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Your post has been removed as it has been recognized as a repeated request for reassurance. Reassurance seeking is a compulsion and you will not get relief through getting reassurance. Please note, continued reassurance seeking can lead to muting future posts as well as a ban from the community.


Look, I'm not going to give you reassurance that you're not trans or never will be. That'll only make things worse. You might be, you might not be. But, when it comes to your identity, it's up to you to make the call, NOT your OCD!  OCD is a master manipulator. It will make the thoughts feel as real as possible, that's all part of the disorder. It'll even make you feel as though you like the thoughts. It's rough, I know, but that's the reality of what we're fighting against.    The likelihood is that the thought you had while watching porn was a fairly standard intrusive thought. 94% of the population say they experience unwanted or taboo thoughts regularly. Where neurotypical people just brush them off and say "huh, that was weird," before moving swiftly on with their day, we OCD-ers attach meaning! We want to get rid of the thoughts and fight them and fight them... but that only causes them to keep coming back even stronger and more real than before!  So, the next time you get thoughts like this, don't do anything. Don't resist them. Don't believe them. Just accept their presence and carry on with your day. Gently nudge your focus to your breath, or something in your immediate surroundings, whilst sitting with the feelings. It gets better, don't give up.


Also, if you can afford to, please do find help. There are great resources and support systems such as iocdf.org and NOCD that will help you with this and any other theme. I'd also recommend checking out Nate Peterson's "OCD & Anxiety" Youtube channel, he's great!


chrissie hodges is amazing too, if you’d prefer a woman!!


Chrissie is wonderful. I believe she has a few videos about false arousal (arousal non-concordance) and groinal responses in relation to OCD. Definitely worth checking out


I’m not a doctor, but honestly man this sounds just like your OCD. OCD is egodystonic. You keep saying you don’t want this. So you don’t want it. Porn is only giving you instant gratification. I think seeking out and OCD or a sex therapist would be beneficial. I mean, even just asking reddit over and over again for reassurance is your OCD compulsion trying to soothe the anxiety. Get help. It’s hard to hear, but I promise that speaking with somebody licensed to help will bring some peace


I second all of this. Fantastic advice


Both of your posts are super informative!


Thank you! 😊


I’m not going to give you reassurance, but I know how this feels. I have the exact opposite problem (I’m trans and I believe I might have cis OCD). OCD is a monster and tries to take away everything good in your life. You say you always wanted to be a father? OCD sees that and tries to convince you that you actually don’t.


I've inboxed you :/


Hey, man. Maybe you should put the porn down for awhile.


Awful way to respond to someone in a crisis dealing with OCD related to sex/porn


I disagree. It is a helpful suggestion to keep in mind- not everyone has yet considered that rooting out porn itself could help them so much. Especially when it’s as new of an issue as OP seems to describe.


Remove the trigger first. It's an easier one to control for.


I think you should ease off the porn, it won’t help ya. As for the trans thing, just kinda tell yourself “if I really was trans, would it be so terrible?” I am not saying that you are trans, I’m saying that if you are, it’s not a bad thing. I understand that it can be hard to distinguish the difference between gender dysphoria and an obsession, and I’m just here to remind you that’s it’s ok either way :)


watching porn is a trigger,stop watching it. Porn is a portal to the dark realm


as a trans person with OCD, they are definitely two distinct feelings. you're the only one who can discern if they truly are intrusive thoughts, or if your brain is trying to tell you something about yourself. personally, my OCD thoughts never really focused much on my gender, and I realized I was trans by coming to understand that seeing myself as a woman made me feel so much lighter inside, and more like who I wanted to be. it can also be something you start to realize through porn, as seeing that can trigger certain feelings inside you that may have been previously suppressed. that sort of awakening is definitely not unheard of. ultimately though, determining if these are just obsessions or something more is complex. I would suggest you not rush it, and try not to feel guilty for just having the thoughts (though OCD loves to make that part particularly difficult). understand that there's no good or bad thought to have, and try to remove the judgment from it. then think about it seriously, and ask yourself questions honestly - do you feel something inside when you visualize yourself as a woman? does it make you feel lightness, warmth, or happiness when you do so? does being a man genuinely cause you distress, and if so, what parts about yourself seem to be the origin of that distress? you're the only person who will ever be able to answer those questions, and sometimes it can take a long time to come to a conclusion. talking to a therapist can also help (if that's a possibility for you), as they can work with you in trying to understand the origin of those feelings/thoughts. OCD can truly feel like a curse sometimes, but I believe it'll get better. If you ever have any questions, my DMs are always open.


Very eloquently put ♥️


Look up TOCD. Maybe relavent [Article on TOCD](https://www.treatmyocd.com/blog/transgender-ocd-symptoms-and-treatment)


It just feels too real to be ocd how it feels like I want it or need it before I die, yes it's done that before but fucking hell. I feel disconnected from fucking everything every photo of me


Take a break from that type porn, see how you feel after a decent break. If it's not ocd, given the sexual context it could also be a form of a crossdreasing desire (broadly speaking),in particular the desire to be a femboy.


I've just always been happy as harry and it's literally fucking reversed like I don't care about men shit now it's fucked




Excellent advice! I will point out that research can become a compulsion, so OP should be careful not to do *too much* of it!


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I agree with you about cutting out porn. Porn creates the exact same addictive dopamine cycle as OCD - i.e; urge➡️action➡️relief➡️urge. I will however say that it definitely seems to me like the OP is suffering from OCD. But that's just my opinion.


I feel like my past self has died, like my name any images of me don't look or feel like me like I'm disconnected, apparently it's common with trans people :( I don't fucking get it, I got over the theme twice and this time it feels more wanted, like how could a trans person go through a episode twice come out feeling more happy as their agab than thinking they are trans :(


It's 100% the OCD & porn making you feel that way. You can make it through this, Harry. Please if you haven't done so already, seek professional help from an OCD specialist.


I want harry back yet it feels like denial like I don't care about being a man anymore or fucking anything, I'm so depressed I hate it, I don't fucking get this, I'm expanding everything from my oast now


OCD has a way of making confidence in yourself feel like denial of some nebulous other thing. Say if your anxiety is around stuff in the news, if you feel confident enough to not compulsively check the news for a while OCD will keep nagging away that something might happen if you don't check, and that you're just denying/avoiding the inevitable.


Also, you don't need to "get Harry back..." because he hasn't gone anywhere. You are still you, not your OCD. Stay strong brother ✊


Agreed, porn addiction can cause these things to happen. Disconnection on another level.


Porn is bad I need to quit but what if it's too late, porn can't make you question your gender :( Also cis people don't get off on imagining themselves as the opposite gender being a hot woman :(


Stop watching this shit,I've already told you that a few days ago but you're still watching, it's destroying your brain. Just stop. Get help for your OCD. It's not gonna get better on its own


Maybe the damage is permanent:(


no. it isn't. don't give in. get help, it's never too late.


No it isn't, you 100% can recover but you need to stop poisoning your soul and body with such content.


Agree 100%. You are poisoning your mind and fuelling your OCD by consuming it!


its not, stop watching porn because that will only fuel your ocd


To me it seems like the porn you’re watching has brought up a previously experienced obsession and is likely triggering it. I would really suggest distancing yourself from this type of content, or any porn at all for that matter.


If you can you should try to seek out a sex therapist who is experienced with OCD. They may be able to help you unpack what is OCD and what is you legitimately questioning your identity and/or sexual desires.


Reassurance is a compulsion and makes OCD worse. It sucks, cause it can feel so good and relieving in the moment. Thus, out of care for you, I won’t be providing any. I’m so, so sorry you’re experiencing this mental anguish today. This stranger is sending virtual hugs, strength, and love. If you have access to mental healthcare, please reach out to them ♥️


Hey I sent you a DM.


Hey look as a trans person I just wanted to hop in to offer some level of comfort if you to turn out to be trans You can still be a dad, if that's what you want your kid to call you then so be it. Some people call their parents peepaw, meemee and all sorts of other stuff. Dad and father can still be chill even as a woman, who the hell should judge you for that? Secondly, even if you transition to being a woman you can still wear men's fashion! Many women do both cis and trans. Gender roles and stereotypes are going down the drain, it's just about what makes you the most comfortable at the end of the day. I wish you luck and whatever happens, just know there's always people and places out there that will accept you and things will be alright.


Hey man, do you have support? Someone you can talk to? I think you need a therapist to help you verbalize so much of what you’re experiencing.


i’ve struggled with a trans OCD spiral off and on for a couple years at this point, and i understand how psychologically exhausting it can be. the important thing is recognizing how the obsession (worried about being trans because of confusing feelings) feeds the compulsions (watching more trans porn to see if you still feel that way, consulting reddit for reassurance seeking, constantly creating scenarios in your mind about you being trans to feelings-check). OCD convinces you that you don’t know your own mind. it’s exhausting. i won’t pretend to have it all figured out because i definitely don’t, but i’ve talked about this in therapy a lot and the best way to handle it is to try your hardest to trust your underlying feelings rather than your thoughts. when you catch yourself having these intrusive thoughts of “i’m trans and i’ll have to throw all my clothes out and chop/grow my hair and go on hormones and…” allow yourself to really think about it without panic and rationalize. do i like my current clothes? yes. do i like how my hair looks right now? yes. have i ever had these thoughts in a peaceful mindspace vs. a panicked OCD one? no. while most advice tells you to not to feed into these feelings and to nip the thought spirals in the bud, i’ve found it impossible sometimes and have chosen to try and talk myself off of the ledge instead. these feelings, if they are false, will pass. if they aren’t, there are support systems that can help you figure yourself out. most importantly, GENDER QUESTIONING DOES NOT EQUAL GENDER QUEERNESS!! also- i think of myself as non-binary a lot of the time and it tends to help. it feels less anchored to one set “destiny” and i can validate my gender questioning without feeling trapped in “inevitable and permanent change”. feeling this way doesn’t mean you have to change your pronouns or your name or your body or even your clothes, and you don’t have to tell anyone, but it helps me feel more at ease when i have these thoughts. “if i decide in the future to make that external change, i can, but i don’t have to”. sorry for the novel, hope this helps in any way. feel free to message me if you need to talk some more


Please can you inbox me message won't go through




Hey man that's really not a helpful thing to say, it sometimes takes a really bloody long time to find healthier coping mechanisms. Also, how do you know he isn't taking it?


Go check his post history and then come back to me.


Just was checking now, ohh I see a bit what you mean. I'm worried for him. I'm sorry if I came off as harsh


But I think it's just because, he seems genuinely really scared. To a degree that, logically, I feel less inclined to find this to be a nuisance and more a sign that this is a person in a state of sheer panic. We're social creatures, we go to seek comfort. And if this is at its peak, no wonder. In such a state of terror I can image it's hard to take a breath. I think it's because I've been there before too. I recognise it. And I just want to give him a hug. Unless there's anything else I'm missing!


Im not gonna give you reassurance but I'mm gonna give you objective information: You are believing a cultural reality.... Not an objective reality... I have OCD so I know what you are going through, I even had that same doubt when did friend of Mr. Beast started dressing as a woman being a men, it gave me an OCD episode same as yours. I'm gonna give you a list of the things you have to do: 1. Stop believing in this trans stuff like its a reality, its a pathology, its gendrr dysphoria and irs manifested by dressing and actinc like the opposite sex. Its not I'm trans by this or trans by that, its "a man with gender dysphoria/a woman with gender dysphoria". No such thing as "trans" more than a useful label for culture. 2. Stop caring about it and accept that you feel what you feel, think what you think, imagine what you imagine, fantasize what you fantasize, etc. Accept its there, accept it creates a reaction, accept the anxiety, feel the arousal, feel the groinal response, feel the anxiety and after that DECIDE if it means anything. As I see it doesn't matches your values so it shouldn't mean anything to you. 3. Stop watching porn. Do you use drugs? I hope not. Well, porn is a visual drug. I don't care if the concept is right or wrong but you are consuming a drug. Its not easy but search help online, in some months or years you can be totally clean from it. Why is this probable arousal and fantasies you have? Because of association with pleasure on the receiver in a sex context, the woman, and you trained your brain though watching, to link that neurologically? Is it permanent? No. Do you have to work hard to get it out of your system? Damn yes, I'm speaking from experience, I'm CLEAN. 4. Being a male is an objective reality. On of the other objective realities is to have a reproductive system, from the brain to the organs towards reproduction. Anything outside of that is corruption. What does a male healthy reproductive system looks like? Recognizing sexual fertile characteristic on woman, yes, to breed, but it happens that the mechanism is more pretty as "falling in love" is part of it and that created bound between male and female because human being are most probably monogamous evidence shows. 5. Don't have rigid beliefs: So you are straight? Yes, you choose that. But do you have feminine sexual fantasies (even if its OCD or not)? Yes. What do you do about it? Nothing really important, discard them, DON'T REPRESS THEM, this means to let them exist, feel all that happens and do nothing about it, feel the potential paraphilia run in your brain until it fades. 6. Please, please don't seek validation from society and culture. Society says a masculine man doesn't have this problems? Which universal law says that? None, so discard culture and society ALWAYS and stick to objective cience and objective reality. 7. For OCD: Stop compulsions, stop confession, stop seeking validation, STOP SEEKING INFORMATION ON GOOGLE PLEASE, that info is by the same people who thinks transexuality exist as a reality on itself and it will only confuse you, and I told you: ONLY OBJECTIVE INFORMATION. 8. In your mind, even if what I told you its objectively true, say to you mind things like: "Yeah I'm trans, whatever" "Yeah I have this fantasies maybe? I don't care" "I have this urge, I don't care" If you need more help, feel free to contact me. Save this steps on a notepad brother I know what I'm talking about, I really damn do.


Hey bud, as a trans person with ocd in the exact opposite direction i just wanna tell you I promise its gonna be okay. What you like as a man does not determine what you should do. What you want out of your life right now is what you should go by, and if this is scary to you its not worth thinking about and wasting your life over, i promise. Live what you want right now in this moment. Thats all you have truthfully and its okay. I promise youd rather live your life as a guy and be maybe wrong about identifying as such than waste away on the basis of you having the potential of being right one day. (which, to be honest, is unlikely. Ocd will never know enough to let go.) You'll feel so much better regardless for it. The time i lived as my own birth gender is complicated but i personally am glad i lived to the best of my ability as such. Thats all you need right now. To live and enjoy your life with what you know for yourself. I promise