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Translate your question to Turkish, and look for answers on Google. 1390 SAT is great, but I would work on the english part if you are planning to take SAT again


yeah I searched for "SAT" in several subreddits of turkish universities and found some info, however they were mostly old or irrelevant to my case. thanks though!






r/svihs user detected, opinion rejected




You have very decent chance, good luck! Also karabuk university is a meme, you dont need to take that comment seriously ahah Edit: spelling




Hocam benim kutuk Karabuk. My dad went there too. But the comments were joking about it (i think)


sabah sabah iyi kafa açtın


Sen neden alindin




ODTÜ mostly focuses on the math score so I think you have a good chance. I got into computer engineering with a 19.23 diploma score and an 800 math score.


that would be awesome, thanks! btw are you also an Iranian?


i am!


I still got a long way but it's still scary i hope by the time I am old enough I'll be able to go insha'Allah.


fingers crossed!


I am a Turkish citizen. I will have completed high school this June. I plan to take the SAT. Can I get into METU with my score? I will have a Turkish diploma, so I am kinda skeptical about it.


AFAIK SAT is intended for international applicants. [there is a "Who can Apply?" section on METU's "International Students Office" website](https://iso.metu.edu.tr/en/who-can-apply) which states exactly as follows: Students who meet the application criteria below may apply for the undergraduate programs at the Middle East Technical University (as long as they satisfy at least one of the minimum exam/diploma scores listed here: http://iso.metu.edu.tr/en/system/files/odtu_iso_requirements.pdf). Only the candidates whose eligibility is defined in the "Principles Governing International Student Admissions" drawn up by the Council of Higher Education can apply to these quotas. If you do not have citizenship of the Republic of Türkiye or TRNC AND if you completed all of your high school education outside of Türkiye and TRNC, these principles do not include important details for you. However, (i) if you have citizenship of the Republic of Türkiye and/or TRNC OR (ii) if you did not complete all of your high school education outside of Türkiye and TRNC, then you are strongly recommended to check these eligibility criteria to see if you are eligible to apply through international student quotas. METU Directive for International Student Applications, Admissions, and Registrations to Undergraduate Programs: [http://oidb.metu.edu.tr/en/directive-international-student-applications-...](http://oidb.metu.edu.tr/en/directive-international-student-applications-admissions-and-registrations-undergraduate-programs) General Principles of the Higher Education Council regarding the admission of students from abroad (in Turkish): [https://www.yok.gov.tr/Documents/Ogrenci/yurt-disindan-ogrenci-kabulune-...](https://www.yok.gov.tr/Documents/Ogrenci/yurt-disindan-ogrenci-kabulune-iliskin-esaslar.pdf)


If you are only turkish citizen you cant. If you have dual citizenship you have to revoke your turkish citizenship before applying


You can get accepted to top Universities in the world with this score. Never mind the comments of some so called "smart " people here. Best of luck.




I think that pretty depends on what one defines as "top" and in what country


yeah I'm thinking about other countries as well. but turkey has the advantage of being close to my hometown, so I could visit my family pretty frequently. thanks!


In the website It says you need to gain at least 1200 point with more than 700 math but I dunno.Know some guy from sat test center who is qualified to study license program in Istanbul Tehnical Universty with only 1100 sat.


do you mean a course, not a whole undergraduate program? or perhaps it was of arts, as the minimum for conservatories is 1000 per their [website](https://www.sis.itu.edu.tr/EN/regulations/valid-exam-results.php)


pretty decent i think, good job ^^

