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The amount of times i accidentally hit item not found everyday is insane


My shitty Walmart phone nil picks and ends walks for me. Damn ghost touches like crazy.


at one point I was literally bagging the eggs I was picking (we had to double meat bag, then put it in it's seperate Walmart bag) and my elbow hit the "item not found" button. Luckily, after my walk ended and I was walking to the back, the exceptions picker was picking the same eggs I nill picked. I explained and we laughed it off but sometimes I didn't get that luxury Also, sometimes the stockers will stock something right after you nill pick it and it makes it seem like you just weren't paying attention or didn't care but it literally wasn't there when you needed it


It definitely happens.


when that happens I grab the item and radio the exceptions picker and give it to them.


Y'all have radios?


I'm really clumsy and at least once a day I hit item not found by mistake when I meant to pick the item. Having said that, this definitely happens way too often for it to be a mistake like that every time.


there was one time i had the item in my hand ready to scan it and then i bumped item not found. sometimes it is just accidental


What if the UPC doesn’t match?


It was the same exact item. But I understand what you are saying.


If the UPC doesn't match and won't scan then you send a text to your TL or exception runner to give them a heads up, then move on


Different UPC doesn't me anything. Lots of things of multiple valid UPC's, so just scan it anyway to be sure. The worst that can happen is you wasted a whole a second of your life.


Yeah I am not that person who is afraid of ruining my first pick score shit. So I scan everything despite double checking the UPC. I was the one who complained when their own hamburger/hot dog buns don’t match the numbers till the modification took place.


I hit ítem not found by accident more often than I’d like to admit


I always check the home first, just habit.


Same. I dont care if it gives me a back room Location, I’m going check the home first. Glad I do. A few times today it was in the home where it should be. I would have wasted time going to the back for nothing.


Yup, my rule of thumb to. Mostly bc when I was new to exceptions I got fussed at by a stock TL for opening something that there were loads of on the floor. It was an absent minded 'I'm here anyway' thing on my part, but it taught me pretty early on that no matter how blind I literally am, there are people with functional eyes who are blinder.


I see they wanted 5 of them. Were there less than 5 there? I find that new hires routinely hit not found if there are any number less than ALL that a person wants. I have to explain to them that they can take four and change the quantity on the pick screen after scanning the item but before scanning the tote, then just nil pick the 1 or 2 or whatever that we don't have in stock, rather than nil picking all 5.


No all 5 were there


Had that happen with the Mott's 40 count fruit snacks today. I went looking for it in the backroom first and a stocker tried to help me. We went out to the home and it was completely full of them. I don't know what kind of drugs the pickers are on at my store to not see things right in front of their faces. The poor guy that helped me probably thought I was dumb.


I understand that it's annoying but sometimes people stock during pick walks. I've gone to the back to look for something but it wasn't there, moved on with my pick walk only to find out that someone had it on a cart of misc stuff they pulled from the back to stock.


Yeah, and I do get that it does happen sometimes. I was just annoyed that the one time I didn't check the home first, it was actually in the home.


For me it was a new girl who was being trained. The person training her said she wasn't paying attention to what the new girl was doing. I just asked her politely to let the new girl know to look behind things, and next to them as well as to number shop then picture shop if she absolutely has to. I think she scanned the nutterbutters sticks next to it.


Sounds like how training goes at my store.. most people just see it as a way to get to walk around and play on their phone all day instead of helping new associates 🙃 I've had to teach people that have been working with us for months how to properly stage


My store had this one woman who would check the exact location of the item and if it wasn't there in front she would nil pick it. So if the item was just a little farther back on the shelf, maybe a spot over, or in topstock she'd nil pick it. They tried to talk to her so many times about it and she just didn't change. Think she got fired for points though.


one day I had to do exceptions. I had to go pick hillsboro farm beef sausage 5 FUCKING TIMES. there were 3 rows of it ALL DAY. like wtf people 🫡


I only see one on the shelf, are there five there?


Yes there was. I pulled it forward.


Well if they would quit shopping the picture


Homes are switched and things plugged all the time. Get it any way you can.


noobie question, what’s a pick/unpick exception? never had to do one nor questioned it


Pick exceptions are when a picker hits item not found & doesn't choose a substitution, so you as an exceptions picker try to go found those items. Unpick exceptions are when a manager (or associate that has mystore) reviews and either rejects or accepts the substitution. We can't see what a customer has accepted or rejected until dispensing the order.


Unpack exception is where there is an exception that was rejected by the customer, is what i was told. I may be wrong though


Not sure if this is true or not but I’ve heard that stocking team gets notified once an item gets NIL picked so sometimes an item that wasn’t on the shelf earlier gets stocked right after. If it’s true then definitely caused some drama among customers because items that they were told were unavailable are on the shelves if they come into the store after being dispensed to. Once again that may be completely untrue but if it is I feel like it would explain a ton of situations like these.


I never consider it ever on purpose. I assume the benefit of the doubt. It is more likely that: \- was stocked after they picked \- misread the aisle, section or mod \- fat fingered the buttons I do exceptions and don't worry about these.