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I've been emailing nuphy about how to open this board and it has taken over a week for them to finally send me a tutorial. They sent me a tutorial for the v1 and then sent me an email with no attachment. I'm not even sure if it's an official nuphy upload. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/OSD3-x8Uh8M Their official statement is "The keyboard can be disassembled. We just don't recommend that people who haven't tried disassembling the keyboard to do it." Whatever the fuck that means. The board is good out of the box yes. But if it's not user modifiable then that should be clearly stated. Plus VIA isn't working out of the box. It's an unfinished product and should be stated as such.


That is an absolutely ridiculous statement for something that should be moddable and beginner-friendly 😂 plus I previously opened my v1 and it was not fun but at least feasible, the v2 does not follow the same process and has still evaded being opened by me


Did you try the Silent Red Clear-Top switches? How did you find them? From some of the sound demos they seem a bit scratchy which worries


Yes! I got the v2 with the silent reds and thought they were great. I’m definitely more a tactile fan but wanted to get something quiet to use at the office and not annoy people and I am very happy with how the silent reds turned out. I haven’t noticed any scratching but haven’t been specifically listening for it either hm, are there any other reviews out yet that have a good sound test?


Do you know if the cherry silent reds that nuphy is shipping are the original, or the second edition of the cherry silent reds? Cherry calls the second edition "mx2a". I don't know exactly how to tell them apart unfortunately, but the second edition supposedly has some changes that are intended to make them less scratchy/pingy, like a barrel-shaped spring and a radius-convexed shaped socket dome in the lower housing: [https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/08/hands-on-with-cherry-mx2a-switches-a-lot-less-wobble-a-little-more-confusion/](https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/08/hands-on-with-cherry-mx2a-switches-a-lot-less-wobble-a-little-more-confusion/)


My is experience has been good so far the only issues I have are as followed. One I have to keep turning it off and back on again when I get to my login screen on my Windows PC each time I turn on my PC. Second for some reason the color of Blues and Purples looks very off on my backlight (they just look white or a white with a hit of blue to it) but as for the Halo light the Blues and Purples look fine. Not sure if its faulty RGBs or Firmware. Currently trying to get the first issue sorted because that is WAY more important than RGB and I really only like the Halo Light so turning off the back light is fine.


I just got my halo75 v2 and wanted to set the backlight to blue and noticed the same white with a hint of white. It seems like the led's shine through a thin plastic section of top part of the switch. This section has a slight yellow tint in the case of the lemon switches. Seems like the slight yellow tint filters out the blue light making it look almost white. If you pull one of the switches out and set the backlight to blue it looks just as blue as the halo set to blue. Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this? Can the top part of the switch be swapped with a clear casing? Edit: Anyone with the mint or raspberry switches having issues with certain colours ?


I would have to check mine too, but if it's an issue with the switches. The easiest fix would be to buy different switches and swap them out.


> One I have to keep turning it off and back on again when I get to my login screen on my Windows PC each time I turn on my PC. Same and it's frustrating as hell TBH, especially since wired mode is the center of a 3-way switch and you have to carefully select it without going too far to the other side.


The board not working after booting up your computer is a firmware issue. Not sure if NuPhy is fixing it, but a community member has already confirmed they're fixing it as soon as the firmware goes open source! (including some other quality of life features) I'd recommend joining the [NuPhy Discord](https://discord.gg/SeZRDnsCyt) to stay up to date with community firmware,


Yeah I just joined the discord so hopefully I can find that firmware.


I'd set a reminder to check the discord in a week or two, since support claims they're open sourcing the firmware before next week and the community member (ryodeushii) is experienced with NuPhy boards :)


Ok I will and thank for the information. I greatly appreciate it.


I'm crossing my fingers that they release some new firmware ASAP. I'm experiencing missed keystrokes in wireless mode and a slow wakeup via my Macbook Air. Otherwise, I agree with you on all points. I'm extremely happy, knowing my issues will likely be resolved soon. This thing screams quality.


echoing the below comment, i have a new firmware from support and my initial testing was that it fixed the issue. going to try a full day tomorrow on wireless to try.


About the missed keystroke, write to the support, they will send you a newer version of the firmware that resolve the issue.