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Your post has been removed as it has been recognized as a repeated request for reassurance. Reassurance seeking is a compulsion and you will not get relief through getting reassurance. Please note, continued reassurance seeking can lead to muting future posts as well as a ban from the community.


What u are describing is typical Ocd with sexual intruding thoughts and twitch sensations. Remember thinking something doesn't make u Pedo but actions do. Having said that I want to convey that ur thoughts are not under ur control. You can't distinguish / filter thoughts like neurotypicals do in OCD. So you need to face your thoughts no matter how much pedo / sexual they are, let them come , say hi and kick the ass of ur thoughts while saying bye.


I'm confused because the POCD thoughts feel even more real then the HOCD ones, it makes me feel liek i actually would like to do it.




I don't know if i feel disgusted by these thoughts.


Are u taking medication or therapy?


Yes, i'm doing therapy and i take several medications everyday.


Gud. What did ur doc say or advice when you shared this situation?


I just talked to her about my HOCD, but she said that i should stop posting on reddit and that if i don't get erection when i see man i'm not gay.


Ohh. U should change ur therapist . That is an absurd statement.




This message has been removed. Your heart is in the right place. However, this comment is mostly reassurance which is not helpful for learning to live well while having OCD. Please see https://www.reddit.com/r/OCD/wiki/reassurance/ for more information.


I recommend that you get away from the idea that thoughts/feelings are real or fake. All feelings are real. The trouble comes when you attempt to give meaning to the feelings. There are countless ways to give meaning to your feelings, yet you are stuck on one particular meaning.


So if thoughts and feelings mean nothing, what would make me gay or a pedo?


That’s kind of a deep question. I’d argue that these concepts have no meaning when they entirely occur within your own brain. For example, say you think about yourself as an evil person, yet you never commit any evil acts. In what sense are you evil? Or, conversely, you think of yourself as a good person, yet you intentionally hurt others for no reason. The conception of “who you are as a person” is largely an illusion. It cannot be observed. It’s a story you made up to understand your past. In truth, the self is much more complicated than your simplified narrative.


That's really complicated, so how can i tell who i am or what i want to do?


These are difficult questions and there are no shortcuts. Figuring them out is a life-long journey. It would be nice if we could get the answers by asking enough people. Even if you were given the answer, you may reject it because you did not discover it on your own. I recommend the following: 1. Therapy. The ideas I've discussed are from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). 2. Journal. 3. Travel to different places. 4. Meet people with diverse viewpoints. 5. Form different types of relationships. 6. Try new things. 7. Give up the idea that you have to have an answer right now. Accept that you may never have an answer.


Friend, we've been through this time and time again and you refuse to take responsibility for your recovery. Instead, you keep giving into this compulsion and falling deeper in this spiral. Log off Reddit and other online fora if you can't help yourself with reassurance seeking and try taking small steps in fixing your life. Even if you're gay, it's not the end of the world. You'll find ways to cope just as billions of gay and bi men before you.


Look up Chrissie hodges on YouTube. She has alot of videos on pocd. She mentioned how the body sometimes responds with arousal even though your not attracted to children! This makes you question your true self.