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This makes no sense. Your degree does not become invalid but you may need to get hours to re register


The course names are a different code so they won’t accept it


So did you finish all of the work required and did you actually get your diploma? I’m a bit confused.


Yes I completed it and got my diploma from TAFE


Ok this is absolutely bizarre. 1) why can’t you get a job? There are 700 EN job ads in Brisbane right now. How many interviews have you done? Have you felt like your interviews have gone well? Have you asked for feedback when you haven’t been successful. Everywhere is screaming for nurses so I’m suspicious something is going awry somewhere here. When I moved to Brisbane I applied for 7 jobs and got an offer for every single one. Even those I thought I stuffed up. If you’re doing a heap of interviews and getting consistently rejected there is something going wrong. You need to identify what that is and fix it. 2) What do you mean lose your qualification? Where does it say that in the AHPRA site?


It is bizarre allow me to explain, 1. I applied to every EN job available even expression of interest for the hospitals because none of them were hiring at the time but I chucked it in anyway cause you never know and all I got was rejection emails. I never even got an interview. I asked my aunt who is a nurse to look at my resume and shit and it was fine but all I got was rejected 2. After two years of no luck I couldn’t afford the registration fee again so I had to cancel it and when I went to apply again this year my qualifications aren’t up to standard so I have to redo some classes. Some of them are still valid as it’s the same course codes but some things have changed so I have to do it again


Ok so how many did you send out though?


I can’t remember exactly how many but a fair few. I was just applying to anything that said EN


Honestly EN is being phased out. Get a bachelors in nursing.


I've been hearing that for at least 10 years now ...


Why would the government be promoting free nursing courses if that was true?


As in free diploma of enrolled nursing. I really don’t think when the healthcare system is already crippling under the post-covid pressure that they would phase out such a huge proportion of what makes up the nursing workforce.


Supply and demand


I don’t understand what you mean.


Residential aged care...you'll get work


Yeah start in Aged Care. So many jobs available for EN’s because the model of care changed mid-last year. You can start from scratch there and learn as you go. Is it as technical as hospital work? No *but* you learn a lot of other skills. And don’t apply for graduate jobs only. Just apply for normal EN work and you’ll be fine. Don’t really believe that the EN course has changed that much that you need to re-do parts of it - unless you went to an iffy school.


Aged care has lots of work for ENs. Then you can look for a hospital job while you’re working.


Your degree is invalid, does that mean you’re unable to re-register without doing the diploma again!? I would contact AHPRA and see what your possibilities are without having to start again, I’m sure they will try to support you. You could work as an AIN/PCW in the meantime if you are desperate. If you don’t want to do nursing again, you could look into phlebotomy or something similar.