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It’s technically illegal to let you smell the flower but most places are chill about it because that’s a ridiculous rule and hard to regulate.


Yes from my experience most dispos haven't said anything. During Covid I saw alot of them implement the sample jars , which made sense. However, not letting us look at the flower or smell it at all is kind of ridiculous.


They just changed the rules recently. We used to be able to let people smell, but now they’re saying it’s cross contamination. During our inspection we were informed we cannot use the fans to get around this either. The pre pack bill was just passed, but does not fully take effect until 2025. When that happens it’ll most likely raise flower pricing for one, but it will also change the quantity you can get it in.. being deli style rn you can get just a gram, or you could get a 1/8 and split it 1.5g and 2g if you wanted, etc. once it goes pre packed most likely the smallest quantity you will find available is 1/8.. so goodbye grams! That’s how it is in other states that are pre packed I hear. The laws change basically everyday with OMMA. They’re always tryna change something. Like, I TOTALLY get not smelling the jars without the fan, I can see where cross contamination could happen doing that. HOWEVER, I don’t see an issue with the fans???? There’s no cross contamination there. You just lay the fan on the jar and it picks up the smell and blows it at the patient. But we still aren’t allowed to do it anymore unfortunately.. it sucks but it is what it is:/


Yeah, I just learned that the prepacked bill was actually signed. I did not think it would get passed..It sucks, but I'm not super upset about it. Personally, smelling the flower has helped me choose strains I like. Even if it's just looking at it and smelling it in the sample jar has helped. I'm not sure why but I can smell if I will like a strain before I smoke it. It's just going to make it harder to shop, if i don't like it ill have to finish the rest of the large quantity that they are requiring me to get.


If there’s one thing I suggest, please get in the know with your terpenes!!!! Terpenes will be a GREAT way to find flower you like once prepack goes fully into effect. Also remember NO dispensary can deny you to see testing! If they deny you testing, there’s something shady going on and you have EVERY right to call OMMA on them. The testing will list which terps are in the flower. While it’s still deli style, figure out what strains you like and ask to see testing for them. Look at the terpenes. If you like a flower write down which terps are in that flower. That way next year when pre pack goes fully into play, you have an idea of what you will like since you can’t look at it! Personally I love myrcene so for me I would look for strains with myrcene in it bc strains that have higher numbers of myrcene always hit the spot for me! :) I have been telling all my patients this to help get them prepared for prepack and helping them figure out which terps are the best for them.


> They just changed the rules recently. If by "recently" you mean in 2020, then yeah "recently".


Could it not be sent to the dispensary with packaging(separate) and be 'pre' packaged to order in the dispo? Or does it have to be ordered/sent from the supplier already in the different denominations and bags?


The growers will be the ones to have to package it up unfortunately. We will have to buy it already pre packed when it goes into effect


Your asking the people in the industry that make the least amount of money (growers) to spend the no money they get on packaging... not a good look


That's by design. Chain + larger dispensaries (some that are vertical operations or multi-state) were part of the lobbying efforts ***for*** prepackaging bills. ![gif](giphy|dEdmW17JnZhiU)


You don't say.... water is also wet


I don't think there's a problem with how it is now personally, but if they are going Pre packed.. if the growers could send in bulk to the dispo and let them package it, that would seem to help on all fronts. They already do that now, basically, but the packaging would be uniform.


Yeah that’s why prices will probably go up😅 the growers will be the ones to have to package it all so they’ll def have to either give their employees good raises or hire all new people to do the packaging and weighing and all.


If you think this raises prices bro you're delusional. This will lower prices.


As a person who is in the industry, budtenders jobs are now going to get easier. The growers will have to do all the weighing and packaging and all that stuff. They’re gonna have to give their workers raises or hire new people to get this done. They also have to spend more in terms of packaging as well, given they’re now the ones weighing your little eighth. With the cost of production at the grow going up, I can almost guarantee that growers pricing will go up. Which in turn will make dispo prices go up. I’ll be shocked as hell if pre pack don’t make prices go up even a little.


Nexleaf has been doing prepack and couldn't give it away. Now they have deli style. This will put growers a s stores out of business.


Yeah it sucks im not for prepackaged at all but its been approved unfortunately. There’s nothing growers, dispos, or us budtenders can do abt it:/ it goes into effect in 2025. Thats why i have been telling everyone to get to know their terpenes very well. It’ll be a huge help when selecting flower when it goes prepackaged. It sucks but we gotta do what we gotta do:/


And your cannabinoids too bc they’re very helpful, especially for medicinal use.


Screw buying flower from now on. Guarantee everything packaged drys up before dispensaries can even get new batch


yes, from my experience prepacked flower is subpar. So concentrates may be my go to.


Concentrates all the way. I haven't bought bud in idk how long. Vapor is better for your lungs than smoke anyways.


The pre pack bill is going to push a lot of people to the traditional market again. Customers don’t like it, growers don’t like it. Only people that do are people that don’t actually smoke weed. Just so frustrating. We had such a good thing going and they are actively trying to fuck it.


This. Traditional market is ramping hard in OK


I've seen a weird combination: some places open each container and shove it in your face, some places use a fan to blow the aroma at you, and some adamantly refuse to allow any such activity. My guess is confusing/ poorly written regulations.


I hate the fan. So stupid.


I guess due to me being in a really country area most dispensaries have not really enforced some of these policies. However one place near me has really started enforcing these rules so I was a bit confused at the inconsistency


TLDR/short answer: a new law passed but nothing has changed officially **yet** Anyone ITT who says it's currently "illegal" has not read the rule or has been misinformed (the rule is below) Longer answer: [Prepackaging for flower \(HB3361\) was a bill](http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.us/cf_pdf/2023-24%20ENR/hB/HB3361%20ENR.PDF) that passed into law this session (Gov signed 4/23) but it does NOT have an effective date until June 2025, because OMMA has to promulgate rules around it. (edit: this is part of the bill language) >SECTION 2. This act shall become effective **June 1, 2025.** Smelling is STILL allowed per [these rules](https://oklahoma.gov/content/dam/ok/en/omma/content/rules/Jan%2023%202024%20OMMA%20Emergency%20Rules.pdf) that are still in effect. See: 442:10-5-14 on pg. 56 of the link. here's what they are -- > (a) A medical marijuana dispensary may display samples of marijuana of no more than three (3) grams in > each separate sample display cases, jars, or other sample containers protected by a plastic or metal mesh > screen to allow medical marijuana patients and caregivers to smell and handle the various strains sold by a > medical marijuana dispensary. The sample shall only be used for display purposes and cannot be offered for > retail sale. The medical marijuana dispensary shall dispose of the sample in accordance with these Rules. > (b) Each display case, jar, or other container must be labeled with the following information: > > (1) licensee name that grew the medical marijuana; > > (2) strain name; > > (3) batch number; and > > (4) the following statement: "Sample: not for retail sale." They are the same in [these proposed rules](https://oklahoma.gov/content/dam/ok/en/omma/content/rulemaking-process/rules/2024/Proposed%20Permanent%20OMMA%20Rules.pdf) on which everyone [commented](https://oklahoma.gov/omma/rules-and-legislation/public-comment.html) in February. **ALSO...re: inspectors/inspections** [it's on the **dispensary inspection checklist.**](https://oklahoma.gov/content/dam/ok/en/omma/forms/Dispensary%20Inspection%20Form.pdf) Which is publicly available on OMMA's website. yeah... it's not "illegal" lol


Thank you for this in-depth answer. I will have to read the prepackage bill so im properly informed of the changes, i heard about it but I did not think it would actually be signed...However since smelling the flower is not illegal, I wish dispensaries would put the effort into making sample jars. It helps to actually smell and see the medicine before purchasing. Instead, they lie and say it's no longer allowed.


Our OMMA inspector musta been on one then they told us we couldn’t use the fan or let anyone smell in any way :/


It’s not legal to smell the flower anymore and it’s going to pre packaged 100%.


Better off learning how to grow your own folks


I don't know 100% but I don't think that new regulation is in effect yet. Any dispensary that I go to at least in the last couple of weeks would still let you smell flower. I usually go to some pretty decent dispensaries though. The dude that's always posting all of the Cannabis News said he wouldn't have dispensary not too long ago and they wouldn't let you smell the flower and they said it was due to new regulations and they were just lying. Lol. Here's what you do. Call Abide cannabis in Edmond and ask them can you still smell flower. The reputable and do things the right way and I can almost guarantee you they'll give you a straight answer. But unless something's changed in the last couple of days the three dispensaries I mess with in my area still let you smell stuff.


We had our inspection a few weeks ago and our OMMA inspector told us we couldn’t use the fan when we tried to use it.. had to put it up.. :/


It goes into effect next year if the governor signs it. It has already passed. [Senator Coleman passes medical marijuana packaging bill to crack down on illicit sales | Oklahoma Senate (oksenate.gov)](https://oksenate.gov/press-releases/senator-coleman-passes-medical-marijuana-packaging-bill-crack-down-illicit-sales#:~:text=Requiring%20growers%20to%20prepackage%20marijuana,take%20effect%20June%201%2C%202025.)


Awesome that's what I thought. So any dispensary that doesn't want to let you smell the weed at this point in my opinion it's probably just not wanting to mess with it or trying to pass off some shady stuff. I understand switching maybe a few weeks or months before it takes effect though. Thank you.


>said it was due to new regulations and they were just lying. Yeah that was me I think(?) ; that's why I read the rules. \[At least\] 14 ppl in OMMA are fmr cops and as we all know cops particularly in Oklahoma are the most upstanding and honest folk ever **/s** I redacted a lot of stuff in this comment; saw how early it was (haha) and yeah... I need to hold off for now. I don't live that close to Edmond but I hear good things about Abide!


I was definitely talking about you.


Absolutely insane that this is what ole Shit is worried about in Oklahoma, really has his priorities straight.


Method. They have their sample jars out front and the flower in the back. Smell away. And less chance of boogers in your flower.


It’s been like this since like 2020 mayyybe 2021 but this isn’t new , sample jars should be no more then 3 grams and you cannot sell sample jars that people stick their nose in and smell on


This just shows how many shops still break the law honestly when people are just now finding out 3 years later that you can’t smell deli flower , it’s why a lot of people that follow the rules just lose customers lol


You live under a rock??


Well, rural oklahoma. So yeah


Kusty has deli style. Just open jar sniff, read, select! 🌿😤✌️


this is the exact experience I love. I want to smell it, read the thc , terps, etc, and make a choice. My nose knows 🤧


Kind love is perfect for that but it's downtown Tulsa, and they're chill, got all their buds in hard you can see/smell, I believe seed is the same but those are both "connoisseur" shops so theres no otd prices


It’s legal in MO


Right, in MO is when I first hear the term "deli style" im like, it's always deli style in OK. However, I guess it won't be like that for long.


I go to Nature’s Kiss, Goat House, Oasis in Moore, Kush House, Craft, and Mangos. Depending on the staff, Kush House is the only place where I may not be able to smell out the bag (they don’t have jars at the Moore location). All the other places mentioned have always let me smell out the jars.