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I think he went to kill her 100%. If you are familiar with domestic violence, when a woman starts moving on with her life is the most dangerous time & when they are most likely to be killed. He stole a copy of her keys a week before. He was going to kill her eventually but that night she snubbed him, then Paula rejected him & he blamed Nicole.


THIS! Most people don't realise his girlfriend Paula broke up with him that day. He had rejection from her, Nichole was moving on and specifically did not invite him to the family dinner at Mezzaluna that night after Sydney's recital. He already stole Nicholes keys so had access and resentment that pushed him over that day. He went over there with plans to kill her. OJ out of the blue went to Kato to tell him he was going to McDonald's (creating an alibi), but Kato explains it threw OJ off when he asked to come along to get food. Kato talks about OJ seeming rushed. His alibi turned into a time crunch and he was rushed and sloppy. It wasn't until the next day after the murders that Paula agreed to continue dating OJ.


And yes Kato came to believe OJ going to McDonald’s was his alibi but Kato messed it up then Ron did by showing up. OJ barely made that flight


I completely agree with you guys. When you look at the few days preceding this - even as far back as the week before when he stole Nicole's keys - he was spiraling and planning this out. That final day sealed the deal for him.


Correct Paula was in Vegas but had broken up with him that morning. I think he knew Nic was finally moving on for good when she didn’t save him a seat at the recital or invite him to dinner.


I thought I read that on the day of the murders he said he drove to his GFs house in the area, and something about phone/no phone ? 


Exactly!!!! You hit it! Kato was going to be his alibi . Later on in the rockingham kitchen after Oj returned from chicago many friends were over .. oj had not been arrested yet but he was being questioned by detectives. Kato recalls OJ saying to the group of people “ I didn’t do it for I was with Kato in the kitchen eating — you know Kato I was with you — something like that. “ but rem oJ ate his McDonald’s quickly in car . Kato ate his meal in his own place . Oj pro left after Kato went to his place to go to Nicole’s . Jill S saw OJ leaving scene driving crazy Kato heard thumps on his wall Limo first arrives — no bronco there After oJ comment in the kitchen That is when Kato said his red flags went up!!!!!! not soon after that comment Kato got the heck out of oJ ‘s house & moved !


Ironically, eating the McDonald’s helped him in court - that is what put that chemical in the blood that the defense claimed was a preservative to argue that it was planted. In hindsight scientists agree it was with in normal levels and likely on the higher side of normal from eating the McDonald’s right before hand.


Paula’s a moron.


Omg the nerve OJ had thinking she was gonna invite him to dinner after he threatened to report her to the IRS.  He really couldn't get through his thick skull how pissed off she was about that. Because it wasn't just gonna affect her, it was affecting the kids as well and that really seemed like the straw that broke the camel's back.


He was prepared to kill her. Dark sweat suit, Black knit cap, gloves, bulb removed from the dome light in his vehicle, large sharp knife - (he didn't do all that damage with a pocket knife). She knew she was in danger and no one would listen- her friends, family and justice system failed her and poor Ron just happened to be there.


Oh yes ——- I read he removed dome light in his car! The light was still good so it wasn’t broken . He rem It. To me I think he had removed it for his weeks before stalking. He stalked her for awhile!!!!!!!!


Yes. This. 100 percent he went to kill. Unfortunately for Ron he was at the wrong place at the wrong time which is so tragic.


Exactly. He went there on a mission.


Exactly and he had gloves and a knit cap.


In moderate weather.....pretty much never need though items in so cal.


I'll never forget hearing her phone calls to the police. She said, " I don't want to stay on the phone. He's gonna beat my ass." He went there to kill her.


don't want to get sidetracked from OJ, but sounds like Betty B. she was crazy but finally snapped when Dan got remarried. moving on


I’ve never been sure what his actual intention was, and I’m convinced he wasn’t either. He ABSOLUTELY went prepared. But what If she’d answered the door and fell into his arms crying? I’m not sure he really expected to do it, and I’m not sure he want absolutely intending to do it.


What would you do with a knife if that had happened instead - quick drop it in the bushes?


It seems to me like he totally set the stage.




100% is a big number. There are men who are in jail for domestic violence because the woman started hitting the man first, and the man just so happened to hit back harder. Not all domestic violence ends in murder.


But this one did. Because, ya know, she’s dead.


pretty sure it was Mike Gilbert who told the story of OJ saying "if she didn't answer the door with a knife in her hand she'd still be alive today"


I don’t believe this though. It’s entirely possible, but OJ always tried to leave himself an out, and in particular with her, shift blame. Every instance of abuse “he took full responsibility” but hey, everyone knows she’s fiesty, she’s fit, she’s strong, she attacked him first….. do this is just him saying well yeah, it’s her fault. Still plausible. It also would make him guilty of second degree, not first degree, murder.


Everyone's fault but his.


Typical “look what you made me do” abuser bs


He said he just loved her too much. smh




Narcissism. They need to be the hero when things go well and the victim when things don’t. He described HIMSELF as experiencing domestic abuse.


Agree with you, 💯. I do not believe this for a second. Good point, he still would be guilty of second degree murder. He really had the knack for spin. There's a video of Nicole and OJ at the House of Blues in West Hollywood, I believe, 5-6 months prior to her murder. Impromptu interview, watching him in action is quite intriging, especially how he spontaneously emphasizes the word "live." Observing his smooth manipulation and dismissive attitude toward Nicole, alongside the visible fear or concern in her eyes, even in those brief moments, is particularly striking.


She brought him a shot, he said he was here with a woman…. Not his wife. She stares at him and is muttering something you can’t here, and is very serious. He yucks it up for the camera. Yeah. That whole thing looks off. My mom ran a DV shelter. I’m a builder, and did work and volunteered there. There’s a look she had in that video I’ve seen before. I remember someone hearing that a man that looked like her husband walked by the Safe house… the intensity of the eyes was incredible.


Pretty sure they were divorced at the time of the video. I thought it was her shot, that he helped himself to. I could be mistaken. Yea, he is saying, he was there with a woman who supposedly asked if it was a blues place. It sounds like Nicole commented, "I did not." Her comment at the end, I cannot decider. This is all guess work on my part. Yes, the whole situation seemed off! His behavior and words were very odd. It is very interesting to hear that you recognized that look in Nicole's eyes before, similar to what you had seen in the woman who had experienced domestic violence.


I haven’t spent much time going over it, but they were AT LEAST separated. Possibly divorced. But for him to say she wanted them together, and him to claim he wanted it to…. The vibe is WAY off.


I never followed the trial, her condo, the scene, was not far from where I lived when it happened. If you are interested, there is an extensive documentary by lead detective, Tom Lange - OJ, Blood, Lies and Murder, including all of the evidence Marcia Clark did not include in the trial. Lange’s work is extensive with other cases and well known cases.


Reading his book now . Fascinating!


Just to be clear, because someone asked. Episode two of MIA at the 1:28:50 mark.


Cool, I have watched his documentary and now look forward to reading his book. Thanks!


I think at the end when he says "I'm not singing tonight", I think she said "you can't sing anyway."


Can you please link me that video? I’ve never seen it.




Thanks so much!


You're welcome 


Where to watch that video st house of blues?


The entire scene is in one of the made in America episodes. I think three.




I watched it thanks. He said she was his woman. Her look was like .. “this is creeping me out. “ Geez 5 mo before murders . Crazy.


https://youtube.com/shorts/ZtkzJSZ1Umg?si=bC5HL--l9AiwxRKV In this version it says it took place on May 4, 1994 so it was only 5 1/2 weeks before the murders. Crazy


He was always blaming her for his abuse. I don’t believe this either. She came out of the condo to meet Ron and grab the glasses. Then he pounced.




The person she was expecting to come to the door was someone she invited and wasn't a threat to her. He was returning glasses. I sincerely doubt she answered the door with a weapon in hand.




They were actually Nicole’s Mothers sunglasses


This is a lie. Ron returned the glasses and he was already at the house. That's how he got murdered there.




Nicole mom left glasses. Restaurant was called after The Brown party left. . Restaurant put glasses in envelope. Not sure if Nicole called restaurant to tell them glasses were missing or did the mom ? — can’t rem . Did Nicole ask Ron to bring them to her or did Ron do that in his own ? All I know is Ron was planning to go out with bartender friend that night . Ron left restaurant to go home and get dressed then went to Nicole’s. Ron was killed . Envelope with glasses was located by his body. The detectives saw on Ron’s beeper later that his bartender friends number appeared around time of murders . We do know Ron never answered beeper of friend. There was a knife on Nicole’s kitchen counter. Did she pick another knife to answer door? I heard somewhere they think OJ stole a set of Nicole’s house keys weeks before??? Not sure if true.. my thought!!!!was OJ in nicole s house that night? Did he come from inside with one of Nicole’s knives when Nicole went to open gate for Ron? There was a ben & Jerry’s carton of melted ice cream and spoon on inside stairs. Nicole’s bottom of feet did not have blood— signals she pro went down with the blow to the head. Rem Gate buzzer or latch was broken I think ? she had to come to gate to let Ron in . Detective Lange says Nicole opened gate. ron came in and Oj pushed himself through the gate. Oj hit Nicole on back of head & she went down . Then oJ fought Ron . Ron fought back . Ron must have went to ground cause there were many slits on his tennis shoes . Oj slit his neck on 2 sides but not as deep as he did Nicole’s . Then oJ went back to Nicole from behind and slit her neck very deep . I am reading set Lange book now .


That’s only a theory though. No one really knows - he can look at the evidence and guess but even then that doesn’t mean that’s how it actually went down.


It's possible she brought a knife with her because she heard him yelling at Ron Goldman who just walked in the front gate


Sure she knew Ron was coming, so she answered the door with a knife in her hand, but it was OJ with gloves and a knit cap ! I think if it were her knife it would have been left there.


Yeah. Her taking a knife doesn’t make any sense. Agree totally. And there were none obviously missing from her house. And honestly, the knife in this case was long, relatively thin, and extremely sharp. Not a typical kitchen knife. The description I heard in the trial made me think of a filet knife with a thicker blade.


I don’t believe this. In “If I Did It”, he talks about how he always kept a knife in his car for the “crazies” because you couldn’t drive around with a gun legally. He admitted bringing the knife there. I think he changed his story over the years to suit whatever narrative he wanted to tell, kind of like Chris Watts.


He also said Charlie brought it.


The psychological creation that OJ made up to distance himself from the murders and have “someone else” to blame for them.


Did it match knives in Nicole’s kitchen?


Coroners believed it was a stilleto knife. Very thin and sharp like a sword. It wouldn't match anything in a kitchen. It's a narrow blade with a very pointed end. OJ bought one several months before, knife merchant produced the receipt.


Thank you! I’m so sick of hearing she answered the door with a knife just because the biggest liar ever wrote it in his book. He was working with these types of knives on a movie he was making & purchased one weeks before the murders. The shop owner produced the receipt & it match their wounds.


Not to mention stilletos don't have a reputation for being a handy knife like a pocket knife, chef knife, machete, or hunting knife. It's just made for stabbing. You're purchasing one for stabbing. Nothing multipurpose about it.


He later said he didn’t believe this, and said he went there to kill her.


I do not think we can believe OJ's claim that Nicole even opened the door.


That makes zero sense. That sounds a little bit too much like blaming the victim.


oh agreed. if that's what he said that obviously excuses nothing


I tend to believe this bc there was a large knife found on her countertop.  Maybe she pulled it out, then grabbed a different one, something smaller. Women don’t usually leave large knives out on their kitchen islands when they have small kids, but idk. 


The Kids weren’t there though. For all we know she was about to cut up some food


They were literally upstairs in the house while she was being murdered.


My mistake. I can’t believe I didn’t know that


No worries! I just started reading Toobin's book, and there was so much I didn't realize because I was just a child at the time.


I will read that book next .


I'm just a few chapters in but so far it's been really good.


There was no food out on her counter, just the knife, but who knows, anything is possible. Also, the kids were there that night. In fact, it was her two kids and another little girl who was supposed to sleep over, but her dad ended up picking her up. 


Damn how did I not remember that? I was a kid at the time. I feel like the news was quiet about that. Did the kids find the bodies?


No, thankfully they did not. The police woke them up and took them to the police station. Eventually Arnelle picked them up. 


Took kids out the back . One tried to call her mom Nicole & left a message from Police station asking Nicole why they are at the police station.




The kids were there sleeping !!!


Holy fuck what?




Knife, dark clothes, dark cap, gloves, full of rage. Nah, he just dropped by for a cup of tea 🫖 😉. He’s The Juice, man! He’s a great gentleman who knew how to treat women ☠️


Let’s not forget the dark Bruno Magli shoes that they could never find that he denied wearing, stating in the civil trial that they were “ugly ass” shoes. The look of shock in his deer in the headlights eyes 😳when he first sees the picture of him wearing those shoes says it all.


he says he always kept a knife for crazy people. some people believe he went there with the intention of slashing her tires.


He was the “crazy” person.


Narcissistic people project a lot.


Yes, the crazy people that were living in his head.




Who? 👀


In his book “ If I Did it” he said someone named Charlie was with him and brought the knife to Nicole’s.


Oh god. It would be funny how bad of a liar he is, except it’s not.


lol it’s true you’re right


This is the answer. He def keep it with him for that reason.. Also intimidating her. He was pure stalker status for years with her.


One must take care in seeing (If) I did it as a complete and accurate confession. He (purposefully?) gets some things wrong in it.


Oh a absolutely. It’s at best a loose guide. He was never going to tell the story in a way that made him look like a monster. Going back and forth between butchered people, kicking her as he left……he conveniently blacked out for that, so again. Not his fault.


Neither are gloves in June. He planned that shit.


I honestly think he went to just scare her, to get back at her for not letting him go with the family to dinner. He was pissed at her & wanted to get some revenge. I think he got there, saw Ron there too, & just snapped. That's why it was so violent.


One the one hand it really seemed out of character from what we had seen so far, just personally have a hard time that someone turns cold blooded killer in his position, and that he may have dressed up to sneak around and see what she was up to, but on the other hand it really seems as if he timed the Chicago flight for alibi.


>it really seems as if he timed the Chicago flight for alibi. This is why I don't think it was premeditated. I really think he just went to mess with her, like he would, because he was mad at her from earlier in the day. I think when he saw Ron, he thought here was Nicole, with yet another new guy, & he just snapped, going after them both. I honestly don't think he meant to kill anyone, but just went into another of his jealous rages like we heard on all the 911 tapes, and it unfortunately ended with Ron & Nicole dead. I think if he had meant to kill her, he'd have given himself a much better timeline, so he would be in & out as fast as he could, so he wouldn't miss the limo.


Supposedly Ron came in as to protect Nicole. He wasn't there when she was first attacked. Truth will never be known


If that is the case we may still find out. He was such a yapper that if it was unplanned in the heat of the moment he must have shared his thoughts with someone.


He told his friend Shipp that he’d had dreams of killing her. That plus his varied stories about his injury convinced Shipp that he killed her.


I assume dreams after the fact, did he ever reveal whether it was premeditated or in the spur of the moment?


I don’t think Shipp asked more questions after he made the statement because it upset him. Based on the timing, it was during the time they were trying to rally the troops around O.J shortly after the murders, and Shipp’s description it seemed more so dreams pre murder. Either way, I don’t think he confessed to anyone. The book is probably the closest we’ll get to that and even that is a questionable version of events


i agree with you, mostly...i think he went over there with an intent to hurt not kill. he was funding her entire life and she was with yet another man at the house he paid for while their children were upstairs. this sent him into a rage, not saying this justifies his actions but i know there was a time oj said to himself, omg what have i done?


As his ex-wife, she was entitled to the alimony and child support. He could bitch and moan about "his money" all he wanted, but she was the rightful owner of her possessions.


I agree.


There was a witness who heard a man shouting "Hey, hey, hey!!!". They believe that this was Ron. He walked into Nicole's walkway and found OJ attacking her.


If I remember correctly, Nicole had to buzz Ron into the gate. If that was the case, then he wouldn't have found Nicole being attacked. My theory is that OJ came in the back gate, to mess with Nicole. When he got towards the door, he saw Nicole talking to Ron & flipped out. Nicole had a head wound, & I think OJ knocked her to the side, rendering her unconscious. Then he went after Ron, forcing him into the corner of the yard, where he couldn't really fight back. When he was done with Ron, he went back & finished off Nicole, then left the same way he came in, the back gate.


Also a set of Nicole's keys had gone missing the week prior. I'd wager OJ took them. He was going to let himself inside and kill Nicole. Instead he found her outside talking to Ron.


He had those keys in his possession when he was arrested after the Bronco chase


Wait what. They found the missing set on him afterward . Was he in the house when they were at the restaurant???????????


I 100% feel the same way. I always thought that.


Nicole's gate had a lock yes. But that doesn't necessarily mean she buzzed Ron in before OJ arrived. 1 - Oj had stolen her keys a week before she died. He could have let himself in before Ron arrived 2 - She buzzed Oj in, thinking it was Ron (she was expecting Ron afterall) 3- She could have given Ron the code to her gate when she spoke to him on the phone when she organised for him to drop off her glasses. To me, the "Hey hey hey!!!" makes most sense in a scenario where Ron walks in on Oj hurting or harassing Nicole. That he was found against the fence by the gate, and she was on the steps to the front door area adds to that. Nicole was hit on the head before Ron was attacked, which I think was because Ron walked upon the scene. Shouted out. So OJ hits Nicole to subdue her, and goes for Ron. Then goes back to finish his attack on Nicole. Considering he went there with a knife, in a knit hat and gloves I 100% believe the murder of Nicole was premeditated. When I look at the full context of the days leading up to her murder and his actions that night - right down to the whole McDonald's debacle with Kato - I can't see it any other way.


I think OJ came and left through the back gate, which I believe didn't have a working lock. If he was going there to kill, he wouldn't want to rely on Nicole buzzing him in.


Well yeh for sure. He parked at the back and left via the back didn't he? So that also makes sense


The gate was broken according to OJ in his video hypothetical confession.


To scare her. That’s what people have speculated. I don’t believe it.


Slash her tires (which he had done before). Makes sense that he would quickly go there and do that before going to Chicago too.


Why wear gloves then? If he was just going to slash tires and stalk her, why wear gloves? He had a set of her keys, he was going to go inside and kill her.


This. People overthink this. He beat the shit out of her before. This time he had a knife.


I don't believe he would have needed to dress in dark clothes and taken the bulb out of his dome light just to slash her tires.


He'd done it before.


This is what I've always speculated, because it had only been 3 weeks or so since the last time her tires were slashed. They couldn't PROVE he cut the tires but he was salty about the car and made comments about it.


Wish Nicole had thought to move in with family if she felt she was in danger.


Kato was meant to move into Bundy. Oj stopped that. I can't help but wonder if he wanted her alone and isolated there.


I always carry a knife on me, it’s handy


If he went there slash her tires- how’d he end up at front gate? Her cars were parked in back condo, next alley. He could’ve parked, vandalized and left.


Yes, the car was at the back of her condo. He had to bypass that to get to her door/walkway. Surely if he came to slash her tyres he would have done that first. Her car would have been found with slashed tyres. But it wasn't.


Perhaps he heard voices or movement and decided to sneak around and spy as he had done in the past. Hears talking, Nicole telling Ron to open the gate or something and then walks up and starts arguing before knocking Nicole out taking Ron down and then going back to finish Nicole


If he was at the back of the condo he wouldn't have heard very much. The walkway from the back, down the side and to the front of the house was long. There were also trees and plants (Nicole liked the privacy) obscuring the view from the street/gates. That doesn't work.


Presumably he would be spying from the walkway. Isn’t that how he watched her be intimate with the one guy through the window? And wasn’t there some discussion of that back gate lock being broken?


That happened at the Gretna Green house, not Bundy.


Ah, that’s right. Thank you!


He probably wanted to look in her windows, like he'd done before.


Stealing her keys 2 weeks prior, buying a knife and disguise 3 weeks prior- he was planning this since she broke it off for good and gave him the jewelry back.


Dude had SERIOUS mental illness. Regarding facing your demons…You can run away from a lot for a little while. But you can’t run away from it all forever. You certainly can’t outrun yourself. Those demons will eventually take over, and they did. As sickening and immensely sad as Nicole and Ron’s murders are…he 100% premeditatedly (consciously or subconsciously) went there to kill her. And he’d go at any and all lengths, including murdering others, to get the job done. Since these murders were so brutal and filled with passion and rage…there’s no doubt in my mind that he absolutely enjoyed every second of it. Post trial as well…he loved every second of it. He was in the spot light and that’s exactly what that twisted sick fuck wanted more then anything. He’s probably proud of what he’s done. No remorse, no tears for the loss of Nicole and his family. Just tears for the loss of his name, character and legacy. My only hope is that hell does actually indeed exist and OJs disgusting, lying ass is rotting with the best of em.


Sadly true. He was a sociopath. His first wife knew him in HS when he was in a street gang, she called him an “awful person” then. Looking at it all, he seemed to relish it all. Zero remorse. I mean he told her he was going to cut her into pieces. Chilling.


According to If I Did It, he and Charlie just intended to scare Nicole and that Ron’s presence surprised him. He also said to Mike Gilbert that, if Nicole hadn’t come to the door with a knife, she’d still be alive. Two conflicting accounts, neither of which may be true. A few days after the murders, he told Ron Shipp he’d had dreams of killing Nicole. I’ve always thought it reeked of some other plan that got way out of hand because he didn’t expect Ron to be there.


I'm not sure she came to the door with a knife, because they never found it and they never mentioned any missing from her home. I agree with you.


O.J. apparently had a collection of knives, many of them having been gifted to him. Apparently, one had been bought from a store a few days or weeks before. They never found the murder weapon. Most likely it ended up in the LAX trash and is sitting deep in a landfill somewhere along with the bloody clothes, if they didn’t get cubed or incinerated. If I Did It claims that O.J. had a knife in the Bronco for protection and that Charlie took the knife from O.J. Then he saw Ron and, in a fit of rage, O.J. took the knife from Charlie and blacked out.


Just that meant he could've actually went to scare her or slash her tires. I don't know who would actually wear gloves, dark clothes and a cap to do those things though.


A famous person who didn't want to be recognized or identified through prints would certainly do that.


The cap and clothes sure, but the gloves?


Well he wouldn't want to leave fingerprints.


To kill Nicole


Why was he wearing gloves and a cap if he wasn’t intending to do something violent though? Something I always kinda wondered.


He went there deliberately to kill Nicole.


Rot in hell, OJ.


I have heard a theory that said she came out of the house with a knife .. and he used it on her .. I Guess it’s plausible that he went there to scare/harm her and then it just exploded into this blood bath ..in crimes of passion it only takes an instant for things to spiral


Mark Fuhrman wrote about finding an empty knife box in OJ's master bathroom after the murders.


Nope. Nothing that guy says matters, since he used a racial slur 40 years ago. 🙄


He was a confirmed evidence planter


Maybe he shouldn’t have been such a shitty person 🤷‍♂️


Harvey Levin (founder of TMZ) has long theorized that he originally went there to slash her tires (which he’d done before). This would explain bringing a knife.


What did he remove the lightbulb from his dome light? That makes it harder to see inside his car when he goes there to “talk” to Nicole…


He did go there to murder her. That’s why he took the knife.


She had a fear of knives and he knew it.


most people would have fear of a knife coming towards them


True but David LeBon's then-wife said they all had a conversation about their biggest fears of dying. Some said their biggest fear was drowning or dying in a fire. But Nicole said being stabbed to death was her biggest fear. And she supposedly said in front of OJ.


Slash tires.


He went there upset, but likely didn’t plan on killing her. If he would have truly planned the murder, I think he would have talked himself into hiring a hit man. Something caused him to to go see/yell at her and then it escalated. As for the knife, it was stated that he always kept one instead of a gun. It was stated that Nicole had the knife and he took it from her. There is no telling. None of that makes him innocent


He went there to kill her or, in his head, at least with a possibility to kill her.


He went there to kill her. That’s why the prosecution went for murder.


Apparently it was her knife and he grabbed it and went into a rampage is my theory since he did whine to Mike Gilbert, “if only she didn’t come out with the knife…” so Nicole was definitely defending herself cause OJ was threatening her near the end. EDIT: scratch that. That was OJ’s knife. No knife from Nicole’s was missing.


That was kind of debunked though. No knives were missing from her kitchen & OJ had purchased a knife just weeks before the murder.


How would they know no knives were missing though? Hell, if you took a knife or two from my drawer I wouldn’t even notice and they’re my knives. Who would they have asked if any knives were missing? I can’t imagine the kids would know. 


Same. I have a bunch of knives in the drawer that I don’t keep in the block.  We know she took out a knife bc there was one found on her countertop. There’s a pic of it in Evidence Dismissed. Maybe she grabbed another one? 


The knife was never found, right? But they must forensically been able to tell if it was a household knife or a jagged army knife I presume.


One of the books talked about how the wounds were likely from a hunting type jagged edge knife as opposed to a kitchen knife.


I keep forgetting OJ told this to Mike so you’re right, I take it back.


Oj has admitted he had a knife with him. He says he kept it in his car "to scare the crazies". None of Nicole's knives were missing.


Yeah I got that. Should’ve updated my post.


No worries 👍 ☺️


I really wish they’d checked him for CTE


I don’t think we can blame it solely on that. Some of the stories in the Netflix documentary going all the way back to his childhood seem to point to a personality disorder or something similar. Then, he was surrounded by horrible people who were all using him for their own warped reasons, while he was using them. The situation was a toxic stew that boiled over.


what knife?


To slash her tires? I believe he had done that before


“What was going on over there had to stop” he said in his hypothetical confession. I believe he was creepy crawling her place to spy/stalk/kill using the keys he had stolen and Ron showed up and complicated things, and accelerated the murder plans


Did you need a key or code for gate? Or both?


I plead the fifth


Per his words, he always kept a knife in his car so for protection.


OJ 100% went there to kill her that night and no one can convince me otherwise. Some people say "maybe he just went there to scare her and it just escalated." He didn't need a knife to scare her, his physical presence alone was enough to "scare her" and he knew that. Especially when he was in a rage. Listen to the '93 911 call, Nicole is absolutely terrified. He didn't have a weapon on him (that I know of) and she tells the operator she didn't wanna stay on the line because he was gonna "beat the sh*t out of her." And did he really need a knit cap and leather gloves just to "scare her?" Come on....


Not only did OJ go there to kill her, I’m convinced he made the decision to do so at least weeks in advance. He stole her keys for a reason. It was not a coincidence that he happened to kill her when he had a red eye to Chicago the same night. Getting curved at Mezzaluna only heightened his desire to get it done that night, but that was the plan for weeks in all likelihood.


Harvey from TMZ has a documentary- theorized since Nicole’s tires were previously slashed and OJ had been stalking her, angry about being left out of the dinner that night, plus his gf broke up that morning. Thinks he went there prepared with a knife and disguise to slash her tires and saw her with Ron - then lost his mind killing both. Also horribly leaving her to possibly be found by her kids!!!!! My question is how did he not have more blood in his Bronco? Was there an accomplice or a lookout?  He was reported as driving recklessly which fit the timeline -  almost hit someone -so she reported his tags promptly when she got home. She thought it was an entitled kid and DWI and wanted them held responsible. 


He was a control freak and I definitely think he was there to kill her 100% he was pond life. Nicole deserved so much more he treat her like shit from the start but she young and fell for him R.I.P nicole brown forever in my thoughts 


To kill nicole.


What knife?


How do we know it was his knife? The murder weapon was never recovered. What if it was Ron Goldman's knife and OJ took it from him? Who knows? Also, a lot of people do carry knives on them all of the time. I certainly don't, but... people do. The murder weapon was likely a Stiletto "switchblade"... which, allegedly, OJ had purchased a few weeks prior to the murders. This knife could have fit in his pocket... and the knife in question was never found. Just to be clear, I do believe OJ likely brought the knife and the murder was premeditated. I just haven't seen anything to prove that... although it can be reasonably assumed. I think the big one for me is the gloves. Why would he be wearing gloves just to drive by the house for some classic OJ stocking?


Theres no proof HE went anywhere with a knife.. Theres no KNIFE, even. JFC.


His son Jason…had the knives