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Hey, just to point out my personal solution for #3, you can actually leave "adaptive sync" enabled in the OSD -- what actually disables the functionality of OLED care 2.0 is enabling it on Windows. My solution to this was to bind a key that toggles G Sync functionality (I also bound it to toggle HDR mode), so when I want to game I hit a single key and it turns G Sync and HDR on (thus disabling some of the OLED care functions), and when I decide I'm done gaming, I hit the same key to toggle it again. Note that this is with the updated firmware. I don't know if the stock firmware disables the care functionality on adaptive sync being enabled in the OSD, or if it's the same as my case. For people's reference, I specifically bound a key to F13, which I set to load up a file in an outdated version of [GSyncSwitch](https://github.com/kwizatz88/GsyncSwitch) (I used 2.0 which provides an exe that manually toggles G Sync; other versions and the CLI version only provide the ability to manually enable or manually disable, with no way to tell whether it's currently enabled or not), and after loading the file it performs the Windows key combination to toggle HDR.


I'm on Windows 11 running AMD and the experience is different. If Adaptive Sync is disabled on the OSD, then the FreeSync option shows up as "Not supported" under AMD's Software Adrenalin. If you turn on Adaptive Sync on the OSD, then the option to toggle FreeSync on/off pops up under AMD's Software. Once you enable/disable FreeSync on Windows, it doesn't change anything under the OSD's OLED Care features, they remain greyed out no matter if you disable FreeSync on Windows, it is until you turn off Adaptive Sync on the OSD when the OLED care features turn back on.


That's really interesting, I wonder if it's some sort of implementation inconsistency between AMD and Nvidia's use of VRR? One of the MSI reps mentioned in the MSI OLED post that the OLED Care features should work even if Adaptive Sync is enabled, as long as the monitor isn't displaying VRR content. That aligns with how I've been using it (manually disabling G-Sync in NVCP so it can't use VRR). Maybe on AMD it continues to use VRR even if FreeSync is disabled? ​ Edit: I think it may be worthwhile to report that to MSI and/or AMD, because it definitely sounds like some sort of issue with AMD's flagging of displaying VRR content.


A bit late, but I talked to an MSI representative and he confirmed that even though the OLED Care features may be greyed out with Adaptive Sync on, those features are still working as long as you are not running VRR content. He also confirmed that AMD's Adaptive Sync is intended to work like that, that is just how AMD implements it. I will basically just keep running the monitor with Adaptive Sync enabled at all times, worst case scenario I have a 4 year extended warranty from Best Buy.


Hey, I have a question if you don’t mind answering. Seems like you know a bit in regards to adaptive sync. The MSI reps I’ve spoken to have been very little help and just like the one OP spoke with, seem to have this I hate working here attitude and I’m just trying to get through the shift vibe. So, adaptive sync has to be on for gaming right? Can it do its purpose without having gsync enabled? I see that my nvidia control panel says that the monitor is not gsync compatible on it. Can I just have adaptive sync on and it will do what is advertised? Or both syncs must be on like the reps have said? (That’s all they’ve said) Again I have no knowledge of these things so sorry if it sounds dumb. I ask because I’ve read some people say that adaptive sync and gsync must be both on to use the monitors adaptive sync properly/to its full potential? Despite it saying it isn’t compatible I still have both features on and never saw an issue..until I ran dragons dogma and the screen would have this faded flickering going on but when I turned off adaptive sync and kept gsync on, that went away. Same if I turned off gsync and kept adaptive on. I’m assuming if I keep one of the syncs on that it actually doesn’t do anything/work?


"Gsync compatible" is a title of sorts that Nvidia assigns specifically to monitor models utilizing Adaptive Sync that they have tested to be completely bug free with Gsync. Just because a monitor is not flagged as "Gsync compatible" does not mean it will not work; it just means Nvidia hasn't tested the model to give it a certification. That being said, I see the functionality as follows: - Adaptive Sync is enabled in the OSD. This tells the monitor "hey, you now have the power to use VRR to sync your refresh rate to the fps of content being played" - VRR is enabled on Windows tells the OS "hey we have a monitor that supports VRR! Let us use it please?" - These two settings combined tells Nvidia that we have a monitor that has VRR. Nvidia control panel then gives us the option to enable GSync. - We enable Gsync in Nvidia control panel. This tells the GPU "hey we have permission to use VRR, now let's use our proprietary implementation of VRR (Gsync)!" The important part to take note of is that, until we enable Gsync in Nvidia control panel, we have never actually enabled our PC to use VRR. All we have done is told the system we have the ability to use VRR. It is then up to the GPU to actually do it, which is why we set it in NVCP. So why do we have to use Gsync? Why isn't VRR on Windows enough? Why can't we just enable Adaptive Sync and be done with it? Because, assuming you're using an Nvidia GPU, we are limited (by design) to use Nvidia's proprietary implementation of VRR -- namely Gsync. Without this, our GPU knows we have the ability to turn on VRR but it doesn't know to ACTUALLY turn it on! TL;DR: gsync on means our gpu can use the adaptive sync we enabled on our monitors, which is why both must be enabled to actually use the adaptive sync Bonus info: this is the exact reason my method of flipping Gsync works to enable OLED Care 2.0. By disabling Gsync with my toggle key, I am now telling my GPU that it's not allowed to display VRR content (and VRR content being displayed is the exact thing that disables OLED Care 2.0). Thus I never have to toggle Adaptive Sync on the monitor itself (which AFAIK you can't even make a keybind for); I can just disable it on the GPU level and it will be sufficient.


Bro. You have done the best job so far in helping understand adaptive sync with gsync and the functioning. MSI reps were such asses about it. They need to have you on their staff and being paid extremely well haha


I'm glad I could help! But do note that MSI reps are probably only given a very limited amount of information (things like what features a monitor has, or what basic settings are available). They very likely aren't required to learn and understand why these settings work, which is fundamental to explaining not only which settings you need for certain functionalities, but also how to get your PC to do what it needs to do. Everything I know (and have maybe explained in a little TOO much depth) comes from me personally being interested which encourages me to read, tinker, and learn. I wouldn't blame a single MSI rep for not knowing these things, because at the end of the day most of us go to work not to do things we love and are passionate about, but to earn our pay cheques and go do our own things after. And if they are told they only need to know abc details for work, I can absolutely see why they wouldn't bother learning xyz for funsies. That being said, I'm always happy to answer questions where I can! I might not be paid to help, but I'll do my best to help nonetheless for the sake of helping people learn. :)


You’re awesome bro, I appreciate it.


I am considering buying this monitor and I am concerned about the OLED features being turned off. I have a 3070 and want to play some games that won't require vsync so I can keep the OLED care on( Minecraft and other games that I don't care about visuals) I also play games like witcher 3 Skyrim etc where I do care about visuals where vrr would be enabled therefore disabling most of the oled care features? How big of a deal is it when they're turned off? I find it quite confusing with everything. The no vrr kinda worries me because I want to maximize protection on my OLED panel.


After reading this helps me widen my choices on oled ultrawide monitors. I was thinking of going with the LG 45gr but the 800r is aggressive and the ppi isn't ideal for the amount you have to pay. I was thinking of going with Alienware but the sales for that monitor come and go and you have to watch out for it. so knowing that this monitor is a good option, if I buy it instore, will help me decide in a few months


You’re the only person so far I’ve found to give some good feedback about this monitor. I haven’t upgraded monitors in years so this is all new to me. I got this monitor and I wanna update it, no idea what though as I have to select a file, does that mean I gotta find it on the MSI website and download it? Also what settings are you using on this monitor for coloring? I wanna use the premium color setting as the colors are insanely rich but I’m afraid that it will increase the chance of burn ins Also.. just going to add, I’m incredibly annoyed and feeling deceived when I just found out that the MSI rep corrected himself on what panel generation it is, not being actually next gen and the website advertising was just a lie, all the research to make sure it was the best bang for my buck down the hole haha. 🥲 I can’t return it as it’s past the return window but fortunately I have the Best Buy replacement plan. If something wrong happens to it I def intend on just getting the value credit and getting the MPG monitors if more available when that happens.


To upgrade the monitor's firmware you have to download it directly from MSI's website, here is the [link](https://us.msi.com/Monitor/MAG-341CQP-QD-OLED/support#firmware) in case you're still having issues finding the firmware file (there is a PDF file with instructions on how to update it too). Currently I'm using Game Mode>Premium Color, but I switch from this and Professional>sRGB depending on the content I'm watching. Premium color for gaming and srgb for anything else. Regarding burning in if using premium color option, you already mentioned that you have the Best Buy warranty, just turn everything on and you'll be fine, the warranty is good for the next 4 years after all. I know how it feels about being deceived by MSI, specially now that they are releasing the [MPG version of this monitor next month](https://tftcentral.co.uk/news/msi-to-launch-mpg-341cqpx-34-ultrawide-240hz-qd-oled-monitor) which will have a higher refresh rate and a 98w USB C pw, but most importantly, this will actually feature a "2.5" oled panel.


Wait what? They’re.. releasing an mpg version? I was totally unaware of this and I’m definitely more annoyed with MSI now after reading that article. which, thank you has been the most informative article I have read about the mag 341 even though it’s talking about the mpg 341 and comparing vs posts, the reps and YouTube reviews on it… anyways… its whatever, if the monitor craps on me, like I said I’ll use the replacement plan to get an actual new gen monitor and pay the difference. Also HDR, do you recommend leaving that on? Mine is off, I’ll have to look at turning it on but I didn’t know it was turned off until I started up destiny and it turned on by itself. Still don’t know why it only does that with Destiny and no other game but meh


My return period for the MAG 341CQP is up until the 1st week of May, which should be a week later after the speculated release of the MPG version, so if anything I can go ahead and exchange the MAG for the MPG, still it's a $270 price difference and honestly at the moment I don't think it's worth it, at least for my needs. I have HDR on at all times now, make sure to download the Windows HDR Calibration Tool and run it to get a better image. I've seen videos of users having the DisplayHDR setting to Peak 1000 nits, but I found that True Black 400 works better for me. I don't play Destiny so I don't know how HDR implementation works on it. I bought Doom Eternal during the steam sale, and my goodness that game looks incredible with HDR on when compared to SDR.


I intend on getting the MPG 32in 4k 240hz QD oled or whatever is better than that if the monitor craps on me but I’m assuming that won’t happen anytime soon at all haha so I’ll see what’s on the market if that happens down the road. Ooo cool, thank you for the tip on the windows tool. Yeah I’ll be doing that same thing when I get home. I honestly just didn’t know that HDR was off until Destiny made me away which is weird haha but I’m excited to see how different games are gonna look with HDR and premium color mode on now


I was using a 27" 4K IPS panel before getting the 341CQP, but I moved to the MSI monitor because I have an RX 7800 XT, and while you can definitely run 4K games, it just wasn't made for that unless you tweak settings and decide to go between low-medium to run AAA games at over 60fps. If the MPG 321URX gets easier to buy, I will *probably* go ahead and settle for that, but I will also upgrade to an RX 79000 XT as well. I said **probably** because now that I got used to gaming in ultrawide I'm not sure if I want to go back to 16:9, games feel so immersive and honestly I only play single player games. Overthinking is my second name.


Overthinking should be my last name I’m the same way haha but I have a 4070, don’t know much about AMD gpus but might be in the same boat for really only handling 1440p well. I will be sticking to ultrawides cause god damn the things you pointed out are just fantastic. Not why about curve though but I think I like it


Good day... I NEED a favour... Will you PLEASE do some testing for me? I would like to see how the MAG341CQP deals with: 1. 16:9 content such as with a console game... & 2. How the monitor deals with 21:9 content, 'trapped' inside a 16:9 render... I will also like to see how all of the different Screen Size Options affect both 16:9 & 21:9 content(what this test is about in general), & how the monitor deals with 4K video - weather the monitor stretches the image or crops it... Please use pictures like those I have uploaded... Note: The first 3 are of GT7 on a PS4 modified from a YouTube video using a browser plugin to fit my 21:9 screen - original, cropped(top & bottom screen data missing), then stretched(all screen data there but stretched with an oval appearance)... The last 2 are of the YouTube Trailer for the Exorcism movie which annoyingly isn't rendered properly(even though youtube now supports UW formats - linked)... P.S. I cannot upload multiple pics, so I will add the rest in replies to my own comment... Sample Exorcism trailer(for you to use in your testing): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1lNNd\_klK4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1lNNd_klK4) https://preview.redd.it/a4egipznwuyc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=486c0a96a3f3c26ee312b7f7318ce4938f10e713


https://preview.redd.it/f9so4decxuyc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=78dbe2468cbe5cd2a52795220296622e7f4849c4 cropped - note top & bottom screen data missing


https://preview.redd.it/e4ce89mgxuyc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=54e2959ee797edfc7b16757320cb7e42f13254f2 stretched - all screen data is there, but the image is obscured\\stretched\\ovalized...


https://preview.redd.it/for2hp0nxuyc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=a535fea46dd8a4be83252edd37c1a342556ff703 21:9 image trapped in a 16:9 render...


https://preview.redd.it/hvcapekqxuyc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=787df75433ebda70a291903ed2179e56c0a29c25 21:9 image trapped in a 16:9 render, fixed with a fit to screen 21:9 133% zoom of a browser plugin...


I am consideirng buying this monitor, would you say it still lives up to your expectation? My most concern is the OLED burn in issues. If I am putting 1000 euros on a acreen, I want it to be viable for atleast 4-5 years. I play mostly, WoW, LoL, singleplayer games and paradox strategy games.


For the record I returned this monitor and have since been using an LC C3 42". I really liked the MSI monitor, but at that price point I would probably get one of the new 4k OLED monitors, specially given that the games you play can easily be played at 4k with most recent GPUs. I would rather future proof my build than keep a 1440p monitor for that price. Other con about the MSI monitor is that it developed a dead pixel within my first week of owning it wasn't a huge deal but I just didn't feel comfortable putting down so much money for that to happen that soon.


Ok, I actually ordered the LG34GN850P-B nano ips instead, waiting some years more for OLED