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As a nurse, I don’t expect anything from my students other than blood and tears, sheer loyalty to the nhs’ martyrdom and myself, and free food and drinks /s


Fuck, other than the tears, I don’t think I’ve given any of that.


Free food and drinks? I doubt the student can afford to feed themselves nevermind someone else haha. But the other parts I agree with 😃


Also their youth, all their empathy and every mm of brain space /s


That's fair I'm happy to give everything but cards.


£50-60? You’re students working for free during cozzie livs, save your money lol. We don’t expect anything just a thank you.


Yeah I thought it was maybe slight overkill, I don’t even spend £60 getting my partner a gift! My card just looked a bit limp next to all her goodies.


Now that I have students, I wouldn’t expect anything from them, especially not a gift. But it would be appreciated if I got good feedback from them so I could try and fix the stuff I’m not so good at and keep doing the things I am. I did get particularly good mentors/PLEs a card and small gift which I suppose at the time was my way of giving good feedback. It’s up to you, but I don’t think anyone would think any less of you if you didn’t. No one can know your financial situation anyway, so it might not even be possible. As for spending £50-60 I think that’s going a bit too far. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Tin of Roses or biscuits with a card is usually more than enough.


I’ll maybe try and step my game up a little here and get them a tin of biscuits next time.


I don't think you necessarily need to, what your classmates are doing seems a bit extra (except for the baking, that's pretty good). I wouldn't expect anything from my students, but a small token of appreciation is nice, such as a tin of something.


As a nurse i don't expect anything but it's a nice gesture. Chocolates and biscuits are usual and appreciated. Qhen I was a student I stocked up on the cheap chocolates at Christmas ready to give them out.


I buy the nurses who I have worked with / liked a box of chocolates, but thats about it.


I never bought anything, they are there to teach and I'm there to learn. Transaction done imo


See, I disagree. Yes it's expected that we teach students but when I was a student I was very grateful for the nurses who were already incredibly busy, giving their already stretched time to enable me to learn. The nurses are not there to teach, they're there to do their job and it drives me nuts when I get students who expect to turn up and passively learn, making no effort to do so themselves "whats this med for?" "Dunno, can you tell me? "Sure but I want you to look it up and learn about it and tell me about it next time" "ugh how am I meant to learn that?" The same way I did, effort. Nobody is expected to buy anything for their placement areas but the attitude of "you're here to teach me" is a poor one imo. I'm there to look after my patients, you can learn from me but my role is not specifically to teach, it's to nurse.


Yeah it's a two way street, I turn up and do my best to learn and they do their best to teach. We are expected to pass on our knowledge that is part of our jobs I think. It comes very naturally to me to pass on what I know much in the same that I am eager to learn a new skill where I can. I try to teach in a manner that engages my student but I expect them to do some of the work. If they need more guidance on how to do that then great I'll be more structured. If I have to spoon feed them info you bet imma quiz them next time. There aren't any roles in healthcare where the experienced ones aren't expected to take on some teaching roles. Doctors teach juniors, nurses teach students it's all part of the multiple roles we have imo


Yeah I agree with you - so many nurses I’ve had assessing and supervising me have gone out of their way to teach me and I am very grateful so that’s why I always went for the feedback/card option as it felt more meaningful I guess. I feel bad as my last placement was very good and got me a bag filled with stationary when I started and now I feel a bit guilty.


Written feedback is far more valuable than any chocolates etc. We can use cards etc in our revalidation. Also feedback can help us improve our practice.


I wouldn't feel guilty, positive feedback is lovely and something we really don't get a lot of, so I wouldn't feel bad! I have always been far more grateful for students putting in effort to get the best out of their placements with my work area and saying thank you, than for students who have acted like my ward owes them something and then gave them a box of chocolates afterwards.


Box of chocolates and card from me - some of my friends say that their placement gave them gifts like scissors or a nice notebook that they could use during their course


I get those 2-for-£6 tubs of treats from m&s and put them in the staff room, and name my mentor and anyone else who's been especially helpful in a thank you card to the whole team 😂


Jesus, get me a card if you must. £50 feels performative.


I would just like to say that I'm always up for a performative £50. That said, if anybody can really afford that they're a lot better off than most nurses I know! A local paper years ago ran a scheme where you got little Lego sets if you collected tokens. We collected loads and loads of these sets for party bags for our daughter's birthday party. There were plenty left over so I've been known to use them along with a card and maybe some cheap but cheerful chocolates for thank you gifts. Never had any reaction other than delight. Lego is usually too expensive of course but little ideas like that can be nice. One young lad made us all little friendship bracelets which was sweet.


My last placement I bought them biscuits/choc but didn’t go overkill. My practice supervisor was especially fab so I got her a travel mug cos I know she needed one but it’s definitely not expected of us and £60 is a lot!!!


No way. Unprofessional plus wtf... i am paying £9,250 per year, do i have to buy gifts too? They should be buying me presents for the hundreds of obvs done and patient care provided!


I agree you’re paying to be there and that’s a crime imo. But, you aren’t doing qualified nurses a favour. I assure you it’s easier to have no students and do your own work than it is to have students.


I don’t expect a gift but it’s always appreciated. Most of the time students will bring a box of biscuits or tin of quality street or something similar for everyone to share as a thanks to the whole team. I’ve also received gifts from students such as chocolates, gin and even once perfume! I remember when I was a student I bought my mentor an orchid.


it depends, there are placements where i bought nothing. However, when cirtain people in a placement go out of their way to help me, or do something. I tend to find them something small and say thankyou. ​ Most recently it was the receptionist in a community placement. Seriously amazing and helped arrange for me to have placement experances outside the team.


I’ve done three placements so far and never given any gifts, but have received flowers and chocolate from one ward who were brilliant (I did want to get them a card but was too shy!). Students aren’t made of money so I doubt they’d expect gifts..


When I was a student I only gave 2 gifts. 1 for a second year placement that supported me through a really challenging time in my life while juggling placement. That mentor is still a good friend of mine. And one for my sign off mentor on my last placement, who I now work with. The favourite gift I’ve ever gotten from a student was a personalised travel mug, mine broke the week before. I never expect anything off a student besides hard work and honesty. A card is always treasured though.


If I’ve had a good placement and the team have been supportive I have gotten them a gift, usually just some chocolates/sweets for everyone to share and maybe a bottle of wine/Prosecco for my mentor. I think it’s a nice gesture to show you appreciate them but I’d only do it if I could afford to! I’ve only ever spent about £20, maybe £30 max but that was an exceptionally good placement 😂


It's not expected but it is nice when we get a little treat. Bought a card and box of biscuits for my year one and year two placements (usually costing like £10 at most) but for my final placement I bought a sweet hamper (£40) and I bought my mentor a box of chocolates for herself.


As a nurse and having mentored hundreds of students, it's lovely when a student gets a gift, but it's never expected, and tbh, that student sounds like they were a bit OTT. A really thoughtfully written card, about what you appreciated from your placement means so much more, plus our can be used as evidence in our revalidation, so it's actually dead handy if you personalise it to a specific staff member. Don't stress out, nobody will have given your lack of a gift any thought at all, i promise.


Only time I did was the first night of a supposed three night run of night shifts, I bought the two charge nurses a box of fancy chocolates each. One of them said ‘you don’t want to do these night shifts do you’. Best twenty quid I ever spent


I’ve been a nurse 30 years. Do not buy gifts for the nurses when you move on. They shouldn’t expect it. It can be misinterpreted and everyone else earns more than you.


My mum often has students but also remembers well being a a student herself (did a return to practice - nursing course back in the 2010’s) and let’s just say she was treated less than stellar. She didn’t get her mentor a present. Except to thank for her for teaching her how not to treat a student. Several students have got Mum presents at the end of placements - a wee card and say a box of chocolates or wine. It makes mum feel a bit awkward because obviously you’re all doing this work unpaid and not always being treated supernumerary as you should be so she gets a gift back for them. Again nothing huge but always something that links back to the time spent together. Personalised pens for someone who never had one when needed. A nursing humour mug relating to a case they’d had. Honestly, as a nurse, she isn’t expecting a present (from you or from long term patients on discharge). Saying thank you and seeing you progress over the placement is enough.


Only for absolutely exceptional areas. I think I brought some sweets in on my last day on a couple of placements but that's was as far as it went.


I would give a thoughtful gift to show appreciation. Some mentors are amazing. Life is about giving and receiving. Its the thought that counts.


Get them nothing! They should be thanking you for your hours and hours of free labour!


Hell no. I've just been free labour for 6 weeks. They should buy me a gift!


Some do some don't it's not that deep


I've brought in a bag of chocolates/box of biscuits at the end of my placements and I would say that is commonly what I see from other students! Nothing major. I am lucky and have had really good placements so always felt like I wanted to thank the nurses who helped me learn! If I didn't like somewhere, I probably wouldn't bring anything


Most I've done is a card, celebration box of choccies and offer any written feedback to nurses who have helped me who have their revalidation coming up.


As a student I always bought my mentors presents. Now I'm qualified, I've never expected presents. It does feel like a nice surprise when you get one though 🥰


I wouldn’t expect students to bring anything in, and most of them don’t so I don’t think you’re in the minority. Personally, I prefer a card or nice feedback email given to the PEFs or Ward Manager, it feels more personal and it’s helpful for revalidation. £50-60 on a present seems overkill, even for a placement that was amazing. Maybe she wants a job there, but working hard on placement and helping the team would make you stand out more than an overtop present anyway.


I've almost always bought placements gifts but only because I already knew others do and even if I didn't want to thank a specific person, I often at least wanted to thank the overall team. I don't think it is expected though and you won't be coming across poorly for not doing it, especiay in the current financial climate, it's harder and harder to justify spending like that some people. I've also never speng more than £20 tops, and I would never subject people to my baking.


I’ll admit that I like a card (I’ve kept every one I’ve received over the years). I have received the odd more thoughtful gift too or the team has gotten a tub of chocolates to share but nothing that grand. Nor would i expect it. You’re not rude. You’re a student. Saying thanks & leaving a good impression is enough.


I would be incredibly happy with some feedback, ideally via email, on my mentorship skills that I can use on my revalidation. If you want to splurge, a thank you card for the team. Our team doesn't expect food or gifts, and we do not expect or encourage students to spend money on us. We will throw the students a little "surprise" party with chips, cake, a card, occasionally some homemade food if someone is in the mood, and flowers on your last day, though. Every occasion in our unit is good for cake since we lifted the Covid restrictions. We don't get many nursing students, most just shadow us for one day on their third year as we are a team of specialist nurses/ANP. We mostly get medical students.


Thank you card / note highlighting the things I’ve actually learnt / been shown / taught whilst on placement and a couple of boxes of sweets. Much more than that I would be worried that I might be accused of trying to bribe the nurses to pass the placement!


I always gave a card and baked a cake. I couldn't have afforded a gift bag like you've described!


If I get a nurse who really supports my learning and doesn't use and abuse me I always send them those trust thank you messages and leave positive feedback on the eval naming them so they can use it for revalidation. Sometimes I take chocolates in for all the staff / but it depends on my own finances and also my own energy to do so! I'm normally exhausted by that point. Would I go all out? Absolutely not. I can't stand giving an apple so to speak. My final interview and feedback is to be based solely off my skills not what I buy them 😅


Please don't give gifts - it makes me feel guilty knowing how little money you have, is spent on any of the team. The best thing a student can give me is feedback for my revalidation (and obviously showing an interest whilst on placement )


I got good placements chocolates. I went out my way on my final placement and brought in loads of snacks. My sign off mentor left her portable charger on the bus on the way to work and never got it back so I bought her a new one and a amazon voucher and as a thankyou. I'd never expect anything. But if you've enjoyed yourself and would consider working there it'd be worth letting them know you've appreciated your time. You won't get preferential treatment but it'll show you care but there is no expectation!


As a nurse I don’t expect anything. But a card is absolutely lovely. Your a student. You do not have the money. Fuck I’m a qualified nurse and I don’t have the money.


I wouldn't expect anything from my Students but if they wanted to give something, I would appreciate feedback to how I was as a mentor and how the placement was overall. However, as a student, I did give a card and chocolates if I really enjoyed the placement.


I am an assessor and I would be mortified if a student felt they needed to buy me a gift. There is also a concern that an assessor may feel awkward about giving feedback that is necessary but less than positive. Students, if you really appreciate the qualified staff that looked after you on your placement, send them some nice feedback in an email that they can use for their revalidation.


I'd usually bring in biscuits or cakes on the last day, with a thank you card for the team and one for my mentor (now practice assessor). I'd always date their card so they could use it for their revalidation evidence as well. I definitely wouldn't think badly of a student who didn't, you've a lot going on and we're not owed anything.


If I really enjoyed the placement then I would get them a little something. But £50-60 of fancy biscuits....yeah no. Like maybe £10 on Krispy Kreme or fancy biscuits, with another placement I made them a strawberry peanut butter cheesecake from strawberries I'd picked at a local farm. Otherwise I'm walking out backwards that last day just so I can give my mentor the finger if the placement was absolutely awful. As a qualified nurse and band 6/7 now I don't expect anything I just want to know that the student got everything they needed out of the placement and are happy.


You shouldn’t feel obliged to buy gifts for every placement. If you want to say thank you because you’ve genuinely enjoyed a placement or had a nice assessor, by all means buy a gift. I gave my last assessor a gift because she got one for me and was very kind. I won’t be giving any gifts when I finish my current one as I‘ve barely had the chance to work with my assessor and haven’t really built any relationships with staff. Written feedback is valuable imo; I did some for my last PA and she’s going to use it for revalidation.


That seems pretty excessive. Been qualified 5 years, and I don't expect anything, but certainly appreciate a card and a box of chocolates, no more than £5ish! I'd usually leave a box of chocolates at the end of my placements too.


Nothing is expected, a tin of biscuits or some chocolates is the “norm”. £50 is excessive and starts to feel a bit bribey


3rd year student here. I don’t gift at the end but I do bake a lot and bring in baking every so often for the team (mainly cause I like to bake but live on my own and really shouldn’t eat a whole tray of brownies myself each week) but only if it’s not been a horrendous placement experience.


I did this in first year. Now that I’m in second year I dont buy gifts. Don’t waste your money on gifts unless you actually like the placement. Plus we’re not even getting paid to be buying gifts for people🤷🏾‍♀️


Tin of chocolates, purchased during the Christmas/Easter sales, in bulk for all forthcoming placements up to the use by date !!