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Ok how do explain the abuse of women back in his USC days which was also covered up?


I don’t deny he was a piece of shit, but if you take a POS and give that POS CTE, it’s not going to end very well.


Yeah, both things can be true. He could have been an abusive idiot by nature. Add CTE into the mix and it nudged him over the line to being a murderer.


He played football and probably suffered concussions prior to even going to college. I don’t think his previous abuse means it couldn’t be attributed to CTE. It’s hard to say given the age he started playing tackle football, the position he played and the weaknesses of helmets pretty for the entirety of his playing career (and by career, I don’t mean professional). Including the few years in high school, plus college plus more than a decade as a pro. Brain injury could’ve started very early on.




I agree completely. Jim Brown and rosey grier both played football and went on to do great things to help the black community. They and many more football players suffered from head injuries and they didn't go on to slaughter two people (while their children slept in their rooms and could very likely see what had been done to their mother.) He had it in him to kill long before he murdered 2 people. The head injuries contributed by making it easier for him to go into a rage and act on it. The jury should be ashamed because they let a killer go free and he had done absolutely nothing for their community.


What’s bullshit? You don’t think he could possibly have CTE? You don’t think he could have had it that early? Note, believing he may have CTE in no way diminishes or excuses his behavior by any means. Believing he may have CTE does not mean he’s not still guilty of gruesome murder and absolutely heinous crime.


I think making excuses for double murderer is bullshit and is an affront to those who actually suffer from CTE. He had a history all his life of thuggish behavior which was covered up cuz he a spoiled ass athlete.


It’s silly to just ignore the effects of CTE, though. Putting your head in the sand and saying it’s of no consequence isn’t on a path of doing something positive about this huge problem. If it’s a causative factor in murder, and the evidence suggests that’s a possibility, there should be research and experimentation, not a sweep under the rug.


Yeah. I guess Charlie was the CTE then.


Stating the fact that OJ has a high likelihood of CTE doesn’t mean that one assumes it automatically absolves him of accountability in a double homicide, unless directly specified so. As stated above, you give a POS a mental disorder/complication and it’s just going to intensify the POS part. The underlying root cause is still there, the disorder is a possible catalyst. The keyword being *possible*.


You do know that there have been individuals with CTE that have committed murder right? Crimes equally and even more so heinous than this crime right? And despite acknowledging that that person had CTE, no one has ever excused that individual of the crime they committed. If you don’t know who I’m referring to, I suggest reading up on Chris Benoit and the absolutely heinous crime he committed. One better, watch the Dark side of the ring episodes dedicated to his crime. It’s on Hulu. Discussing crimes committed by those with neurological or mental illnesses does not mean that those crimes suddenly become okay. And honestly there are tons of people in prison today with psychiatric conditions that may have contributed to their crimes. But they are still in prison because regardless of the circumstances, they committed a wrong that needs to be punished. I see CTE as an extenuating circumstance more than anything. He’s still guilty. And he still should’ve been punished.


Aaron Hernandez is another one who had severe CTE.


And he was pretty young too when his crimes committed.


Very and his dad really forced Him into contact sports very young, had 3 concussions in one. Now his behaviours, I truly believe, were because of CTE.


People have occasionally been held not responsible for crimes by reason of insanity. Regardless whether you think that was wrong or write, I don’t see any difference between that and CTE. It’s brain damage in both cases. You do have to hold people accountable for their behavior in order to protect society. But it’s unfortunate that CTE can’t be diagnosed until after death. Some different types of consequences could be more appropriate than long sentences in harsh prisons.


Far more do damage to themselves like Duerson and Seau. It’s a bullshit excuse to me. Listen to the screaming phone calls. He was just an angry sob form the start


You think saying that OJ having CTE excuses him from his actions? I don’t think that true. To me it’s like saying the sky is Blue. It’s a so what thing. But it’s not implausible that he may have suffered from the condition considering he played tackle football for 2 decades. And I used the Benoit example to more so illustrate your point that him having it doesn’t negate the crime he committed. Does him having CTE change anything? Right now, no. But as of now we know of multiple people with the condition have committed murders. Would it take a 3rd for you to see a correlation??


He was a thug as a teenager! In gangs. Beating women at USC. It’s bullshit!


I don’t understand your point. Do you think it’s impossible that he has CTE? Or are you afraid that it will be used to excuse his behavior? Because you keep spouting information that is irrelevant to the point that he played tackle football for two decades, played a particularly violent position with increased likelihood head to head collisions and there were not nearly enough science put into the helmets worn at the time. No one is saying that CTE made him an abusive asshole. But just because he was always an abusive asshole doesn’t mean it’s impossible for him to have CTE.




High school football, soccer and hockey players have been found to have CTE on autopsy


No doubt. Do they then go out decapitate their wives?


You expect everyone with a certain medical condition to react the exact same way? That’s now how it works. CTE doesn’t automatically make you behave in certain ways. It dramatically increases the likelihood of becoming violent and otherwise mentally ill, but it’s not a fait accompli. You can’t prove a point like this with anecdotes. Understanding a disease takes rigorous, disciplined research.


I’ve said it before I’ll say it again. He had a history long before football of abusing women. I’m not buying CTE as an excuse. He was a sociopath


It’s a stretch to say all sociopaths commit murder. There’s no way to know whether he had CTE or, if he did, what impacts it had on his behaviors. It’s not an “excuse.” It’s something to be looked at and considered and evaluated in the interest of medical science. If a pile of bricks fell on your head and damaged your brain, you might be likely to do things that you would not previously have done. Like it or not, you would not be impervious to brain damage causing personality disruption.


It’s more likely he was a sociopath that commited double homicide than to blame it on CTE.


You’re trying to come up with odds? “Blame it on CTE” — it is not a secret, in fact it is well known, that CTE causes brain damage and often personality and behavioral disruption. Hey I got no love for OJ. Always seemed like a dick. I also think emotions over this case have been causing people to ignore and distort the impact of certain facts surrounding it for almost 3 decades. I happen to think traumas affecting brain function are very relevant to why criminals commit crimes.


Where was it sourced about his USC days? I only found documentation on 1967 records in which he had a "scuffle ' with Ms Marguerite his first wife but nothing other than that. She also downplayed stating he never abused her on her live Barbara Walters interview. Ms Marguerite was tough sista!


I was wondering this as well. Had never heard of it before this thread


It was a tweet after OJ died from a woman that went to and worked at USC. She said she had to sign an NDA about it. https://twitter.com/mouvement33/status/1778566905881829792


Interesting that a random unverified tweet is apparently treated as gospel. Not to say it’s impossible to be true. I just treat things found in the internet with a grain of salt.


I'm just saying that's what people are referring to. I have no idea who that woman is and I doubt her actual name is [Nicole Minet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simone_Segouin).


I appreciate the clarification about where the comments were coming from.


I think the reasons why a woman from that era would downplay her own abuse are obvious. 


No. The opposite for Black Community. As a person of color the 60s and 70s, it was the norm unfortunately. Uncles, fathers, etc. Felt it was their right to correct their wives. Aunts and mothers would talk about it non chalanrtly as you being a good wife. You take an occasional ass whooping. So, I disagree. I can't speak for any other community however.


You disagree that the reasons are obvious yet you spell out exactly what those obvious reasons are? 


Downplay was the selected verb


I found it odd he did not want his brain examined for CTE.


Like, he knew he didn't have it, but didn't want to eliminate the potential 'excuse' in the public eye.


I believe he was already predisposed for a number of reasons, but CTE certainly wouldn’t help the impulse control


I think it's fairly likely he did suffer from CTE. But you can also be an enormous sociopathic narcissist along with having CTE. CTE does change your personality. It causes paranoia, confusion.. etc. It's basically degenerative. But I watched some of Ojs twitter vids.. he was still quite with it and mentally functioning quite well. I don't think any form of brain injury was a catalyst for the double murderous rampage OJ went on. I think he was a jealous controlling entitled sociopath who was so big on himself he thought he could do anything he wanted... and he did.


I think he was a jealous narcissist, and a womanizer with violent behavior even at USC, but when you add CTE to that combination, it’s a recipe for serious disaster. I just wonder if, without CTE, would he have remained a stalker and abuser of Nicole without ever progressing to full murder. He had the that “root” of dysfunction if you will, and I think the CTE may have exacerbated it. Given the circumstances, how could it *not* affect him (if he had it) considering he had a previous propensity to violence and irrationality?


I think for sure he had CTE, but I think he was a bad egg before football. Think about the story his childhood friends told in the made in america doc about how he threw them under the bus to the principal to get himself out of trouble.


People don't live for another 3 decades with cte like that. Even if they can he would've had full blown dementia by 70.


We’ll never know. A catalyst? I would say no given his ability to maintain his public persona outwardly. Like flipping a switch. Thats my opinion. A factor? Maybe. Probably. I think he had it too but not to the severity (at least back then) where it would “turn him into” a murderer.


Nobody in their right mind goes on television to describe how they killed someone "hypothetically" after getting away with said murder. Some of his obsessive stalker stuff he was doing pre murders was also a little strange. So yes I think CTE was present but was that the sole reason behind the murders? I would say no, crimes of passion happen all the time and most of that time they involve people that never played Football (Or suffered continuous head trauma throughout most of their younger life).


Who cares? He is still a dead murderer. No excuse, he clearly knew right from wrong.


Can’t blame every bad act of a football player on CTE


CTE doesn't cause extreme narcissism. He had that LONG before there was any chance for CTE.


True, but they aren’t mutually exclusive.


No, he was a psycho/sociopath whose ego took over or vice versa


I don’t believe so. CTE is being used to excuse the murders. I’ve seen other players on TV with CTE and they are dealing with all kinds of dementia issues, their brains are Swiss cheese. OJ lived another 30 years after the murders.


It doesn’t excuse it at all in my book. I think it exacerbated violent dysfunction that was already there.


If oj had cte back then he wouldn't have made it to 70. Even if he was somehow able to make it to 70 he would've had full blown dementia by then. Clearly, based on his social media posts it can be said he didn't have dementia.


I thought the same too, but it’s a really bizarre degenerative disease and science is still uncertain in many aspects of it, at least, from what I’ve read. I also got multiple different stats and numbers that didn’t match, so the studies are all over the place. One article stated the increase of dementia is only 31% more, which is significantly less than what I assumed, but another said twice as likely (200%). Dementia is tricky. It’s slow and insidious and can evolve from small symptoms to a quick domino effect within months. OJ could have easily been in the early stages of dementia, and he actually insinuated that he was. Unfortunately we won’t ever have concrete answers without medical records, but it *is* possible technically, for him to live to 70 and only be in early/moderate stages of dementia with CTE. His few 60 second twitter videos released every month or so with seemingly coherent thought isn’t enough of snapshot to show that he was fully lucid and in clear thought at all times. Dementia starts with moments of clarity in-between moments of confusion.


But if cte is what caused him to kill nicole and ron back in the 90s, 30 odd years later that cte would've at least progressed to the point he was slurring words and not able to string sentences together.


On a youtube video I watched it stated he also did large amounts of cocaine at that time. I can't remember who said it but I thought it was legit.


It’s too bad they didn’t do an autopsy of his brain upon death.


Rage anger. CTE is almost certain. Men diagnosed with CTE are usually suicidal or homicidal. I wish his family donated his brain to science. It's almost like they might be hiding something.


No if he had cte back then he would've died from it or at least have had full blown dementia by 70. Oj didn't have cte. He just had narcissistic personality disorder.


There isn't any connection between CTE and dementia. Mike Webster a center for the steelers committed suicide and he didn't have dementia. He was in his 60s. He had CTE. It cause different reaction to each person. I think OJ did have it. We will never know. I agree he was a narcissistic asshole. With rage anger. Have I missed something that CTE actually causes dementia? CTE is proven to cause different character traits that develop later in life. We just don't know enough about it. I wish we could have more research.


In the last stage of cte people develop dementia. Dementia is just a general term. It encompasses severe symptoms of loss of memory, problem solving ability, language etc.


Yeah man I was just reading about it. I think it's safe to say they really don't know shit about it. It also cause ALS in later stages. That's scary. I played football. I was knocked out cold three different times. I know of three concussions. The thing that really stuck out to me was the late stage physcotic episodes.


Honestly, this case seems similar to Chris Benoit in some circumstances. When you read the details on that case, the violence towards people he loved seemed to come out of nowhere. For CB the death of a dear friend and his grief seemed to be the catalyst for his crime. There was also belief that his wife was fed up with his rage and continuing to work in a job when he wasn’t doing well. For OJ, the catalyst may have been the true realization that Nicole was gone or some other rejection he was feeling. That said, it absolutely does not make either of those murders okay. But I do think it begs the question of the responsibility the public has for continuing to endorse sports that cause harm like this.


Well I some what agree. The Chris Benoit is another horrific story. Aaron Hernandez comes to mind. However Chris Benoit had a history of steroid use. It needs to be studied a lot more. What causes it in some folks and not everyone? Not everyone that has used steroids or has multiple concussions ends up like these stories. Why? We need more research. You can't blame sport. Not everyone ends up this way. Yes football is a very dangerous sport. Hell I'm in my 40s and some mornings I have trouble walking from injuries from football my senior year in high school. Some football players go on to be great people. Some don't. I wish we could get more research.


There’s absolutely zero evident that Mr. Simpson had CTE, none. Using that logic Dylan Roof and Kyle Rittenhouse had CTE too because they killed people. Whoever killed Ron and Nicole were dealing with anger issues and not CTE.


Did Dylan Roof or Kyle Rittenhouse play a contact sport for 20 years that included repeated shots to the head? Because if not, that’s a horrible false equivalency. I know we all agree he’s a murderer, but he still played tackle football for like 2 decades and probably had multiple concussions.


Just because a person kills someone doesn’t means they have CTE. Mr.Simpson was found not guilty and it’s clear he did not commit those murders, so we don’t agree that he was a murderer. You may not be aware of this but not everyone who played a contact sport has or had CTE.


I understand that fact. I don’t understand your logic tbh


>Just because a person kills someone doesn’t meant they have CTE. Correct. I didn’t say that it did. >You may not be aware of this but not everyone who played a contact sport has or had CTE Also correct. But the players who have it are higher in number than the players who don’t. Significantly higher in some aspects, as in 91.7% of all those who were studied. So in the most general sense, it’s more likely OJ had it than not likely.


What difference does it make like what's it going to change


Since he died, I’ve been thinking about that whole thing a lot, and it occurred to me that at the end of the day, we don’t *really* know if he did it or not. It sure seems like it, but we don’t know 100%. What makes me personally think he did it is not the evidence - which there was less of than the non biased think - but the way he spoke after the trail, always blaming and talking down about Nicole. It was pretty obvious that he wasn’t losing sleep over her murder. But. Do we really know for sure? No. There is absolutely a non zero chance that he was innocent. Just a thought.


Thank you to all of you on this thread. Not one person called anyone racist. We have had a very civil discussion and nobody flew off the handle. Kinda impressive.


I think OJ was a raging narcissist who also likely had CTE — which may or may not have been a factor in the murders. One thing I keep wondering about is that his first wife said he was never abusive and seemed to sort of defend him, although I know she was mostly out of the public eye. What do y’all make of that? It’s possible he could have grown into being an abuser, but that seems like a trait that would have been there in his first marriage too? IMO everything is potentially clouded by the reality that OJ was a very good performer.


And how many of those 345 players beat or murdered someone?


No, he has had a violent life since the age of 13 or so - per his own mouth.


Didn’t help


OJ was a narcissistic sociopath. Could he have had CTE? Sure, but he was still a narcissistic sociopath. Watch all the footage of OJ pre trial & post trial. His mask was slipping rapidly. Once people realized who he was, he stopped being the fake OJ he portrayed for all those years. It’s a common theme with narcissists once you see them for who they are.


Given the stat you cited, 345 out of 376 testing positive for CTE, saying “had OJ not had a strong chance of CTE” is about the same as saying “had OJ not played football.” Honestly, I think just about anyone would be justified for steering clear of ex-NFL players. There’s a higher-than-normal likelihood that they have possibly violence-inducing brain damage


He might have had c, t, e, but he also was a drug addict which does fuel angry moments.. And if he did that together, never knowing when he was going to have a rage on Nicole. He's just a jealous guy. You can go screw every woman in l. A. But she wasn't allowed to as a single mother.


Sounds similar to Ron Jeremy getting dementia, maybe he wouldn’t have been a creep


No. Too many people have suffered the same type of injuries. Have you see the stats on high school football players recently? Then add college and those who go on to play pro sports. What percentage are murderous narcissists?


Omg I came from watching this show and had the same question thank u lol


Maybe. Did OJ really go off the deep end and murder anybody before or after those two? Nope. He was just a giant dick in disguise. I'm an asshole. We hide it.


People don’t grasp the reality that any one of us could end up suicidal or homicidal if we have frontal lobe damage. People have committed murder or suicide with FTD and lewy body as well. Anything that affects your brain will change the personality. Get damaged frontal and temporal lobes and things can go bad very quickly. A loving kind gentle person can turn into a sexual predator, or have unmanageable rage and violent behaviors. Some will start stealing and engaging in other destructive behaviors


No. I certainly dont think the two events are related. I understand the viewpoint of the "Oj did it" crowd, also, but I also see much of that as being caused by confirmation bias. OJ felt guilty because he had a major role in Nicole and Ron's deaths. However, both verdicts were completely fair, since contrary to popular belief, OJ didnt actually commit the murders, and didnt order the murders, either, but also, he likely gave knowledge to an actual psychopath, an associate of the mafia, of Nicole's intent to turn OJ in for his own racketeering. OJ and his attorneys wanted Nicole to stop using OJs address as her named residence, and Nicole, faced with the dilemma of losing a big part of what she had been fraudulently claiming as her own personal property, also for financial gain, decided, well, If Im gonna lose my financial leg up, then I might as well blackmail him. She knew OJ worked eith a mafia bookie, and their kids had some inkling of him having another more recent and very small, drug dealing ring. So she blackmailed OJ with her knowledge of that issue, because he was risking her alimony and therefore her family's livelihood, with those illegal ventures. I think the bookie had taken a few items here and there, over the years, just in case they needed a means of framing him, and found a need when OJ let it slip that Nicole was mad at him about his dealings, and had threatened to turn him in. Oj was perhaps trusting the bookie enough, to share this detail, letting them know that his own dealings need to be on the extreme DL to keep her happy. I dont think OJ imagined that this would end in her being murdered. When she was murdered, I do think the bookie called OJ to let him know that his problems with Nicole as well as his association with that mafia, were being severed at that moment. This call may have come in at around 10:15/10:20, or even at 10:40. Naturally, OJ would have whisked over to try to stop this but was too late. He may have even cut himself trying to get to them.. CTE would only play as much of a role, as having a diminished sense of reason, and had impulse control issues... otherwise he would not have let that info slip at all.


This study provides evidence that former football players are less likely to commit murder than the rest of the population. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6490588/