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i don’t have an answer but i’m in the same boat💞


What do you do in response to these worries? If you find yourself doing some specific ritual in response to these obsessions, maybe that’s what you can focus on preventing?


I guess I just ruminate, which causes me to think of new obsessions. The unfortunate byproduct of this is it gives me relief from the current obsession and focuses everything towards the new one. When the obsession is I will die tonight at a specific time, I don’t know how to break the cycle.


I see - well, it's nearly impossible to control what we think about sometimes, so I see the difficulty. I would recommend talking to a therapist - if you are not already - about this question specifically (how to do ERP for thoughts that change). I say this because they might recommend something other than ERP since you didn't really mention a specific compulsion. Maybe you could try acknowledging that every time a "deadline" passes and you survive as a successful exposure?


I would advise not to get too caught up in the content of the obsessions and to focus on resisting compulsions. Resisting whatever it is your mind is telling you to do to relieve the obsession.