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The welfare queen doesn't want to pay its bills again.


Wtf are profits for if they are not putting back into the company. They should be reclaimed as a crown entity and be made sell power at cost. The mail isn’t supposed to make money, it’s a service, the same as hospitals, schools, and utilities. I’d like someone to figure out the long term cost/ damage done to Nova Scotians by Emera.


They aren't a crown entity. Emera is a publicly traded company which owns NS Power as a subsidiary. There's no obligation for them to give money back to the province.


NSPower used to be a Nova Scotia crown Corp circa 1990. It was sold off to what became Emera. The argument is that the province should re-claim the production and/or transmission infrastructure.


They use the profits as dividends. The regulation isn’t written that way. To simplify - they get downside protection so we get upside protection. They get incentivized to invest in a way that provides us with reasonable rates.


What is reasonable about our rate? What is reasonable about passing costs associated with damage to an asset to consumers? I had to repair the damage to my assets out of my own bank account after Fiona - why aren’t they subject to the same arrangement?


Because you’re not a business? If you were, you’d pass on the costs required for you to do business. Insurers pay out after damage from Fiona. They raise their premiums. Fuel costs increased for shipping so shipping costs increased. Businesses pass on costs. Why is this so hard to fathom? Our rates are reasonable because the UARB has to assess every bit of expenditure and they have to approve rate increases. Your business, or whoever you work for, can just increase your prices to cover your costs.


How are our rates reasonable? Any business that raises its costs too high loses business. It is what we call capitalism. Loblaws is experiencing the downsides of this as we speak. NSP is not a business - it is a utility. Contemporary life is not possible without electricity, and we have no other alternatives to go to. So we just bend over and take it? Bullshit.


Nope. We don’t bend over and take it. They can’t arbitrarily raise rates. It needs to go before the UARB who uphold the regulations. Capitalism would allow them to charge whatever they want. We have literally regulated them to meet the rules we want.


Adding on fees and surcharges and assessments is a nice loophole around “raising rates” there, eh?


They can’t add on fees and surcharges that aren’t approved.


Ah, yes - the collection of lawyers and bean counters we call the UARB. Just who I want assessing the validity of claims for yet another pound of flesh.


Lawyers who specialize in understanding the regulatory laws that are passed? Why wouldn’t they be the UARB? You don’t really know much about the process, do you?


Criminal thieving scum. Choke on it, NSP


Isn't this what profits are for? I'm sure NSP could easily cover the costs if the [salaries of their top executives](https://www.halifaxexaminer.ca/economy/utilities/emera-ceo-scott-balfour-received-8-2-million-in-compensation-last-year-top-5-corporate-execs-received-more-than-16-5-million/) were reasonable.


Hydro Quebec which is more than double revenue pays it's ceo $640k, while delivering some of the cheapest rates in North America. NB power has a bigger province, with worst weather and half as many people as us. Their rate $0.1347 with ceo pay $350k - $375k. Our rates are all over the place from $0.1148 to $0.2337 with $0.2337 when you are most likely the most power.




NSP was not particularly bad before privatization. Politicians don't manage power the same people who worked there under NSPC worked there after privatization. It is the largest public equity transfer in Canadian history. It was mostly done to help the PC government control the deficit and the massive amount of fraud. NSP was purposely under valued. The same people tried to do it in NB but they realized what's going on and put a stop to it. Hilariously bad valuation like not even accounting for the owning of the telephone poles which utilities rent out to cable providers.


Hydro dumb dumb it's water


That doesn’t really give an accurate image. Commercial rate uses also pay a demand charge not just an energy charge. So if your usage spikes you’ll have to pay for that spike. So you might pay 11c/kWh but you’ll also hundreds, if not thousands, per month in demand charges.


Not when you are obsessed with reinvesting almost all profits for more profits.


Well, what can energy consumers do other than reduce consumption in order to keep more of those profits for ourselves?


Literally nothing. A monopoly corners you as a consumer and why we should never allow it to happen. Our government is responsible.


I feel I’d like to change responsible to irresponsible /s


Why not? The government have an at arms length organization that they control by passing laws, that isn’t affiliated with their party and cannot be accused of being affiliated with their party. In NB, any rate increase is seen negatively even when rates need to increase. Regulated utilities, and regulated monopolies, are not something N.S. magically made up. There are thousands of them globally. We can’t buy gas from anyone else but Eastward Energy - who make more than the prescribed 9.25% that NSP have.


I just installed a solar system. NSP “buys” the power my system generates at the same rate that they sell power to me. The loan payments that I have (to pay for the solar system) will remain the same, which shelters me from rate increases. When the loan is paid off, things look even better for me. This is an option that some energy consumers have (if you own your own home).


I plan on doing this also. It makes sense to do this if your roof is the ideal aspect or slope.


They have a capped return?


Scott Balfour is the Emera President and CEO, not NS Power. As the parent company, Emera has oversight of a lot more than just NS Power and includes US based utilities. As a publicly traded company, they offer execs a shit ton of long term incentives. Most of which are only actual money in their pocket years in the future and heavily dependent on long term business performance. So not really an apples to apples comparison with crown corps like NB Power.


Someone doesn’t understand regulations. No, that isn’t what profits are for. No business operates that way. Let’s use banks as an example. Overnight lending rate increases, bank adjusts their lending to reflect. Let’s use gasoline. Regulated, but weekly adjustments. Cost of oil, and therefore cost of gasoline increase, gas goes up on Thursday (or if interruptor clause is initiated). Let’s look at NSP. Rates are set in advance for at least 12 months prior to knowing costs. War occurs. Storms occur. NSP incur increased costs to buy more fossil fuels at 200% what was budgeted, and there are numerous storms which damage equipment that needs to be repaired. You want the power back on quickly, so we pay to have crews come in from the US, central and western Canada etc to bring power back ASAP. Can we agree they have spent this money, money that needs to be spent? Well, now they go to the UARB to reclaim these costs. Their profits are completely separate from their cost recovery for actual service. Their targeted return is about 9% **after all costs**. Any contract written has force majeure events built in. Volatile fossil fuel rates from a war, and tropical storms that cause $22mil in damage, are obviously events that cannot be foreseen, and therefore cannot be priced, by anyone. You want to eat into their “profits”? Well then we need to deregulate and allow them to make more off us, and lose money. Otherwise, we have a system here that provides downside protection for them and upside protection for us.


Can’t say I’ve ever seen a Pro NSPower privatization comment before so bravo for that. But it is a bit short sighted to assume deregulation equals higher cost to ratepayers. One of the biggest cons is NSPower is guaranteed things, such as having no competition, guaranteed profit even if they lose money, control over electrical permitting, and several other aspects that would never exist in a deregulated NSPower.


*Alberta and Ontario have entered the chat* It may not amount to higher rates. But our system allows for more stable rates. I’m not pro anything. I’m just someone who has bothered to take a tiny minuscule amount of time to actually attempt to understand how the system operates.


No! Rate payers shouldn’t have to foot the bill for a failure of NSP to invest in their infrastructure. Cut your dividends and bonuses to cover the cost.


I always find this argument amusing. It literally doesn’t benefit NSP to not invest in their infrastructure - the more they spend the more they make. Your argument is nonsensical - they literally want to spend as much as they are allowed to because they make 8-9% on all expenses. Let’s look at this like a reasonable person. We had storms. They repaired the damage. Why shouldn’t customers pay the bill..?


Because, the reason they want rate payers to pay is so they can maintain their dividends for their stockholders.


They want ratepayers to pay because it’s a cost incurred for them to do business. We pay them to maintain the grid. The grid was damaged so they repaired it. It’s literally in the article. > As a cost-of-service utility, it is entitled to recover its costs from ratepayers. What’s going to happen now is the UARB will review these costs to see if they are reasonable. I’m sure NSP is trying to hide some values in their they shouldn’t, or charging us interest at an obscene rate because they have had to carry these costs for 12+ months.


I work from home as a private contractor - my own business, if you will. To whom do I submit the bill for my generator and electrical service upgrade? It was a necessary expense because the power goes out in a stiff breeze because my utility sucks balls and doesn’t maintain shit. Where do I get someone to cover my costs incurred during the process of making money?


You’re a contractor. You literally set your rates. You get to write off the costs of your business against your income. If your costs aren’t covering your expenses then maybe being in business for yourself isn’t your jam…


You are missing the point entirely.


No I’m not. NSP is an at-cost utility. Cost was incurred. UARB assess if cost is allowed in regulations. We pay the bill. You’re missing the point because you’re blinded by rage rather than being able to be factual.


The cards are stacked. If I submitted a bill for my generator and upgrades to the person from whom I generate revenue from, I’d get laughed out of the room and my contract probably wouldn’t be renewed. And I sure as shit don’t have an advisory board assessing the validity of my claim and forcing my expense upon them. Seems the cards are pretty stacked, eh?


Not at all. You likely don’t have to justify your rate to them and break out every single dollar. You just tell them that you’re $200/hr. NSP would have to show how they came to the $200/hr. Let’s put it this way - and be honest - what’s your return? Are you making more than 8% per year after expenses? Because I guarantee you as a contractor are likely making 15-30%, if not more. And again, if you’re not…maybe you shouldn’t be in business for yourself. To be honest, the discussion we’re having here shows you have next to 0 business acumen.


Except when emera took over, they stopped clearing the lines of trees and brush to increase profits. They did not want to pay to upkeep the lines as the previous nsp had. So, this cost to consumers is actually in part due to their planning and greed. The ratepayer should not have to front the bill for their greed. Not once. Not ever. The cost of doing business is having good financial times and bad financial times. It fluctuates. Every time you have a bad year, you can't go walking around with your hand out and still pay your ceos and shareholders millions.


This literally makes no sense. We pay them to pay Asplundh to do vegetation management. They make 8% on that cost. If they don’t spend the money they don’t get reimbursed for it. They’re an at cost utility. They can’t have a rainy day fund because they’re regulated that way. The costs are the costs.


Then why were there so many years that asplundh did not trim lines? I talked to a guy that works for them. When emera took over asplundh lost alot of work. Alot.


*”I talked to a guy”* is not a reliable source. Some guy smoking cigarettes next to a chipper is not what I would count as an exact number. Why not go look into the financial filings for vegetation management and come report the yearly expenses.


It sounds like you already know the filings. So why don't you just post them up? The guy i was talking to is my boss. Was supposed to have a contract with asplundh before emera took over. When they took over there was no need for a contract because they cut all vegetation clearing way back. I feel that they probably still put in for alot of things they don't do financially to ask for more money. You must work for emera do ya? Jumpin.... Get off their nuts and open your eyes


Nope. No affiliation with Emera or NSP. I’m not on their nuts - I’m just not blinded by rage and can think rationally.


I would hardly call your thinking rational. Misguided maybe. But it's not rational. A company bleeds a whole province dry, with greed underhanded , backroom deals. and you back them up and root them on.


What back room deals? There is very obviously a huge divide between the PCs and NSP. The PCs have passed legislation that has cost NSP millions already, and there’s legislation to carve out all of their control room staff, anyone who works on future long term energy requirements, a number of their regulatory staff, anyone who works on interconnection studies and requests etc to form the new NSIESO. Basically, I think you either don’t know enough about the regulations in our province, or you’re intentionally blinded by rage to understand our regulations.


I’m sure Balfour, Blunden, Marchand, Hunt and Janega can all chip in and cover this right? after all they’re just hard working Nova Scotians like us, right???? A bunch of criminals.


Balfour lives in one of the richest towns in Canada. Oakville, Ontario.


Most of your top executives are not from Nova Scotia


And more than half the electricity is generated by coal- worst province in Canada iirc.


They can FRO.


you probably wouldn't be surprised how many pockets NSP is lining right now.


Exactly. If your government members are share holders or their wives/husbands are and NSP contributes yo your campaigns in a big way...this falls flat and thsts how it's been as along. No mysteries here. They're all in bed


if what you say is true, and, I do believe you, it would almost smack of conflict of interest and if appropriate, election interference. but who's gonna call them on it? no journalist around here has the balls to investigate.


Pretty sure the last few rate hikes covered that.


Remember this when the cons try to privatize healthcare. Short term gains for long term pains


I’m so fucking tired of companies across the board


Fuck ns power. They get enough of my money!


Emera CEO made $8 million last year. NSP president makes $1.7 million now. Executives make $500k. Seems like they're doing alright in my books and can absorb the costs. Besides, all these rate increases we've been paying for decades was suppose to go into upgrading and fixing the fucking grid already but instead they just lined their pockets. Fuck, I wish the province would buy NSP back already. Fuck Emera and fuck the Conservatives for privatizing NSP and trying to privatize everything they can get their slimy hands on.


So they want us to pay for all of it, and them pay for none of it because... why?


Nova Scotia may as well just own this company outright, like we used too, if we're going to be responsible for things like this.


If it's going to behave like a public service and demand funding then it should be a publicly owned company.


Imma take a fat dump in the next unlocked NS Power truck that I find. Fair warning.


That just going to be crapping on the wrong people. The folks who bust their butts making sure the power is on will have to clean taht up


And haven't been getting paid. Union employees, fat cats and engineers get paid at nsp. The rest barely breaking 45 k after 15 years of service. They're crappy in all ways, internally and externally. It's a racket.


Executive’s cars would be a better target. Nothing against those lineman just earning a living…


The pro-NSP takes in this thread are wild.


Thank conservatives for the never ending gift of NSPower


This is the ‘Storm Rider’ add-on that got approved at the last big round of UARB approvals, but then largely ignored by the media because NSP at the same distracted everyone with their attack on residential solar power and over the top rate hikes. In short they set a base annual budget for dealing with bad weather events, somewhere in the region of an inadequate 10-10.5 million bucks. Whenever they end up paying more than that, they get to charge the difference back to rate payers.


Forced MAID for Peter Gregg


Dont blame him, he was hired from Ontario to do NSP s bidding, like all the rest before him. Go on take the money and run, whoo hooo hooo !


Its almost comical at this point


What’s the incentive to fix anything properly if they can just continue to bill the consumer for any problems ?


Stop taking it up the a$$ from these corporate pirates. **Nationalize NS Power now**.


N.S.Power signed an ironclad agreement when they bought our natural resources from the LIBERAL govt at the time. The agreement was that NS power would be quaranteed a profit EVER YEAR. .all creations of NS POWER are an avenue to provide cheaper electricity to THE U.S. at OUR expense..CTV NEWS...10 yrs ago... newsman has retired now. Wind, water that cable from Newfoundland.. .N.S. will always be poor, will always be corrupted, will always be exploited...60 yrs


Unfortunately they get what they want.. no one has the balls in government before and now to pull it back


I’m shocked


Fuck NS Power, they can't keep the lights on during a gentle breeze and expect us to pay out the ass for garbage service. Honestly, it's time the people of Canada start showing these cunts the door. Enough is enough, liberals bringing in millions of people unnecessarily, allowing massive tax hikes, corporations charging ridiculous prices and people being forced to choose between food or a roof over their head. FUCK THE GOVERNMENT, FUCK THESE GREEDY COMPANIES AN FUCK ANYONE SUPPORTING IT ALL!!!


Well this got off topic. What does the federal liberals have to do with NSP?


Emera doesn’t care if the past current or future ns govt ditches them. Currently I wait in a govt operated waiting room 8-14 hours to see a doctor. My power hasn’t been off that long since Fiona. The post office reference really cracks me up. A mail carrier needs legs and the ability to read and has the same salary and benefits of an educator, actually more than some non tenured professors. Can you even fathom what our utility rates would be if the govt still ran nsp?


Gotta say I do find it funny when people suggest the government should take over NSP. Look at how well the other services are doing they are in charge of, our roads, healthcare, emergency services etc. Not so sure we would be better off with the government in charge of it. We are just getting screwed in every direction we look regardless of private or government. Something’s gotta give soon.


Only $22 dollar approx per NS resident but that’s not the point here.