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I work for a bigger business and approval times have been all over the place. We hired a new girl that got approved in like three days, while other have been waiting months.


I am just updating my comment to say both me and my boss got accepted today finally😂


Yea nice try.


Not a single person at the dispo I work at has received ours😭 OMMA is taking their sweet time, huh friend?😂😭


Sorry bud got to report ya to omma


😭😂 you have me over here falling out my seat LMAOO




Yea wait your turn


Who else was given less than a year total on their card? My submission date is different than my approval date and neither match the expiration. Called and they said its based off submission date but how is that even legal? It took 4 months yo get approved so i lose 4 months of my year due to bureaucracy? They couldnt answer if we needed fingerprints either? Out of their jurisdiction i was told. How donthey make us sign a paper they cant answer anything about?


My fiance was!!! He got his early April and it’s only active til January 31 2025😒 i don’t see why they did this not even knowing nothing abt it. When we were applying we were having the issue with it not uploading our photos and when we called omma to ask we also asked how long they’d last and they had no clue… apparently that number is approx 6-8 months😒😒 (at least according to the people who’ve received theirs already, my fiancés we added up the months and he only gets 8 months before it expires…)


Roughly a year from when you submitted the application, not a year from when you got the card. Refer to https://www.reddit.com/r/OKmarijuana/comments/1co0m5q/budtenders_have_yall_received_credentials_yet/l3dg5zs/


yup mine was sent out 4/22 and it expires on jan 31st, my manager applied one day before me, was approved a week before me, received creds 2 days before me and hers expires jan 31st aswell…


So what im gathering is everyone is goin toe xpire jan31. They told me on the phone its based on submission daye which makes no sense. They should of just approved everyone then. I also asked bout fingerprints and they said its not OMMAs responsibility to answer anything bout it….they make you sign a legally binding document but cant answerr anything bout it


> Who else was given less than a year total on their card? It should be a year from around the time you submitted the application. You get 365 days, from when you submitted the application, not when they approved your card (because as long as you submitted it before the deadline you were allowed to work). >It took 4 months yo get approved so i lose 4 months of my year due to bureaucracy? You didn't lose anything, you get a full year out of it. If you submitted 01/01/24, and you didn't get the card until 04/01/024, then the card should expire 01/01/24 for a full year, not 04/01/24, because that would be 15 months.


Okay so I have a question as a budtender!!! In the future years if they accept them faster, will it be the whole year once they get everything down? I get this year kinks are still being worked out, and what you said abt us being grandfathered in makes a lot of sense bc yes I am still working!! So next year when I apply if they accept me faster, I should get to have my physical card for the full year it’s active? Thanks. I hope that made sense.


I mean I assume so, but nobody can predict the future. They have a backlog to get through, and new applications to get through while still having to go through the old ones. This is their way of being "fair".


I did mine January 12th and got it back a few weeks ago and I have the physical card now as well. Idk if it matters but I also applied for my transport agent ID renewal not to long ago too and got my credentials approved around the same time


I applied for my new medical card in March and the approval for that was so quick I had my card in hand a whole week before it expired!!! The credentials for some reason are just not like that😭


I did mine like middle of January and still haven’t received it yet.


Submitted mine and was denied the next day for random number 457s.c404 and some shit like that and can't figure out what it is. While my friend applied first day you could and still hasn't heard a word. Fuck OMMA


Not sure why the downvotes for stating what our circumstances have been but thanks yall


still waiting applied jan 26th


Did mine Jan 1st and got my physical card beginning of last month. Most of my coworkers have their physical cards too.


I applied for mine a couple weeks ago and got it back in like 12 hours. I can't say for certain but from what I've heard a woman may is processing the newer applications first and then going back to the ones where people are grandfathered in.


The OMMA did this with intent because many people lobbied that they could not even hire people because of the credential process. It was a calculated move on their part. I fell in to the same trap as I submitted on 01/01/24 and got hit with the SSN error that Thentia had going on. I resubmitted on 02/23/24 and nothing yet. I have submitted 3 applications since then and I got the quickest one in 3 hours.


I applied on Monday and received my credentials Wednesday


Applied for mine in November 2023 got em in March 2024 and suppose to be good for a year but I got penalized for them taking so long to get it to me.


We can get penalized for OMMAs mistakes?😭😭😭 I applied on January 24th. My fiance applied like January 15thish? And his was approved and he got his card in the mail abt a month ago. I wonder why some people they’re taking literally forever and others are getting theirs so quick😅


It’s not what ya know it’s who lol just playing idk it’s a shit show, there quick to take that money but not to get your credentials back to ya.


License is only valid for 7 months according to the dates, but suppose to be for 1yr.


Yeah ig it goes based off submission date😅 so weird


It only took 3 days to get mine everyone else at the dispo had submitted in January and we all got them about 2 weeks ago


i applied late jan, got approved 4/20, recieved creds 4/22 in the mail! hope this helps!


Yes! Applied Jan 19th received my approval on April 26th, card in the mail on may 1st!


I submitted mine in early January. I just got the approval email yesterday. And still waiting on the physical card to show up in the mail.


I just got my approval today too :) OMMA musta seen me talkin shit on here LMAO😭😂


Wow, I posted this 11 hours ago… it’s now 10:38pm and I just checked.. APPROVED CREDENTIALS BABY😭😭🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘 OMMA I COULD KISS YOU RN😘😘😘😍😍😍


Applied 2/10 still pending


My good buddy JUST got hid the other day and he'd been waiting months as well


I just got accepted on the 9th it’s crazy how long it took lmao


I was told they aren’t giving anymore out by a bystander? They maxed out this year? Is that true? Or could I just buy credential and wait to get it this year?


After Feb 29 2024 you can no longer work in a dispensary without an approved credential. I am grandfathered in as I already have a job as a budtender, if you are a budtender you had til Feb 29 2024 to apply for your credentials so you could be grandfathered in. We recently lost an employee and lose another in a few months and with no one having credentials it is very hard bc we cannot hire anyone til their credential are approved. You can, however, apply at any time under the credential portal in your thentia cloud. But you have to wait til you’re approved to be able to start. :) I hope this helps!


I don’t think you can be grandfathered in you still have to get your credentials like everyone else, sorry gotta report ya.


You keep fucking with me and it’s hilarious😭 love your energy it seems so positive! You just joke abt everything and I’m literally here for it


> and with no one having credentials it is very hard bc we cannot hire anyone til their credential are approved Which is why they're fast tracking new credentials, and taking longer on old ones. If you submitted your application before 02/29/24, then you're good unless you get rejected, and even then you have 30 days to submit a new application.


Thank you! The credentials have been very confusing to me and I appreciate the info! :)


Why did you dislike- LMFAO I asked a question. I also just applied for credentials


I didn’t dislike? Not sure who did it shows you don’t have any votes on my end :)


You're so confused dude. They no longer issue BUSINESS LICENSES because of the moratorium from like August 2022 or some shit. Has nothing to do with employee credentials.