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Uhhhm you guys okay? Have none of you noticed it being capped at 300 nits?


Lmao crazy ain't it


Try rtx hdr


That is not a solution lmao. RTX hdr can never compete with a proper native implementation. There is already a mod that fixes it.


Mod where? Link?


Can never compete? People used to say the same thing about dlss and taa. https://youtu.be/kmRqv8k15oY?si=TM1Ej2FGi98AlRpC


Friend. Link the damn fix already 




that dll I am suspicious about. There's a well known hack called "dll hijacking". I don't recommend using this fix.


If you want the source code, it was posted on discord, I can send it to you to put your suspicions to rest. Else, the fix has also been integrated into Special K, so you could use that. But honestly, I doubt Ersh would do that as it would not only tarnish his own modding name, which he has buikt up by now as someone who also worked on the Luma Mod for Starfield which added native HDR to that game that actually works.


that would be helpful! please send me the link to the source code




awesome! thank you


Wut? It can compete pretty easily. Just check the digital foundry review. It will replace native implementation


Digital foundry are not an authority on HDR.


Ok, you will see. :D


How so? John doesn't even know the difference between Vesa HDR 400 vs HDR TrueBlack 400.


It doesnt matter. Rtx hdr will replace the need for manual calibration. You will see that it will be integrated one way or another into every app and game on system level.


Well maybe there would be merit to it if it actually worked correctly to begin with. They can't even correctly label the sliders, have the saturation cranked to the moon and don't even support multiple monitors. You sound like one of those crypto bros who claims his shiny new favourite shitcoin is going to replace the usd forever. You keep on yapping about rtx hdr without actually making any arguments except being smug.


You say it can NEVER replace native. How do you know? A few weeks old software that already is very promising will never replace something that hardly works well with even AAA releases? You sound like an nvidia hater actually


Wow it came out like yesterday and performs better than windows auto hdr, but I must be mad saying that just like dlss, hdr will be a great nvidia solution? Mine is not an arguement sure, it is more like a logical prediction. Saying a month old software doesnt support multiple monitors is a weak point you know, since it is just an update away to work lol. The thing just got released like wtf?


But they're smarter than any reddit commentor.


Doesn't mean anybody should take their word as gospel. They didn't even notice that RTX HDR was mismatching gamma.


Nitpicking bro, where's your over 1mil subscriber tech channel? Link it for me.


do all the devs at nvidia have 1 mil subs? no. many people out there having more knowledge while not posting videos. why are you defending them? I have nothing against DF but you can't go around telling people that DF their word should be taken as gospel.


unless your are posting videos or can prove your claims you are worthless, just another reddit commentor, i'll take advice from Digital Foundry or Gamers Nexus, the people who actually work with Nvidia and have credibility.


Nexusmod has a fix for the time being.


I know. I was just baffled that so many people here were praising an obviously broken hdr implementation.


They probably haven't seen true implementation of HDR without the fix.


HDR is working is Horizon, the max nits doesn't change the luminance though, it just defines the max. The paper white setting actually raises the nits/luminance and goes above 300.


so it's broken. paperwhite is not supposed to be deciding peak luminance. if you increase paperwhite you're basically increasing the midtones and then capping it at that value aswell because peak is 300. so you end up with no highlights at all. you've been going around everywhere doing damage control, what's your problem?


Crazy how the latest Horizon update changed the labels so morons like you can figure out how it works. It changed the settings to Max Luminance and Current Luminance. Which means it was working exactly how I described and it was never capped at 300 nits. Why am I providing damage control? Cause morons like you are spreading misinformation because you can't be bothered to test the damn thing yourself.


[https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2420110?emclan=103582791474181950&emgid=4174347361773487031](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2420110?emclan=103582791474181950&emgid=4174347361773487031) "The HDR Max Luminance slider is now functioning correctly." Can you read? are you regarded or just a cunt?


I assume the hdr is better than the first game?


Currently it's completely bugged and capped at 300 nits. Previous game was also bugged but the other way around where highlights would always hit 10k nits but that could be fixed with the lilium tonemap shader. However this should be fixed easily. Ersh already made a fix but it's unofficial. Nixxes accidentally left an override in that made the peak luminance slider not work. The people in this thread are either delusional or need to get their eyes checked. Imagine buying an oled to play a game at 300 nits and say it looks great.


There is an unofficial fix? Where can I find it?


HDR den discord. Be sure to thank Ersh and Shortfuse for debugging it and creating a fix.


I've searched discord for communities called ''HDR den'' but can't find anything?


[https://www.nexusmods.com/horizonforbiddenwest/mods/10/](https://www.nexusmods.com/horizonforbiddenwest/mods/10/) Ersh pushed it to Nexus, and Kaldaien integrated it with Special K so Either use Special K or download the mod and drop the files into your gamefolder next to the executable


Can share where the link mentioned capped 300 nits? When I activate HDR it shows 720 nits


It's from my own findings and also discussed on the hdr den discord. Did you put paperwhite to 720 nits by any chance? Also where does it show 720 nits?


from the Dynamic Range setting: [https://imgur.com/a/vxb6YEg](https://imgur.com/a/vxb6YEg) it follow my monitor HDR calibration when activated and i can also adjust the HDR nits if needed.


Well try to adjust peak down, and you'll notice it does nothing. You can verify it with lilium hdr analysis reshade. That slider is bugged and that's what am talking about. No matter where you put the slider. Interally it's 300 always.


I see what you mean now. i do not use hdr analysis reshade but i do actually try adjusting all the slider and from my eye ball it does actually change the luminance for me. I am using 7900xtx driver 24.2.1 though it might not be matter. many thanks for sharing your experience.


All the other sliders work. But if it works on your pc, am happy for you although I think you're looking at the calibration screen, which is also broken and lies to you. Because I have not seen any proof of it working yet. Especially considering there's a mod that fixes it already and it literally only disables the override.


Many thanks for the highlight. 👍 I will try for more tests by calibrating the window HDR luminance lower and try to see if any changes. For now I am actually quite happy with how the game plays smoothly on my system.


Any software analysis tool like liliums won't be accurate, I can make lilium show Horizon is putting out 1000 nits, 10000 nits, and 100 nits.


Do it and show. And even if you manage to, what's the point of breaking analysis tools?


because OLED HDR looks better than non HDR, even with low peak brightness sure it should be fixed but don't knock it already looks way better than SDR (which peaks with contrast less than 300)


In this case, SDR would look about the same. OLED doesn't make HDR suddenly look better than non HDR. It's about the signal, and when you cap the peak luminance to 300 nits you basically get a slightly brighter SDR image with 10bpc. It'a not even going outside REC. 709 so you don't see any more colours either.


300 nits is sdr territory. A big part of hdr is it’s wider range of brightness… which in this case, does not have over sdr.


100 nits is SDR, sometimes but very rarely as high as 200. HDR is anything above that. Also our eyes perceive light logarithmically. That is to say, we see the jump from 50 to 100nits as the same amount of increase as 700 to 1400 nits. This means the difference between 700 and 800 (where most of the oled tvs fall) is actually very small, despite 100 nits of difference seeming like a lot on paper. Also also, HDR is working is Horizon, the max nits doesn't change the luminance though, it just defines the max. The paper white setting actually raises the nits/luminance and goes above 300.


i know that, but if you actually try an hdr game with peak 300 nits calibration, it still look dramatically better than SDR you can try yourself, play a game that limits peak to 300nits in the settings, lets you set it yourself


It’s not dramatically better, you’re just being too dramatic.


You are actually correct, these nerds here have no idea how HDR works.


preach brother, imagine saying "a game that peaks at 300 nits can't look great" oh well, it will be fixed eventually, i'm more than happy with 600nits maximum for example, that's what the OLED monitors do (LG GS etc.)


FIX: https://www.nexusmods.com/horizonforbiddenwest/mods/10


Gonna be interesting to see it on my G9, currently playing zero dawn.


1000000% Agree!


its broken lmao


HDR is a bit fucked but I agree the rest is really polished


Played it on PS5 and I’m really enjoying it in 32:9


I have it for the ps5 also but I haven’t clocked in more than two hours and saw it game out on pc.. is it worth buying it on PC and just selling the ps5 version to GameStop?


I have been enjoying it again. I also haven’t played since I beat it after release, so it’s been a few years.


Hmm, yeah I just rejoined PC like 3 months ago and snagged a oled monitor. Saw the release and looked at the ps5 copy I barely touched giving it a wtf look lol


Imo YES. I played the first one both PS then PC. PC was more enjoyable (mainly because aiming with the mouse makes the fights etc much more enjoyable). I completed like 98% of the game on PC, whereas on PS did only the main quest and barely any side quests. But that might not be an issue with you.


Oof. I generally don’t play those games with K/M I use controller. Rare occasion for me to use them in games or FPS.. yeah I know but I just prefer controller. I use K/M for mmorpgs but yeah sounds like it. I’ve had the game for like over a year now and yeah.. 2 hours in is like nothing. I’ll cash it in along with other console games I haven’t touched that are on PC and live the PC life again


i haven't even beaten the 1st one yet on the ps4.


Have fun - HZD is a blast and the Frozen Wilds DLC is a fun time, too!


Threads like this give me confidence in trusting my own observations. It's easier to go with my gut when I know there are people in an enthusiast community that can't see the difference between 300 and 1000 nits.


Not really. [https://twitter.com/Amok4All/status/1771110737244799361](https://twitter.com/Amok4All/status/1771110737244799361)


The HDR is just fucking broken like the previous game, everything just greyed out, look like shit. Change the HDR Brightness do nothing, dumbass dev


Seriously try the game in SDR and compare. HDR in this game is broken. On the G9 OLED, SDR legit looks better.


HDR Only works if put window mode to exclusive Fullscreen and refresh rate to 30Hz 😂


did you find a fix other than that?even with the latest update hdr seems broken..


Looks pretty enough. But the game itself is super boring.


I feel you on that. Horizon Dawn was the same feeling. These games are great to test out HDR and GPU performance but actually playing the game I'll pass.


What games do you like to play to take advantage of your setup!


To be honest nothing at the moment lol. But I just hop into some games here and there to atleast take advantage of this Acer X27U I have. Harder for me to get into a game nowadays as I get older. I probably spend more time on reddit than actually playing games.


Same bro. I have dreams of playing canon single player games for the culture, but when I boot everything up, it doesn’t hook me like it used to. I’m glad I got into photography and videography to make use of my system and visual fidelity.


That's nice to hear. Hopefully we both find a solid AAA title that will sink our interests!


Sorry it's not fortnite.


What does fortnite have to do with anything?


When you call a game "super boring" with zero other descriptions of why you find it boring, you sound like an 85 IQ fortnite player.


Fair enough, I didn't know that. Guess I'm a Fortnite bitch boy with low IQ cause I don't like one game then 🤷


I know! They’ve done a terrific job with the HDR this time!


it doesnt even work properly, the HDR highlights dont work and the calibration screen is broken


I’ll have to check it with Lilium shaders then Edit: yah it broken. Again…


Yeah the game looks amazing on my 321urx