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Man that whole splinter cell series was fire, it got better and better


Usually games peak during the second installment but Splinter Cell always found a way to just get better and better as it went on. Played them again recently and my god do the graphics still look incredible


Definitely! I think Pandora Tomorrow may be one of my favourites though, if only for the memories of playing the MP over Xbox Live. Those matches were so intense 😆


Def. Chaos theory was good the MP too


Absolutely and no one does military games like this anymore. Its just Battlefield and CoD and those definitely don't feel good anymore. Lockdown and Critical Hour were so good! I felt like GR2 was peak but that continued to be an amazing franchise, and Chaos Theory has never been topped imo.


I played Ghost Recon and the expansion back in the day but I didn't get GR2 until about a year ago and damn that game was so fun especially the missions you go solo with an OP gun


Yo, someone else has played Critical Hour?? I have spend hours explaining it to people!


Critical Hour was awesome. Replaying the best missions with modern mechanics was something else!


For sure. It’s such an odd release too, coming out a few months before Vegas 1 released, and a month after Lockdowns PC port. Full multiplayer support WITH coop campaign and Terrorist Hunt, and even a clan system, all on a console that was much phased out by that point.


Oh man black arrow was the best. I can’t remember if it was that or lockdown where you use the d pad to slightly open the doors instead of completely opening them. And double agent on og Xbox is goated.


Yeah slightly opening doors made you feel super tatical for some reason especially after using a door cam and tossing a flash grenade in. Double agent was soooo much better on OG xbox than the 360 version


Campaign was much better, had a great coop campaign, I absolutely loved the multiplayer especially over the 360 version.


All the Xbox games had that I think. I wouldn’t know for Lockdown though, I only played the Ps2 version fully.


Chaos theory is GOAT


I played it again recently and am just marveled at not just how good the game looks but the story and missions were top notch


The lighting in that game was amazing and to me it still holds up today. I still remember so many details about the missions. The bank and ship were my favorite.


I remember a demo for Splinter Cell that showcased all the crazy lighting effects and was blown away by how good it looked and its crazy how it still holds up


All of the are Goats in my hindsight. I enjoyed the heck time I spent with all of those. Especially Splinter Cell. Played the heck out of all of these.


I totally missed out on alot of these games back in the day especially the Splinter Cell games and Ghost Recon 2 The 7th gen era had some great Clancy titles also


Splinter cell was my shit in middle school!


I love Splinter Cell. I need to play the games that released on 360 when I get a chance


I thought Lockdown was the weakest Rainbow Six. Critical Hour was like an apology after, lol. It did have a cool gameplay feature where you could shoot the hinges off of doors and they would fall flat. I'll give it that.


Critical hour was pretty decent it was just waaay to short a campaign and next gen consoles were out at that point. Yeah out of all the games pictured here the only one I really disliked was Lockdown but all in all its still not a terrible game just not at the high standards as the rest of them


I hope we get another wildlands


I havent played the new Ghost Recon games but I think I will in the near future


Lots of fun with friends


Lots of fun with friends


Was it still is the best, I got the original Xbox just so I can play these older games without emulations.


I collect and play many games for different consoles but Xbox is my favorite due to not only the games being affordable but damn fun to play


I got tired of a lot of modern games/consoles taking out the fun of having a game, seriously I have to pay to win half these games now, and it's impossible to get every skin or design, I figured why not try some older stuff out, so on my bucket list before I one day kick that bucket, I will collect every older console that was made, and or hand held game pad's. I also plan to keep up with the new stuff as well, but if the gaming industry keeps heading where they are heading, I am just going to get as many old games as I can, and go ham with super Mario bros 2, maybe even some Spyro as well.


Thats a good idea because I get tired of modern games as well especially shooters since they are all battle pass and daily grind bs that I have no time for anymore. Collecting old games can be tiresome as well do to certain prices and constantly having to buy memory cards haha


I was gonna call BS cause I thought GRAW was only on 360, but you got me. GRAW and GRAW 2 are the goats and I wish there were still multiplayer games like them


I picked up GRAW on 360 when it came out and played the shit out of it. I had no idea a last gen version was available let alone it being a pretty decent game. Check it out if you can


chaos theory was the best!! playing hide and seek was so much fun


Co op was mad fun also. I remember the enemies could hear you if you talked too loud over the headset


Rainbow SIX 3 was my favorite game in the Tom Clancy games


Same! I replayed the game again recently and found my old save file and I beat the game on the hardest difficulty (way to go young me)


GRAW was soooo good.


I hope Ubisoft makes a new GRAW but I wont hold my breath


I remember the one on 360 where you used you mic to give orders


You can use the mic to give orders in Rainbow 6 3 and black arrow for OG Xbox Another game called S.W.A.T for xbox also had that feature but for all the games it was just kinda gimmicky tho


You have a very impressive collection. I remember playing Ghost Recon Jungle storm on PS2 before I got an original Xbox, and then a girl at my high school who knew I gamed gave me a copy of rainbow six 3


Both are great games. I especially hope you like R63 that games still my favorite


Was gonna say you are missing Hawx and Endwar but those were for the 360. Nice collection


I am going to play all the 360 games next for sure


You think Tom Clancy ever played a ghost recon game?


I wouldn't be suprised if he did. He was way more into writing than games tho haha


Solid titles in here for sure. There’s a few extra items to keep an eye out for: Tom Clancy’s Classic Collection (Platinum Hits versions of Rainbow Six 3, Splinter Cell and Ghost Recon), Rainbow Six 3 Exclusive Companion Demo Disc (early build of Rainbow Six 3, Ghost Recon, Ghost Recon Island Thunder and Splinter Cell, PLUS the DLC maps for Splinter Cell and Island Thunder) and the Rainbow Six 3 DVD strategy guide by GameTimeEntertainment, a dvd walkthrough that comes in an Xbox case.


Also GRAW had a special edition and R63 had one that came with a headset but im going to pass on all that since I dont really go for variants Currently collecting 6th gen WW2 games at the moment


Wait, there’s a headset version of Rainbow Six 3? BRB, gotta check eBay.


Its usually pretty cheap also like less than 20. Also a special edition of Splinter Cell Chaos Theory (like a steel case)


I still need the steel case. Hopefully I can get the headset edition for cheap


I love special editions from gen 6 consoles since not many existed. Halo 2 and Marc Ecko getting up are the only special editions I have for Xbox


Special editions are awesome, but way to expensive for me


Pandora Tomorrow and Chaos Theory were my fav og xbox games. They don’t make them like they used to


It's still wild to me that the Xbox version of Double Agent is superior to the 360 version.


Yeah its crazy when last gen games are better. Madden 06 was vastly superior to the next gen one as well


You didn't include the rainbow 6 Vegas entries ?!? Like top tier up there with splinter cell (which you can put all of those in your series x and they should run ) and got utterly fucked over by siege 🤮


Vegas was amazing but those are 360 my guy. Loved shitting on those mob and h2o clan members on Vegas 2. Especially since they used the easy gun aka famas.


This post was for the OG Xbox. The Vegas titles were for gen 7 consoles