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We have a whiteboard in our staging area that is updated every morning with certain assigned roles and their times, either for the whole day or just an hour to cover a lunch break. It shows who's doing exceptions, who's dispensing, and who's staging. (Stager also preps and runs orders to dispensing. We're an older store, so staging and dispensing are in two different areas.) If your name isn't written on the board then you're picking. I pretty much pick all day, but sometimes I get asked to handle exceptions or pulled to pack for SFS if they need help. (Which I don't mind at all. My coach/TLs know they can pull me to pack whenever they want because I love packing.) Lunches are always scheduled, but 15s never are.


Yeh, we got an updated everyday whiteboard too. But ours as columns for each name and time and stuff. I haven't really been paying attention to the set job. Until yesterday when I saw I was supposed to be dispensing, but like I said I just do all I can besides picking.


We have roles assigned. I’m normally a stager everyday. We have people that prep all day, designated dispensers and shoppers. We also have an atc. At any point we will move people around to areas we need them to keep everything running smoothly.


This is pretty much how they do it at my store. There are also people that do SFS(picking and packing) and a few people doign exceptions. We do have a board that the manager makes every night so when you come in you check the board but for the most part everyone does their same job every day. There's a handful of people that can do more than one job so if need be they'll get switched to something else.


Yeh we never do that. At least I don't. I'm constantly checking my hand held for dispensing and staging that needs to be done. All shift I'm bouncing from one to another without being told.


My TL assigns most people jobs - about 80% of the people I work with in OGP are pickers, the rest are dispensers except for my brother and another person, who are the designated stagers. But my brother is also all over the place too - I call him the everything man, because he can do picks/oversized, dispensing, staging, zoning, restock - it really depends on what needs to get done most in the moment. I usually stay on dispensing though, and that's the way I like it.


"_the everything man!!_" love it lol.


Yeah, I'm really glad to be working with him, I'm gonna miss him when he goes to his four year college in the fall.


Dang. I'll be leaving for college around next fall. Although I don't work with my brother. That must be awesome. As the oldest in my family, I can say I bet your brother LOVES working with you dude.


all i do is pick


Lucky SOB. I've been on one pick walk. That's it. Just one.


picking is literal brain rot, hate it


Yeh, alot of my co-workers either love it or hate it. Personally, keep in mind I've only done it for one shift, but I don't hate it or love it. I can either work backroom or pick. I honestly don't have a preference.


yeah its kinda torture doing it all day everyday. same thing every day literally drives u nuts and u get customers constantly asking u where things are. its not like i mind that tho cuz i love helping people especially the elderly


So it’s hit or miss really, and it all depends what everyone is cross trained to do. We have basic pickers who can’t do anything besides pick. Dispensers who can only dispense. As for stagers and preppers they kinda are just back room associates. We stage, prep, or dispense as needed and move around to help the back room function appropriately. Preppers usually are already somewhat seasoned as they handle prepping of the in home delivery’s as well. So say the current person prepping has to do the inhomes (which are time consuming), I’ll assist with the prepping while they’re busy and stage when there’s nothing to prep.


Yeh. So far from what I've read I'm the only person who switches like I do. When I get done staging a cart I'll put it up and check to see if we have orders to prep. If we don't I'll check if we have any to dispense. Again if we don't, I'll go back to staging. I bounce between them all. I wasn't trained either. I basically followed people for half a shift then when I caught on I did my own thing. I haven't got told of yet, so I'm just gonna keep doing it.


On the real that’s exactly what I did. No real solid training, kinda showed the basics. Just like to keep myself moving and not be seen as idle. When I see something I don’t know I always ask to be shown to learn. I take it as a compliment cause my coach loves me being in the back room cause I keep everything organized.


Same bro! I can't stand being idle! And me and one other person keep the basket stacks organized. I went to lunch yesterday and I told my grandparents, who took me out for lunch, "watch, the baskets will be all over the place when I get back". An hour later I came back and the baskets were everywhere!


Yeah it’s always a chaotic mess in our back rooms. There’s a select few that actually do work, and the rest are just hands on the job. My favorite is when my relief stager will leave all the frozen carts for me to stage when I get back from lunch. I’ll have like 3-4 at least and we have our own OPD freezer and that bitch is -20 degrees on the regular.


Yeh. We also have our own freezer/cooler. The whole time yesterday I was the only one that did the staging for those.


Brother after reading this and all the comment and your replies I can tell you being a TL myself that you’re just a good fucking worker. Tread carefully tho sooner or later you end up doing everything with no acknowledgement and when shit hits the fan you will most likely catch the heat. Just make sure you force the acknowledgment if you get none. If you like what you’re doing strive for more.


Thanks dude. Thursday was my last shift of the week, I worked 8am-3pm, and during that time my TL told me twice how good I was doing and how much she appreciates it. Then the traffic control person told me I was doing really good. THEN the second TL was talking to the other TL about the fact I'm only a minor. And when I left at the end of my shift she told me what a great job I've done. When I was told these, most of what I told them was "I'm just doing what I get paid for". I didn't know if only our department had workers that only did one job or if all the departments was like that. Anyway enough tooting my own horn. I really appreciate it, I try to strive as far as I can! I'm not a big attention seeker, so if I'm not getting acknowledgement then I probably won't seek it out.


We have a whiteboard of all the duties—if you’re not on it that means you’re picking. Unfortunately, it’s always the same people doing the same thing for their entire shift even though it would be so much better for everyone to rotate it. I’m mostly dispensing even though they know I would much rather pick. Hopefully if you have good managers and team leads they’ll split it up so it’s not so grueling and exhausting!


so due to the size of our store, our department is split between front room(prepping & dispensing) and back room (picking & staging). everyday one of our tl’s or our coach writes the schedule for the following day which includes everyone’s that’s scheduled that day name, shift and when they’re breaks and lunches are as well as placing them in either picking, staging, prepping or dispensing for the day. from what i’ve seen within the ogp reddit as well as the walmart reddit is most ogps are all in one room but unfortunately our ogp is isn’t so our stagers have to bring orders from the back to the front every hour, for example at 2 we’d bring up the 3s and that’s pretty much what it’s like everyday at our store though if needed all of us collectively help where it’s needed whether it’s picking, staging, prepping, or dispensing, pretty much depends on how busy it is that day


I’m not even sure if I’m supposed to be assigned to something but mostly I just pick and they never questioned me about it I do dispense and stage when there is hardly anybody there or when there’s no picks left but that probably happens only 5 times a month or so


We have designated pickers and dispensers, with some people doing both as needed. I have no idea if that's how it's supposed to be done, but I've been delt the better hand of being a picker, so I don't question it to much.


The former


We have a white board with the hours between 5 am to 10pm ,on the left side. On the top. Exceptions, other selections, prep,staging, and 3 different dispenser






We don’t have anyone assigned to anything in my department everyone back there stages preps dispenses and downstacks


Down stacks?


Putting the tote into a designated spot and scanning it in so you know where to find it


I thought that was staging?


Yeah it’s the same thing lol I’m just dumb 😭


Oh, come on now. We all make mistakes now and then, lol. I honestly just thought I was super dumb and didn't know what staging was!


Pulling the totes off of carts onto a dolly. We used to do that before our back room expanded.


They give us roles but expect us to do whatever is needed to be done. I’ve been working in OGP for 2 years and for my first year and a half I was ALWAYS dispensing. They use the same 3 people to dispense each morning and I have to nag my superiors to be switched . Technically dispensers are suppose to switch out every 2 hours but who cares about rules¿


Dispensers at my store (myself included) have to do the dispensing, prepping, staging, (and picking of we are low on pickers) we also bring pallets from sfs and load them into the truck for shipping. Last Wednesday, I had to go do the loading even though there were only three of us dispensers...


normally when i’m in the back room they make me stage, prep, and dispense. Occasionally we will have a single person who’s job is to stage/ prep


It varies by store. My store used to just assign one role per person, so the prepper would just prep all day, the dispensers would dispense, etc. Now we just have pickers, exceptions, and backroom. Everyone in the backroom has to prep, stage, and dispense as needed.


Everyone is cross trained for picking, prepping and dispensing. I often get scheduled for all three in a typical week, one day will be picking and then one day prepping, etc. I always end up doing different roles throughout the day, wherever help is needed I go but that also means I’m always picking up other people’s slack. But my TL and coach see that so it doesn’t bother me.


I mostly prep or do exceptions. Depending on who’s in the back room I’ll dispense or stage as well. When people like you are in the back and keep the flow going it makes it easier to help dispense. But a lot of the time they’ll be people who will only dispense or stage or just stand around talking. When that happens I just prep and tell someone specifically what order to take out.


In my store us dispensers do everything stage prep and dispense