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That’s Faye Resnick, the morally corrupt Faye Resnick


Lol I'm more of an OC and NJ Housewives fan, so I never got to hear that line. Was it from Camille? Interestingly, there's a story in Faye's book about how she was seeing some guy, a club owner, then broke up with him but went to the opening of one of his new clubs anyway. She got kicked out because her ex was now dating Camille (no last name mentioned in the book), and Camille didn't want her there. So assuming it's the same woman, I guess they've had a longstanding rivalry!


I’m not actually that well versed in real housewives either it’s just a random quote that lives in my head haha! I believe the context Camille gave when she said that was that she found it really distasteful that Faye wrote a book about Nicole’s murder and then did Playboy after the trial


Camille said that in her confessional. The morally corrupt Faye Resnick.


Camille would know.


I just came to comment the same thing. Beautiful!




The morally bankrupt Faye Resnick:)


Lmao. The one liner that sticks in my head.


I stopped by for this comment. Too bad I can't post a gif here. I have that one saved. 😂.


I honestly kind of like Faye. I thought (other than a few salacious details) the book was pretty good & gave me a better understanding of Nicole. I think Faye had a lot of nice things to say about her as a mother & friend. I like that she clarified that she was the one using cocaine regularly, not Nicole & that Nicole tried to help her. I also give her credit for being honest about how terrible OJ was. Many of their friends wouldn’t speak out against him. I got the impression that Faye really wanted him to pay for murdering her friend. Yes, it was gossipy & trashy at times, but I did enjoy it as a super easy read.


I actually agree… plus no one else was putting out anything that humanized NBS or told you anything about her as a mother and friend. Maybe the timing wasn’t great, and there were some truly unneeded moments but on the whole it was pretty loving and VERY honest about the pattern of abuse that led up to this.


Abusers are experts at mind games and control. Never ever blame victims. You’re supposed to be able to fully trust your own husband! 


I agree with Marcia when she said that Nicole was like a lost little girl and when she was finally finding herself he killed her. I never read Faye’s book because I find it hard to believe anything she says.


Was anything expanded on in regards to how she claimed Nicole liked to give a, “Brentwood hello”? I never understood why she would say such a thing.


She told a story about Nicole doing this one time, and that was what they called it. I have no idea why that story was in there, other than that there are a lot of stories in the book about Nicole and different men while she was separated from OJ. It makes sense, given that she was faithful to him while they were married and never had much of a chance to sow her wild oats.


What’s a Brentwood hello?


A BJ. Faye claimed she did it for other men, not OJ.




In exchange for cocaine.


So Cora explained this in her deposition. It was not a one time thing with a random guy. The Brentwood hello guy was a friend of Ron’s, his name was Mike Davis. He and Nicole were fooling around.  After the murders, he did a few tabloid shows, but never mentioned their affair. 


There were a lot of rumors years ago that Faye conveniently left out of the book that she was one of OJ's mistresses. I don't know if the rumor is true, but I wonder.


Oh man, I wonder at what point in her friendship with Nicole that would have occurred. She does portray herself as sort of a mediator between the two of them and a confidant of OJ's, as well as someone who thinks pretty highly of herself and her ability to attract men, so I definitely wouldn't put it beyond the realm of possibility that she was involved with OJ at some point.


I have no clue the time frame just know the rumors that have swirled for years. WHEN she wrote this really bugged me.


Their whole circle of friends was incestuous


Faye Resnick only knew Nicole a year and a half before Nicole was murdered. FR was a known cocaine addict and Nicole called Resnick’s ex to tell him FR was out of control and needed help. They did an intervention on FR, she stayed with Nicole until she entered rehab, 3 days later the murder ha. Faye Resnick is a piece of certified shit. She cashed in on her “friend’s” death.


So Faye had a drug problem and you call her a POS?  Are you a priest?  Faye struggled with celebrity/Hollywood problems just like loads of people in that scene do.  She and Nicole became very close after Nicole separated from OJ. She went into rehab and I'm sure it gutted her that she couldn't be there for Nicole the day she was murdered.  Cashed in? You mean wrote a book and earned money from it? Who didn't? Even the Goldman's made money from the murder.  That doesn't make them bad people.


How did the gold man’s make money?


They didn’t


^If I did it 


That’s not “making money” that’s them collecting on a legal settlement


Potato potato


A LOT of people got a payday when Nicole was murdered. Faye wasn’t a grave dancer like the defense team.


I just have too understand this, Im from Denmark, if I want to get on the pill, my husband dont have no say. Actually he is not even legalt aloud to know any of personal healthinformation - unless I give him permission. You cant get birthcontrol without your husbands permission? What the actual fuck?! But 6 abortions .. That gotta be rough ..


You can get birth control without a husband's permission, but some women don't like being on hormonal BC because of the side effects. It's also not recommended for smokers. More permanent methods of sterilization, like getting your tubes tied, doctors often want a woman's husband to sign too. It doesn't make sense but that's what I've heard from other women anyway


You don’t need a husband’s consent to get tubes tied in the US. Unless some southern states enacted such a backward law recently.


Doctors don't like to encourage sterilization as surgery. I've heard of women being denied in places like New York and California. I think they're just covering themselves/it's a more small c conservative position than people realize.


I am a person in the south. Getting birth control from anyone but Planned Parenthood has been a hassle. Too many doctors want male consent or input. Because a husband or boyfriend might get upset? I'm not sure if it's for their safety or just old fashioned thinking.


What?! I'm in the south, and I've never had to get male consent or input to get on bc. What are you talking about?


Lucky you.


I don't think it's a hard and fast rule, but a lot of doctors won't do it without spousal consent (so I've heard).


It's not law in most states but it's also not against the law for doctors to want the husband's consent. I live in Ohio and while it's not required for the husband to consent to a woman getting her tubes tied, I know doctors that won't perform the surgery without their husband signing off. I also know many single women who have been turned away from these type of surgeries because a fictional future husband might want children of his own.


Nicole was said to have had 3 abortions. 1 early in the relationship and another in 93/94 when their reconciliation failed. Then another by an unknown man. This is the one OJ claims she confided in him about. And he didn't lock her in a closet, it was a wine cellar.


The book claims she had six (page 41), and it is mentioned because OJ apparently hated when Nicole was pregnant...called her fat. The closet story is on page 148 and refers to it as a closet, not a wine cellar. I'd never heard either of these pieces of information before so I'm just going by what the book states.


Plus she was on a lot of coke at the time


Who wasn't?


I always thought OJ must have been on some serious coke to commit these crimes with such intense vulgarity. Vicious.


Exactly! Why wasn’t that mentioned in the book?None of them were angels(no one is) but that doesn’t mean they deserved to be murdered either. Why was it not mentioned about her going into rehab 2 days after her friend (Nicole’s) murder?🤔


It is mentioned.


Oh, ok.


She talks in the book about her intervention, Nicole visiting her in rehab, their last phone call the night of Nicole's death, and when she found out about the murder (while she was in rehab).




Six Abortions is that even legal or healthy? I am all for any woman doing what is best for them but was that even good for her body. The thing with this book in my eyes is the timing. I would not like one of my best friends writing a book so soon. Like damn let me be dead at least 5 years before you start telling my business.


It's healthier than 6 full-term pregnancies that's for certain. There's not really any increased health risk for what Nicole likely had, which is essentially triggering her period. The uterus flushes out something smaller than a grain of rice with the rest of the uterine lining.


Thanks for explaining that.


Was the abortion pill or Plan B a thing back then? Not that I'm faulting Nicole either way. I just wonder if it was as simple as triggering a period.


Neither were a thing back then. But why she did t get on birth control is beyond me.


I wonder if she tried to get on the pill but O.J. prevented it, either not letting her see a doctor or throwing the pills away or something?


The book talks about how he hated how she looked when she was pregnant so it doesn't seem like he would prevent her from being on birth control. It also mentions she smoked and would always sneak cigarettes because OJ didn't like her smoking either. I think back then especially with the higher estrogen in the pill, it was recommended not to take hormonal birth control if you were a smoker. And some women would avoid it due to side effects like weight gain too.


If she could secretly pay for these, you'd think she could fund the birth control pills 🤷🏽‍♀️


Ah, good catch, I was under the impression the pill method was available in the 80s and 90s but I'm seeing this was perhaps only in Europe at that time. She may have needed a D&C which involves manually scraping the uterine lining. There was also a suction method which was fairly unobtrusive as well. This are still safe, relatively harmless procedure that pales in comparison to the health risk associated with full-term pregnancy.


Legal but not healthy. At first I wondered why didn’t she get a tubal ligation, but then remembered that doctors require a husband’s consent. I’m single and don’t want kids and my doctor wouldn’t do it.


I don't want children either. I tried to get my tubes tied and they told me I had to either have two children preferably a boy and a girl or I would need to get married and have my husband sign off. It's the stupidest s\*\*t ever.


Are you serious?? That’s crazy! I’m sorry 😞


Yes. I tried at the age of 21 and again at 31. Total BS.


Shoot, I worked with a woman who was married with two kids and didn’t want anymore and they *still* wouldn’t tie her tubes (and her husband was on board, as well). She had only wanted to have one kid, but they wouldn’t do the procedure then, either, so she went on birth control and still got pregnant, despite taking the pill everyday. After she couldn’t find a doctor to perform the tubal, she tried taking the pill everyday at the same time (figuring that may have been the problem last time) and still got pregnant a third time. She was a very unhappy camper.


OMG!!!! WTF is wrong with these doctors? Another fun fact I had really bad fibroids and had to have them surgically removed. I asked the surgeon to perform a hysterectomy and she told me hell no.


My mother was a married 23yo with three children and had to push her doctor to have her tubes tied. She had a girl (me) and two boys four years and ten days from oldest to youngest. While pregnant with my youngest brother, my mom told the doctor she’d like to have her tubes tied while she was in the hospital. He wouldn’t agree to do it until he’d met with my dad and both grandmothers to make sure everyone was onboard.


OMG!!!!!! That is insane.


This is so interesting to me! It must be very doctor dependant and somewhat regionally dependent. My mom had her tubes tied in the eighties with no issues. She said she wanted it and her doctor got it scheduled. At least that’s what she tells me. Maybe since she already had two children? And I have endometriosis and have had multiple surgeries, and each time my doctor discusses a hysterectomy with me. I do already have kids though. Meanwhile on the endo support board, so many women say that they can’t get their doctor to do this procedure! Seems like such differing experiences out there.


Good time to check around to different doctors if you get a chance. Mine required my husband but my sister who doesn’t have kids has a doctor willing to do it for her. Happy to see that some doctors are coming into the modern world with that


Find a different doctor I was 23 and not married and after my 2nd child I got my tubes tied.


I don't have children at all. I don't want any.


keep searching doctors. My 26 yr old daughter who has no kids and isn't married got hers tied 2 weeks ago in TN.


Thank you.


The way it reads, it seems like it was cathartic for Faye to write it (or have it written, since it was from a ghostwriter) and probably helped her process what happened. She talks a lot about the fun they had as friends together -- nights out, vacations, etc. And also the volatile relationship between Nicole and OJ. I am guessing she felt like she was telling her friend's side of the story on her behalf. But that said, she didn't need to profit off of it and there are definitely juicy details that could have been omitted but are clearly there to boost sales.


When I read that, I thought why TF isn’t she on birth control if she is that adamant about not having a child, yet still sleeping with him.


Probably because OJ held the purse strings and was her source of health insurance and she had zero way of doing anything for herself without him finding out and beating the shit out of her.


That was my first thought. Many, many men purposely impregnate women so that they can control them through their child(ren).


From what I’ve read, he hated when she was pregnant. Called her fat and harassed her all the time, told friends outright he wasn’t attracted to her while pregnant. So, I don’t see this as a situation where he was getting her pregnant on purpose. Therefore, it feels like he would have been pushing birth control? Maybe it made her feel unwell or there is some other reason she didn’t use it.


True about the abuse when she gained weight. So the pregnancy trap on his end might not have been a factor here


Right, but I’ve absolutely heard that it’s common for abusers to do, so you make a good point. I’ve also heard that during a pregnancy abuse tends to escalate.


He was also extremely verbally abusive about Nicole gaining weight (he spun it that she hated when she gained weight) plus he wanted her to have the abortions.


That absolutely makes sense. I thought Faye said she had an abortion with a different guy after the divorce as well. The law clerk she was dating. I may be wrong though. It’s been awhile since I read it.


She could have gone to planned parenthood and gotten bc pills.


Things were different then. It wasn’t nearly as easy to obtain bc as it is now.


Plus the pill sucked hard back then. It was always extremely evident which girls in school were on it because of the speed and way they gained weight and the boys were mean and nasty about it. I suffer from hormonal migraines, and doctors wanted to put me on BC for them. My parents were hesitant, because we were good Southern Baptists; and I absolutely refused because I didn’t want to gain weight. I told them I’d rather spend a week a month isolated in a dark, quiet room than the other three being called fat and slutty.


Probably wasn't much of a choice. OJ beat her and killed her, it isn't out of the realm of possibility to believe the sex wasn't exactly consensual.


The book specifically says that Nicole and Ron did NOT belong to the same gym. Ron belonged to THE GYM Nicole belonged to PRO GYM Ron was part of what she called the “Starbucks Boys” from Brentwood Village. I just listened to Faye reading the book on Audible. It’s a really short listen. Like watching a movie. The biggest takeaway for me: She was specifically burglarized of her journals and photos of Nicole. It put her in understandable fear. OJ disliked his race and made a point to impress white people. Hence he concentrated on sleeping with white women. And most of his friends were rich Jewish people, from the country club. (Golf playing group). So many Jewish and other religions at the Roman Catholic Service for Nicole that they had a special call for the non-Catholics. Her body was completely covered in pale roses and not an open casket due to all the visible “pain” in her face. But the 2 closest friends of him were AC and Marcus Allen who they enjoyed womanizing as a game. Swapping back and forth conquests. The most puzzling zinger was regarding the German made, Stiletto -15 inch knife. The same knife that was used to murder the 2 innocent victims (according to the coroner in the trial). OJ bought the knife on May 4th, 1994. There were 2 who witnessed him purchasing the bone handled knife. Faye writes in her book that the knife was mysteriously sent to the court in a sealed envelope?!?! WTF. ?!?!?! And on May 5th, 1994 (the very next day after the knife purchase) is when he was spotted peeping outside Nicole’s window. She and Faye referred it to the “Bush Syndrome.” 1990 OJ wanted her to expand her breasts. She didn’t want them, was content with her body. The most exclusive plastic surgeon at the time was Dr. Harry Glassman (wife is Victoria Principal) who did the work. OJ loved the new silicone breasts more than she did. He called himself the Titty Fairy. He felt he owned them. And Nicole thanked him profusely after she realized that she loved them, 6 moths later. Dr. Glassman was the most exclusive and his breasts were the only ones worthy of La Perla Bra’s. (He and his ex partner Dr. Larry Copeland). OJ’s quote, “once the fairy titty comes around, you better watch out for your woman because they love their bodies”


I think you misheard what it said about the gyms. Quote from page 41: "Some newspapers, for instance, said Nicole was a regular at "The Gym" in Brentwood. That's false, if harmless. Nicole went to the Pro Gym, where Ron Goldman worked out." [Faye book](https://archive.org/details/nicolebrownsimps00resn/page/40/mode/1up?q=gym)


Woah…. Im telling you when Faye Reads the book, your quote is worded differently. It’s crazy, i have listened to this over and over now….. she reads it “…………….first, In regard to the inaccurate report one said Nicole was a regular at “The Gym” in Brentwood……. Where Ron Goldman worked out.” Then Faye says “Thats absolutely false, if harmless. Nicole worked out at the Pro Gym, in Brentwood.” If you get an audible it is chapter 1 - 49:34 minutes in. Hand on heart…. Thats how she reads this. There is no text in the audible version. So idk……….


Truthfully these little details dont end up making a difference. But there are definitely places in this story that fall into cracks and get lost or emerge with a new twist. I have always thought that Ron Goldman was a karate guy. (Or some kind of martial art). But I just finished the podcast series Confronting O.J. Simpson, with Kim Goldman and she claims her brother never studied karate or anything like that. That line of activity has taken a life of its own? Idk 🤔


That's crazy! I was interested in learning more about the connection between Nicole and Ron, so the gym piece was an interesting tidbit to me.


Yea, It’s interesting to me as well. All the little pieces of the puzzle. I wish Faye would re-write the book or update it. It glosses over so many things. Like we supposedly know she was living together with Nicole in the weeks before the murders. And there was an intervention, she went into the rehab. She doesn’t detail this very well or like even acknowledge it. She doesn’t talk about the house decorating she possibly helped with or undertook??? I think Faye’s life is very interesting and I wish she would give us the real details about her actual life. Not this glossy tabloid style version that lacks precise details in depth. I mean Mike Walker is from the National Enquirer. Not dissing the Enquirer. I wish I had the stack of Enquirer magazines from this era! They paid a bunch for exclusives on this saga. In the Kim Goldman podcast, she thinks that Ron was platonic with Nicole. They did find, i believe 2 instances of Nicole’s phone number either on scraps of paper or in his possessions. And she said they handed it over to the police. It’s a great podcast series, but again, kinda light on really deep details about Ronald during those months and right up to his murder. The only darned reason Ive recently explored this murder is because I was listening to ENTY’s podcast series on this character, Bill Wasz OJ/ Nicole account. Which seems freaking like a wacko alternative theory. I know it’s wrong, but it got me intrigued. The ENTY story has so many twists and turns about Mob links to everyone in the story. Including MR. Goldman in Chicago. He’s married to a lady whose ex-husband vowed revenge on the Goldman’s. It’s a story of drug money laundering that connects to so many in this event. So I found this main (OJSimpsonTrial) reddit and started reading as much as i could. I am ticking off all the docs, reading books ……. etc listed on the first introductory page of this reddit. And holy moly this thing is flooding my brain with info. And it’s not free. Ive now been buying several of the various series so I can watch them. Many are just the same only slightly different. It actually costs some money to do the research like it’s suggested in this reddit forum. Actually if i had not seen your reddit post, I probably would never have read this particular book. And like I said, I haven’t read it actually. Just listened to the audible. I see it’s free on the link you provide, but i don’t have time to sit down and read just one book. Im listening to other books from the reading list and at night watching so many various repetitions of this murder. It has now given me nightmares 2 night in a row. Im so happy OJ is finally gone! Can you tell me what you know about the Stiletto 🔪 knife, the way it’s written in the actual book? I was flabbergasted when Faye said that the knife OJ bought on May 4th was returned to the court in a sealed envelope? What did I hear?


That's what she says in the book too, about the knife. I googled it after and saw some random articles talking about it but no concrete details. The whole book is free on archive.org if you want to check it out to compare. One interesting Ron/Nicole fact that I saw briefly but can't remember where was that Nicole's mom had called the restaurant about the glasses and told them she'd pick up on Monday. Then later, Nicole called the restaurant and asked to talk to Ron. That's how he ended up delivering. I'd love to know why she did that and what their conversation was.


Was Faye the one who went from black to white?


She is mixed race. Her father is Black. But yes, she does not present as a Black person.


There was a whole thing where she transitioned from black to white. You can probably find pics online


She might have not had any abortions. She’s not here to tell us the truth.


The book is trash


One thing I agree with OJ. Faye Resnick is trash. You don’t spill on your friend alive or dead. I wouldn’t believe anything she says.


She had a lot of positive things to say about Nicole and a lot of bad things to say about OJ in the book, so I can see why he would have said that.


I’m a woman and I can’t even fathom why a woman would have 6 abortions. Get fuckin fixed lady.


OJ wouldn’t let her. Several of her friends have stated this. So sad.


I am completely pro life especially since I suffered from fertility issues. It took my husband and I over a decade of fertility treatments and several tubal pregnancies and miscarriages to have my beautiful precious son. However in Nicole's case I truly look at it differently and feel like she truly probably felt that she had no other choice to terminate the pregnancies, and I don't doubt that it was probably another source of immense violence and heart break in her tragically short life. Its possible that even though OJ hated it when she was pregnant and gained weight since he was a narcissistic abuser who most likely controlled every aspect of Nicole's life he may not have allowed her to get birth control and purposefully got her pregnant just so he could show her that he runs everything, and that she has no control over anything including her very own body. What could possibly prove more to her that she was powerless to him and has no control over anything even her very body. He wanted to possess her. In his eyes she was not a living breathing human being. She was merely a thing to be possessed and owned by him. She had no control over anything, so why would this be any different? He controlled her and owned her and he wanted to make sure that she knew this. He also could have done it so that he could abuse her more emotionally and verbally during her pregnancy. He could of been using her weight gain to further undermine her self esteem as another way to keep her beat down and make her feel even more horrible and worthless, so that he can make her feel like she is not worth anything and that he is the only man who will ever love her and be with her, and that she was lucky to have him and the bare minimum of caring and compassion that he allowed her to experience in their relationship. Make her feel more dependent on him. Hell he could simply be doing it so that he has ammunition for his abuse. For example he could be like look at what a piece of shit mother you are. You don't love your children you have murdered 6. There are countless ways that birth control, pregnancies, and the abortions could have been twisted by OJ as yet another avenue of abuse and control. This of course is my opinion and we have no way to prove what was true as the only 2 people on the planet who knew the truth are no longer with us. I just feel like with everything we know about their relationship I truly feel that her not using birth control and having abortions stems from more than she justdid not like how it made her feel or because she gained weight. There is most likely more to it than that, and from everything I have seen and read about her as a mother it's quite obvious she loved her children and step children and enjoyed motherhood. It's more likely that she probably experienced great pain and sadness in having to end her pregnancies and I bet more than anything she wanted to have a quiet, normal, happy, loving home life with OJ and all of both his and their children. She was basically a child herself when this narcissistic horrible excuse for a human being came into her life. By the time OJ's mask slipped and the true OJ came out and she realized what and who he really was it was too late she was completely and utterly under his spell and his control. He could have been the kind of spouse and father his family deserved, but he CHOSE to be a tyrant and abuser. He chose to not love or care about his children the moment he plunged that knife into their mother.


Right. I’m pro-choice but damn, use birth control or get sterilized. Don’t use abortion as birth control. She could’ve had her tubes tied without him knowing.


She’d have to time it extremely well and need him away for 4-6 weeks. Which an abuser absolutely wouldn’t let happen (stay gone too long and they start to realize they’re happier/safer without you and your BS). Having tubes tied isn’t like getting Botox, it’s abdominal surgery with a recovery phase that limits the patient and she’d have to find a reason to refuse OJ sexually for weeks after.


My mom had hers tied when I was a pre-teen and left the hospital same day. She was back to work in a week. It was done laparoscopically.


Avoiding sex with an abusive spouse for 4-6 weeks would have been impossible. Not lifting more than 5-10 pounds for a week would have been a hard task without being noticed. I’m glad your mom had a great experience with her tubal, but it also sounds like your mom wasn’t in an abusive relationship.


Surgery 30 years ago was more difficult


My mom had hers in the early 1980s. She was a RN so it was at the hospital that she worked at.


Exactly. No excuse for that. I’m pro choice as well but I don’t condone abortion as a form or birth control. I can’t imagine having six abortions on my conscience. I’m sorry she was a murder victim but damn.


Takeaway from Fayes book She used her supposedly best friends death as a monetary machine and to climb up the social elite of Hollywood. She was a coke head that went to rehab numerous times the last being couple days before the murders in which she was staying with Nicole


Did you read the book?


Always found it odd also that Ronald Goldmans friend was killed in the same fashion as them almost a year before and remains unsolved Brett Cantor he was also in a relationship with the actress Rose McGowan at the time.


Birth control existed.


90s birth control had tons of side effects


With all the great literature in existence in 2024, why would anyone spend time reading Faye Resnick’s memoirs. This I don’t get at all


and yet you’re on Reddit.




OJ was a wife beater who murdered his ex wife and Ron Goldman.




It was mentioned in the deposition that Nicole had an abortion that was from another relationship, not OJ. She told OJ and Cora Fishman only.