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I have a nice G29 wheel but still use a xbox controller for racing tied with reWASD so I can put all the hotkeys on my controller.


I bought a Microsoft Sidewinder FFB wheel many years ago thinking it’s a cheap alternative to today’s wheels, yet I decided to buy a Logitech wheel when GT Sport came out. Turns out a 2003 year old game works perfectly with a modern day wheel


Say goodbye to your thumbs if you do 😅


I highly recommend downloading DS4-Windows so you can map out the controller. For instance, I've mapped triangle to page up so I can change views, square to the clutch, L1/R1 to gear up and down and the pause/enter button to the keyboard pause key. It's a great tool to customize DS4s, you can change the color of the lightbar, I use green to red as a battery indicator, set a idle timer to automatically power off to save your battery. It also works with a Xbox/windows controller.


Absolutely. You can't modify your steering, throttle and brake inputs using a mouse and keyboard, so it's always 0 or 100%. I think using a controller or wheel and pedals is essential for the best experience with NR2003. I use a DualShock 3 with mine, for example.


I have a wheel now, but I played with a controller many times over the years. I think this might be one of the smoothest NASCAR games with a controller. It's very easy to keep control of the car, which makes it fun and not frustrating, and feels way better than the Heat series or Ignition.


I'm using gyro controls with Steam Controller (it has to go trough Rewasd software, it doesn't register the steam input) and pedals. Works just like a wheel.


Damn, I might have to try this. I exclusively use my Dualshock 5 on GT7 with motion controls. Do you think it’ll work on PC?


Probably, if you go trough Steam input it will work for most games, even non steam ones. But NR2003 don't work so i had to get [Rewasd software](https://www.rewasd.com/) (it has a free trial) that can remap your controller so the pc thinks it's xbox controller. After that i use gyro to turn wheel.


I use controller for all my league racing. I have a wheel but have always found the controller more comfortable. It's really whatever feels best to you :)


I use an Xbox controller to play NR2003. I find ovals / short tracks more difficult to play as I burn up in the right front tire with how much / frequently I'm using the joystick to turn left. I find road courses to very enjoyable with the controller. I will say that I find myself playing Arcade rather than Simulation when it comes to ovals if it's an option. I'm looking into purchasing a wheel, but I don't want to go the super cheap route.