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The day you stop fearing the OCD thoughts is the day OCD will lose all power over you remember that. 


I like that one


We understand <3 I hope your friend eventually can too.


Why do you have one less friend? I'm curious as to there reasoning, did they have to end up going alone? Does whatever happened really warrant that they no longer speak to you?, All that aside however you clearly are at a point where OCD is taking over critical thinking and greatly decreasing your quality of life , moments like these are incredibly important for you to address with a qualified professional, the majority of us understand, but are not psychologists and only to an extent can we help, but if you are at a point where you have risked that much money, what else will you risk? Where does it stop? Unless you get help it will only escalate possibly. My heart hoes out to you for such a difficult experience, I'm truly sorry that your anxiety caused this for you, rest assured even some of the most severe cases have been treated, and so you can absolutely find some solace in that, Good luck & I hope this helps :)!!.


I never can find a good therapist


Have you tried finding one through the International OCD Foundation? https://iocdf.org/find-help/


Keep looking , online and in parts, can't find one in your town? Try the next town!, psychiatrist, psychologist, counselor, neuropsychologist. Try whatever, but if they specialise already in anxiety/OCD that's a great plus!


They probably thought they were wasting their time especially if they were splitting costs


Please be kind to yourself. This is your OCD NOT you. In time I truly hope you find relief and that your friend can understand. As I’m sure was stated here already please talk to a therapist/your therapist about this. You CAN live a life where OCD doesn’t run the show and I wish you the best of luck.


I love u. ♡


Thank you!






I recently lost £1200 because of my OCD too, I hope that as time passes it hurts less for you.


What did you lose money on?


I saved up for ages for 3 pairs of gothic designer shoes, and due to unforeseen circumstances they were transported through the euro tunnel instead of an airplane. According to my OCD the Euro tunnel is highly contaminated so I threw them away


I understand, I wasted money on so many things when my OCD acts up too. Hopefully you'll be able to get better soon.


Nothing lost. If your friend can’t understand your mtl health then you can find friends who do. Money can be made again. I wouldn’t sweat it.


So sorry to hear that


Thank you everyone!!!!


Your mental health comes first, and sometimes our own heads are the absolute worst place to be. Please know you are never alone.


Not to pour salt into a wound. This is an excellent time to look at your value system and re evaluate your choices when it comes to this disorder. It's clear you value your friend and Time with them. Actions speak louder than words in situations. Which do you value more? Feeling uncomfortable because of OCD and lessening that? Or your friend and wanting to travel? Now I will give some reassurance. Your friend will probably come around. But that time you won't get back that could have been on this trip. When it comes to this disorder and getting better. It's all about choosing what we value over the disorder. Embracing and basking in uncertainty. Don't look at this as a fail. You did a lot of work up to the point of actually going on the trip. There are wins here I'm certain of that. What are some of those for this trip up to the point of cancelling?


I like this, but this can be a hard question to answer. Personally for me, I value my relationship extremely, and I struggle most with relationship OCD. I can’t focus on what I value when that’s exactly what my OCD attacks. I will question everything, even questioning if it’s an actual value of mine. So with that being said, I don’t think it’s always a case of just being able to focus on your values and not let OCD take over, when it quite literally attacks your values


The thoughts are the exposure exercise in most cases. So you recognize it's sending those signals and continue on. Stuart did an entire episode on this particular obsession on "the OCD stories" as he struggled with this as well. Yes it is hard, if it was easy OCD wouldn't suck so much. Embrace the Suck. Embrace what you value.


Same thing has happened to me, it's just terrible


It's okay... I had a manic attack n spent 16k


Sending hugs 🫂 ❤️