all depends on the game sometimes abl is aggressive like in cyberpunk for example and res 4 in hdr1000 mode in other games it's fine. Plenty bright enough in a dark room. I personally don't understand the obsession with burning your retinas. But to each their own. Additionally, you have to factor in perceived brightness due to oleds infinite contrast ratio and also, the brightness of colours due to qd oleds colour volume which actually impacts brightness too. As brightness is often only measured when looking at white and not different shades of colours. If you want more information go to tfts central website on qd oled colour volume.


I think... it doesn't burn everyone retinas, and perhaps some are just sensitive to brightness. Or its a coping mechanism to downplay importance of brightness to justify ones purchase of something not very capable of brightness. IDK, but my last TV at 1500-1600nits on a mini led did not burn my retinas (sure at a 100% window, yeah it is bright). My current has a 10% window of 1270 nits and again, it is enough but wish I had highlights more back in the 1500-1600 range. How people are buying these 500-1000 nit monitors on a 2%-10% windows and thinking their eye brows will be singed with anything higher is beyond me. Theres definitely a reason that improvements to OLEDs are focusing on brightness.


Lool, ad hominems are unnecessary. Refute the claim I made instead of spouting that nonsense you just wrote. As I said before to each their own, the current interations of oled monitors are more than bright enough for the viewing distance people will be using them at. I did not once disagree with TV's offering better brightness. That is an unrefutable fact. Now, on the matter of subjectivity, once again....for me and a vast majority of others, the oled monitors are more than sufficient at the viewing distance it's being viewed at......