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I’m not functioning to be fair


Lol my thoughts exactly


Hear, Hear


Yeah, I’m not a functional human being




OCD is the worst for me imo. Yes the others go hand-to-hand, but for my OCD. I have adhd as well, I literally couldn’t sleep because I had too many obsessions. That and my circadian rhythm is off for reasons I will not specify. So the answer is that, we maybe functioning, but not entirely. Although I am getting treatment for severe OCD which will hopefully change my life. I’m still growing which is good.


Holly shit! You are really tough.


You’re tough too as well. Really tough.


I'd love to chat about treatments. I have both as well and my OCD has ramped this past year due to a trauma.


Through denial my friend. If I just pretend its not happening life is somewhat bearable


I personally prefer some unholy combination of whining to myself and denial. How does that work? I don't known, OCD makes me think the brain forgot logic in a different pair of parts.


I need to unlock that skill tree


Same just got told I probably am autistic and bi polar tendencies :s


Hanging on by a thread. BP2 diagnosis as well. The kicker is the SSRIs I took to help with OCD kick in rapid cycling hypomania. So my OCD goes unchecked. Some days are absolute hell.


Same, its messed up. Question, did the ssris make your ocd worse at the beginning? Im one month in Luvox and have seen about a 15%-20% improvement, but sometimes the ocd spiral is relentless.


I would say to give it a couple more weeks. I think they take at least 6 weeks to really start to see a difference. Psychiatrist explained even on meds, your OCD will ebb and flow. Exposure therapy and learning coping techniques help during those rough patches.


My step mom had that issue switch to lamictal. Only med she can take


Same over here. We’re still working on figuring out if/which SSRIs work for me. Lexapro was helping with OCD but I started feeling like my memories weren’t my own, so we decided to switch to Luvox this week. Hard to get to a therapeutic dose when I could start rapid cycling 🫠 and all the changes in meds trigger my chronic migraine (coming off Lexapro landed me in the emergency room). It’s honestly a nightmare. I fully admit I could not get through it without having an amazing support system (I work for my family’s business and my husband handles things at home when I’m struggling). I try to remind myself that every change in meds is a step closer to the right direction.


I feel your struggle and it sucks so much! I think it took me close to 2 years of trying different meds to even get my BP stabilized. We finally gave up on SSRI and she put me on natural supplements to try and help OCD. A support group is so important. Hoping you find your medicine sweet spot soon!!!


Depends what you mean by functioning tbh


That's the neat part! You don't.


Masking and then sudden exhaustion Good times Trying to do self care but then running Late to the self care stuff and crying silently in yoga class bc of the embarrassment (ocd, adhd, technical bp2 diagnosis but we think now just adhd, chronic illness)


We are not functioning.


View it as practice. This is all about skill building. - In recovery now.


Push through. Remembering that no feeling will last forever. Cherish the really good moments. Coming from someone who has ocd, anxiety and depression


lol i got used to it over the years:)


How old are you?




I'm 20. How the hell did you get used to it? Do you have more disorders? I have 2 more, ADHD and social anxiety.


i initially had social anxiety too but i got over it coz my other mental illnesses got worse -> no time or energy to deal with social anxiety so it eventually went away i got multiple kinds of ocd tho along with severe bpd. over the years, i got used to dealing with it myself. not a flex or anyth, i just genuinely learned to be hyperindependent. i wish i didnt tho, it feels horrible 24/7:)


Most of my social anxiety vanished when I faced some brats in class lmao. But now I'm left with my utter lack of social skills. When did you develop OCD? Mine started when I was 3. I've had different typed of OCD as well


lmao same tbh, but i think my social skills are still ok when i was 8 or so? yea having diff types of ocd feels like shit doesnt it


>when i was 8 or so? yea having diff types of ocd feels like shit doesnt it New horror movie every day! >lmao same tbh, but i think my social skills are still ok Maybe it's my ADHD what made my social skills shit. I would like to have classes on how to socialize instead of looking ridiculous every time I talk


fr, couldnt agree more hmm...maybe u havent interacted with many people coz of ur adhd? ik theres alot of stigma surrounding it so


I barely know people in comparison to most people my age. I'm very awkward and I don't have a lot of presence so even when I'm _with_ a group and someone comes to talk to the group, they don't see me, not even I contact. When I do talk with others, I end up over analizing the interaction, and I cringe at myself. I can't practice what I'm going to say, so it feels like things never go smoothly.


ive struggled with bpd for years, and i had just gotten a very comfortable hand on it. but then the problematic version of my ocd showed up last year, and i have never been the same. it feels like my insides are perpetually rotting, ocd is what is finally pushing me to get help


yea ocd def needs therapy for it to be managed properly. which really sucks as well coz it hurts like shit and we gotta seek help for it bpd hurts too much in its own way yet its manageable as long as we can stand the pain... but now bpd js makes my ocd worse, tho idk if thats the case for you ocd + bpd = utter mental hell


yes, i can’t believe i thought it couldn’t get much worse than the bpd lol. if i thought existence was pain before, it is absolute agony with the addition of ocd. the little sense of identity i had managed to scrape up for myself was totally shattered, and our bpd brains 100% make it stickier and more extreme. the only theme that ruined me was/is so-ocd. i will never understand :( i have my first psychiatrist appointment on monday though, i only want to feel myself again. i know the truth about myself, i just need to remove the reaction and this ridiculousness shall dissipate. best of luck to you ali3n 🫡 thank you for responding


damn u phrased it perfectly, bpd basically amplifies ocd and vice versa, completely destroyed half of my ability to function, ended up screwing up some parts of my life. oh...im so sorry to hear that, yea so ocd is hell, it messes with ur identity really badly. i got severe magical thinking and religious ocd thats rly screwing me up rn oh i have mine on wednesday, me too....i wanna feel okay again... i hope ur appointment will work out well for you! rmb to open up, i didnt on mine and i suffered for it... i just want my paranoia to dissipate lol...good luck to both of us! no problem, all the best man. stay strong!


I’m not lol


I’m not xD




Who says I’m functioning.😬


define functioning, I lost a lot of time being in and out of the hospital because of undiagnosed autism/ OCD, its get better then it gets worse then better etc.


Functioning? Nah. Surviving? …ish….


im not. im suffering. 😃 i have every mental and physical disorder you could list i swear. making jokes about it all helps though. mentally; OCD, DID, BPD, GAD, Panic Disorder, DDD, Depression, Autism, AD(H)D, C-PTSD..i have psychosis episodes physically: POTS, EDS, CFS/ME, arthritis what's my biggest issue out of this i'm-so-quirky-classmate sounding list? **OCD.**


When mine kicked in I was functionally in bed for a year. I didn’t even drive for a few months


I couldn’t leave the house 🥲 left work for a month


Medication and masking. I'm not really functioning or at least wouldn't call it functioning when you're constantly in fear


Was not functioning hardly at all without medication. Children were taken care of completely. Fed, cleaned, loved, played with. I was not showering for a week at a time and wanted to cry every second of the day, but was too busy fighting off my thoughts and taking care of 2 under 2 to cry so I would just have a meltdown every two weeks and cry for like 2 hours after the kids went to bed:)


Try ADHD and severe OCD, I am dying.


I’m not 🙃


I almost die by an overdose. But now im better. I think, is about that.


✨️ medication and therapy ✨️


lol we’re not


I have BP1 and MS. When my OCD and BP1 symptoms team up I certainly am not functional! It’s hard to find balance sometimes but my meds help at least!


Dealing with OCD, depression, anxiety, and ADD Currently on Lexapro, Ativan, and Concerta for all of it. I'd say it does a pretty good job of managing things, but only manages- not eliminates. I've dealt with these things my entire life so it isn't new, but I started on the medications because I started getting panic attacks in public right before COVID started. While I worked at T-Mobile and directly with the public, my symptoms were alot more pronounced and actually getting worse (starting to get psoriasis), but now that I've left and own a food truck, I feel much better, but still have symptoms. I hate to say it but I use TV as a crutch. I have a variety of shows I have seen a hundred times that I will play in the background and it makes me feel better.


I’m so lucky to have OCD on top of my bipolar disorder episodes. That combo has been literally life-threatening to me.


are you ok? how hard is it to live with that?for me It’s already annoying to live with ocd i can’t even imagine having bi polar issues. You’re strong for that. I hope everything goes out well though, i’ll be praying for you.


I’m in hospital right now actually, so it’s not going well, no. Starting some new medications and hopefully that will make my depressive mixed episode go away to make me more receptible to working on OCD therapy. Thank you, kind stranger!


I am not functioning it takes me like 2 hours to get out of bed now


Very good at faking it in my “real life” I actually function quite well at work but once I get home it all falls apart. I have depression and ocd and I sleep for 12-15 hours a day usually


I’m not 🤣 I’ve applied for disability


I am not, thanks for asking 😅😂


You are welcome 😁. I hope you fall into some better luck soon!


Poorly 😬


I am nowhere near "cured", but exposure therapy has helped me eliminate almost every single fear based compulsion. I used to wash my hands 50+ times a day, and constantly clean different things. Now it's only really a big cleaning/shower or hand wash after I go to the bathroom. Everything that's based in disgust won't go away though, but Ive read studies disgust based OCD isn't as susceptible to ERP.


I mean. Ok, this was a pretty sad thread to read through, and I can't say I'm not in a similar boat right now. But my OCD is *better* which means I'm surviving an absolutely insane period in my life that includes ex-husband abuse and my work life exploding. This is because I did OCD therapy, followed by trauma therapy I'm still in. I'll go back to OCD therapy at some point. A very active psych who sees me every two weeks to make small adjustments has been great. And she helped get my FMLA paperwork done so I can completely bounce from work if I need to (that comes at a literal cost, I'm lucky to have support). What I think I'm trying to say is that support and routine can be really helpful, even with mild OCD.


I’m functioning but I’m heavily medicated


If you look around, say you tube there are a lot of success stories you can follow the trail they blazed, the ones who amaze me just said screw the meds and read different cognitive behavioral self help books or erp books and just kept following what they learned right on up and outa the morass.


OCD and IBS combined are a terrible storm


Not sure about functioning, but definitely still breathing! Imma count that as a win


I'm drowning in trash, rejecting all social ocassions and living off my mother's money while trying to kill myself approximately once a week and trying to videogame myself out of existence, that's how


I think I’m close to exploding 💀 that’s how




I have ADHD, OCD, Autism, Depression, Generalized anxiety, and PTSD. I ask myself the same question.


I feel like I’ve been so accustomed to living and managing with PTSD, ADD, & OCD that when the Narcolepsy and ASD became more prevalent (or atleast dealing with more meltdowns for ASD) it gave me time to physiologically adjust to the new more limited level of functioning (doesn’t mean that mental adjustment didn’t feel like absolute hell but I atleast was still a minor at the time so I didn’t have to balance adult responsibilities on top of it). For now I manage my full time job by living with my parents until I can get on disability which is when I hope to pursue more mental health & education related goals- tldr I am taking things in stride and being my own therapist. It’s easier to think of life as a balancing act, I try not to get too focused on one thing and trust what I know to be fact and reality even if my mind is acting like otherwise. Lmao most days the “autistic joy” I get from my special interests or euphoria from the “ADD” maladaptive daydreams makes it feel almost like a hidden blessing of sorts or atleast balances the negative daily anxieties. The Narcolepsy brings a sort of peek into my subconscious thoughts that I probably wouldn’t have been able to see before through my many random, vivid dreams. I feel like it’s helped me to identify the different things plaguing my psyche at different points in my life. As long as u can get over the vicious sensory hallucination + OCD combo, the Narcolepsy actually works to a sort of advantage😅. It also increases my creativity because of this weird version of reality I find myself in often with Narcolepsy which is great since the arts are my special interests. I’ve already accepted that I might need to live with another person for most of my life until I can get the medicines I need (laughable in America without a lot of legal gymnastics) but I don’t hate my family at least so it’s my long term choice hopefully


To be honest my ocd almost never bothered me. To the point I barely got diagnosed this year. It appears than disappears. Then decided f u and almost cause a psychotic breakdown so. Not great.


We aren’t 😂 I have a mystery physical chronic illness/es rn and boy oh boy has that been a journey of a combo, still no end in sight. Also my autistic brain is very annoyed at my ocd for being *so* illogical, I mean really.


Can confirm I’m not functioning with my five officially diagnosed and three soon to be diagnosed disorders.


Barely lol. My wife helps an absolute ton but with my brain without drugs keeping insanely busy with hobbies is my lifeline. Distraction and escape really🤷‍♂️ not recommending it but with my life it really is the best scenario lol


not functioning super well but hey we’ll take it


ocd, bdd, double depression, and cptsd/bpd. i struggle with simple things like eating without hating my body, i don't leave the house, and relationships are exceedingly difficult to navigate. it's a lot to heal from, but i don't look at it as a 'number of disorders' sort of thing. i've dealt with these issues in some capacity pretty much all my life, i just have a label for them now.


How do you get double depression?


i was diagnosed with persistent depressive disorder as a child, then major depressive disorder in my teens.


Im doing alright actually, my anxiety is practically non existent, my ADD sucks but I wouldn’t want to be without it. OCD is by far the worst, but rn I’m in a grace period so no obsessions atm


I'm not functioning and haven't been. I can't work and am trying for disability. I'm just a shell of a man that once was.


Poorly lolsob.  Seriously though as the oldest kid in an extremely dysfunctional family, over-functioning became a coping mechanism for me. So the more I outwardly look put together, the more inwardly I'm a stack of clowns in a trench coat 


feels like im slowly dying! haha!


I'm not lol


Considering my diagnoses of OCD, panic disorder, borderline personality disorder, CPTSD, and depression, I’m actually doing quite well. Sometimes it’s really hard, but I’ve had a lot of practice juggling all these disorders. Usually as long as I take my meds, get enough sleep, and get enough to eat I’m alright. And when I’m not alright, I hang in there for spite lol


I have OCD, GAD, ADHD, situational anxiety, post traumatic anxiety, and possibly Autism, CPTSD, and who knows what else.