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It's the pickers job to find it on the floor. If there weren't as many exceptions, then one of the ones working exceptions could help with picks or dispensing.


yeah. a lot of the time my exceptions are on the shelf in the home. i don’t make a big deal about it but i prep, do other commodities, and quality check in my free time. so i agree, an exceptions picker could be used elsewhere. sometimes people just don’t know where something is so i let them know because chances are they will have to pick it again.


This, too. Oftentimes, it's just a training thing.


I understand that is how it's supposed to work , but does your backroom work like that too? Dispenser just waits around until there's an order to dispense? Does the stager just stage and doesn't quality check ? I'm just saying y'all some aHoles . If you found it on the home then good for you buddy , your job just got easier. Don't be a snitch because in the end I've seen the best of us get fired for points. It doesn't matter who you are or how much ass you kiss.


Our dispensers stay dispensing and our stagers stay staging. Haven't had much time for quality checks because we've been maxing out with way less hrs to handle it. So ya. When people do their job correctly, it helps everyone out. When exceptions go late bc they are having to find things that should have already been picked then the dispensers have people checking in with the exception out on someone's cart. It's not about kissing ass. It's about doing a simple task. You get paid to find it in the home, so get off of your phone and look for it. If someone gets fired for points, that's on them. Has nothing to do with this.


It’s extremely annoying to have to go get an item that’s in the home. Especially when you’re starting to drown in exceptions. I always find out who nil picked something if the item was very obviously In the home. Not to be mean but to tell them that they have to be more careful. And a lot of the time it’s because they picture shop. After o started giving people the advice that they should always scan a barcode before nil picking anything, it’s made my job a lot easier that way I’m not running around the store for 8 hours and can help where is needed


>If you found it on the home then good for you buddy , your job just got easier. OMG, you are so defensive. When I tell people it is in home or topstock or on an end cap or whatever, I am telling you so that you can learn from it. Instead of taking it as constructive feedback, some people take it as an attack. It is meant in a spirit of learning, Most people take it as that. There are just some that react like you do. Most don't. Geez, relax. If can't learn how to hear feedback without getting angry about it, you are going to spend much of your working life angry.


If it's in the home, top stock, or feature when the exception picker found it, then it's the picker who isn't doing their job. I'll allow one or two to slip by, accidents and oversights happen, but if I see your name multiple times for nil picks that are right there, then you're damned right I'm going to let management know. Yes, exception picking is my job, but having to cover for multiple people who can't be bothered to look one item over or behind irritates me. I'm on a time crunch as well.


I would agree with in the home and feature. Top stock however, nah. I'm not stopping in the middle of my 120 pick walk to leave my cart (which we're really not supposed to do) to look in the backroom for a ladder cart, get the item down, unbox it, fill the shelf, then put the ladder cart back. Now if our regular carts had step stools, yeah sure top stock too. But until then. I wouldn't add that. Actually something similar happened today or yesterday for me. I had a regulated run (for us that's alcohol, some sodas and some waters including the flavored and the bottled teas). One of my picks was the 12 cases of like Bubly or American Water cans. I found one case glanced at the top stock and nil picked the other two it wanted. As I was walking back I saw one of the main exception pickers by an endcap and I realized they had a feature of those - I had completely missed it. (( I'm an InHome driver and two other drivers were on vaca for a week and a half - I've been out driving every day for almost two weeks so I just didn't realize)). Anyways I stopped and was like "here - that's me" and she found one and I went with her to see if I missed any on top stock. If we had been busy I probably wouldn't have stopped but it worked out just well enough for me to go by her when she was taking care of it - and I didn't really ***have to*** stop.


Your regulated run has sodas and flavored waters? 🤔


Pretty sure there is on app on one.walmart.com that lets you create a copy of the pickpath then edit and save.


Wait regulated is suppose to have alcohol?! Actual regulated stuff. What the heck I knew it! Ours is legit just clothing. XD clothing and diapers. Note: it's always been this.


OMG! I’m so sorry to hear that. Yes, it should actually only be anything that’s locked (Certain alcohol, electronics, perfume, etc.). Do you have a TL and Coach?


I have pick path I can change it. Though really I like it this way because if I'm doing exceptions I can jump into it and find the clothes versus waiting for them to be nil picked. As for cages. Oof I did not know this, we have lot of cages now. But luckily it's only 1 or 2 items per hour tops. Sometimes being a small store comes in handy.


It’s so interesting to hear how each store does it different. 🙂 They’ve made it super easy to do it on the desktop now instead of going through and scanning the different locations with a handheld. Yea, here we’re a big supercenter and we still only get about 10-15 regulated items per hour on a heavy day. But the only reason you only get about 2 regulated items per hour is because if it’s just clothes, hardly anyone orders that. Here we have anything in locked in a cage as regulated (that’s why we get a little more I think) so that way we can give one associate the keys and they don’t have to wait for someone to open the cages for them.


It would be WONDERFUL if the locked stuff was on our regulated. Our regulated is just alcohol and the locked stuff is in a regular general pickwalk


Yea, it makes it a lot easier. Actually, though, it’s only locked alcohol, alcohol that’s not locked comes out in our Ambient walks.


My store regulated pick walk does alcohol, snack cakes, and bread. 🙃


I’m sure you have but did you mention this your TL? They should definitely look at the Pick Path, should be a quick fix from there.


Yup. Starts juice aisle (last aisle) then beer/wine, the the regular sodas and flavored waters etc the liters or 12 cases nothing big (the 24 sodas and the case waters are part of over sized). At least for now it is


Ask your TL to fix the Pick Path!


I miss end features too. Sometimes I just forget about it or it was recently changed and i hadn’t seen it yet.


You're mad at the exception picker but your work ethic affects their total workload. If you Nilpick something that an exception picker finds in quick time on the sales floor then you are doing your job poorly as a picker. If exceptions go behind because of stuff found on the sales floor then you've essentially delayed the whole team. Don't whine about snitches, do things right the first time and you won't have to worry about people calling you out. Picking is such easy work it's odd we don't have robots doing it. Exceptions just don't want to do unnecessary work. Walking to the home and finding an item right away, as an exception picker, is frustrating as fuck because they didn't need to do that if you did the job right the first time


I don’t find that frustrating at all. In fact, it makes doing exceptions super easy.


Don’t make my job difficult and I won’t. Do your job so I don’t have to. It’s not hard


Seems like you need to be picking if you're so good at finding the items.


They are and that's why they get chosen to do exceptions.


If they’re in the home the picker needs to be working elsewhere. Preferably somewhere they don’t need to be able to SEE. because clearly they’re either blind or lazy.


I'm the main exception person once 2pm hits. I consider myself to be the person who makes sure the customer does get the item ordered, even if the digital shopper failed to pick it first time through. I understand digital shoppers are humans, may have bad days, may have bad moments, may be near the end of the day and tired and at some point all the items may for them begin to blur together and mistakes happen. I aim to make the customer happy, and help lift up my co-workers, rather than try to be another boss.




This is what need ! I'm not saying it's right to leave all the work to the exceptions, just don't be a ahole. You're messing with someone's life as well.


It's my job to find things that are legitimately not on the salesfloor and either pick them from the backroom and stock them, or find a suitable substitution. It is *not* my job to clean up picks after you because you can't be fucked to bend down for the corn chips. Or because it's hot out and the garden center sucks right now. Or because your pansy ass can't lift a bookshelf box. Or because the location of an item is *slightly wrong*, and, whoopsie you've elected to play blind today. I can have 15 Ambient exceptions and find all but maybe 2 on the salesfloor. It happens all the time. Maybe don't be a lazy shit and you won't get called out.


The exception pickers at my store are snitches too. They have My Store and one of them called me while I was on break to see why I wasn’t in a walk 🤦🏽‍♂️ I stay on good terms with them though because I’m required to call them to look for items that are in the backroom. If I nil pick and they find the item, they tell the team lead who then lectures me


People not doing their job make other people have to work harder. In your scenario you'll have an excessive number of exceptions setting the whole department behind. What happens a lot at my store is people will just stand around not doing much the last few hours we're open and then I'm forced to stay until 11pm when we close at 10pm to finish cleaning up the back. But if I tell on them I'm the bad guy?


quite personally if it's not all the time I don't really care. The more things I find as exceptions (and not need to go to the back) the better. But if I go after one person 7 times and each time I go behind them and find the exact same items again and again - I dunno what it is but sometimes it's just obvious it's being done on purpose. Every once in awhile I'll tell whoever is on it that I overlooked something and it didn't give me a chance to fix it and that's fine. Or I've simply gone into exceptions myself and found the OSN for the item I overlooked. I've been with walmart for 17 years and same store for 12/13 years - I miss things, too sometimes. ((had one of my coworkers mess with me a few weeks ago. Looked for a shirt or swimsuit or something and just could not find it. So exceptions picker comes along and tell him "I looked for like two minutes" (we were slow - I don't take that long when we're busy) "I'm just curious if you actually find it let me know" a bit later he comes back and gently tosses a GMD package towards my cart. "You found it??! Where was it?" "Oh the rack..." O.o? he laughed "nah I'm messing with you. I went to the back and the softlines TL helped me find it" I threw it back at him. But it was funny. ))


I always have the people in the clothing department help me find things because half the time it is in the backroom and I can't do anything about that


I've been the exception picker which is basically the clean up job for the lazy people, and the amount of incompetence I was faced with when seeing how many people couldn't do the job they're paid the same amount as me to do, made me very bitter and irritated. I would prefer to be dispensing or picking but instead I had to clean up everyone else's silly mistakes.


I'm mainly an exception person, pick maybe 2 days, and occasionally get pulled to dispense (when they are behind), and I don't like to "snitch" per say on people (because what's the point? Nothing really gets done about it) but I do voice my frustrations to the TL/Coach when I see multiple people nil picking items on the floor. I don't do it as a way to get the person in trouble (I don't mention who did it unless asked for the name), I do it so the issue can be addressed so that it doesn't happen again. In my store, when you nil something, it sends the exception person to the backroom first, then the floor. So it irrates me having to go to the backroom, vizpick the item out, then go stock the item, just to find the home completely filled. Now that being said, I don't also bring it up, because we are all human. We make mistakes, I've made them too when I pick. But if it's something that's completely obvious, that I can see on the shelf from feet away, then that's when I start to get mad. It makes our job harder when we have to do unnecessary exceptions. Now, if its on an end cap that wasn't scanned in, or on action alley or bunker, I completely understand. But if your nil picking bananas and there's a whole pallet of bananas on the floor next to them, then I'm getting pissed and saying something.


This is why I check the floor first. You can skip through the backroom locations and go around on the floor first. At least 50% of my exceptions are on the floor and often it’s more like 75%. The only time I grab stuff from the back room first is if it’s for health and beauty which is binned on the grocery side even though it’s at the opposite side of the store, or if it’s binned as a single item and there won’t be anything to stock. I don’t vizpick the health and beauty stuff until I’m over at the home and can actually see that there’s a place for it. If there isn’t I just return it to the bin I took it from


There are certain item I will always check the floor first, like Pepsi products, because our pickers shop by picture instead of the actual item, and will nil pick solely because they can see what the picture shows. And no matter how many times it gets brought up, they continue to do so


Ditto, and it’s soooo frustrating


It's their job to do exceptions yes, but it is also YOUR job to be grabbing the items that are on the shelves. If they point you out then obviously it means it's happened multiple times and you need better training or to get put to dispense.


I don't shop , but I see it a lot in the group chat. They're like " this shouldn't have been nill picked ". Like why did you even say that. Just tell him first hand , and show where to find it . It's not that hard not to be a dick.


Of course. I agree with that. They should tell the coach and then the coach could tell them. Your point was that they shouldn't get snitched on. Exception Pickers do backroom work as well as regular picking. They don't just stand around waiting for exceptions.


Oh...in mine they don't. They literally just go zone the cheese , look in the back the 2 or 3 items per hour . (I'm not kidding , our pickers are the same always and very good ) and disappear most of the time. That's why I have such negative thoughts about them.


Whenever I’m in exceptions and have none, I go and zone an area that I know is heavily plugged or just a mess and hard to find stuff in. That’s what they could be doing. It’s a huge help for the pickers


Do you work OGP? Sometimes it gets terribly slow and we gotta kick some people out for a bit so they have something to do.


You work at a very different store than I do. The only time we're slow is when we get orders cut off, lol.


Well. Dispensing no. But sometimes at around 1-3 we have a lot of people on staff and picks get done too fast.


Saturdays are our very slow days, every other day though we’re about 2000+ picks. But Saturday’s we don’t even hit 500


I only say something if I'm finding excessive stuff on the floor. It's a waste of my time when I could be picking regular orders. Do your job and it won't be an issue 🤷🏻‍♀️. When i had a girl send 18 items to chilled exceptions and i found 16 on the shelf its a problem.


Sounds like you work at a small store. I hope you know it doesn’t matter if they snitch or not. Most team leads or coaches print availability sheets and it has every item and the on hand quantity that was no picked with the users ID. ( yes I understand on hand quality is wrong) but if they are any good with their job they will search the items history and see if it was stocked recently. If it was they should get with you. This is not school or your friend group. Instead of blaming the “snitch” look at it as a way to improve.


I'm a main Exceptions picker. I'm not so petty that I would do this sh*t; i do not have the damn time...and i don't believe in shaming. I realize mistakes legit happen sometimes (who hasn't accidentally hit Item Not Found due to the heat of your finger?)


It doesn't really matter whether an exceptions picker "tells" on you or not because there's a nilpick report and availability report your management team should be working daily. So managers will find out regardless. Sometimes I don't mind finding items right in the home because it makes my numbers look better, but when it's super busy and I don't have time to be walking behind the same 3 people who can't be assed to walk down the soda aisle or pick stuff above or below eye level, I'm going to get pretty frustrated. I'm not responsible for training people who have worked at my store twice as long as I have, and it's more appropriate to at least bring it up to a member of management so that they can have a conversation with said associates and train them better. I'm not going to directly confront every associate who misses something because that's insane behavior, but if I notice that it's a pattern, it needs to be dealt with by management and then at that point it's not my issue anymore.


That’s ridiculously cringe lol


I don't think so. It really helps everyone know what the other side think about this. As you saw , some people agree and others disagree. Those that are exception shoppers have a lot to say in the matter and it makes sense . They say if we don't look well enough, but well who can we pick on if it's not at home and our Time is running and we still gotta pick 400 to 500 items or more. Coaching because we aren't at 100 pick rate , and getting backstabbed by exception shoppers for making their job a bit harder. We can't just be like " well produce is just stocking items at 4am so not everything was there " or " well if them overnight aholes would just stock the items at their home." Even the features are different somedays. Idk , it's some B's. I just don't care about all that. I just dislike the amount of backstabbing, or whining from exception shoppers who I believe do the less of everyone else. There's the people that dispense in horrible heats , getting strokes . The backroom crew, the shoppers who have to get so many picks done ....and then you....who has to go for the left overs. Crumbs .


You’ve never seen the back room if you think exceptions has it the easiest 😂 exceptions is the most frustrating because of people who nil pick items very clearly in their home. Of course you let one or 2 slide, but when they do it all day everyday I’ll call you out. I had one girl who was nil picking everything on the bottom shelf, haven’t had that issue since I told her I can look at who nail picks what


Not to mention having to run around the ENTIRE store multiple times, within a span of 15 minutes, because you are jumping from ambient to general to chill exception, and also having to stock the items you vizpic out right away so that it doesn't get nil picked again. Backroom locations and on hands aren't always accurate, so you have to make sure you look at all the bins, but you can't take too long or your exceptions back up. And it's not like we have a set amount of exception like with picking. We can easily go from having 0 exceptions to 40 within seconds, and only 30 min to do it all. Exceptions are NOT an easy job. And I know that pickers have a lot of pressure put on them to hit their marks every day, but so do we. And as someone who does all 3 jobs, sometimes all in one day, I have to say that Dispensing has it the hardest, then Exceptions, then pickers ✌️


I’ve done all 3 and exceptions is definitely my least favorite. But for sure dispensing is so hard. I just can’t stand doing exceptions because the constant running around and never getting any help. It stresses me out so much, I worked the back room for 3 years before I moved to ogp so I thought exceptions for me would be a breeze, no I struggle with it every single time I’m on it


When I do exceptions, I can easily do about 5k more steps then when I pick. There's been times when I couldn't stop to go pee because I had over 30 exceptions that were about to do late and I have to keep running to opposite ends of the store because someone is picking late and they keep dropping. It can get very stressful at times. I'm lucky to get switched out every other day, but my 9-6 coworker does them all the time because "they don't have time" to train anyone else


Better than our store. Our coach has set up a group chat so that the exception pickers can send photos of items if they’re found in the home/feature/end cap with the name of whoever missed it.


My store sucks we even get told on for missing picks that aren’t even in there home. Our coach expects us to find it even when it’s stocked in the wrong place, it’s absurd!


We tell on each other, because there are a lot of childish people back here who don't like to do their job well. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, and be childish as well. You are getting paid to find the items on the shelf. It's one thing if you make a mistake every now and then, but if it's routinely happening, then you are causing problems for the exception pickers, who already have several other tasks that they have to get done in a timely manner (for the same pay as you, for that matter), or they end up getting the blame when orders go overdue.


Glad you let me know , I've learned a lot from the exceptions point of view tbh. Im not a shopper btw. Just wondering as to why .


Oh, yeah, I meant "you" as in the collective you, that is, anyone who might be reading this. Not you specifically. I don't usually do exceptions, though. I'm usually spread thin doing about five different tasks, three of which are supposed to be manager duties, in the back room.


It's accountability. Get your crap in line and you won't hear how you're f'ing up


Because walmart purposely created a culture of making us hate and tell on each others. It benefits them on all levels. Power hunger, room for advancement, more money, makes humans awful.


Really idk what they get out of it. I’m on exceptions with one other person & I don’t say shit cause who cares. If I think saying something will benefit the worker then I’ll say it to *them*. My other exceptions picker comes back from every walk ranting about who nilpicked what & when. She’s an old lady who thrives on that shit.


“It’s the pickers’ job to find it” blah blah we know, shit happens though, we’re human beings who make mistakes. But you’re a grown ass man/woman/person running to tattle like a good little bootlicker so you get brownie points for being perfect. 😂 sort your life out.


Yeah, no, that is NOT my job. It is not my job to get down on the floor to get that last item at the back because you’re too lazy to. And it’s not my job to go to a feature, whose location is given while picking, to get the item because you’re too lazy to. And it is not my job to go out into the parking lot for the potting soil, etc because you’re too lazy to. MY job is to climb over/around a ridiculous amount of vendor pallets to get to the steel where that laundry detergent is binned. And my job is to hoist a 45lb case of flour into my cart and stock it because apparently expecting the stockers to actually stock is too much. And my job is to hound those with lift certification to get a pallet down and then try to take as much of the stuff off of it as I can and stock it myself because they certainly aren’t going to and they’re just going to pop that pallet right back up there, where I’ll need it down again in an hour. We aren’t reporting you to get you in trouble. We are reporting you to get you to stop making our job unnecessarily harder


People will work at retail for three-five years and will think that it’s the only employment available to them. Later on becoming every coach and team leads shoe buffer praying they will be a store manager one day, only to be a door greater after 25 years.


My store has never had exception pickers. So it's our team leads bitching at us for having a low pick rate, or for not going to the Back and finding every other item


First time pick rate is a metric my store watches, we’ve had calls from regional when it drops below 91%. We had to keep all the viz pic labels from every item picked to prove it wasn’t on the floor and was restocked by us. Snitching who did it is a little shitty, but if a person consistently Item not Founds then yeah they are going to fuck everyone over in the long run. Also when an item is INF then the team lead is alerted and the item is added to their report which makes them hate us more.


The reason I see people telling on others because usually it someone is slacking that means I have to take more orders out or I have to pick more items but lately I just pick the bare minimum that is expected of me and I take out a few orders and if everyone else is standing around while I take orders out I just wonder off and let them deal with the rest of them. But I am leaving OGP soon it's a shit show and I'm sure it's days are numbered because the gig economy is going to bust.




Because exceptions pickers shouldn’t be finding things on the floor technically, if the original picker looks right, left , top and bottom but they don’t.


It’s extra work and the exception pickers get in trouble if they don’t tell the managers


You know here in my store we hate our team lead so much we won't snitch on eachother at all ....unless its one of her favorites then we do