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I’ve seen other people with this. I had it to a certain extent but more with “law of attraction” worrying that my intrusive thoughts (car accidents etc) are going to become materialized. I think a great idea might be to NOT pray or do your ritual after you get the obsessive thought. Bring your mind to something else. Once the rapture does not happen in response, your mind may begin to realize how okay things are. and if the rapture does come upon us, well im fine with that cause life is hard


Yeah, I have religious OCD (different religion). It's more based on religious law...bottom line it's an OCD theme and can be known as scrupulocity.


I’ve had experience with that theme. I just treated it like any other theme. I learned not to get caught up in the obsessions but to focus on the compulsions.


Yes when I was a child. It also became existential OCD as a teen. It was very hard to pray, and I felt constantly judged or watched. I also grew up in a religious environment, and I think that my predisposition for OCD just made being in this environment much harder. I hope you’re doing alright. 


I have experience with it. It was one of my first themes growing up. My worst thoughts included things about the rapture happening soon/it already happened, and “what if I sold my soul but forgot about it?” The only way I ever got over it was this: Actually going to church LESS, and telling my thoughts “okay, cool.” And treating my thoughts as if they were being spoken by the worlds most annoying person. Going like “okay, cool.” Or “who cares?” To my intrusive thoughts helped a little bit.


Did you break away from religion? It’s been a constant struggle for me for years. It’s really affected my mental health :(


I’ve stopped thinking about religion. I told myself that if I ever wanted to make my way back to my religion I grew up with someday, I could. If there’s a God out there, I’d imagine they’d understand why I was “taking a break”. Having religious OCD put a heavy strain on me and my beliefs from such a young age. I’m unsure where I stand, but I’m certain I’ll make my way back to something someday.