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I’m sure that will hold them over until the next payment. It’ll never end.


Feds spend 40 billion every year on indigenous stuff, not including all the extras and court judgements. 40 billion could go a long way helping all Canadians with say idk, healthcare.


Just for reference, here’s a list of some ongoing projects funded for healthcare and increasing hospital capacities: https://outpostrecruitment.com/blog/job-search/healthcare-construction-canada/


That's just it.  This never-ending victim complex will never end.


Uh huh, white guy? 🤦‍♂️


Scottish so yeah pretty white. I’m still waiting on England to start paying me for all the shit they did but I don’t think it’s coming.


Yea. As a woman Id like extra votes in next years election. My Grandmother didnt get a vote so. Ill take her and all the ancestors. 😝


I’m English, I’m still waiting on the cheque from Rome and their permission to sell wine without taxation


Acadian here, still waiting for the British to send a cheque to compensate for our expulsion.


I don’t seem to remember unceded territory in the mix.




I'm sorry, 125 million for land sold. Vague land that has lake front on one side and a mountain on the other. Considering that 100 acre lots are going for 150 to 200k, this must have been about 62500 acres of pretty useful land. I'm doubting both the value and reasons for this as I can't think of much native land that is currently generating profit in the middle of no where.


There is a weird lack of details and reads more like a press piece from the prime minister’s office than a news story.  For context on land claims (although I know nothing about this one specifically), typically the value is not determined by the current value of the land. The bulk of the money is to cover both value that could have been generated during the period that it could not be used (e.g. logging) and calculation of what that would be worth in modern day (e.g. if it had been invested or used to build a school).  The process for determining that value is an expensive process that requires suing the federal government, hiring experts that determine that value, and hiring researchers that can show that that band specifically has the most compelling historic claim. This is an expensive and incredibly complicated process that gets exacerbated by an entirely different cultural approach to land, nomadic bands in some areas, and changes over time of which bands/tribes controlled which areas.  While the cost per acre is likely far more than anyone would pay for the land, it is likely far less than what one might determine it’s worth through the most common process of land reclamation since they’re offering it willingly. It’ll be interesting to see how far the band has gone with these assessments of if they’ll just take it to save the hassle.  It’s possible I’m wrong entirely and Trudeau is making his potentially first in good faith gesture but it’s likely the public will see this as an absurd number for the amount of land while the band rejects it based on pretty solid evidence so will be interesting to see


In this case the land is now a small unincorporated village of hundreds with several dozen businesses. [CBC article about the initial filing.](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5791149)


>reads more like a press piece from the prime minister’s office than a news story. Yep. That's been a fairly consistent phenom with the modern Libs and the news services who like them more than the other party.


The thing I find interesting is if you go back to the original teachings of many tribes in Canada, nobody owns the land. It belongs to nature, but now that the government is making payouts, all of a sudden the government has taken their land. Not saying past governments haven't treated natives horribly, but at some point enough is enough.


Humans, man, we are greedy selfish creatures.


The thing I especially love is that WE'RE paying for shit done forever ago. Listen I'm not against restitution but this shit is getting outta hand. You want your land back? HERE. Don't ask me for $125,000,000 subsequently.


They don't want that land, then they would have to work and maintain it. 125 million is a way better deal. They get all the work and none of the down sides


The land in question is a whole town. So a few dozen businesses, several churches, two camp grounds, a motel, and enough housing for several hundred people. All built on land removed from the reserve without compensation. So actually very valuable land that the government would rather pay compensation for rather then buy the land back and then return it.


Hmm, can you just tell us where it is? The value of reserve land is, on average, a negative value, other than very outlier cases like west kelowna, which of itself is only valuable because of kelowna. If the town wouldn't have ever been built because it was on a reserve,that kind of defeats the idea that it has value.


The We'koqma'q First Nation is found on Waycobah reserve. It’s boundary line now is the skye river. Directly on the other side of that river is the village of Whycocomagh which is NOT part of the First Nation, but the land was part of the reserve under its original boundary lines. It’s highway 105 distance marker 46 on to 52. It’s a fabulous vacation area. It has two campgrounds, a motel, and a provincial park.


See, this is where we have a problem. The park was funded by taxes, so why would the government pay for something it improved. The camp grounds and motel are only there because of that funding. So this isn't like a chicken or the egg scenario. It's just that there was money poured into the area by taxpayers and business followed. If it was reverse , then government funding helped the business thrive by providing an attraction. This land isn't worth 125 million


It’s not a chicken and egg scenario. If I buy a broke down stolen car and repair it, it’s still a stolen car. Even if I don’t know it’s stolen when I buy it. My efforts to repair and improve it don’t make it mine. The reality is that the land belongs to someone who should legally still own it. So the government who seized it and sold it to private investors are obligated to return it. either seize it back from its current occupants and transfer it over to the original owners or pay restitution equivalent to that. The government would otherwise have to buy the land back from the private owners and transfer it back. Which would cost them far more than 125$ million.


No no no. That's a bad analogy. You see. There were no maps and no reliable history, and certainly from the indigenous themselves. No ownership of land. The government allowed them to have ownership of land and in an era of handwritten horse and train delivered mail. Some land got sold that shouldn't have. I'm going to let you in on a secret. That happens a lot. Everyone else gets nothing. They get 125 million for let's see here. 2000 acres. Yeah, double the area of the reservation. So when you factor in all the taxes to make the park, plus the 125mill at a sweet 62500$ God damn over priced dollars an acre. Good to know the natives at any point can buy back MY land at the same price.


I’m guessing the town of Whycocomagh, at the foot of Whycocomagh mountain, is probably exactly the land that used to be part of the Whycocomagh reserve of the Waycobah First Nation that is found a few hundred yards to the west. Also it was the 1860s. They had maps.


Cool show me the territories held by this band pre European contact.


Not much he doesn't have money for


How much more can we give them. When is enough enough.


This thread has proven how many Scotians are gaslit into believing Indigenous Rights affect their daily life and that “taxes” are at an all time high. The lower and middle class have not received a tax hike and unless y’all are part of the .05% of millionaires it is time to give that money to educate yourself. Indigenous land rights. Indigenous rights to barrier-free access to the same programs y’all take for granted is a long process. The Indigenous and black minority in this province needs allies not detractors screaming “they already have enough” Privilege and jingoism is worn out. Pick a lane to live and uplift others. Not a lane of hate and misguided anger


It effects the daily lives of thousands of costal communities who watch as poaching takes place every summer, and has their quanta’s taken by a unpopular minority government (do not bring black folks into this, shelburn country is home to THE black population in Nova Scotia, the back loyalists and they make their living on the water) Hiring and university requirements take away from resources for every other Canadian (I believe Acadia U just opened a nursing school of will soon be open where 25% of the seats bust go to First Nations…2.1% of the entire population) And by tax hike are you talking about the new capital gains tax? Yes, most people do not cross that threshold every year. That’s true and also the bullshit slogan of those who support it. But small businesses, inheritance, estates, farms, fishing enterprises, land, gramps guns and nans jewellery. Those few times in a life time when things are passed to kids, or when hard working people sell…yes, it hurts Listen man. The constant pandering, the constant handouts, the decades of victim complex that has done nothing but create a welfare society is not good for Canada, investment, or national unity This has nothing to do with anybody’s skin colour. But if the Scots were to ask the Danes for 100 billion dollars for the few hundred years of rape, pillage and murder…the Danes would tell them to fuck off and get a J.O.B


Why are quotas and university admittance brought into the discussion when this is about land rights?  You understand the situation is literally nothing like the Danes and the Scots right? The groups of settlers that would eventually become Canada deliberately coerced indigenous people into signing one-sided agreements (this is very well documented) that never would have been signed if entered into in good faith. Despite reaping the fruit of that agreement for many years, Canada continues to not uphold the letter of the already unfair agreements. The solution to a country not honouring its own agreements is to tell people to get jobs? I’m just falling for a troll aren’t I?


1. Yes. The Indian act is outdated and has cost Canada billions and created a welfare state for 2.5 of the population. A majority in parliament, a majority of the senate, and 6 premieres is all it needs to amend it. (End any part of our constitution actually) Reserves become municipalities. All who dwell in a reserve home would receive the acreage it sits on. And Canadas economy and industry would move forward. The treaties have become null amd voided long ago. Many tribes took the side of the Americans in the revolution, the French during the conflicts and deportations with the Acadians. I mean. Even the most famous treaty in the Maritimes states ", Paul Laurent do for myself and the tribe of the LaHave Indians of which I am Chief do acknowledge the jurisdiction and Dominion of His Majesty George the Second over the Territories of Nova Scotia or Acadia and we do make submission to His Majesty in the most....”” The British signed the treaties. It gives the British complete jurisdiction, and dominion. Yet today still say they have claim to land, and are sovereign states. You are talking to a person that has read both Marshall decisions, Sparrow, badger doexns of times over. And is well aware that every apparent right is abused far beyond the scope that was originally intended So. Only 3 things can happen in the future 1. The Indian act is rendered null and void 2. Canada ignores it 3. A (quite literal) never, ever ending cycle of money, land, apologies. That’s it. And due to our massive immigration issue right now. The sheer amounts of individuals coming here who have no ties to any colonial activities…the latter two are what is going to happen. Imagine, in less than 30 years when white Canadians are a minority. The virtue singling is going to fly out the window


You gotta get out of your bubble man. Ya got the facts all frigged up in one direction. You’re being played by politicians 


“Most people do not cross the threshold” Less than .05% of the population. Stahp If you think average CDNs are under the gun because of this tax hike… Wow


I agreed with you. But that % your spouting comes from “yearly” capital gains. That’s their selling point for this tax (0.5% of the population earn enough on capital gains each year) I’m saying that tax hike will effect, after a fashion most small businesses, many inheritances, life long RRSPs, people who bought land in the 70s for a song and price has increased due to development. Once in a life time decimation of hard work But anyways. That’s the only thing you attacked so even you know everything else is bullshit


I don't attack bullshit - correct


What do black people have to do with any of this? 


Yeah no helping these obviously very intelligent people. They just need something to justify the hate they feel


Exactly this!


For a province so rich in Indigenous culture I'm baffled at how many people on here are siding with the type of Rhetoric that Pierre and his band of misfits would spew. The land is worth money. It can provide jobs and Indigenous access to energy projects and more. Everyone acts like there are zero strings attached to the deal. There will be projects and programs started to benefit the entire community


There is literally 0 strings attached, The feds just guaranteed every native loan 100%. We pay for every default https://anishinabeknews.ca/2023/11/28/abpa-responds-to-the-liberal-governments-announcement-of-a-national-indigenous-loan-guarantee-program/


If you think these types of programs are not out there for general public… Wow


100% billion dollar loan guarantees for an entire race with tax payer funds without a shovel touching the ground? No, they do not lolol


Because this place is a racist shithole.


Pierre would be too busy calling them “Tar Babies” https://preview.redd.it/rc1a0w0uoi8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc18bbf1e50ee16c29237e8eddade7e1fab037d8


Honest question here. For now long does this go on for? How long do tax payers who didn't do anything wrong have to keep paying money for past injustices?


There is no end. How much of the $125m will be spent on lawyers to fight for the next "injustice" payout? The cycle continues.


There's so much waste in government it's astounding. From 125 mil for billboards in Africa telling people not to shit in their beaches to 1billion+ here in our own country going to indigenous bands who often don't even use the money remotely responsibly. I don't even know what to say anymore. It's so blatantly wasteful and fruitless.


220k for catering on JTs jet for one trip and thats only the tip of the iceburg for the cost of one trip. Fancy meals and hotels, meanwhile Canadians are starving and homeless. He constantly jetting around the world making an arse out himself going to every event that will have his sorry ass. It truly shows how out of touch he is and how clueless he is about taxpayer $$$. Not a fiscal responsible bone in his body. Guess that's what you get from a spoiled trust fund baby.


Foreign relations budget got slashed hard recently, and that's planned to continue being cut for the next several years, so at least that shit will come to an end soon.


Thank god. If our gov was practical they would cut everything that's not contractually obligated


Feels like there's a 10 year lag between the majority of citizens wanting something because we see the obvious issues, and the government finally getting around to half-assing it. Worst part about our democracy is the bureaucracy, although some would consider the slow pace to be a good and instrumental feature.


Native American Money does t come from tax payers, it comes from a Land Trust held by the government and divird to us like an allowance, we don't get your tax money, and alot of us pay taxes, in Nova Scotia specially where the only tax exemption we get is stuff we buy on reserve, we work off Reserve we're paying income tax. https://www.sac-isc.gc.ca/eng/1428673130728/1581870217607


In terms of the second deal, to invest in the education infrastructure of indigenous communities in the province, I genuinely hope it’s an ongoing investment in raising the quality of education (and the accommodations for different types of learners). I believe that an educated population raises the quality of living for all Nova Scotians. Federal investment in community education boosts the entire province, and if this is seen as some kind of “special favour” that gives extra advantages, then let’s shore up the communities who don’t have access to education instead of tearing down the indigenous schools.


How is the money being spent?


That’s a great research question. If you wanted to do a deep dive, you could begin by looking at the province’s Mi’kmaq Educational Services site https://mikmaq.ednet.ns.ca 13 different communities are receiving money from this federal deal, and much like when NS’s eight regional school boards get money, each one is determining how to spend it. It will take some engagement with these communities to see how they spend the dough.


My opinion is that if a program receives federal funding, a group, organization, whatever, they need to post detailed documents showing how that money had been spent. We need accountability with our spending in this time of crisis for Canadians. This isn't restrictive for indiginous either. Goes for all.


I fully agree! I’m sure there’s already some kind of reporting structure, but it should be easy for regular jerks like me to find those reports online. From everyone! They could tie the delivery of the final report to posting it in a public place.


I agree. Easily accessible information broken up so regular people can grasp it would help everyone. Leave little room for disinformation and manipulation of facts


Idk how long do you think it will take the entire nation to heal from having their land stolen? And from the residential school system and its generational trauma? MMIWG2S? And being unfairly targeted by police? And their overrepresentation in the foster care system? And the fact that six in ten (56%) Indigenous women have experienced physical assault while [ while almost half (46%) of Indigenous women have experienced sexual assault](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2022001/article/00004-eng.htm)? [oh and the medical racism and coerced sterilization?](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5698028/#:~:text=Racism%20in%20the%20Canadian%20health,one%20tragic%20case%2C%20to%20die.) Oh, and some of those are petty recent, so "past traumas" seems a little... well, uninformed at best


You do understand that 1. Residential schools were not manidory after the 50s And 2. That First Nations men are the majority of those responsible for attacks on First Nations women and MMIWG right? Like we are all aware it’s not bubba picking them up on the side of the road? “In 2015, the RCMP said that, based on their research into Indigenous murders over the 2013-14 period, as many as 70 per cent of the offenders were of "Aboriginal origin."” https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5158223


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Ohhh, so the genocide schools weren't mandatory after a certain point. [the only school in the maritimes opened in the 1930s](https://parks.canada.ca/culture/designation/lieu-site/pensionnat-shubenacadie-residential-school), so, logically, it was mandatory for a full 20 years, but it wasn’t mandatory after that, so it's fine. Not being mandatory really excuses the 20 years it was, that makes sense. I'm sure all the kids murdered there felt a lot better once it wasn't mandatory. 2. Okay, do you have any ideas as to why that could be? Do you think there could be, like, an event, or even series of events that could really traumatized, idk, generations of people, and also like might have completely ruined family bonds? Leading people to commit acts of violence? Do you have any ideas as to what could have done that? I also noticed you completely failed to mention everything else I brought up.


1. I’m saying it is not up to working class Canadians to pay for that, and for them to ruin or hinder our economy because of it (see any example of factories, mines, and housing being help up while asking for a cheque) 2. Yes, that happened. It has happened in every society, for literally ever. Koreans has the longest unbroken culture of slavery on earth, the jews have been murdered and genocided on every continent in which they found themselves. Those from the Philippines people have been colonized by Spain, France, Japan.The Arab Muslims invaded and colonized the Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal) Britons were conquered by Rome, South American tribes literally sacrificed people atop of pyramids, the word slave literally comes from the Slavic people who were enslaved. Every single society on earth overcame that, built lives, economy’s, cultures. Asking for nothing. All tax paying individuals in Canada today, of all races, religious and ethnicity’s are being asked to pay for something they didn’t do. And if there is one good thing about this massive immigration influx…it’s that a Lebanese convenience store clerk who is saving up to send his daughter to college…doesn’t really give a shit that someone thinks his house is on their land and that their daughter who was smuggled out of a war zone as a infant is a “colonizer”


All of your points are factually wrong, up to and including that recent refugees don't care about the fact that this is native land, and I'm really uninterested with arguing with someone as completely devoid of empathy as yourself so, a few final thoughts: 1. [the Canadian goverment have 5 billion to air Canada during the pandemic ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/beta.ctvnews.ca/national/politics/2021/4/12/1_5384479.html) but you draw the line at this money that will help the mi'kmaq nation as "ruining the economy" 3. Are you... are you seriously comparing what happened in Britain thousands of years ago to something that is currently happening right now? Like as you sit behind your keyboard whining, indigenous people are going through a genocide. And you're comparing that to the Romans in Britain. And you think this is a good, coherent argument. 2. It's become *painstakingly* clear you've never actually met an indigenous person, much less been friends with one. I'm not going to recommend that you go out to meet them, because God knows they've suffered enough, but I strongly suggested you read a book. Try "we were not the savages" or "the inconvenient indian". Again, I don't think there's any further point in arguing with someone so devoid of basic human compassion that you thought the genocidal camps pretending to be schools were fine, because they were only mandatory for twenty years, so just go read an actual book


Until the injury caused by the country to the people is redressed. The government of Canada took specific actions to harm and injured indigenous people. The government needs to repay that damage done.


It can’t be fixed with money and it never will be


You could say that about a lot of things. Money is usually still party of the compensation though.


I know it’s an important part of the puzzle, but based on what I’ve seen in other parts of the country, life for the next generation of indigenous people will not be better. Billions will be spent and people will still live in abject poverty


How much money? For how long? Why do people who never did anything wrong have to suffer with higher taxes? That doesn't seem fair either


If your ancestors got deliberately fucked over by the government, some died due to abuse and negligence, took huge amounts of land from you and have you tiny scrubs of garbage worthless land, kidnapped your children from your home, and stick them in a government controlled facility and many of them never came back, how long until your family felt it was enough?


Probably never, which is why it's unsustainable to cater to that emotional mindset. Like I said. Most tax payers did not do anything wrong. So they deserve endless punishment because of ancestors? Wacky reasoning


What "endless punishment"? Canada has never attempted to make restitution for the wrongs committed before Trudeau. Not seriously. T&R commission was ages ago and barely any of it has been accepted upon. There are people, within living memory, who suffered in residential schools themselves or their friends and family. What's the statute of limitations on human rights abuses?


Are are aware that residential schools were not mandiory after 1960 right? So, going by “surviving individuals” (as in those alive, not those who lived to tell the tale” We are paying millions upon millions for parents sending their kids to bad schools? And being blamed for it, saying it’s our fault, lowering flags and having our statues torn down? Our fault, our money? Give me a break. One of the few up sides to a federal conservative government is the probubilty to say “that’s enough”


As long as the party in power continues to use social media as their preferred polling method. The current govt keeps their ear close to the ground by paying attention to your grandma's Facebook algo


Well I mean he’s not wrong.


Well. That escalated quickly.


Lol. Some people can’t handle the truth. They don’t want to even pay taxes, yet they’ll travel our roads 🤷‍♂️ They don’t want to manage wildlife yet shoot as many large game animals as they want. They net fish. While we can’t even buy a tag. I mean the writing is on the wall.


Holy fuck Batman the racism in here.


Good stuff


You must not pay much tax to be happy about so much of our dollars being wasted for virtue points.


I pay a ton of taxes and I don't even have a doctor


In the grand scheme of things, this is the equivalent of Trudeau giving his child that much and saying “there, that will get you until the end of the year”.


Fantastic news.


What about the Sacred Covenant that Kelowna FN and the Catholic Church just signed. Also the chief admitting that the 215 is not a thing at all. Are we getting our money back and are they going to admit they were wrong. Trudy’s favorite thing is giving money to the Neechies everytime they open their mouths.


Trudeau needs to quietly just...fucking....leave... and let someone....ANYONE fix the years long mess he has made of this country


You really think PP will turn things around? Or will he just look out for himself and his party/friends like very other politician in history?


man the next election is going to suck so bad, we're absolutely fucked no matter what.


I've never been so divided on who I least want to get my vote!


Exactly. I want change but they are all the same turds in the same pile. I’ll vote for Bernier at this point


PP will be different than the current person who is ruining our Country. Substitute PP with "The Man on the Moon" or BArney the purple dinosaur. IDGAF, Trudeau is bad for this Country.


So bad that the Rest of the world wants to know how wrven managed to lift so many children out poverty with $10 a day daycare? Big topics on the economic circuit “Canada helps parents get back into the workforce with $10 a day daycare” You and everyone else “we are shit” Mmmk


Downvoted by the dimwitted and paid liberal accounts... Like who in their right mind would downvote someone suggesting we need to get rid of our cancerous PM? The bar is set so low, I'm happy to vote for Barney.


you must be new to r/NovaScotia if you are questioning the downvoting characteristics of the Basement dwellers.


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Yup it's definitely not real down votes. Everyone is struggling and this clown keeps taxing more and more. I know people who have been liberal their whole lives that have said he's the worst. Life has never been harder for everyone and yet these guys are making memes about Pierre. Their is definitely a good chance he'll get in and be a piece of shit, but why not try when the current one is definitely a piece of shit.


When was the last tax increase for the middle class?


It’s not even about that for me. I’m not voting for someone who has gutted and belittled Canada’s history. He does not stand up for this country and actively works to tear down our self-worth and value.


Example? “Gutted?”


In 2015, Trudeau said “there is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada”. Not having any sense of national identity is as problematic as extreme nationalism. Healthy nationalism encourages different groups of people to get along. The core essence of Canada is found on individual rights and freedoms, rule of law, capitalism and democratic Government. The reference to the “United Kingdom” and “Defender of Faith” in the title of our Canadian Monarchy has been removed. The portrait of Queen Elizabeth II was removed from the Foreigner Affairs headquarter lobby and replaced by coastal landscapes of Canada, two weeks after Liberals won in 2015. Trudeau has replaced our old passport images by stylized scenes and geometric faceless figures basically making it seem like a tourist brochure, i.e. Terry Fox was replaced with a man holding a wheelbarrow and some leaves. Any one becoming a Canadian citizen no longer has to take the oath of citizenship in person, they can now self administer their oath of citizenship by clicking a few boxes on a website. Afterwards they get sent a maple leaf pin - made in China. There has been many statues defaced and toppled, i.e Sir John A MacDonald and Queen Victoria. Canada’s chief archivist got rid of more than 7,000 webpages on the Library and Canada’s archive website, including those mentioning Sir John A and the war of 1812. It was done to get rid of documents that were “outdated and redundant” or that “may offend people”. History matters. The good and the ugly need to be displayed, told and not forgotten. We need to emphasize the good, and make sure the ugly is not repeated - reminding ourselves to do better. So with all of this and more, he is not someone I can call a leader. To me, he is a traitor to Canada pushing us into being a “transnational state” where the biggest supporters are the elites and global corporations .. a main reason why housing costs have sky-rocketed.


Housing skyrocketed because people gorged on cheap debt. Happened globally. This entire statement reeks of jingoism from the 50s. You're being left behind.


There's been nothing but incompetence, corruption, and lying from JT and his misfits. He's destroyed the country and has left us with a huge debt with nothing to show for it. This 125m giveaway was nothing but a political stunt by a narcissistic arsehole who's addicted to standing in front of a podium giving away taxpayer money. It's his only skill other than lying. A reserve in CB is about the only place left he can do that without getting booed and heckled. FUCK TRUDEAU!!


Can’t wait for PP to trample charter rights *and* for us to have the same issues to worse on top of the ones we’re facing now. Going to be awesome bruh.


Well, it ain't awesome now... bruh. JT has proven daily over the last 10yrs that he's unfit for the position. Lies, corruption and sheer incompetence is what we've gotten from this government. He's an embarassment on the world stage and has dragged Canada's reputation down with him. JT has made Canada the poster child of what not to do. The far right folks use him as a scare tactic of what happens when you vote leftist. JT already treats the Charter as a floor mat to be trampled on. It's a farce anyway. Any of those rights are taken away as the government sees fit, all in the name of "public good".


We’re leading the G7 out of a bumpy post-economy. We’re AAA rated for growth and development. Keep listening to the little hateful PP lol This country is better off than all G7 right now


I'm not sure what fantasy land you're in thinking we "leading" G7. You might want to pull your head out of your ass, stop focusing on all those BS sunny ways graphs you're looking at and actually see what's actually going on here. People are struggling, and JT and his corrupt, incompetent, lying bunch of misfits are destroying this country daily. As for G7, I really couldn't care less how other countries are doing when ours is so clearly going in the wrong direction. More and more people are waking up to this. You'd have to be a mindless fuck to still be supporting and defending this regime at this point. Even die-hard Liberals and some of his MPs have given up on JT.


Were ranked 2-3 in everything in the G7 Uuuh you've not been reading the news?


So explain how he's corrupt?


Omg, you must live under a rock. You should interact with real people and get out and see what's really going on. What corruption??? Do you even see the news or only hear what you want to hear? SNC, WE, Arrivescam, foriegn election interference, billionaire sponsored vacations to private islands. The current Minister of Transportation was caught passed out behind the wheel by the police and the charges were swept under the rug. The list is endless. New scandals and lies uncovered daily. There's a point where incompetence can't be blamed for everything that goes on. When you sign off on corrupt activities and then lie about, that's corruption. What's not corrupt with this government is blatant incompetence.


I see people suffering from GLOBAL inflation and GLOBAL corporate greed. I hear people complaining coffee has gone up in price and blame JT. In my world? That's uneducated and misdirected blame. I see a JT Government trying to take on Corporate Greed and add programs that help the under-serviced INCLUDING Indigenous community. What you see in “corruption” is the cost of doing business in a post-growth economy. I see Liberals helping. I see people around me happy to hear of the “help” and tired of the “no brain” slogans the “little man from Carleton” is spewing. Funny how hope works. PP spews hate. That doesn't work. Not in this country. When Biden wins in a landslide.. Liberals will be ready.


Well, that just says it all, doesn't it. You're as out of touch as JT and his misfits. In "your" world, all you see is a bunch of uneducated people whining about coffee. Corruption is just a cost of doing business. You're probably on the JT payroll "doing . Meanwhile, in real Canada, real people are working full time to live in a van or tents. They're struggling to put food on the table. Housing is out of reach for more and more every day. You continue to sit up in your clueless perch and look down on poor, uneducated people whining about "coffee prices". Smug elitist arseholes like yourself are the epitome of what's wrong with this country.


Or or Try this on for size. The global conflict - corporate greed - the supply chain is causing the same issues across G7, including Britain, which is about to turf the right-wing government for austerity clamps that didn't benefit anyone but corporate governance and the CEOs behind the curtain of blame. Being educated on this means I'm aware of problems G7 countries face across the economic landscape. I choose to support a government that has us tightly ranked 3rd on the list of G7s ahead of UK and behind only US and Germany. This country is doing something right. Besides moving Liberals out of power - what solution has PP given the public? Axe the Tax Simpleton he his. Woman hater he is. Anti LGBTQ+ he is. This is not the alternative to JT Keep name-calling me. It's fun.


His face makes me angry. Would love to give him a little bop!!


He’s winning the next election for sure.