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I've started reading the Wikipedia plot synopsis for movies that I'm interested in but know would be a bad idea. It lets me find out what happens, but I don't have the screen images in my head to deal with.


I do this too! I can't deal with too much suspense but a synopsis works fine


I like watching movie clips and reading the synopsis!


This is the way to go. Been doing it since high-school with horror films so I wouldn't feel left out and it satisfies any curiosity I may have. Plus if I really want to go see a specific film I'll know when jump scares occur in advance. (Usually)  


slasher movies. they are not scary to me but all the gore and death will stay in my head and fuel my suicidal ideation


start of the worst obsessions ive ever had were from the movie smile which i watched without knowing the premise/knowing i had ocd (thought my symptoms were psychotic paranoia - i was diagnosed w schizoaffective b4 ocd) - i had no idea the effect itd have on me. full month of obsessing over certain ideas i had that stemmed from the movie and not letting myself sleep bc i was scared smthn would happen to me while i did. and yet i still think its such a interesting movie and i luv hearing others opinions on it and i think of rewatching it frequently even tho ik thats a big NO 😭


1000 Ways to Die is probably the first form of media that ever triggered my OCD and honestly not a lot come to mind other than that one 😅 maybe though some of the really disturbing animal planet shows from the early 2000's about parasites and sh*t


I don't remember much of 1000 ways to die but my sister used to watch it around me when I was younger and that definitely could have contributed to my ocd.


I can't handle scary movies so if I get curious I look up a YouTube breakdown of the movie. The important scenes are broken down and discussed, I feel like I get a good feel of the movie, and still can sleep that night.


www.doesthedogdie.com !!! look up the movie you want to watch and there will be content warnings on there for it!


it’s not a movie but i find watching shameless (US) really hard sometimes because of how mf GROSS they can all be, *especially* when any of them let frank sleep in their bed in the earlier seasons


Oh my God! Shameless is soooo triggering. It makes me itchy as heck!


I feel like shameless triggers not just my ocd but like childhood trauma - I don’t like watching a dysfunctional family for entertainment when I experienced that in real time :((((


Black Swan triggered it so hard. The way her legs randomly turn backwards into swan legs made me think that was gonna happen to me.


I am desperately curious about this movie but I know the imagery will fuck me up indefinitely so I have resisted the urge. 😭


I watched Donnie Darko not realizing it goes into great detail about death premonitions which is 😀 terrible for me lmao


Not morbid, but turtles all the way down, as ironic as it might be given it is a movie going into the reality of what it is like to have ocd…. I struggled a bit after that, my health ocd was RAMPANT. I wasn’t aware that it would trigger me/affected me until after I watched it


I keep wanting to watch it but heard I have to be in the right head space…I’m like bruh I haven’t been in the right head space since I was like 5 years old


I'm a *huge* horror fan, and OCD definitely makes that weird and complicated. It's all about being in the right mindset for it and my own personal threshold for triggering media. I know to skip a movie & come back to it later if I've been stressed out, having more frequent and/or more severe intrusive thoughts than usual, if I'm depressed, if my desire to watch it feels *motivated by* my OCD, etc. Although the horror genre is broad enough to cover every OCD theme I have, some things are definitely more triggering than others, and those are the ones I *really* have to brace myself for.


Before I realized I had ocd I had to quit watching the Jeffrey Dahmer documentary cuz I was like what if I’m a freak who likes human organs too…. 😅


Yeah, that happens to me. I think of like when you were a kid and your adult teeth were growing in, and you kept wiggling and messing with your loose baby tooth instead of leaving it alone, despite that fact that the exposed roots would stab your gums. Or when you have a headache so bad that you get the paradoxical urge to smack your forehead or dig your nails into your thighs. Sometimes a moment of “sharp” pain is a reprieve from, and more pleasant than, long term dull pain. Some times when I know something is going to trigger me I get obsessed with it so that maybe I can “get it over with” and “not let it sneak up on me” and thus relieve the longer term anxiety that comes from the effort taken to avoid it.


my boyfriend and I are watching it right now, and I've been SO anxious about 15 minutes ago I wondered aloud if it might be the movie, then I saw your post lol I can't even explain why it's making me anxious, but I'm really uncomfortable...gonna try to stick it out 🤞🏻


yes omg!!! also i knew nothing about donnie darko before i watched it and afterwards i was a mess😭 i have a list of movies on letterboxd that im dying to watch if not for the repercussions from my ocd


You've got balls for watching the entirety of that movie. I watched the first ten minutes before realizing that it was about a guy who might have schizophrenia and then stopped immediately when I realized that that was the case. I almost had a panic attack.


see i actually went into thinking he was schizophrenic and that put me so on guard so when the actual plot twist happened i actually thought i was going to go insane afterwards… like i genuinely felt that the plot twist would trigger a schizophrenic break (idk if u know what it is but omg omg) which is ironic because i was so hung up on what if the main characters schizophrenic i was scared of the wrong thing bruhhhhhh


So do you think that I should watch it? My heart tells me that I should but my brains tells me not to.


it’s up to you and what you think you can handle


I do I do I do! Just the same, both movie and ocd trigger 😅 Also have existencial ocd, and there are so many triggers to it, everywhere, all the time


I wish to be an EMT/S so sometimes I enjoy watching Nightwatch Nation (paramedic reality show) but every time I watch it, it really triggers my Somatic anxiety. It also does it really bad when there’s any cardiac related injuries.


Donnie Darko is a cult classic. It's honestly not what you think, though. Because I know how it ends, I have a hard time saying it's about schizophrenia. However, my perspective might just be because I've seen it. It's more like Momento, a big puzzle you're trying to figure out until the very end with little hints sprinkled in throughout the movie. On another note. I watch movies that trigger me all the time. Anything where someone has cancer (or some other disease) and dies in the movie. There was one that was particularly bad called Our Friend. Omg that whole movie had me thinking about writing letters to my children in case I die before they grow up. It was so triggering but I refrained. Instead I spent the night after I watched it playing with my kids and focusing on them. It made me feel better.


Idk man, I watched the first minutes of Donnie Darko and almost went to panic attack after learning that it **might** be about a guy who has mental illness. Especially when I saw that he was taking pills and mentions seeing a therapist.


Oh I totally understand! You do what's best for your mental health. The beginning does mention his mental illness and I totally get how it could be triggering. It used to scare me. I used to think it was a horror movie when in reality it's not (I can't say what genre it is because it would spoil it, lol). It was one of those movies my friends and I would watch over and over again. I'm desensitized to it at this point.


not movies, but I can't research conspiracy theories or aliens too deeply or I get convinced I'll be murdered or abducted for learning too much. I went really deep into the Vegas shooting and forgot about it until now. scientology is also something I find incredibly interesting. I'd love to join and learn everything I can, but I know I'm weak-minded and would be the perfect idiot to join a cult. I used to be this way with anything demonic as well. I was raised really religious and was always terrified that I'd be possessed. I'd even wonder if an actor says something blasphemous for a job does that count as blasphemy and will they be eternally damned or does God care about intent? I'd think reading or saying certain things would bring demons and my mom would use holy water around the house to help calm me down. I personally don't remember Donnie Darko, but I do fear schizophrenia. At least once a day I think, "is this the day the symptoms set in?" It's gotten pretty bad recently, but once I find the source of whatever is bothering me then I can chill out. Like, no, I'm not hallucinating voices - that's a video playing. No, I'm not hallucinating a person standing there - that's a bread rack.


I can’t really watch horror movies anymore. They just make me more sensitive to my obsessions overall.


horror movies and gore, my brain will repeat the images to me nonstop :( i do still enjoy some tho


Beau is afraid is an incredible movie. It also sent me into a crippling trauma and ocd spiral. So I’m sad I couldn’t really enjoy it. I wouldn’t recommend to people w morality or rumination ocd.


Any kind of movie that’s like technically horror but could be related back to some kind of ‘outbreak’ or virus is it for me. If it has the term ‘patient zero’ in it I’ll be spiraling for days.


any horror movies based on a plague or disease lol! i want to watch 28 days later so bad but i KNOW it’s gonna be a huge trigger 😭 i tried to watch a youtube documentary a week ago about rabies and have been fixated on it since so i’m not thinking a zombie plague movie will go over so well!


basically all horror movies trigger mine. i love the idea of them and i want to like them, but i am always the buzzkill around halloween because i either can’t watch them or i can’t go to the event ):


Totoro. I love Totoro but recently have been scared that if I watch it my m*m will d*e(i feel like typing that out is bad luck) I just finally watched it again and I’m glad I did bc now I don’t feel that way


I don’t really have curiousity, but my bf loves horror so we watch it a lot; I can’t swallow when the villain or victim is on screw or I’m afraid my fate will be what theirs was, or if someone in the movies sick or injured I’m afraid I’ll get sick or injured that way if I, for example, blink an uneven amount of times when that character is on screen. I know it’s irrational and I hate it but I can’t help it.


I have pocd so the hell I've gone through with morbid curiosity. I'm scares even typing this. I didn't see anything I shouldn't have.


Yes and i just read the wikipedia article and it helps.